I September 30 , 1904 THE FALLS CITY TRIBUNE . ' , I' EEcluccdionalDepariinenz Conducted : County Superintendent : : ! RULO. ) k School work is well under way and a decided interest is shown on the part of both pupils and teachers A telephone has been installed in the school building whit will be a convenience to all concerned- The new heating plant has becn tried and not found wanting so far. During the cool days of the second week of school the heat came in very handy for It a day or two. 'rhe total attendance - ance is 1 ( H. . thc outlined . According to plan 6 -t thc institute i , the teachers of Rule and vicinity met in thc high : ' ) chool room Saturday afternoon. . All the town teachers and sever- al from the cOUlllry were prescll t. , , Quite an interest was manifested in the work for the yc ar and we hope to derive both benefit and , , pleasure from the work. The next meeting will be held at the home of Prof. C. l\L French , Fri- day evening Oct. 7th. - - - - Dist.18 has an enrollment of 32 E. R. Huff resumed thc school i work in Dist. Monday morning. 1 ) ) ist. 21 , Marie Crotty tcachcr. ( \Vc have an enrollment of 37. I 'ncare all orderly and studious - studious . ( ous pupils. , Saturday afternoon Oct. 1st at ' of Ver- two o'clock the teachers - don and vicinity will begin their I reading circle work. Dist.47-Miss : Elizabeth Brecht \ . r teachcr-Our enrollment is 26. Some book have been ordered new : : ; - \ : ed for us.Ve are keeping a roll l of Honor. "Clcan competition on the athletic - ! letic field in cu1cates those elements - , ments of character which are in- , pensable in the true gcntlcman. " , -Estee. . , Dist. 54 , 1-1. C. \Vittsc teacher 1. ; , N School is going nicely with an r enrollment of 35.Ve are pleased - ed with our new library. A little ; later on our advanced class will , take up the study of agriculture. 'reachers who have not receiv- ed the Hubbell Combined Multi- , plication and Division table card should either send or call for them. The postage comes so heavy that we can hardly afford to mail them out. Dist. 104 , Janie Brown teacher , School opened Sept. 19 with an - enrollment of 14 , seven boys and . . . ( / seven girls. The teacher is well . pleased with the school , and ex- pccts a few more pupils and some new books. Dist. 51 , Eva D. Scott , teacher Our enrollment is 60. Our enrollment - rollment is ( ) O. , Our schoolroom . has been papered , all the broken window lights nicely replaced , 't' " ' / the blackboard has been painted and thc stove and stovepipe fixed so there will be no smoking this winter. 'l'he pupils are preparing ; - ing Nebraska wood charts. 'he pupils are taking quite an inter- cst in singing.Ve have had only seven tardy marls. The teacber report that she is well pleased with the school. 't ' his year the schools of Richardson - ardson county require 152 teachers - ers of this number 27 arc b'gin- ncrs. Last year just 100 of these changed teachcrs. TIQs year 83 of the schools changed teachers. 'rhis is a nice improvement but , still we have too many changes. Such a change in leadership would ruin any business and no corporation would think of chang- ing employes every yea- . A teacher should bc able to take charge of his school as a pastor takes charge of his church , with the intention of staying with it for several years , to build it up and be happy in watching it grow. Pictures in thc school room are an in spiration to the pupils and teachers and a source of educat- ion as well. They are silent but powerful and constant educational - al forces. Think of the time that is spent bj' the average child in school and think of the refin- ing influence iJ the rooms are filled with beautiful picturcs. It is not always possible to have your school building just as you would have it but it is always possible to make the rooms at- tractive. The subject of picture study has been presented in our last two institutes in order to as- sist teachers and pupils to appreciate - preciate the true , the beautiful and the good in the great pictures the masters have given us. Yes , decorate your school room and have at least a few good pictures on the wall. Use a few good pictures of fairly good size rather then a great number of. very small ones. Dist. No. 20-A.E. Butler , teacher-\Ve have an enrollment of 4f ) . Our average attendance has been about 40. Our text ' books are in good shapc. The fourth , fifth and sixth grades are doing splendid work. The advanced - vanced arithmetic class is review- ing common fractions. Wc need more blackboard spacc. Every- thing is doing niccly. 'l'he Superintendents and Principals' AssocIation will meet hi Lincoln , October 20,21 and 22. It is hoped that every principal and superintendent in the county will be able to attcnd. D ist. No. 23 reports . an enroll- mcnt 76. Ti ! tee - 10 rl ! " ' - Teachers and pupils , do you know you can save money by purchasing your School Stationery of me ? Yes , it is a fact. Please call and sec. I carry a full line of History paper , 1-1 istory covers , Legal Cap , Examination - amination paper , Print paper , Colored paper , assorted for folding , Hard paper , Nebraska Wood Chart board , Envelopes , Ruled writing paper , Mat Board , any color , Blotting paper , etc. , etc. . -a..o. . . . _ . . . . . . , H. P. Custer , Prompt , Printer Over Richardson County Bank FALLS CITY - - - NEBRASKA . . . i ! ' , t ( 'Tf- - - - " Wh.itaker Brother's Excursion. . . - If you want lope I cent on your money 01' if you arc renting it will pay you to come and go with us on October 4 to Jewell ] , l\'Iitchell ' and Lincoln counties , Kas. , the great WHEAT , CORN and ALFALFA BELT of KANSAS , the R. R. fare is only $ 1 I. 65 for the round trip , good 2 I days to return , Now is a good time to look at land while the crop is growing and the weather is nice.Ve have pt'opositions like this : 320 a. all well fenced , pretty good buildings , 300 a. in cultivation , all bottom land except 20 a , 240 a in corn that will make 35 to 50 per bu. per a. , close to R. R. market at $23.50 per a : , $1,000 cash , balance at 6 per cent 5 years can pay any or all at any Jime. Figure this in wheat at 20 bu. per a. and see what it will make you at 90C per bu. as this is what it is selling for down tlfeJ' We seen Mr. Wilson - son Korner's draft this week trom his wheat crop off his farm of 240 a. , 2 counties south of Lincoln Co. This draft was for $ I , 9I4 , this was clear of all expense and he gets 31 of 20 a of corn and 10 a of oats , and he got $30 for his interest in the lastlll This is more than he will make in 4 years off of his / near Falls City. vVe have / 's and 80'S ranging in price as the above 320. Why pay rent or loan your money at 5 and 6 per cent. Don't fail to come and talk this over with us and if you decide to g'0 with us on October 4 , drop us a card stating that you will go on the above date , or call us up over Phones No. 168 or 216 at our evpense. WHITAKER BROS. Dist. No. 58-Ethel Barker , tcacher-Our school opened Scpt. 5th with an enrollment of 24. Dist. No. 16-Minnie M. Hud- son , tcacher-Our enrollment is 22. School is progressing niccl r. We shall soon have sonic new books. 'Ve have had no tardies thus far. Dist. No. 101-Nclli B. Davi- son , teachcr-'Ve began school Sept. 5th with an enrollment of 23. 'l'he work is progressing nicely. 'Ve arc delighted with our school room. It has been cleaned and papered. \Ve extend a hearty invItation to our supcr- in"tendcnt , patrons and friends to visit us. , . 1 6 , Market Report. Corn . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41 / ' \VhiteOats. i . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .24 Mixed . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .23c 'Iv heat . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . f)2c Cattle. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . .5.50 lIog"s . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5.40 Butter. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .11e Egg-s. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15c - - - - Marriage Record. Frank Stump , Falls City _ _ _ _ _ _ . . _ . . .20 clinic May Cummins , samc _ _ _ _ _ _ . . .18 Married hy Judge Wilhite atl1rday. Ralph B. Avon , Falls _ _ _ _ _ . . , _ _ Rose Davis , same _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . _ _ _ _ . .35 Governor Mickey has appointed Norman Mussclman as delcgate to the 'rrans-Mississippi Commercial - cial Congress at St. Louis Oct 25. .