" ' Allen' . Foot.Ease , Wonderful Remedy. 'llII\VO ' tried ALI..JgN'S ' FOO'I'-EASE , and find It to ho n certain cure , and gives com- art , to one suffering with sore tender and 8wollon toot. I will rocommotHl ALLEN'S , . oOT-EASE to my fricndh , as It is certainly a wonderful rClllcdy.-Mrs. N. U. Guilford Now Orleans , La. " The oil oC kindness Is enhanced by being carried In the cnn or courtosy. Defiance Starch should ! be In every household , none 80 good I , heHllles 4 " oz. more for 10 cents limn flny other brand ot cold water IItflrch. + Moat Active Volcano. Mount Snnguny Is the most active - volcano In the world. It Is In Ecuador , In 17,120 feet In height , and has been In constant activity since 1728. The sounds or Its erullllons are sometimes heard In Quito , 150 miles dl8tant , and 267 reports were once counted In one hour. Pathetic Appeal for Sympathy. Did you ever carry two suit cases , n hat box and a bag ot fruit onto n train that was just starting , for n woman , and then have her walk past seven empty seats looking for one that might bo a little bottor-Coun. ell Bluffs Nonvaroll. Mldnloht Sun. "I'no might glad , " said the old colored - . 01'011 inhabitant , "dat do worl' only turns 'roun' onto In a duy. Itazo : ef ever hit turned In do nighttime hi ! would or Iwtc.hed mo at many n he'n roos'-AUnntn Constllutlon. Laughter a Health-Tonic. There Is nothing better established among physicians than that cheerful' ness prolongs life , and also enrIches and enlarges It. Whole.souled , joy. outs laughter Is a powerful health' tonic. Fungus on Corks. It has been found that some of the cork imported In this country from Algeria Is affected by n fungous growth , which , unless the corks are storlllzed , gives bottled liquids nn un. pleasant taate. CHANGE FOOD Some Very Fine Results Follow. 'l'ho wrong kind or food will put the body In such n diseased condition that no medicines will euro It. There Is no way but to change food. A man In Mo. says : " 1 < ' 01' 2 years I was troubled so with my nerves that sometimes I was prostrated . trnted and could hardly ever get In n full month at my work. "My stomach , back and head would throb 80 I could got no rest at night c.xcopt by fits and starts , and always : hall distressing pain " ( was quite certain the trouble came from my stomach but two physicians Iclans could not help 1U0 and all the tonics failed and 80 finally turned to tood. "When I had studied up on food and learned , what might bo expected , tram leaving oft meat and the regu.i i lar' food I had been living on , I felt that n change to Gravo.Nuts would bo jUEt what was required SO I went to ct . ting It. _ n _ _ _ _ _ _ "I. < rom the start I got stronger and better until , I was well again and front that time I havon't used 1bit of medicine for I haven't needed any. "I am so much . better In every way , sleep soundly nowadays and am free f-cm the bad dreams. Indeed this food has made such n great change In me that my wife and daughter have taken It up and wo are never /lthout Grape-Nuts on our table now' adn's. It Is a wonderful sustainer and wo frequently have nothing else at aU but a saucer oC Grape-Nuts and cream for breakfast or supper. " Name given by Postum Co. , Battle Creek , . . .Mlch. ' ' \ ' * Good food and good rest These 'nrc the tonics that succeed where an the bottled tonics and drugs Call. Ton days trIal oC Grape-Nuts will show ono the road to health , strength and vigor. "Tbero's n reason. " Look In each 111g. for the famous " ' little book , "The Road to WellvUle. " Ii ) f. . " I il 4 i . falls City Tribune . BY TRIBUNE PUBLISHING CO. FALLS CITY - - NEBRASKA - - , - , - _ . - . . . . . . . . . . Speaking of straw votes , dill any' body over hear or one that didn't go the takor's way ? Ballooning Is1 very pretty way at traveling IC you aren't anxious to get anywhere In particular- - The racing automobile Is aU right In Its proper place , but It doesn't seem to have found the place yot. It Is the opinion or every mother that n boy never loses an opportunity for attempting to break his ncelf. How disappointed George Gould would bo Ir thnt dog for which he has just paid $5,000 should ever bite blm. As she knows where she Is apt to get It , China Is wearing a high ce11u- hold collar with gun metal fasten- Ings. The sultan or Turkey has 171 titles , but Man-Who-Keeps.IIIs.Promlses.and- is not of Pnyn-IIls-Debts-PrompUy one them The death of Hole.ln-tho.Day , chief or the Chippewas , leaves a halo In the western landscape that never can . . bo fiJled. There Is another now language which Is called by Its builders "Spoldl. " ObvIously It never can bo sp-I w-l1. The sultan or Turkey bas seventy- six titles , but the best plan Is to call him with 11. gun when you want him to respond promptly. Perhaps Vesuvius started that eruption . tlon now , knowing that It couldn't at' tract any attention after the Bllel1. binders got to talking. May Irwin has 11. plan to keep the men from going out between nets Perhaps she Is going to offer them a few drops of the curtain. - Sir Thomas Lipton Is making arrangements . rangements for another contribution to one or the largest and most ox. pensive scrap plIes ever rcared. Mr. John 1\Iunroe , late or the pugi- lIDtlC' ring , was born in Clster , Pa. And ho Is without pugilistic honor now In his own or any other countrr. : An Alabama negro went to the gallows . lows smoking 11. cigar. It It was a campaign cigar It must have gone a long way toward reconciling him to his Cate. Korea's emperor has- decided to accept . cept Japanese sovereignt This in formation comes to him from Japanese . IW80 headquarters , so he Is bound to believe it. ' Louise , the eloping princess , announces - nounces that she Is going to expose some scandals In high life. It anybody - body can do It Louise would seem to be the lady. Lipton Is bound to prove that Great Britain can beat the United States at the yachting : game , even If ho has to get an American designer to . build the boat to do It. Munroe's share of the gate receipts of the fight with Jefferies was $6,104 ! and JelTerles' was $9,156. Mr. 1\Iunroo ' earned his money , whether Mr. Jeff- rlos earned his share or not. Persons who wish to "enthuse" or do a "stunt" may do so , according to the latest dictionary , with the express . press understanding that they become thereby colloquial . . and , - - slangy. . . . - . - . . - - . , . , - . 11 ,1 , ntnu u 4 A t , , 1 . . II 1111 1 1 NI III IN11 1 NI11 111111 II 1 11 465. 41 7 ' . . j . . . _ , . I nm / nuunnwnn/n11n1 IInol.unld n d + onnl fiGnur A kgctable PreparationfarAs- slrnilating IlteFoodAnduegula- ting theStomacK nndBowe s of Promotes Digestion.Cheerful-- neBS andRestContains neither ( 0 Jiumloforphine norrfineral. } lor"N.AR OTIC. .OTIO. 1&4 ; Q/'OU./ 'SdMlJEI.PmIIER : \ 1 sc- A/x..rflln4 &MU . SJtt- . ( a Stwl . Di a c.ndJM' t6 - Q + I Itr.rNlJ. - lii r 4 & .MI' Jf iJln.v"-'J'7mw . : Apefccl Remedy forConsUpa- Cion Sour StomachDiarrhoea Worms , Convulsions , feverishness - ness and Loss OF SUER . . Fac simile signature or NEW : YORIi : EXACT COpy OF WRAP.P.ER. : . . , . . . " - - ; < ' . . : . . .jiP.&III . . -4.l . . , . . , . . , . . . . . ; , . . q , . . ' CATORIA 1 t For Infants and f btildron . . " ' The Kind You Have" : Always Bought I Bears the ll Signature i l of . In. Use ' - - , - , II I I For Over I r r , I Thirty . ) Years . CASTORIA I " . . eENTAUN . OMP . . . NIW TON . . . . . ' i . I Great Reduction in Rates via . I I ABASH RAILROAD I Home visitors excursions sold every Tuesday In September and October . 11th. Halt fare ( plus $2.00)for the round trip to all points In Indiana , polntsln Ohio and Kentuclcy. . ' $8.50 St. Louis and return , sold Tuesdays and Thursdays. $13.80 St. Louis and return sold daily I J $27.15 Buffalo , Niagara Falls or Toronto and return , sold dally. j : $21. O Detroit and return sold dally. . ' , I $20.00 Chicago and return ( one way via St. Louis ) , sold dally. " ' ; Long limit and stop over allowed nt St. Louis on ALL tickets.r ' - : Schedule of our Fast trnlns. Read down. Road up. 7:45 : n. m. 6:30 : p. m. Lv. Omaha Arr. 1):00 ) : p. m. 8:20 : n. m. 8:00 : n. m. ! 6:45 : p. m. Lv. Council Bluffs Arr. 8:4 : [ ; p. m. 8:00 : a. m. 7:35 : p. nI. 7:00 : a. m , Arr. World's Fair Station Lv. 9:15 : n. m. 7:45 : p. m 7:50 : : ' " m.\7:15 \ n. m. ArT. St. LouIs Lv. 9:00 : u. m. 7:30 : p. m. These trains run ally. Compare this time with other lines. . The Wabash lands all passengers at and checks baggage to Its own , y station nt main entrance of World's fair grounds. Think what this moans : . quick time , extra car fare saved , and n delightful trip , and you are not all tired out before entering the Exposition G'rounc1s. All Agents cnn route you via the Wabash n. n. For beautiful World's Fair folder and all information address , HARRY E. MOORES G. A. P. D. , Wnb n. R. , Omaha , Neb. . 1 A : , . I I , s t / P L .r BEGGS' BLOOD PURIFIER . CURES catarrh of the stomach. . W. N. U. , Omaha. No. 39-1904 U . : : i eta. . , } , ; Water ' 1