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About The Falls City tribune. (Falls City, Neb.) 1904-191? | View Entire Issue (Sept. 16, 1904)
. , , . , ts t ; . . . . t ( ( September 16 , 1904 THE FALLS CITY TRIBUNE t ' . , : . Educational Conducted by County Superintendent Department Croc&cr . . Dist. No. 5-Cora Higgins , 'V , ' tcachcr. School opened Scpt. 5 ' . and everything is going niccly. Our school board has ordered us a very nice new book case and wc have a number of new books in thc library. " County Supt. Crocker was call- cd to lola , Kans. , last week on I account of thc sickness and death of his father , - - Dist. No. 4-Jancttc E. Wcllcr i tcachcr-School opened Monday , , Scpt 5 with an enrollment of 8 in thc first grade , 3 in thc third , 4 in the fourth , 4 in thc sixth and 1 in thc sevcnth. Dist. No. I-Mabcl Grecnwald teacher-School opened Scpt. 5th = it r ; with an enrollment of 16. I am well pleased with thc school and . . . . . . _ . : the patrons. The school house . and yard were an ready to begin. Dist. 6S-Lois Spencer , tcacl.- er-School began Sept , 5Vc r . have 11 boys and 12 girls cnroll- L ' " and obedi- ed. They arc prompt - ent. Miss Colson , 1I1Y predecessor - ser , has done excellent work here. \ I anticipate a very pleasant terms work. , . Dist. 8S-Franccs Kelly , tcach- cr-school opened Scpt. 5th with an enrollment of 20 pupils , Our term will last S months. Dist. G2-Ella Fisher , teacher ' . . ; : -School opened Sept. 5th with an enrollment of 18 enthusiastic - pupils. \Vc look for a very in- Correspondence II - News or the County as Told by Our Special Correspondents Ohio. ' . and wifespcnt Sun- 1 E. T. Peck spent day with Rev. Stoudr . rs. 1. L. Peck and wife of Reserve spent Sunday with G. \V. Peck. Herb and Ida Burk and Miss 1\lcCan drove to crdon Sunday. 4. \ Fred Chcslcy and wife of Falls City visited at O. A. Burks Sun- day. day.V \V m. Reichick and wife left Sunday evening for St Louis to attend the fair. Mrs. Bcrlcy of near Topeka , Kans. . are visiting at the home of her brother , Joe Maust. Joe Beckley and wife of Ash- land , Ohio and Samuel Beckley and wife of Iowa are visiting relatives - atives here this wcck. Mrs. O. Miller , who has been visiting relatives here left this week for her home in Waterloo , Iowa. , ) # Humboldt. , Prof. Arthur McMurry has . gone to Chicago to resume his work as teacher in the Ott School of Oratory. : Mrs. Mc1\lurry and little Cooper will remain here for some time yet. Mrs. Lelia Clydesdale arrived here Thursday from Gaylord , Kas. for a visit with her sisters , 1\1rs. A. A. Tanner and Miss Bertha Frank. . / "X teresting and profitable term of work. Lucy and Anna Feicht , who rcccivcd 8th grade diplomas last year are reviewing their com- mon school branches and doing interesting work in Elementary Agriculturc. Dist. 83-Julius , Young , lcach- cr-Our school opened Sept. 5th , but was closed Thursday of last week , on account of the sickness of our teachcr. He is suITci ng with tonsilitis and his physician says he will not bc able to resume - sumc his work for another wcek. The county superintendent ! has only one copy of the state Course of Study and thc state depart- mcnt reports that the supply is exhausted , Last year each district - rict was given a copy of the Course of Study and at the close of school should have been left with the director. If you do not have a ' copy possibly your dircct- has one for you. Dist. )6 Gustav Herr , teacher -School opened with 'an enrollment - mcnt of 22 and are getting along iccly. Mr. E. R. Huff , after teaching one week in Dist. No. 3 resign for the sake of a better position in Lincoln. A contract between a teacher and a school board is really just as binding as any other contract and we would like to see our school boards make a few of these teachers realize this. - - - - - - - - - - Mrs. J. C. Segrist and Mrs. 1. Shirley and daughter Mildred left Sunday for St. Louis to spend a couple of weeks at the exposi- tion. Uncle Jake Gcrgens' has been suffering cvcrly from an attack of asthma thc past two wccks. Dr. Garvcr and J. } 4' . Snethcn went to Table Rock Saturday to work up a big enthusiasm among the old soldiers and pursuade them of thc importance of faking part in the exercises by the G. A. R. on the first day of thc carnival. This promises to bc a great event and every vctern in southeastern Nebraska is expected to be pres- cnt. cnt.Mrs. Mrs. \V. J. Hcmphill and son are visiting relatives north of town , having stopped here from a visit at Norton ville , Kas. , to their home in Loup City. . Ben Strainer and wife went to St , Joseph Friday to celebrate the Jewish holidays , returning home Sunday night. Mrs. F. A , Fisher has gone to Whiting , Kas. , to spend a week with her mother. Mr. Fisher accompanied her to Bern , Kas. Mrs. Al Hales and Miss Georgia Billings came home Sat- urday from a visit with friends in Falls City. Miss Laura Miller left this week for Seattle , 'Vash. , where immediately upon her arrival , she will be united in marriage to Mr. Chas. E. Beery , a well known Humboldt young man , who has been working in the above city for three ycars. The couple will make their future home in thc west. , . . Sonic People * Like' the , very latest and smartest things in Foot- wear and nothing short of the newest arid swellest sty les. Other People care so mudh for style , but are better pleased with good , comfortable , , durable and easy go- ing Shoes. Most People \\Tant both style and _ . comfort combined in reasonably priced , good looking , well wearing Shoes. . Now , Reader- doesn't matter to , which of the above classes you belong-your Shoes are here. Come in and we'll certainly take great pleasure in showing them to you. , . - - Holt's Shoe Store . - . . . . . . . LA'DIES We now have a fuB ! ! line of Pall and Win- ter Millinery. New and Nobby Styles. Call and see them. 7Jarnett' Millinery . k : r y. . . I - Billy Unglcs was down from Lincoln over last Sunday visiting his sister , Mrs. R. S. : Molony. A. A. Tanner went ' to Falls City Sunday aftcrnoon. Will Schwass and Frank Ross have returned from a business trip to Elwood. Jos. Kozel made a business trip to McCook and other western points last wcek. E. D. Lockard is enjoying a visit from his nephew , David Lockard of Moline , Ill. Miss Lulu Harding has gone to Bethany to resume her studies in the college at that placc. , I fiLL YOUR COAL BIN I I Now before the cold weather sets I in. Before the price of Coal I goes up. Get a good Coal while you are about it. Get thc kind that bum us evenly and docs not fill your stove up with cinders and clinkers. A Coal of that kind costs twice as much in the end. Try a ton of onrs. It is all that Coal should bc. MAVST 7J'ROS. . Phone :58 The Enterprise moved thc last of the week into their new quar- ters over the National bank of Humboldt.rr Mrs. J. 11' Sncthen joined her son and daughter from Table Hock in it visit to the exposition Sunday. The children about town have had a great " deal of sport with a mischcivous monkey which Clrde Reid purchased at Red Cloud last wcek. A company of friends were entertained - tcrtaincd by Chas. Gore and wife on Wednesday nigh , whist being the principal amuscmcnt. An elaborate luncheon was served.