The Falls City tribune. (Falls City, Neb.) 1904-191?, September 30, 1904, Image 17
wb - . 2 , . , , DARKEST RUSSIA 3 I DY n. aRATTAN DONN LL2. _ . Copyright , 1800. bY Street Ia Smith . All rghte ! rClcr Cd. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ' . " CHAPTER XVI-Continued. ; , The wolves were closing in upon I 111m. 4 ; _ They were on all sides , a famished , i howling pack of devils , their white fangs and fiery eyes showing with her ; , rlhle distinctness as they sprang at him. him.Tho The rifle , swung with all his right strength from left to right , and from right to left , cleared a path for him and no sooner did one of the brutes fall than a score of Its fellows literally . tore It In pieces. . Alexis was becoming exhausted. : . . = : : It was too much for him in his weak ened state. . ' . One of the wolves , one larger than . . , . . the rest , made n bound for his , , throat , but before it reached him sank " , In death agony with a bullet In its brain. " At the same moment , by the over turned sleigh , Alexis caught sight of the object of his heroic quest. It was a woman ! . . With white face she stood there , revolver in hand , her back protected I , - by the sleigh. Shot after shot rang t. out , and as each time , with unerring . arm , the bullet lodged in the body of a walt , she gained a moment's respite from the cowardly brutes. But the end was bound to come. The last shot but one had been fired. As If by some devilish Instlnct.the wolves seemed to know that their victim . tim was now defenseless , and they pree pared for a rush In all the strength or their numbers. With a howl that could have been beard a league another pack of the brutes had come down from the hills and joined the others. . Then it was that the helpless woman . : . . an uttered the wild shriek of agony i ii \ that had reached the cars of her res- f cuer-had reached even to the courier \ in the ctape. , Alexis sprang forward. He found that the arm was a magazine rifle , and with a prayer of thankfulness he opened fire. Shot after shot , a perfect fusllade followed , and half a dozen of the brutes were lying bleeding in the snow. Another moment and he had . reached the woman. His face was covered with blood , his arms wore torn , but he clasped her by a strong effort and the retreat to began . a place , of safety. , I . Repulsed by the shots , the wolves I . . / , k . . . . . , : j ' "Iij. j.-- { r' . ' ) : l/J < : JECW mJp 77 ' " had given way for a time , and then had made a simultaneous rush to feast on the carcasses of those slain by Alexis. But the feast did not last long. Maddened more than over by the taste of blood , they sprang after AI. . exls and his now unconscious bur- ! _ den. den."He - "He hu saved hlml" shouted the courier It the uoiflpt1 : a. hi ought - " -1f" . . - . . . " . , . 1 sight ur Alexia : , and then aM ho looked again ho exclaimed : "My God , It Is a woman I Men , men I to the rescue I" ! The soldiers wafted no longer. The fact that a woman was in danger seemed to awaken all that war manly In their natures and they rushed to the roscuo. Another moment and It would have been too late. A volley met the first of the ferocious - cious , maddened brutes. The ' pack halted for moment , and gave long howl of rage. Another volley checked another forward movement. Alexis staggered along with his burden. Two of the soldiers sprang to his side. side.Tho The doors of the etapo were thrown open. In another moment , bruised and bleeding and faint , Alexis Nazhnoff staggered into the room ; the courier held out his arms to receive the senso' less woman from her ' rescuer. Alexis , with a sigh of unutterable relief , breathed a prayer of thanks , and then as he gave the courier the woman whose life ho bad saved his braIn reeled , the light faded from his eyes , his knees trembled , a shudder passed through his frame , and ho fell at full length on the floor. Ho had fainted I ll' " . > > . . . . . . : , : J ! . CHAPTER XVII. 'rr:1 , : ! J I The Courier's MIssion. The courier bore the insensible form of the woman into the room occupied by Cobb and the baroness. As the door closed behind him , Karsicheff turned quickly to Nicholas and said In a whisper : "I have a plan-wait ! " Then orderIng the guard to resume their arms he gave the command to march the prisoners to the kamoras. Alexis had revived sufficiently to move , and was supported , by two of the Cossacks. The injuries of Alexis were fortunately . tunately slight. The fangs at the wolves had reached him in one or two places on the arms and on one cheek , but the latter proved to bo a mere scratch , though sufficient to draw blood , and the clothing had protected the arms. In answer to eager inquiries . quirles he explained that he did not see the face of the woman ho had rescued , because just as ho reached her she almost fell into hIs arms and In his struggle during the retreat he bad not heard her speak. But It was the presence of C.obb- so entirely unlooked for , and so inex- p1fcable-that furnished them a topic which kept them wondering for hours. That Cobb's presence had something to do with them , they felt certain , but now that he was here ; how were they to let him know that they were near. It is the rule on the highroad to the mines for convoys to march two days and rest one ; and as this was their resting place , they felt sure that the morning's light would bring some means of letting' Cobb know that they were in the stockade. But what had brought Cobb and the baroness-for they felt sure it was the baroness , Cobb having spoken of his wife-to that out of the way place ? That was the puzzler , and it was to account for that fact that both Alexis and Ivan taxed their Imaglnatron. While they are In suspense we will enlighten our readers. General Cobb , after his marriage to the baroness , found himself In n position . tlon where ho could afford to give \1P all the business interests that formerly . ly occupied his tlmo. From the moment . ment Alexis had left St. Petersburg ho had but one object in view-that was to rescue his friend from the horrors . rors of Siberian exile , and if possible restore him to the position from which a chain of adverse circumstances . stances had so cruelly deposed him. Or , If that were not pOl8lbl. , It war . . the intention of Cobb , the rescue at Alexis once effected , to take him to America , tho- baroness having expressed . pressed a strong desire to give up her residence in Europe and make her home In the country of her 11\18band. Cobb's plans for the rescue of Alexis were warmly seconded by his wife , and it was determined to make nn effort . fort to effect the rescue of Uda and Ivan at the same time as Alexia. The blow to the pride of Count Naz- imott , who had seen his son sentenced like a common convict , had been a se- vere ono , and shortly actor his son had arrived in Siberia the count was seized by a severe lllnesa , the result of , the shock ho had sufferod. On his recovery his feelings had undergone a marked change. The tenderness . . . ; 1 ! ! .r.'lmth ) ' shown him on every hand had softened his nature , and the hard pride had now given place to 0. pitiful yearning for the son ho had loved so well. Hence It was that when Gen. Cobb , having heard of Kirithkin's confession , and having brought Influence to bear to verify the truth of the conspirator's story , appeared - pearod before Count Nazimort to plead the cause of his son , ho met with a reception - ceptIon the warmth of which pleased him. him.An Imperial commissioner was sent to each of the convicts captured in the Nihilist rendezvous. They were closely questioned as to the events that had taken place on that eventful night , and their stories , one and all , served to exonerate Alexis and Olga and Uda , and to lift from the shoul ders of Ivan the responsibility for any complicity in or sympathy with the cx- tromo Nihilists who sought the assassination . sinatlon of the czar. So it was that after months of persistent . sistent and diligent exertion General Cobb had the assurance that the subject . ject had at length reached the czar , with a strong probability that the 1m. pedal clemency so earnestly sought would not be denied. But oven if his efforts In this direction - tion failed , Cobb had made up his mind that he would still succeed. Ho secured through the American minister . ter an imperial passport to Siberia , and a letter from the authorities giving . Ing him , as an American traveler favorably . vorably disposed and friendly to the Russian government , the right to visit prisons and other privileges not usually . ly accorded. This letter , addressed to officials throughout Siberia , directed . ed them to extend all aid and assistance . anco Jo General Cobb and his wife and her companion , Caroline Cobb ; who were to travel across Siberia it need be. And before he left St. Petersburg . burg a passport for Caroline Cobb - was In his possession. Wo pass over the long journey of Cobb and his wife. After many adventures . ventures and more hardships they reached Stralensk and there discovered . ered Ilda. The letters which Cobb had In his possession made him a welcome guest at the house of the commandant at Stralonsk and they had but little difficulty In obtaining a private conversation with llda. It was from Uda they learned to their great delight that Ivan and Alexis were at Chftka and that they could reach that place with comparative easo. It was while on their journey to Chlt1m. that thcir. 1egh ! wa3 ovcr. turned and they were attacked by the wolves almost within shouting distance . tanco of the etapo where arlscheff was in command. Karlschef and Nicholas , after the doors of the stockade had closed on the convicts , returned to the house. "Bo on your guard , father , " urged Nicholas , "you have made a dangerous . ous enemy of the courier , and the slightest mistake may prove our ruin Try to conciliate him-anything , so there can be no pretext for his going to oxtremes. Think what would bo the . consequences If he should make a report to the czar. " Karl scheff Raid nothing. He knew ho had committed a grievous mistake In defying the courier and he felt III at ease. The presence or Cobb and the baroness , too , was 'an additional source of danger. What if Cobb should discover the presence of Alexia I Thc.t he had not done 10 already was little short of a mlraclo. But if ho should discover him and appeal to the cour ; for for Aloxls-especlnlly after Aloxi himself had won the heart of the CO\ll'lel'-thcro was no question all tQ time result. Certainly the courier would never leave Alexis and Ivan hi his pow cr. . . . . , The object now was to blind the courier It possible , to keep Cobb from the knowledge oC the presence at Alexis , and to have matters remain In stntu quo until the courier and the hated American should lopart. Katherine entered the room. .sho had dlscovcrQ.d the identity of Cobb , and the baronoss. "Thoso people here , " Rho said , "threatens danger. Wo tnuat bo on our gnarl nIl the lime. A chance word may betray us Into trouble that will cost us denrly. " "Olga ? " asked Karischert. , She Is asleep , " answered the counteRs , "aUll I would shed no tear If JI \ I c I r J \ \ ---l\\jtH ¼ . , . - JI j ; LI - 'ff ' p NA/'f . 1LlA - A4XJ.1m- she never would waleo. Her cursed folly has helped to put us where wa are. What is your plan about-about thorn ? " she asked , pointing in the direction - rection of the convict 1unrtors. "We must walt until the courier departs , His presence- " nrlscbeff stopped suddenly. The door lending to the uleeping apartments opened and the r.ourlel entered the room. Producing his notebook , the courier In a peremptory tone demanded : "What Is the name of that bravo fellow who saved the , . woman from the " ' ' wolves ? "I do not know It , " replied Kari. schoff. . "Then consult your lists and find out , " was the sharp rejoinder. Nicholas saw that his father was again getting on dangerous ground. Ho determined to come to his as- aistance. " 1 know the name , " ho said , looking . Jng meanlngly at his father , "tho name is Alcxls- " "Alexls Petroffslty , " said Katherlno. "I asked it from the bravo fellow before - fore I bound his wound and gave him some mediclno. " \Vborc Is ho now ? " asked the cour- ier. "Ho Is- " began Nicholas. "Asleep-soundly sleeping , " ! aid Katherine ; "he begged mo not to dIs turb him until morning. " ( To bo continued. ) As Others Hear Us. A-welllmown Oxford don was asked to speak Into n phonograph , and was Interested In hearing the roproduc' tlon. He listened throughout , then said with scarcely concealed disgust : 'rhrough this machine I am able to speak in a particularly bumptious and affected manner. " The worthy man had heard himself ns others hear him , that was all. It would be a good thing for many of us to study our method of speaking through the medium . dlum of a phonographic reproduction. World's Fleet. According to Lloyd's Register there are at present In exIstence 29,948 etc3.mshl hs and sailing vessels : 11,184 of theM belong to England .