The Falls City tribune. (Falls City, Neb.) 1904-191?, September 23, 1904, Image 20

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When you need a tablet call at
A. G , Wanners.
. B. Ii' Miles of Dawson was in
this city Sunday.
Cambell Minnick left Saturday
for Hebron , Neb.
E. A. Tucker returned to Hum-
boldt aturday afternoon.
Go to A. G. Wanner for all
kinds of school supplies.
Alice McCray of Stella spent
Saturday in this city.
Mrs. Wi11ard Shubert was down
from Shubert Friday.
Stella Shock was a Pawnee
City visitor Saturday.
A. G. Wanner sells everything
needed in the school room.
. Peter Schawang left for St.
Joseph Saturday afternoon.
Mrs. Will Fowler returned
from White Cloud Saturday.
Mabelle Crockett Tecumseh
visited 111 Falls City Sunday.
R. S. Maloney of Humboldt was
a Falls City visitor Saturday.
Dr.R.P. Robertsdentist
over Kings Pharmacy.
Emmet Satterwhite made a
business trio to Salem Saturday.
. Mrs Watte'ne of Rube visited
with relatives in this city Satur-
day. .
A complete line of fresh and
cured meats at Coupe & Thorn
. \Vanner is the place to buy
your pens , ink , pencils and tab-
Mr. \Viltse' . came down from
Humbol the latter part of last
Pork sausage and hamburger
fresh every day at Coupe 1'horn- -
tons.Mrs. . 1. B. . Whitaker anti l
daughter went to Auburn last
Miss Gandy of Humboldt visit
ed with Miss Maddox the latter
part of last week.
George Jacquet left Saturday
afternoon for Chicago where he
i will attend school.
C. V. Norman and Ned Clark of :
Troy , Kansas witnessed the game
here Sunday afternoon.
Edna Holland left for Lincoln I
Saturday where she will resumc
her studies at the Universit
C. E. Peabody of Table Rock ,
spent Friday in this city thc
guest of Miss Pearl Prater.
Bohrer Bros have secured the
contract for Mrs. Clara B. Neal' s
residence which will bc located 1
in the northern part ot this city
A. A. Hendricks will sell at t
public auction 3 miles southeast t
of Barada on Tuesday , Sept. 27 ,
1904 , 23 head of cattle , 6 ling s
and 1 stalk cutter.
John P. Gelding , manager of .
the Gelding Theater , informs 11S ,
that he has had the house over- ;
hauled and newly frescoed. He
does not as yet know just when 4
the opening performance will be .
but he assures us he has some of ;
the best attractions booked for ;
the season that has been here for
some time.
An exchange from an adoining ,
county contains an advertisement '
of a millinery opening from which
we copy the following : " ! \liss
A- invites everybody to at-
tend the opening Sept 27. and
inspect her hosiery "
The Ladies of the Presbyterian
church took in $57.60 Circus day
serving dinner. 'l'his money will
be used to construct a cement
walk around the Presbyterian
Dr. D. F. Hutchison , optician
from Omaha , will visit Falls
City , again on Saturday , Oct.,1.
Office at Dr. Parsell's. Eyes
tested free. Work guaranteed. 2
One hundred and eighty tick-
ets were sold in Humboldt for
Falls City on circus day. The
Salem fair grounds were deserted
and Rule wa a deserted city.
Paint your house and barn
with Bradley & Vrooman paints
guaranteed for five years. Sold
by Dr. McMillan at City Pharm-
Mr. Carson of the real estate
firm of Carson & Perry of Albany
Mo. , stopped at The National
H. A. Noble of Hamburg , Iowa
while transacting business in this
city this week , was a guest at the
National ,
S. L. Knox came down from
Stella Saturday niglii tr and spent
Sunday with his family in this
ci ty .
For Rent-A modern residence
in Crook and Towle Addition.
Apply to M. N. Bair.
Dr. Rush treats diseases
of tHe lungs successfully.
New method.
Baltimore oysters in bulk and
Michigan celery at Coupe and
. Thorntous.
Col. Marion went to Highland ,
Kas. , last Saturday to conduct a
horse sale.
J. Murphy and family of Table
Rock were Falls City visitors on
Don't fail to inspect the bar-
gain. counter at Roberts , the jew- .
eler. - .
Maud Vance of Humboldt spent
Thursday and Friday in this city.
Ed King returned from St.
Louis Saturday afternoon.
James .Byrnes of Hiawatha
spent Friday in this tit } . ,
U. J. Heull came over from Sa-
betha Sunday.
Here i.s Something . )
that Will Hold You :1 : r
A Good Iron Bed t
'Different Colors 4
Spring and \
MattreJJ , - -
> 6.90 a '
Our fall line of Furniture , Carpets and Draperies -
ies , shown on our floors , is the largest ever shown
by us or any other merchant in the county.
We have Ingrain Carpets , aU , wool , at 5oc a
yard and up.
Brussels from 70C a yard and up. ,
. " . , " . . ,
The room size Rug line is especially fine.
Our line of Lace Curtains is also without an I
equal in the city. Curtains from 90C a pair and up. ; . .
All We ash , iJ a Comparison I
. to.
1 . e
'ReaotJ ( ( f ! Abbey
Falls CitY Nebraska :
I ton\ \
, .
I Route . .
( I Falls City. Neb.
St. Joseph
Kansas City
St. Louis and all
points east and
Salt Lake City
San Francisco
and all points
No. 42. Portland St. Louis
Special , St. Joseph , t.
Kansas City , St.
Louhrand all points
east and south. . . . . 7:27 : p m
No. 13. Vestibuled express ,
daily , Denver and
all points west and
northwest. . . . . . . . . . 1:33 : a 111
No. 14. Vestibuled express
daily . St. Joe , ! ( an-
sas City , St. Louis
and all points east
and south. . . . . . . . . . 7:43 : a 111
No. 21. Local express , daily
Lincoln and points
eastwestnorthwest 1:28 : p 111
No.1. Vestibuled express ,
daily , Denver , and
all points west and
northwest . . . . . . . . . 1:15 p m
No. 16. Vestibuled express
daily , St. Joe , Kan-
sas City , St Louis
Chicago and points
east and south. . . . . 4:30 : p 111
No. 22. Local express daily
Atchison and points
south and west. . . . 4:44 p lit
No. 41. St. Louis-Portland
SpecialLincolnHe- ' ,
lena , ' 'I'acoma and f.
Portland without " ' .
change . . . . . . . . . . . 10:07 p m ( t
No. 115. Local accommodation - . .
" .
tion , d a i lye x-
cept SundaSalem , . Fit
Nemaha and Nebraska - -
braska Cit ) , . . . . . . . . 11:30 : p m
Sleeping , dining and reeling chair ,
cars ( seats free ) on through trains.
'l'iclets sold and baggage checked to 1 .
any point iu the States or Canada. For
information , time tables , maps and .
tickets , call on or write to G. Stewart , -
Agent , , Falls , . City , Neb. , or J. Francis , .
G. P" . & 'r. A . , Omaha.
: i
Emerjency Medicine.
It is a great convenience to
have at hand reliable remedies
for use in cases of . accident and
for slight injuries and ailments.
A good liniment and one that is 'I
fast becoming a favorite if not a " : A
household necessity is Chamber-
lain's Pam Balm By applying
it promptly to a cut , bruise or .
burn it allays the pain and causes
the injury to heal in about or.e-
third the time usually required ,
and as it is an antiseptic it pre-
vents any danger of blood poison-
ing. When Pain Balm is kept at
hand a sprain may be treated be,1 . . .
fore in ama tiCn ? sets ' .in , which" : . : ' ' : . : , ,
. .
insure ' ' ' a'
1I1sure a qUIck recO\'ery. For I
sale by A. G. 'Vanner. ,