V I- 49 , ' . . . . ' 1lfIfllJj ) lllllc # I' ' j\f1 : ! l/Z/ I The Calloused Hands. "Whatsoever thy hand filHlcth to do , do ' . It with thy mlght.-Ecelcslulltes , ix 10 ' -A.\ ; - "I \ Now some write books oC empty words , And some weave fanclcs Into wng- But hI who tolls among the Iherds. Barehanded , amonf fate . and strong , And clears the place where shall al'lso The structure that shall long endure , Though he be counted far from wise ; Ills portion oC reward III sure Spine , with , the brush and many hues : , Make llcfurel that men rush to sce- let there arc no more worthy views b Than those where many workmen be , . Where chlel : 1 rings against the stone And hammer clangs upon the steel For ; peasant's hut or 1110nurch'l'1 throne : The fingermnrl oC toll re\'ol\l. : Words writ In Ink grow dint and fade , ' The canvas turns to dust In lime , But structures which bare hands have made Last through the ccnturl,11 sublime : ) : The bridge , the temple , and the street , : rho castle wall und city gate Tell at men braving cold and heat , Of hand that bullded high and SI'eat. Clear In the harmony or liCe . i"J There III one chord that rings alone ' 1 And which with surging strength Is rlfo- The hum ot toll Is III Its tone , p The Bounds ot tl.PJIR that blend and blur In harmony from all the lands , : 'fhe hymn ot the nrtlficel' , , ; „ The world owes much to calloused hands - V 1v. D. N In Chicago 'rl'lbune ' - NEWS OF THE LABOR WORLD. i ' , . II - ' : . . Items of Interest Gathered from Many Sources. The high dues system has become permanent and the organization has been successful. " The Chicago Federation of Labor , . decided to call oft Its proposed convention . . . vcntton at Victor , Colo. Under the caption "Organization Is Progress ; the Boot aid Shoe Work- ers' Union Journal says : Just 635 credentials have already been received for the Journeymen Barbors' convention , which will he , " ' held at Louisville , Ky. , beginning October - . tober 4. Twelve men visited the home of G. N. Hooten of Anaconda , Colo" , and deported him over the hills toward Canon City. He Is charged with come p1lr.lty in the Victor rioting of June 6. Brotherhood of Locomotive Engi- neers Is agitating the abolition of or R. change In the present system of mail cranes A number of engineers have been struck and killed recently by the device In Washington the old war between , the Federation of Musicians and the Marine Band has broken out afresh. Union bands refused to march with government bands In a parade of vol- : untecr firemen. In the daily consular reports Issued by the Department of Commerce and r . Labor , James A Le Roy , United States consul at Durango , Mexico , has " this to say concerning the Immigration . tion of Mexican laborers to the United States : I Word comes from England that Pe- ter Curran , the well known English t labor leader , who represented the British Trade Union Congress In the J A. F. of L. , as a fraternal delegate , ; , some years ago , will be present at : the International peace conference f- a which will convene In Boston In Oct - t tober. . . When the high dues system was adopted the omcers realized that the membership might attempt to force t the old plan of paying ten cents a ; ( week , and they had a clause Inserted In the constitution that reads : ult 4 1. . shall forever be unconstitutional to , , . seek to reduce the amount of dues as . provided In this section. " international President Larger of the United Garment Workers , In his recommendations to the annual cone vel.tlon of that union at Buffalo , dc- t dared for a big defense funel One proposition Is to increase the per cap . Ita tax to 15 cents , with special assessments . [ sessments until the reserve fund Is ' built up to say , $200,000. ' " William J. Merrlc1 , a Beverly man ; \ was re.electetJ International president . , f , ( J ' of the United Association or Plumb ! ors , Ins and Steam Fitters and Helpers ' . ers nt their recent convention. The re , was by ucclnmatlon. John H. Alpine of Boston Gas hitters , Fixture . ture Fitters , and HungerH' union wus elected sixth vice president. Judge Adams or Chicago lias.declar- ed that tile "cIOlJecl" : shop If ! illegal and criminal : hut , aR the monthly review . view of the National Civic Federation puts It , the ju go's declaration wn'1 not a decision , but a dictum , and the consensu of ollinion of able memo hers of the bar Is that It stands ihe test neither oC law nor oC logic The Boot and Shoe WorliCrs' International - national union was formed in J 889 out of a number , of local unions , mostly confined to the New England states. For years It made little prog ress , and In 189G an amalgamation was brought about between It and the Lastors' Protectlvo union , which was formed at Lynn , 1\Iass. , In 189. The labor movement must bo kept pure or It will prove a curse Instead of a blessing to the WOJ'ICI'S If a limb of the human body ; ; becomes diseased . eased it must either , be cured or amputated . putatedIf a labor union falls under the influence of bad men It must be liberated OJ' It will to some extent cause great damage to the whole moement. International Association of 1\Iachln. late and the International Association of Allied Metal Trades l\Iachlnlbts have amalgamated. The amalgamation . tlon will become effective Oct 31. The new organization will be known as the National Association of Machinists . Ists , and It will have a membership of 100,000 , malting It the second largest body of union men of a. single craft In the United States Time membership oC the combined organizations at the time oC the amalgamation - gamation was about 12,000 , but In the next few years It dropped , until , In 1899 , there were fewer than 9,000 members In the international organi- zation At the convention helll that year the officers practically forced the high dues system on the membership , : old since that time the rise has been rapid. At the present tine the membership - bership Is over 30,000 The Church Association for Advancement . "ancement of Interesfs of Labor ! : ; ; rejoices - Joices over the progress made by the Boston chapter In Its early closing cI'usalle. According to Hammer and Pen , official organ of C. A I. 1.uDor. . chester and Roxbmy grocery ' stores begin this month to close at J 0 o'clock on Saturday nlghtfl It Is a good beginning ' nlng and we hope for future reduction . tlon of hoUl's Surely ' no class needs help more than the grocer clei-Its. " We should say so , when the right to quit work at 10 o'cloclt at night Is cause for congmtulations. "Doubtless there has been at least some exaggeration In all this talk about a great exodus of Mexican laborers , as well Hi In the taU about their returning to the border starving and relating stories of abuse and failure - m'e to keep contracts There has been , however , n considerable move- ment of Mexican laborers to the United States this rear : and it seems to have been related to the shortage or laborers In some Southern colton fields , owing to the emigration northward . ward of negro laborers If such a movement should spread seriouslY throughout Mexico It woulll create a great embarrassment In some dis- tricts. " I "A little feature or he I Typographical - cal Union's International convention at St Louis deserves more notice than It has yet had It was proposed to adopt a resolution warning the members - bel's of the union not to enlist In the militia Any man with good , red blood In his veins would have been delighted to see the way the labor men treated tIle resolUtion. ' l'hyy did not simply vote It down They jumped on It , metaphorically , with hobnailed hoots. They said that memhOl'lIhl1l In n labor union was no reason why any labor man should be unwilling to be ready to defend his state , his country OJ' his Slag from enemies at home 01' abroad , 'I'ho Typographical lotions of this country are made up largely or men who think for themselves : and In this matter they thought Wee' true Anmrri- cans , " says the St. l.ouls star. " The press of Mexico has been cone sldeJ'l\bl occupied for some weeks past with reports and comments upon what consider ' ' extensive they n very and 1\ very deplorable tendency among Mexican laborers to emigrate to the United States. According to reports , . , 'c'-"n hhor'rs lave : been crowding ll.e border cities en route to the cotton . ton fields of Texas , Oklahoma , sand even Louisiana and Mlaslsslppl. It Is also reported that many , disgusted with their treatment , are l'eturnLl1g , Hslllualoned by failure to receive the high JUlY promised to thom. ( Some of the periodicals severely cl'ltlclso the ranch owners and mine owners or time country , the former or whom , they state , keep their laborers In the old condition of peonage as far as possible . sllJle , holding debts over them and paying the smallest possible wages , without taking Into account the now conditions which have arisen In Mexi- co , while the mlno owners arts taxed with not taking adequate measures for the safety of their workmen and with absorbing the major portion of the wages paid to them In profits of the company stores , which arc generally operated } I\t every camp of any size , tickets on them being given the worlt. men as llay 'rhe call for the tweuh'-scconll ; nual convention of the Illinois State Federation of Labor has ] just been Issued . sued by President Barney Cohen and Secretary James F. 1\Iorris The comm ventlon will he held In Aurora , beginning , ginning Tuesday , October 11 , at 10 ( o'clocl The Call Is , In part , as fol lows : "The Illinois State Federation 01 Labor Is a deliberate body , calculated to benefit the trades unionists and the I , working class ot the state In the way or legislation , agitating for union labels , pushing boycotts , nnd the gen crab advancement of trade unions In our state. In view of the work performed . formed by the Illinois State 'Fertern' tlon of Labor through ! Its legllllatlve committee In torcing ( the enactment or various laws for the benefit of the wageworkers and the people In gene oral , and while n great deal was acts compllshel1 at the last session of the legislature there still remains a great deal to do Realizing further that timework . work can be more thoroughly done hud ; with , greater case when backed up both morally and financially ) by every organized body In the state , therefore I wish to call your attention to the necessity of your union atfillat- lug with the State Fedel'utlon of Labor and be represented at our next state convention to be held at Aurora , If possible , and In that way help to bring about the changes and.l'efOJ'JI1s most needed It Is not necessary for me to tell you how essential It Is for YOU ! ' union to be uffillule , for us you all know , better organization means better conditions , and we cannot he too thoroughly ! organlzell Therefore , 1 that ' ' willOat hop your organization will at your earliest convenience lrecome , n part - of the Illinois State Federation or Labor and bc 11 power to battle for the rights of working men and women. "Jivery : trade union In the state that Is desirous of complete organization of labor In every city In the state should he represented with a full quota of 1elegates. It IH as essentIal for a trade union to affiliate with the tate federation UR It Is to affiliate wltll 1\ I I central hodr The federation Is endeavoring . def.\'orlng 10 do in the state what your central body III doing In the city. Therefore , the Importance of this convention - venllon should not be lost sight of As It 16 expected that this convention will be the largest ever held , let every live and energetic union be rcpro' ' ented. " . , . . . . 1 Every housekeeper IIlIould know that If they will ) bUY Defiance Cold Water ; Starch for laundry use they will save not only time , because It never sticks to the Iron / , but because each lUclmgo ] contains 16 oZ.-ono Cull Jlol\UlI-whlle all othel' Cold Water Stlll'cho5J'O put up In 4.IO\mll ) packages . ages , tend time price Iii the same , 10 cents. 'l'hon again because Defiance Starch Is CI'eQ from all Injurious chem- Iculs. It your grocer tries to Bell you a 22,07. , package Jl III because ho has a stock on hand which ho wishes to dispose of before ho puts } In Dofinnco. Ho knows that Defiance Starch has printed on every package In large letters - ter and IIguros " 16 OZ8 , " Demand Defiance and save much time and money and time annoyance of the Iron lUcking. Deflanco never sticks Football Games Aid Detective. The Australian detectives find foot- ball usoful. Criminals will hldo six days In the week : but they have to come out on Saturday to Bee trio football . ball game , and Ta police are on han . More Flexible and Lasting , wou't shake out 01' blow out : by using Defilluce Starch you obtain bettor 1'0' anita than possible with any oUtel brand and onc-thh'c1 more for sane money . Real Leaders of Men. Men of genuine excellence In every station of lICe-mon of Industry , ot ins grltr t : , of high principle , or sterling ttOlesty ! of purp08c-commnnd the spontaneous homage of man1dnd It is natural to believe In such men , to have confidence In them and to lint' tate thel11. AU that Is good In thus world 18 upheld by thom , and without their presence In It the world would not be worth living In-Samuel , Smiles. Catch Words fir Phraau. If you desire to get rich Quickly , invent " vent catch-w rds or phrases that will grip the attention of the public. Big sums are paid for the right article. The Inventor or n word now used for a rand l of crackers 'Is said to have roe , celve $5,000 for it. Manufacturers of various things from soap to nuts have flUid nearly ns high. A railroad company " J1au gave $100 , . to 0 : girl who , suggest ell a name for one of its fast trains. Tribute to a Dutch Smoker. To pay due reverence to the memory ory of nn ardent smoker named 0:1 : : clersmans , who had cUed In Rotterdam , all his old cronies came to the funeral smoking long cloy pipes. Ondersmans left n Hum of money to pay time eX' lerl8es or a yearly smoking concert to keep his memory green SOlUe men go , through like pretty much as a dorg with a chain to his collar and n woman yanking at the business end. . Men who expect to die like dogs are likely to live like dogs . WHAT'S THE USE - To Keep a "Coffee Complexion. " A lady says : "PostmD has helped my complexion so much that my friends say I am growing young again : My complexion used to be coffee colored . ored , muddy and yellow burr it Is now clear and rosy UII when I was IL 111'1. I was induced to try PostUIJI by a fdenct who had suffered just 6S I had suffered from terrible indigestion , pnl- ) ptnUon ! of the heart and sinking H)1ells. "Arter' I hud used Postum a week A I wan so much better that I was afraid It would not last. Dut now two years have passed and 1 am a well 'oman I owe it I all to leaving 'ff coffee and drinking PORtum bits vlaco "I had drank coffee all my 1If' ? . I suspected } that It was the cause of my trouble , but It was not until I actually limit coffee and started to try POF.tum that I became certain : then nil my troubles ceased and I am now well and strong again. " Name furnished by Postum Co" , Battle Creek , Mich. 'There's reason. . Look In each package for n Call or the famous little book , "Tho Road to WelhUle.