September 30 19u4 1 r1J . l ' ALLS Lily ' 1 KIts U 1\J h : !
. . . .
- " - - - - -
Eat Sowles Candy.
\V. Schmucker is a S1. Louis
visitor this week.
1\1rs. Thomas of Lincoln is vis-
j ; iting in this c.ity. ,
Dr. Rush , diseases of
\ : \ \ ' . H. Hogrefc was down from
Stella Saturday.
Hiram Spencer and . wife left
. for St. Louis Sunday.
: D. I-I. Scars was in Hiawatha
on business Saturday.
, Dr. A. Gaiscr , dentist over
, - Richardson county bank.
' \Vanted-'l"wo Barrel of good
Cider Vincgar.-O.P. : Hc k.
I Lucile Mettz resumed her
studies at St. Joseph l\'londay.
Lillian Schmidli returned to
her home in St. Joseph Sunda'
. . . . Joe Harper , the liveryman of
, } : . ' . Shubert , was in thc city Sunday.
d ,4. complete line of fresh and
. ' cured meats at Coupe & 'rhorn-
1 . . \Vanncr is the place to buy
. your pens , ink , pencils and tab-
- lets.
Mrs. Gee , Shields and child returned -
- turned from White Cloud Satur-
1 day aftcrnoon.
Mrs. Ikc Lyons is viewing the
exposition , having left for St ,
" , ' Louis Sunday.
. ; i'
. Stanley Wicks came down from
Lincoln Friday for a short visit
with friends and relatives
- H. Horrocks and daughter Mar-
, ion returned Saturday from a
visit with relatives in New York.
, Miss Georgia Brannum of S1.
Joe is visiting wIth her grand-
parents , Ed Melton and wife in
this city.
II # Prof. Smith , wife and son returned -
\ > turned : Monday afternoon from a
weeks visit with friends in Murray : -
I ray , Nebr.
k-- Dr. and Mrs. J. C. Yutzy left
1' < Sunday evening to take I in the
. fair at S1. Louis. They expect
to return on October 3rd : '
George Gilligan has been very
. " ' ill for several days but is now
greatly improved under the care
of.Dr. . Burchard. Dr. J. A. Wagner -
. ner of Dawson was in consulta-
tion in the casc.
The seven year old son of Mr.
and Mrs. Hay is lying very ill at
the : Mercy hospital of typhoid
. fever. Th child is being treat-
_ " ed by Dr.V. . H. Kerr under
.r , whose care there is hopes of his
Gus Kaiser of Preston who has
been ill with Brights disease was
sufficiently recovered to leave thc
- - Mercy hospital to spend Sunday
. with his family. He has returned -
ed to the hospital this week to re-
. - main until entirely cured.
. .
'l'he Tribune job departmen t
has turned out fifteen . hundred
booklets for the Falls City State
Bank this week as well as three
thousand circulars for the County
Central committee , sale ills and
other miscellaneous work. \Ve
arc not too busy however , to at-
tend.promptly to your job work
and attend to it right ili price
and quatity.
In the years gone by we have
been pestered with what was
known as "pupulist" hugs , but
we have tlone this year but in
their stead we have an elegant
sufficiency of those clear little
wooly worms. \Vc heard a man
remark the other day that they
must be "socialist" wm'ms ' 011 account -
count of their extreme friendli-
ness and sociability. They an'
certainly very aITectionatc.
While there has been a large
number- good substantial side-
walks laid in Falls City this
summer , timer is still room for
lots more of them. There are
some sidewalks in i this town
that are dangerous to walk on in
daylight , to say nothing of what
they are at night.
Mrs. Litinie Kenton and three
children of Haddam , . Kas. , arrived
in this city Mondaf" for a visit
with her sister , Mrs. O. H. Ross.
She will also visit with relatives
in Shubcrt before her return
Warrcn Schaible who has been
in Auburn for some time returned
home Sunday and will assist in
Davies & Owens jewelry store
while D. M. Davies views the
Worlds fair.
Mrs. Agnes Span glcr and two
children of Jetmore , Kans. , are
visiting at the home of her sister
Mrs. John Hpssack.
A. G. \\Tanncr sells everything
needed in the school room.
John Nulk of Verdon who was
operated on for appendicitis by
Dr. Davis of Omaha at the Mercy
hospital about two wee ks , died
Sunday afternoon - of internal
Mr. Nulk had progressed unusually -
usually well until about twenty
four hours before his death when
evident c of dissolution suddenly
and unexpectedly mainfested it- i
self. Everything possible was
done by the nurses and house
physicians but to no avail as
death occured as above stated.
Fish Case.
There are sportsmen in FaUs
City who enjoy the gentle art of
angling. These men have enjoy-
ed the fishing in thc Nemaha this
year as never before. Many of
our people have spent pleasant
and profitable days along the
banks of the old stream this year
and the sport bade fare to con-
tinue. Suddenly the fish stopped
_ _ _ mna -5\ !
r SOme People-- the very latest and
_ _ smartest things in Footwear , -
wear and nothing short of the newest and steeliest
- J
. I. I
stdcs. , H ' . ,
Other PeGk'I , . . . . : . . . . Don't carc'so much ' for I
. - - - . . . . . . .a- . . . . . , . . . _ _ _ _ ' style , " , -"but ' arc better ,
pleased with good , comfortable , durable and } easy , go-
ing SJlOCS , ' . ,
r. i : Most , PeopIeMrant . both style and
_ r- - - - - _ _ _ . _ mfdrt combined in
reasonably priced , good looking , well weariig Shoes.
. Now , Readerdoesn't matter to
, _ . _ _ . . . . . . . . . _ which of the above
\ .
classes you belong-youi' Shoes are hCI'c. Come in
and we'll certainly take great pleasure in showing them
to vOtt.
' - - - _ _ . .x ' - _ . . _ ' - " . ' ' ' ' ' ' _ ' ' ' ' , _ _ _ . _ .ww. .wwar . , . . - _ . . . . . . .
lI ! 1 - : e
biting and the impression became
universal that the trap fishers
were responsi ble. Consequently
Aaron Loucks , Hank Shaw and
others who wished to preserve
thc fish , went to the trouble and
expense to have David Berry appointed -
pointed , a g a m c deputy
and had him watch the
river for violators of the game
law. Joseph Burns was believed
to be the chief offender and Berry
spent night after night looking
for Burns. 'F in(11) he concluded
watch in the day time and . by
doing SQ was successful in catching -
ing Burns and his wife red hand-
ed. They were arrested by Berry
and two traps and sixty-six chan-
nel cat fish taken from them.
Berry reported the case to the
county attorney who , took the
case out of Berry's hands and
drew a complaint that permitted
the court to tine , Burns but ten
dollars. Burns' traps were given
back to him for him to pursue
his illegal work if he desires.
Burns has said , so it is report ,
that he could pay a fine of S500
a year and make money. He and
certain other fellows are destroy-
ing the fishing in the Np111aha
Under the law a person can be
fined five dollars for ever : fish in
his possession , and in this case if
the county attorney knew he was
alive he would have drawn the
complaint so a fine of five dollars
for everyone of the sixty six fish
could have been assessed and the
traps destroyed.
'ro say that there are some
mad fisherman is putting it
mi1dly. They have communicated -
ed with Mr. Carter the game
" ' . . .
commissioner and they promise
, -
. .
to give Mr. Burns the time of his
life county attorney or no
county attorncy. ,
- - - - - - - - -
Falls City. Neb.
or II' I
St. Joseph
Kansas City
St. Louis and all
points east and
Salt Lake City
Sail Francisco
and all points
No . 42 Portland St. Louis
Special , St. Joseph ,
Kansas City , SL.
I..ouis and all points
/cast and south. . . . . 7:27 : p m
No. 13. Vcstibuled express ,
daily , Denver ruin
all points west and
northwcst. . . . . . . , . . 1:33 : a 111
No. 14. Vcstibulcd express ,
daily , St. Joe , Kan-
Has City , St. Louis
and all points cast
and south. . . . . . . . . . I 7:43 a 111
No. 21. Local express , daily
Lincoln and points
eastwcstlIorthwest " 1:28 p m
No. 1. Vestibulcd express ,
daily , Denver , and
all points west and
northwest . . . . . . . . . , 1:15 : p m
No. 16. Vestibuled express
daily , St. Joe , Kan-
sas City , St Lotus
Chicago and points
cast and south. . . . . 4:30 : p m
No. 22. Local express daily 0
Atchison and points
south and wcst. . . . 4:44 : p 111
No 41. St. I..ouis-Portlalld
SpccialLi ncolnHc-
IClla , 1'acoma and
. Portland without
change . . . . . . . . . . . 10:07 : p m
No. 115. Local accommodation -
tion , d ail y e x-
cept SundaySalem ,
Nemaha and Nebraska -
braslm City . . . . . . . 11:30 p m
Sleeping , dining and reeling chair
cars ( scats free ) on through traius.
1'iclcts sold and baggage checked to
any point in the States or Callada. For
information , time tables , maps ami
tickets , call on or write to G. Stewart
Agent , Falls City , Neb. , or J. Francis ,
G. P. & ' 1' . .A "Omaha.
. ,