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October 14 1904 1- THE FALLS CITY TRIBUNE
_ .
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
I Educational Department
Conducted : CountyJuperintendent : !
'l his year thc schools of Rich-
.mlson county require lag tcach-
crs. Of this number 27 are be-
g-inners. 'l'hcy have made special
preparation for their chosen work
and are ' conscientious hard work-
ing- young people with a determination -
nation to succecd. Let us give
them . all the cncouragemcnt we
can. It is thc duty of the school
board "to stand by thc tcachcr"
and. encourage her by giving
friendly counsel and all thc ncc-
cssary text , books and suppl1cs.
Give her a hearty hand slake and
let her know that you appreciate
her efforts in behalf . of your child- ,
rcn. Hearty cooperation all
along 'the ' line will snake a good
, . WIU'I'ING.
It is thc duty of thc school
with all ncccssary text books and
most certainly \Htpplics" should
include writing matcrial-pens ,
ink , copybooks ilnd paper. It is
said that there arc young people
in this county who have been
reared within sight of a school
house and have attended school
several years who cannot write a
legible hand , who have difficulty
in signing their names with pen
and ink , Lead pencil work in the
school is not enough , pupils must
bc taught to use pen and ink. It
is thc duty of thc teacher to have
at least three definite writing
periods each week in addition to
thc , writing done in preparing
Friday ! October 21 is f4ibrary
day. Consult yom special day
programs. During thc past year
our school libraries have increased
almost onc-third and these \01-
umcs should tie used in such a
manner as to advance thc spread
of that "Knowledgc which illuminates -
minates , thc championship that
c h c e r s , and thc continuing
growth by which alone a man
may.-rcn h his ! fun stature . " Ob-
serve thc day with , some appro-
priatc cxcrciscs.
Thc Salem schools now have
an enrollment of 164. , Since our
last : report ; wc have one more in
our high school and three in thc
1st pritnar
Our regular wading circle work
was begun on Wednesday .c\'cning
Oct. 5. 'rlw ncxt regular meeting -
ing will take place at thc home
of Miss Minnie Jennings on Fri-
day evening Oct. 21. 'Vc hope
all those invited to thc first meeting -
ing will bc able to . meet with us
at that time. 'Vc will read up
on the lives of Horace Mann and
Socrates and thc "Socratic method -
od of teaching. "
Sonic pcoplc question thc pro-
pricty of studying a subjcc t in
school that has to them no apparent -
parent direct material connection
with "maldng- a living. 1 , ' 'l'hey
overlook thc simple fact that a
. . ,
mcntal task in science , mathcma-
tics or in Literature makes a previous -
vious one simplc though at first
it defied solution. Likewise thc
1st mentioned will be simple whcn
a third has lCeii fathomcd or
ycn attcmpted. So it is with
every close systematic thought ,
it makes other mental difficulty
easier and its answer plaincr. If
higher mathmatics have no other
use whatever it will teach systematic -
matic thinking. This will lead
to close study - and serious think-
iIig , prime accomplishmcnts in
succcss and gentle manners and
these in turn lead to dcccnt apd
respectable citizenship as well as
to a high educational still1Clarcl.
Our school is progressing nice-
ly aItho wc are sorely in need of
a fourth teachcr. Each room is
crowded , especially thc Intcr-
mediatc room whici has an enrollment -
roHmcnt of 56. The Board has
rcccntly purchased a Music chart
and a set of Music Readers Our
Reading Circle organized last
Thursday cycning. Each teacher -
cr in this vincinity is urged to
join us in thc Reading Circle
- -
: r..nss Vivian Atcn , teacher in
Dist. 96 writes in part as follows :
My work here is very pleasant
and I have an interesting school
of twcnty-two. pupils , with others
to cntcr. ZVc believe wc shall
have a profitable ycar's work.
District 73 , Lizzic Morris ,
tcacher.-Our enrollment is 37.
Those who were neither absent
or tardy during thc month of
Scpt arc Pcarlie Williams , Vcr-
della Williams anti George Saville.
The school board have furnished
ti's with some new books.
.R. 'Vynnc has been appoint-
cd postmaster general to succccd
thc late l Henry C. Payne.
Dist. No. 21\ . : Marie ' 1' . Crotty ,
tcachcr.-'Vc are mourning
thc loss of our schoolmate ' Walter -
cr Sweency ho died Sunday ,
Oct. 2 , of malarial fcver. Hc
was a pupil in thc third grade
was studious and obedient and
beloved by all who knew him. .
The entire school attendcd the
funeral and followed thc remains
to Harris Cemetery , Barada.
The Ceremony of "Laying thc
Corner Stonc" of thc new State
Normal school building at Kcarn-
llCy will take place TucsdaOct.
18. Invitations have been sent
- - - - - _ - -
- - . . , - . . . . . - . , . " " " , .
Attention ! . . . .
" '
- -
Teachers and pupils do you know you can save
money by purchasing your School Stationery of me ? R
Yes , it is a fact. Please call and see. I carry a full
line of History paper , History ! covers , Legal Cap , Examination - ;
amination paper , Print paper , Colored paper , assorted F. . :
for folding , I-lard paper , Nebraska oed Chart board ,
Envelopes , Ruled writing paper , Mat Board , an\f _ . color ,
Blotting paper , etc. , etc. I
. . , .
- - - " '
: M'- " " "
H. P. Cluster , Prompt Printer
Over Richardson County Bank
, . . . , . . . . . _ .
- ( ' ' ' 'T.71' " " - . . . . . .a. iJu.tm..a } JI" ' ' ' '
- . . . . -
out to prominent friends of cd-
District 44Ma1l1ic Riley , teacher -
er , has an enrollment of 2 ( ) . All
are doing good work.
District 40Bessic Guinn , teach-
cr has an enrollment of 18. 'l'hc
Carnival made quit a break . in
thc school work but thc pupils
arc resuming their work with a
will. _
'acli . teacher should have a
copy of the State Course of Study.
The County Supt. has just : received -
cd six -opies . If you do not have
a copy , send for onc. Again
each school should . have a 'copy
of Special Day Programs. Thc
Co. Supt. has only five copies lcft.
, Our Officers. '
John H. Mickey , Govcnor , Os-
ceola. E. C. l\IcGilto1. ; . Licut-
GovcnorOmaha. Geo. W. Marsh
Secretary of State , Falls City.
Chas. Weston , Auditor , Hay
Springs. Peter Mortcnson. Treas-
urcrOrd.Vm. . K. FowlerSnp
Public InstrudionBlair. Flank
N. ProutAttorncy-GeneralBcat-
rice. Geo. D. FollncrCom. Pub-
lic Lands and Buildings , Oak.
. u. S. NATOHS. , _
Chas. 'H. Dietrich , Hastings.
Jos. H. Millard , Omaha.
CONG ] u SSl\HN.
E. J. Burkett , First District ,
Lincoln. ' G. l\I. Hitchcock , Sec-
end Dist. , Omaha. J. J. 1cCar-
thy'l'hird Dist. , Ponca. E. H.
" '
It's . a Good Sign .
Of thc high grade of the coal wc ,
sell and of thc excellence of our
methods that our customers star
with us rear in and year out. They )
don , t go around making expcriment
or trying to get more coal or better
coal for their monc\ ' . 'l'hcarc sure c
- -
thc.fecl 110 unccrta-illty. -An army
of pleased and satisfied customers is
thc ' best advertisement a busincss.
can have
If :
"Phor.c 38 .
Hinshaw , Fourth Dist. , Pair ' 4 {
bur.r. Geo. W. Norris , Fifth
Dist. , McCook. , M. : P. Kinkaid ,
Sixth Dist. , O'Neil. . ' , , "
SUSPl-m\I COUR'r. „ : .
Silas A. HolcombChief Justice
Broken Bow. Sam'l 1-1. Sedg-
wick , Judge , York. , John B. ' .
Barnes , Judge , Norfolk. H.C.
Lindsay , Clerk Pawnee Cit.r. . . . 1
, . JUDGES-FmS'I' Dls'rHICT. IJ 1
W. H. Kel1igar , -Auburn. A. \
H. Babcock Beatricc. : : . . , - ' 'I '
C. J. Santo First Dist. W. J" l
1\1cCray , Second Dist. Jos. Glass- .
cr , Third Dist. J. J. Batter ,
Fourth Dlst. Jno. H. Hutchin , I
Fifth Dist. John Hinton , Sixth
Dist. C. B. Snyder , Seventh r
Dist. t
J. c. Tanner Clerk , J. R.
'Vilhite , Judge. 'Vul. I\IRiegcr ,
Rccorder. , Martin Zook'rreasur- ; i
ere John Hossack . Sheriff. Cha .
LorceCierk District Court. F. : . . . .
'E. Martin , Attornc.r. Geo. Crocker - : - - "
er , County Sunt Geo. \V. 'Reni
ker , Coroncr. O. H. il11mer- :
man , Sun' yor. '
Best Remedy for Constipa.Cion.
"The finest remedy for constipation -
pation I ever used is Chamber-
lain's Stomach and Liver Tab-
lets , " says 1\1r. Eli Butler , of .
Frankvi11c , N. Y. " 'l hey act !
gently and without any unpleasant - . . . . II
ant effect , and leave thc bowels r
in a perfectly natural condition. "
Sold by A. "Tanner- -