The Falls City tribune. (Falls City, Neb.) 1904-191?, September 23, 1904, Image 5

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September f1-iL 1.\LL L..ll Y lKlUUN ' I
f 23 . 19u4
, . .
. ,
Hazcl cllison went to Saleni
. \Vedncsday.
I Charley Heck was a Salem
, . . . . . .
/ Yc : : visitor Fnday. .
Gus Neitzcl was a Stella visitor -
. .
' '
\Ycdnesday. . -
- . - ' : J. \V. Barnett went to Kansas
i ' . ; ' ' . City \Vcdnesdi night.
1 rank Schaiblc left for King-
- ' roan , Kas. , last tl'ucsday.
. .
' . l ev. Ale ancler left \Vcdncs-
, ' ,
\ " day afternoon for Bcatricc.
A'A Ed Burriss went to Omaha on
, \ . , .
, ' hus1t1cssVedncsdiP' n'ht. ; n
\ "
: i \Vm. Douglass oracle a business
- . . ! ' - trip to Kansas City \Vcdncsday.
. . - . . A. Miller , wife and daughter '
arc visiting in Breckrnridge , Mo.
" ? . . in St.
.Georgc , . . . Cleveland . was
. . . ! . , _ Joe Wednesday , transacting busi-
, . . - Il . ss' ' " . .
' '
" " ' ' ' ,
, " , Anna . Santo attended the Fair
ilt Salem the latter part of las ! ,
\ veck. . . . . . c
yI3ugli ' Ia. Boyd of Humboldt
" .transacted . , business in his city
, . . . . .
Y dnesday. . ,
" ' . , ,
P : Jas ; . Spears made a business
trifr to Barada the first of thc
1- '
: ' ' .
; 'weck.
J. W. Hobson of Auburn was
. .
' ; : ' Falls visitor the first 01
I , : . . a . Fall City ,
' '
. I . . thc weck.
Z ( { , " J. G. _ Smith of Dawson regis-
tcr'c' ( ( l at the Union house Wednesday -
' "
Mr. Page or Dawson transacted -
, " "cd business , in this city Thursday
+ " : aftcrnoon.
. " . Jno. Schnute and wife arc
; 'iunong the St. Louis visitors this
I Miss Dleuet a trained nurse.of
Kansas City returned to her home
. , the latter part of the .week.
. .
, Ben Riechers is viewing the
, . . Exposition at St. Louis having
' left for that city 1.'ucsday.
, , J. . . .
" A. Northrop and Frank Lam-
. . . "
. . ; bert who have been transacting
' , . business in this city returned to
- , I' Denver Monday.
, q. , A Falls City lawyer was asked
\ ; , ' 'can a man marry 'his widow'g
r ; : ' sister ? " to which , he replied , yes.
' : ; " ' : ' : was thc lawyer right ?
I . : Mrs. \V111. Jennings ' of Surprise
Neb. , is visiting with her parents
J. McCormick and wife in this
, ' " " 'citj :
-t Mr. Nixen of Philadelphia was
a'g'uest at the UnionHotlscwhile
\ . . . . , looking after his dairy farm near
( } - tIlls CIty. ,
\ Mrs. l\lettz and son Hiram who
have been visiting with relatives
. '
in this city returned tc their
. ' . . honie } in Newkirk , 01tl'uesday. .
, .
" l ev. Charles A. Hey has been
. . . : , ' appointed from Zion Headquarters -
ers to take charge in a month of
, , " . Zion's work in Portland , Oregon.
. \Vanner sells ink.
. . .
. . . _ . _ r. . : t _ . = - -
Is opened tIp for business again at tIle old
stand and ' viii always keep I : 0.1 . 11and' . tile
choicest of , , -
, . ' " . . " " , ,
Pultry and Fish '
I . .
3' We will pay tIle highest ? : market price for all ;
; -kiiYds of Live Stock and Hides. Cal ! and see "
y , us when in need of anything in our line. . '
" .
' : 1m Mt ' " ! r-t : " 'j'r 1E'k oA
Mrs. Pearl LUln of Vcrdon is
visiting friends in this city.
James Nausler was 'in Barada
on business \Vcdncsday.
Fred Dc'\Vald spent lasio.Sun-
day at Reserve the guest of his
sister , Mrs , Leah Stewart. ,
-'l"he case of Hannah Steohen-
son vs the Shang-uessy Co. and
James ] . .Stephenson' thc Shan-
g'UCSSY Co. were tried before
Judge \Vilhite 'l"'he
court found for the plailJtiff jn
each . case. -
Real Estate Transfers.
Austin Hall Sloan ( single ) to
George Watkins wd lot 1 blk CJ
Verdon. Con. $150.
J. D. Shraug'er and wife to
Bertin Sperry wd lots 7-8-CJ-15-16
bIk 14 Crook & Towles 2n1 add.
to Falls City. Con. S)50.
A. H. Smith and wife to R. O.
Thompson wd lots 3 and 4 block
3 Smith's add to 13arada. Con.
Robert G. H.cddick and wife to
Eliza Thompson wd lots 1 and
2 block 3 Smith's add to Barada.
Con. 6400.
J. S. Boyd and wife to Mrs.
Eliza Jones wd lots 4 and 5 blk
118 Salem CO l. 5700.
William A. Shafer to Mrs.l\Iary
. .
Shafer etal swof nw't 9-3-1
also 10 acre tract in St Dcroin
precinct Nemaha county , Nebr.
also nw'r' of s vii 9-3-16j ; ne'i of
sw 1-4 9-3-16j ; se 1-4 of sw 1-4 of
sw 1-4 of sw 1-4 of 9-3-1 and w
of nw 1-4 of..16-3-16. Also 10 A
in 10-3-16. -
Whitaker Brother's
Excursone :
nsn r. _ n - . - . . . - . . . .
. ,
If you want 10 pel cent on your moncy or if you are
renting .it will pay you to come and go with us on October 4
to Jewell , IVlitchell and Lincoln counties , Kas. , the great
\V ; I-l EAT , CORN and ALFALFA BELT ofJ'ANSAS ; : , the
R. R. . fare is only $1 I. 65 for the round trip , good 21 days to
return , Now is a good time to look at land while the crop
is growing and thc weather is nice.N e liveroposition : ,
like this : 320 a. all well fenced , pretty good buildings , 300
a. in cultivation , all ' bottom land except 20 a , 240 a in corn
that will make 35 to' 50 per bu. per a. , close to R. R. market
at $23.50 per a : , $ r , OOo cash , balance at 6 per cent 5 years
can pay any or all .at any time. Figure this in wheat at 20
bu. per a. and see what it will make you at 90C per bu. as
this is what it is selling for down tlere. Vve seen Mr. Wil-
son Korner's draft this week trom his wheat crop off his farm
of 240 a. , 2 counties south of Lincoln Co. This draft was
for $ I , 9I4 , this was clear of all expense. and hc gets / of 20
a of corn and 10 a of oats , and he got $30 for his interest in
the pasture. This is more than he will make in 4 years off of
his / near Falls City. We have / 's and 80'S ranging in
price as the above 320. . Why pay rent or loan your money
at 5 and 6 per ccnt. Don't fail to come and talk this over
with us and if you decide to go with liS on October 4 , drop
liS a card stating that you will go on the above date , or call
liS up over Phones No. r68 or 2 16 at our evpense.
John Oswald made a business
trip to Stella last Wednesday
Miss Lillie Schmidli of St Joe
arrived in town yesterday for a
visit with her sisters , Mrs. C. \V.
Breithaupt and Anna Schmidli.
Mrs. Barbara .Dilts , who has
been visiting in Los Angelcs.Cal ,
for several months , returned to
her home in this city Sunday
I4ucile Mctt returned from St.
Joseph Wednesday afternoon.