The Falls City tribune. (Falls City, Neb.) 1904-191?, September 16, 1904, Image 22

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September 16 , 1904 . . THE FALLS CITY TRIBUNE ' . '
Eat Sowles Candy
See \Vanncr for tablcts.
Harry Sage . left : Mon < 1ay . f for
If ' ritz Miller left Tuesday for
Oll1aha. . .
Harry Bovd went to Salem
- . , . .
Monday' , :
. . ' . ' .
Boolof " : ; . all 'kinds \ at' A. G.
J. J. Tanner left tl'ucsday for
. Oxford , Neb. "
Frcd Beaulicau was a SLJoseph
visitor Sunday.
Sam.Stuart and wife of Reserve
in town Sunday. .
Albert Vogcl 'in left Monday
afternoon for Ch cag-o.
D. H. Scars and wife returned
from Reserve Monday.
H.ichill' tl l Fluke went to Pawnce
City the first of the week. .
1 ! rank Simons of Rube was a
, Falls City visitor tl.'uesday.
M rs. . 'Grant \Vit Beat daughter -
er drove . to Verdon i\Ionday.
ar1.Prakes and wife returned
from Cameron , Mo. . Saturday.
Charlie Davis returned from
Kansas City Tuesday morning-
01" . R.P. Robertsdentist
over Kings Pharnlacy.
The Episcopal 1 rectory will be
ready for occupancy next 111onth.
'Wanner is thc place to buy
your pens , ink o , pencils and tab-
J alll : : ( C. Spear made a business i-
ness trip to . Salem the first of the
Richard l Hindman of Fairfax ,
Mo. , i& visiting Miss Eva Lec
1I Nall.
Fred Cleveland , sr. , made a
business trip to Pawnee City last
Monda . y. . . . . .
Mrs. I. ' Mead of Salem visited
with hcrson . Cass in this city last
Sundl\ , . . " ' , " '
Irvin Curry ' was ' 'up from Hia-
watlia Sunday and witnessed the
ball g-ame.
1 Ira McCool of Sabm spent
Tuesday ) in this city the guest of
his sister ; Mrs. R. R. Pule
John Hall and Gertrude Bow-
man were down from Vcrdon on
John W. and George E. Dor-
rington went to Omaha Sunday
to visit several days with John
"'owle and family.
Miss Rue Gates returned froth
Vcrdon Tuesday where she has
been visiting with relatives and
friends the past wcck.
Dr. D. F. . Hutchison , optician
from Omaha , will visit Falls
City , again . on Saturday , Oct.,1.
Office at ar. : ' Dr. 'p. iscll's. ' Eyes
tested free. Work guarantc 2
' \iJl"\t ; ; , ; . . , ; . .
\Vamimicr's'ells ' .
'Vanlt'e 'scllS 1I1k. , . ' = ' ' ' ,
, > ,
. .
. '
. . Last Sunday evening Rev.
Pougeon used for his subjcct-
' l'Lasks " and his sermon was
listened 1 to by an audience that
filled the house. tl'he many
points in his discourse were well
applied to the many evils in ex-
ist cnce at the present day. Hc
told his hearers that thc majority
01 the people of the civilized
world today were wearers of
masks , in the home , store shop
and even in the church. Deception -
tion is a mask worn to hide our
real heart condition toward our
fcllowman and thc ttitude of our
ifiinds l on subjects rclig-ious.
Many people are in the churches
not because they arc religious ,
but because being in the church
helps them in business society ,
and oftimcs in politics. Next
Sunday evening the subject will
be-"tl'he Nails that Fail and
Hold. " The sermon will be illu-
Look over trhe tl'ribunc's ad-
vcrtisilfg columns and see what
the local merchants have to ofTer.
There is a money saving , proposition -
tion in each one of them and you
are the loser if you fail to secure
it. '
lIon. Joseph Cannon and his
party will arrive in Falls City on
a special car over the Mo. Pac. ,
at three o'clock p. 111. and leave
over the Burlington the nest
morning at two o'clock.
1\11' and Mrs. John Nulk returned -
turned from an extcndcd eastern
trip Sunday. 't ' hey visited with
1\1rs. Nulk's sister in Cleveland ,
made stops in Buffalo and other
eastern cities while absent.
\Tl's. Agnes 'l'ipton nee Dalby
visiting with .Mr. and .Mrs. E.
H. 1.'owle and other friends in
this city. Mrs. Tiptoe is ace om-
nanicd by her two childrcn.
Mrs. Frank : Gossct of Deadwood -
wood , S. D. is visiting her par-
ents , 1..1. F. Snyder and wife in
this city.
A coach load of Indians passed
through Falls City Tuesday en-
route for the Resen'ation.
Mrs. George I-Iimiton and mother -
er , Mrs. .Minnick returned Tuesday -
day from 1-Tiawatha.
Jolt nHanna and wife of St.
Joseph visited in this city Mon-
Ikc Lyons left for Emporia
Kam3. , the first of thc wcck.
Mabel Lyford left last l Tuesday -
day for Jacksonville , Illinois.
Mr. and Mrs. Belislc are visit-
iug friends in Hiawatha.
Grant 'Vindle left for Kansas
City 1\Ionday.
David Ransom drove to Shu-
bert Sunday.
Boys Take Notice :
"Y ntcd-l00 bushel walnuts
\vil " - . . ' pay.'cash.-Hcck's feed storc.
- I . , . . ' - = . - . . : . . .
. - - . - - - - - - - - - -
. - -nII i TO ST. LOUIS I
, ; AND .
. .
i'lIr"L"TX "
Fast Trains Elegant Service
_ " -A. - . . . . . . . . . . . . . .r------ - - . . . - .
$25 to Portland , Tacoma and Seattle September
, 15 to October 15 , 1904. .
$25 - to LosAngles , San Francisco and Sacramento t
! 1 Cal. Sept. 15 to Oct. 15 , 904. .
To California and return $45.00 August 5 to Sept. ' .
I I ath , return limit Oct. , 20. ' .
. St. Louis 6o day limit. . . . . . . . . . : . . 13 . . ; ,
St. Louis 15 day limi t. . . . . . . . . . . . 12.00 . :
St. Louis 7 day limit Tuesday and Thurs-
day of each week . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 . 25
Remember there isno change of cars to St. Louis. '
Take the \Vorlds Fair Special at 8:45 : p. m. Leaves
St. Louis at 8:10 : p. m. and arrives here at 8:35" : the
next morning. Best train through . Falls Cit\ . . .
For further information see local agent.
, . . . . . . , . . . .
; : # ! : : -r..f.rsJ ; 1i" : r.J.'i. ! : ,
trhe case against John Alan-
baugh for wife desertion was con-
tinucd hy Judge .Wilhitc on request -
quest of thc' attorneys for sixty
All I Want is nlY Chicken
After al1nit must be confessed
that preachers and "niggers" arc
not the only ones who have a
fondness for chickcn.
1'0 verify the abe \ 'e statement
wc have only to keep tab on
"Col. " Powcl1s hen house ; we
.will find after close observation
that it is not the ' 'Col. " who is
cpusing a numerical depletion of
thc tempting fowl who formerly
perched himself in the "CoPs. "
hen house , either , but someone
with a greater taste for chicken
than he has.
ever R. It seems queer
that some people will look down
on a gentlenian of "color" for
stealing chickcns and yet be
guilty of doing thc same low
sneaking thing thcmsch'cs. Wc
have pi ty and charity for the
person who steals because they
are hungry , out of work , or
whose family is in need , but that
person who will steal just to be a
thief and a cheap one at that , had
ought to have something besides
a soft snap.
"tfhou shalt not steal " was
said ' by the Lord , and it is being
repeated by the people of , Falls
City , especially by those w1.o
own chickcns.
$7.75 To St. Louis And Ueturn.
The Burlington offers the
above low rate for tickets good in' , "
Coaches and chair cars ( seats . .
frec. ) On sale Tuesdays and . -
' '
Thursdays during August and ,
See mc for full particulars.
G. Stew.lrt. . ' .
Ticket Agen .
f"'V" _ .h - - . ' - . . . . . . . . . . . , .
\Ve carry a. . . . : '
, r
Buildin'B Material' .
" And all kinds of
COAL ! M . .
Chicago ;
Lumher j Coal Coo . ' ' . :
D. S. McCarthy .
. . . . ,
, j
CITY DRAY LINE : : . ' . ; i (
" , . , , " , l
' 11
Special Attention to tlousehold Moving. ' ,
Phone 211 . .
Falls City - . Nebraska t
! 1A 1
p ! A