1 ' - , t\r A QUICK RECOVERV. A Prominent Officer of the Order of " Rebeccas writes to Thank Doan' . " Kidney Pills .for It. cif Mrs. C. E. Bumgardner , a local offi T eel' of the Rebecca , of Topeka , Kans , Room 10 , 812 Kansas Avo. , writes : "I used , Donn's Kidney Pills , - during the past year , for kidney trouble _ und kindred ailments. 1 was suffering from pains In the back and , ! t headaches , but found . after the use of ere ' - box of ' the remedy . ' that the troubles gradually disappeared + so that before 1 had finished 0. second package I was well. I , therefore , heartily endorse your reme- . dy. " ( Signed ) Mrs. C. E. Bumgardner. A FREE TRIAL-Address Foster- Milburn Co. , Buffalo , N. Y. For sale by all dealers. Price , to cts. It sometimes happens that when n man offers to stake his reputation on n thing ho would win by loslng.-Chl. al . . cage News. . ' r f' I BEST BY TEST I "I hAve tried all kinds or wAterproof I clothing and hAve never found anything at any price to compare with your Fish . Brand for protection from all kinds or . . _ w.ner. .L " ( The name and address of the writer this unsolicited letter _ may be hAd upon a.pplica.lion. ) A. J. TOWER CO.The Sign of the Fish I Bollon. U.S.A. v iWER3 , . . . TOWER CANADIAN : , . . . . . . : . CO. , LIMITED I _ _ itA . . . 13ii IitMO Toronto . Canada UJU" 7f ; t. Makers 01 Warranted Wt Weather Clothing set . r , I . . , 1 ; . " . . . . . . . a. : .a . . . . . . 1 " " r , . , - . . } . , 1 : . A : stIikingi3Qlntrast ! ! tieta + ee > h [ # lan a Starch . : land spy other r will . , " , + - , - ' . . : ) , eNUt1t b ! bomparllOn ; ! . . . . . , . j. ' ; c' ' Deihl , Starch stiffens ; : . : ' ' . whitensti ; ! ? iJtJfle"wlt J- " 1 , ; ( ioutyrottiiig. , ; . : : " 1' ; ' Itglves'clothes , : , back ; : . ; : . , ' ttheir . . . . newness. : . , . ! - l."t---'I. . : I' , , ) : ; " " - ' - ) ' ' 1 > . It I , J'4eIY 1 \ . -pure. ' : ftt' : I " ' t I I I { ' wllilot " ' , inlureihe " . tist ' dell ttc " " f4 bricsN ; ' P "r1 ; tf e fdn""is1.nd } ; all r. things uao the best therh . . . " . is. D iante ; ' ) " 'Stacch ; , ' " , Wctfits'1oe'i6 : . ounces : ' . . . Other d. 10 Cents . , . pt b tAds for . , . 17 OlYtCEfS. } 8triking ontl'asf. THE DEfiANce STAICU co. , . . . OmaN : " Neb/ ' : - t. 1 ' ! ! < : 1 < < . lj. : : t' I . Il . , IleaL CouIgh Mr p , Tastes 17tto In ttme. 8oo d by drugglata. ' 1'r. " t Civilization and Railroads. Nothing Is more significant or the sudden development or Japan than the history of her railways The first rail. ways , eighteen miles In length , Wa con .tleted In 1872. At tbo present limo there are 1,344 miles or state and 8,150 mllolJ or private railways In op. oration , and ther are 852 miles under conctructlon. For the most part they pay well the larger yielding dlvldondJ from 10 to 12 per cent. Reading With a Purpose. Reading without purpose Is Sntintel" tng , not exercise. Mote 10 got from one book on which the thought set. ties for a definite end In knowledge , than from libraries skimmed over by a wandering oye. A cottage flower gives honey to the bee , a Icing's gar. den none to the butterfiy-Lord Lyt- ton. r . . FormIc Acid for Fatigue. In formic acid Dr. Clement of the French academy of medicine claims to have discovered a wonderful rem edy for muscular fatlguo. He corn- blues It with bicarbonate of soda to save the stomach from distress "Dr. Ulnl.l ItcDnerly's /'I\vorlto ltfllnOI'.r Ifa"o 11I0 prompt and l'ompl.to rellot tram dyepep.ta and Uordosangcmcnt " 11. T. Tro"brhl.c.ltArlolu U.IL , N.Y. Chinese Most Spoken Language. There are 382,000,000 Chinese speak. Ing the same language , making Chi. nese the most spoken language. There are many dialects , however , which seem scarcely to belong to the same tons-uo. The Inhabitants of Mongolia and Tibet can barely understand the dialect of the people In Pekln. Other widely spoken languages are as fol lows , In millions : English , 120 ; Ger- man , 70 ; Russian , 68 ; Spanish , 4-1 ; Portuguese , 32. Coral on the Moon. In the astronomical periodical Sirius - Ius , Dr. H. Voight expresses the opin Ion that the so.ca.lled craters In the moon are nothing but coral struc' tures. If the sea were dry , the earth , he declares , would present a similar appearance. Smokers find LoW I' SIug1e Blnl1er" straIght So : cigar butter quality than most lOc brands. Lewis Factory , I coria , Ill. Try to make two virtues look like ten , and they will got so thin you won't know them. Flso's Cure Is the best medicine we ever used for an affections ! of the throat and lungs.-WH. O. ENDSLJDY , VUl1burcII , Ind. , Feb. 10 , 1400. In accord with the eternal fitness or things 0. book or love-poems should bo bound In calf. The ) urine Eye ! remedy Co. , Chicago end Homo Eye nook free. Write them about your eyes A man's place In heaven may 110 quite different from his pew down hero. \Ir. 'Wln.low' Soothing Ayresp For children teething softens the 11'111".8. reduceR IDo J1&mmatlon , allays pain , curCR wind wll . 25o : . : : a boUle. Man Is the only animal that uses a handlerchlet.Vomen's handkerchiefs are merely for show. . . All Up-to . Date Housekeepers use Defiance Cold Water Starch , be- cause It is better , and 4 oz. more of It for same money. Death From Slight AccIdent. While carrying a keg of beer in , tended for a picnic In Reading , Pa. , Elmer Korchotr stumbled over a wire. The keg slipped so suddenly that the jar dislocated his neck. Many Children Are SIckly. Mother Gray's Sweet Powders for Children , used by Mother : Gray , a nurse III Children's nome , Now York , cure Summer Complaint , } ; 'everlshness , HeadacheS tomach Troubles , Teething : Disorders and Destroy Worms. At all Druggists' , 2Sc. : Sample mailed FHEE. Address Allan S. Olmsted , 1.0 Roy N. Y. The specifications ror the gates .of heaven are not drawn up on oarth. , I J t t IH . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . - . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ' " . . , ' . t\ ; ; : ' , . . . . . . . . . . . . . " /tV" ' . . . . . . . . . i' : I . . " ' : : " : 'Jw1 . . - . . , , , . _ . . , IJ J . . - . . , , ' , , .stUll' . . I" . . I- . . , . . " ' : ' . . , .r. . ! . : . ' . ! ? ' ; . . . ' ! 1L , n ; . . . . , : : : : " . : " . . c . \ . " " " . . . . .w.t : . . _ . . . . . .r.11r" . . . . , llIn. " , , ' 1\\1 ' . . \ . . . . . . , , . " . . .1 . . { --1. . ' ' . . . . . ' I""J.'f . - ' : . . . l.'i. 'Ii , , ' ) ) b\/ " l" " . . ,1' . . . . . . ' , , ' ' " " . . tt1 ' . , ' : i' ' li.\-f \ : , ; ; : : : .Wp : ? ; ? f. , N . I W\ \ ' , ' : . . : ' " . . . . i\ : , . . . . ; i : : " f.c.J. " ' , ( . : tfJ , ! I. : : : - . ; - . . . . . ' b ; , . . . . " . . f'I :4 . . . . : . . . . . : . . . . . . . . . : . . . . { " " : . : : , " " " ' 01 , k..I1. \.I : , : : . : ; \ . ' . ' : . . . . . . . . - " " . . . . . . . . : > w Miss Gannon , Sec'y Detroit Amateur Art Association , tells young women what to do to avoid pain and suffering caused by female troubles. DEAR MRS. PINKnur1 can conscientiously recommend Lydia E. Plnlc.llnm's Vegetable Compound to those of iny sisters sufIorin ' . Witll female weakness and the troubles which so often befall women. I suffered . fored for months with general weakness , . and felt so weary that I hrul hard work to keep up. I had shooting pains , and was utterly misorablo. In my distress I was advised to me Lydia E. PJnldmm's Vegetable Compound , and it was a red letter day to mo when I took the first dose } for at that time my restoration began. In six weeks 1 was a changed woman , perfectly well in every respect. I felt so elated and happy that I want all women who Buffer to get well as I did.-MIss GUlLA CANNON . 859 Jones St. , Detrbit , Mich. , Secretary Amateur Art 9sociation. lIt t It Is clearly shown In tIlls young lady's letter that Lydia E. Plnkbam's Vegetable Compound will certainly'cure the sufferings of women ; and when one considers that Miss Ganllon's letter is only one of the countless hundreds which wo are continually publishing in the newspapers of this country , the great virtue of Mrs. Pink- ham's medicine must ba admitted by all ; and for the absolute euro of all kinds of female Ills no substitute cnn possibly take its pI nee. Women should bear this important fact in mind when they go into a drug store , anti bo sure not to acccpt anything that is claimed to be " just as good" us Lydia E. il1lt- Imm's Veget.n.blo Compound , for no other medicine for lemalo ills has made 60 many actual curcs. How Another Sufferer Was Cured. DEAR l1IRs. PJNKIIAU : - I cannot praise your wonderful remedies enough , for they have done me more good than all the doctors I have had. For the lust eight years and more I suffered with female troubles , was very weak , could not do my housework , also had nervous pros- tration. Some days I would remain unconscious for a whole day and night. 1\ly \ nei hbol's thought I could never recover , but , thanks to your medicine , I now feel like n. different woman. "I feel very grateful to you und will recommend Lydia E. Pinc- Jmm's Vegetable COllllWUlUl tu all. n llttd ) now been four Ycal's since I hud the last spell of nervous prostration. I only weighed ninety- eight pounds at that time ; now I weigh ono hundred and twenty-three. "I consider your Vegetable Compound the finest remedy made. Thanking you many times for the benefit I received from your medicine I remain , Yours truly , Mils. J. H. FARMER , 2801 > Elliott . Ave , St. Louis , lllo' Remember l\1ra. Pinltlmm's advice iN free and all stint women are foolish if they do not mile for it. She speaks from the widest experience , and has helped multitudes of women. ' " FORFEIT If wo cannot forthwith produce the original 1ettel" and lsnature of $5000 above Witl1uoulnJ , whIch will provo their absolute genulneucM. Lydl E. I'hlkhaau1(111. . Co" , I. ; IIn , rl1l1l1. HANDY BLUEING BOOK. 'In sheets ot PURE ANILINE BLUE. No bottles. No paddles. No wuste. Give the 8/11110 amount : of blueing water each wush. u ) ' . Ask your grocer for It or send 100 for book of 2 . leaves. The Handy Blueing Hook 00. , 81 E. Lake Sfa , Chicago , III. PUTNAM FADELESS DYES Putnam Fadeless Dyes are cleanly as they neither stain the hands nor spot the lcottle. One 100 po.ekago colors either silk wool or cotton equally well , and i8 guaranteed to gIve perfect results. l'utnum Fadeless Dyes arc for sale by nil good druggists overywhcrc or mailed \ dIrect ut 100 n po.ckugo Write today for free booklet-llow to llleaeh , Dye or Mix Colors. MONROE DRUG CO. . Unionvlllo. Mo , .