The Falls City tribune. (Falls City, Neb.) 1904-191?, September 16, 1904, Image 3

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. . . , ' ,
September 16 1904 'IHL 1 ' ALL L.l1 Y ' 1 Kill U N J
I ,
' '
, , . ( f.1 " j
; , . .jf'Y. . C. Margraveof Reserve was
in Palls City Monday. .
\Y. H. Morrow came down from
. . . . . 'ShuLert the first of the week.
, .tt Dr. Rush , diseases of
George Holt made a business
trip to SL Joe this week.
H.ev. Alexander left Wednesday .
for Osceola , Iowa.
g H. E. Lowe of Omaha were in
the city \Vedllesday.
Lillie Moran and Rose Wolf arc
at the Bon Ton for the fall Bea-
Hugh Crawford came over from f
. ' Hiawatha . . Monday.
' r T. N. Edwards of Stella was
this city Monday.
, . ' H. P. Rieger of Preston was a
. , visitor in this city truesday.
i'1 ! . ' Call on Roberts the jeweler for
watch repairing. All work guar-
an teed.
- . . . Roberts , the jeweler has a fine
line of vltches , clocks , jewelry ,
_ . . : . . . . dc. CaB and see - them.
' . Don't fail inspect the bar-
, . gain counter at Roberts , the jew-
Dr. Rush treats diseases
of the lungs successfully.
New nlethod.
J. A. Heim of Dawson was in
the city 1'uesday.
Jacob \Vissinger of Barada
. and \V. L. Klebe : l' of Arago were
in Falls City on business this
' .
wee 1 { .
' ; r. ' E. E. H.umbaugh , Herbert Ay-
: ms and Harry Hoover of Nema-
! . ha spent Wednesday in this city.
: A. H Fcllers , S. , V. Griffin and
: F. Carpenter of Humboldt were
, in town . this week.
: , . Reduction sale , of hats every
Thursday through the entire sea-
; ' , son at the Don Ton millinery
\ store.
I For S'.llc-Six hole Range used
i 1 since July 11. Cause leaving city
call at'Geo. Bat"netts on Chase st.
between 8th and 9th.
. . A. A. Hendricks will sell at
i public auction 3 miles southeast
f of Barada on Tuesday , Sept. 27 ,
! 4 1904 , 23 head of ' cattle , 6 hogs
i \ and 1 stalk cutter
I Mrs. Lewis McPherson and son
r from Spring-
returned Wednesday Springfield -
field , Ill . where they have spent
the summer.
N. B. Seff of Atchison stopped
in Falls City for a few hours on
! The meetings at the Baptist
, church arc drawing good sized
. audienccs. They will be contin-
ued for at least two weeks more.
t Next Sunday at 3 p. m. Dr. Sel-
I inger will deliver an address to
, m n only.
I. . . . . . There will be services at the
. Presbyterian church next Sunday
, , ' . as usual. Morning subject "If a
. - : man die shall he live again ?
Some reasons other than the declaration -
laration of scripture achieving -
ing in the Affirmative. Evening
"Hell where is it , why is it , what
: : . . is it and how long is it ? "
. Grant Goolsby , a farmer living
near Maple Grove had the mis-
fortune to lose his barn by fire on
. ' Satt rday. The fire was soon
" discovered so the loss was small.
# .r " . .
! Is opened up for business again at tile old
stand and will always keep I : on hind tile
choicest of
Poultry and Fish
. .
I We , will pay the highest market ) : price for all
kinds of Live Stock and Hides. Call and see
us when ill need of anything ill our line.
Miss June : : Musselman is suffer-
ing from a severe attack of typhoid -
phoid fever. Tuesday night her
condition was very dangerous but
Wednesday morning she was reported -
ported a trifle better. Dr. Deg-
derkon of Kansas City was called
the first of the week to assist Dr.
Miner , who is attending Miss
June and we hope she will soon
recover under their care.
Mr. and 1'11'Villis : Yoder cel-
brated their second anniversary
of their \ marriage Saturday even-
ing Sept. 10. About fifteen were
present and helped to make the
occasion a merry one. An elegant
two course supper was served and
all arc . indebted to their hostess
for a most pleasant evening. ,
Saturday evening will be long
remembered by those who were
present at the home of Dr. and
Mrs. Rush because of the great
pleasure realized on this occasiop.
At 80'dock the following people
assembled , Mesdames. Samuel
Bucher , Fred Brecht , Al Roberts ,
and Misses Grace Saylor , Jennie
and Grace Bucher , Iva Lowe and
Messrs. Fred Sebold , Fred Brecht
Al Roberts and Rev. Poug-eon.
The evening was spent in play-
ing flinch. At the close of the
evenings event a very fine lunch
was prepared and spread before
the visitors and the rapidity of its
disappearance indicated that all
enjoyed it. At a late hour the
visitors thanked thanked the doc-
tor and his amiable spouse and
bid them a fond good night.
Dr and Mrs. Selinger enter-
tained the members of the Junior
society at their home Saturday
afternoon 16 of the little folks
had a very enjoyable time with
Chinese , Turkish and African
souvenir. Games were indulged
in and aplentiful repast partaken
of. Miss Una Snidow assisted
Mrs . Selinger.
t -
the Early Fall Hats , Children's Hats ar(1 Caps ,
Veils and New Ribbons at
Mrs. C. W. Breithaupt
Opposite Court House
Two marriage license was is-
sued this week. One to Alex Park
and Adda Eckley both of White
Clo d. The other to James Shu-
bert of Shubert al1d Minnie Bal-
lard of Nemaha.
J. N. Hassler of the Pawnee
Republican chaperoned a party of
Pawnee citizens to the circus
among whom were J. Treucry
president of the State Bank Assn.
and the Pawnee county officer .
Frank E. Stumbo while help-
ing to bail hay about 2/ miles
east of this city caught his right
foot in the press and narrowly
escaped death. Dr. Rush was
called and ascertained that all
the bones in the foot were roken. :
He dressed the inured ! manlier }
and the patient is resting easily.
For Rent-A modern residence
in Crook amI Towle Addition.
Apply to M. N. Bail'
Hay Gist and wife will soon be
located in their new house which
is without a doubt one of the fin-
est homes Humboldt.
\ .
Charlie Wallace of Monroe , La.
who is visiting his parents at
Shubert was in this city yester-
day. - "
Miss Lizzie Nedrow visited at
the home of Sheriff Hossack on
A large crowe from Stella , Sa-
hem , Shubert , Verdon and the
the surrounding country attended
the circus tl'h nrsday.
Market Report.
Corn . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42 's
\VhiteOats. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .28
Mixed . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2c
Vr imeat. . . . . . . . . . : . . . . . . . . . .94c
Cattle. . . . . . : . . , . . . . . . . 4.75 to 5.50
hogs . . . . . . . . . : . . . . . . . . . . . .5.10
Butter. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .11c
Eggs. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15c
Julius H. Kleber has severed
his connection and is no longer
connected with \Vhitaker Bros ,
and that the firm of Whitaker
Bros consists only of James M.
and 1. B. Whitaker.-\Vhitaker .
Bros. .