L 1041M..w. .r..Wr + 1f + M Yf . . + . . . -e SRo".C V------ . . + - - - - . . - September 16 19U4 l1-U ; FALLS 1.11 Y lKlLSUN . - - - - - - - - - - - - . - - - - - - At l 1idn igh t. . . . 'rhc hour is late and thc night . clark. The wind raises from a moan to a wild shriek rattling the shutters , and grumbling down thc chimney fans thc dying embers into a lame ! Ind [ thc ! sparks lance gayly about. The patter of thc , early fall rain upon my window is congenial I with my spirit tonight. I am weary and thc whole world seClllS weary whcn out in thc storm and darkness thc hour of midnight is tolled ; another twenty four _ hours added to thc . years of ycstcr'day. As the days pile up into thc building of our lives , thc hours stand not as Individual hoursbut become part of the structure , the strength of the whole being as great as its weakest part. 1'0 us , these hours are entrusted - cd to he used at our own discretion ; it is wUl'th while there that we make "cach one a pearl , each pearl a pmyer" that when the building \ is complete , it bc in His likeness and receive His approval of "wc1l donc. " But how still thc house ! thc snapping song of thc namc accompanied - companied by the mournful night sounds is all that breaks thc silcncc 'l'he merry song of thc children that made the walls echo by day. was hushed when sleep closed the weary cyclitIs. What so peaceful as a child asleep ! no brooding care or guilty conscience fretting itself far into th e night , struggling to solve life's problcms in cowardly efforts . . to forget ! . \ It is thc peace that passes understanding and one of thc things laid aside when the boy becomes a man. As yct. time is no fast hurry- ing stream , but a sportful'sunlit , occan. Years to the child arc as ages ; ah ! the secret of vicissitude is yet unknown and in a motionless universe wc taste what afterward in this quick whirling universe is forever denied us the balm of rcst. rcst.As As yet sleeping and waking arc one. one.nut what is i that in thc corner ? two pairs of little shoes ! What a story of long marches , and frequent stumbling's thc scuffed toes tell ! \Yhat .talc of tramping and climbing the worn heel por- trays. What numberless trips of adventure - venture through the boundless waste Qf thc back yard , where the little owners stare over thc fcnce at the busy hurrying throng and wonder , as we do , when we gaze into he infinite blue of ; the heaven "where docs it all end ? " Ah ! me-I rem'mbcr-I . . 01" . thought they found too much ittud today-those little shocs- the } ' tracked in y carpet ! I wonder , tonight , if I wouldn't kiss those feet prints as things too precious to lose if I knew thc little shoes had completed their journey and tomorrows sun would find thcm empty. Oft times when thc little shrill voices fill thc room with laughter or whose hands are deep in mis- chief or a sweet childish face looks into mine with an oft repeated - peatcd ucstion-I ] feel impatient -I'm tired of answering questions -and I tu'rn to the little soldier looking to me for rcenforccmcn and say "run away dear , not now"-ah ! yes with thc busy past that once wc held so cheap shall baby feet run-and not aU thc longing of our inmost hearts can then a\'ail-nor all thc out stretched hands fill empty arms. Death may not rob us of our babies , but time surely will. What then is our time worth ? what can r learn from books that baby lips can not teach mc ? I have learned more of good from my children than they ever learned - , ed from me. r have watched thcm in their play when little blocks and brok- cn carts , were changed into palaces and chariots by their active fancy , and when childish troubles , like billows surge upon them , what so sure to comfort as those broken toys. I have seen thc eager little J aces in thc morning' turn west- ward to time great mountain whose rugged sides and sharp brags are mist covered , piercing the clouds of thc f tore is one peak surrounded - rounded by a halo , thc wonderful "som day" that is always just ahead , where aU the good things lie buried and where aU the child- ish dreams will be rcali cd. Not as a vagary it appears to the child , but as a definite period of time- " \ When I am a man. " 'l'here's not such a space between - twccn the boy and the man. I , too have built castles in Spain" to have them turn to ashes while I dreamed , and what toys have I takcn for my pleasure when the sterncr things wcaricd. Will the Great Master , then bc impatient , will He not remember we arc but dust and bc sorry for our childish- ness ? I , like my children , have had my time of questioning , have looked and longed for thc wonderful - ful "some day" with its hidden treasure , ever since I rcached for thc bright dancing things in the sunlight and found thcm to be lllotes-I am looking and longing yet and having climbed a portion of the mountain , on looking back in the cvcning , I fi&1 md I left the fair life garden "that resulted infinite - finite around and where ' everything - thing was dewy fragrance and . , . , ' . . , . . . . . . ' . . . , . . . . . ' , . - J < . , , ' , , " ' . - , ' " . , ' - . ; ; ' ' " . . I ' < ' . - . v'0. . . . .r' 4' " II " " . ) Here l's Something . z. that WitlHold Yau . . " ' ' .J/i' . . f - - - - - - - , . I A Good Iron 'Bed Q , "Different Colors ' 2 I ' s ; ring and . . Mattre.s. $ . . . . . I .p6.90 . ; , _ . . _ u _ _ _ . _ _ _ _ _ _ . . . _ . _ _ . . . . . . . _ . _ _ - - < . . - Our , fall line of Furniture , Carpets . and Draper- _ . ics , shown on our floors , is the largest ever shown . ,5' : by us or any other merchant in the county. . 4 - - \Ve have Ingrain 1 Carpets , all wool , at Sac a - . yard and up. . . i . Brussels from 70G a yard and up. The room size Rug line is especially fine. Our line . of Lace Curtains is also . without an equal in the city. Curtains from 90C a pair and up. All We ac-s& i.J' q Corn p a i.sol1 - - - . . . . . . . . . . . . . - . - - - . . . . . . . . . . - - - = . . . - . . . . - - . " " . , . . " . -.r.r. : " " ' . . . . . , ' V . eavit , $ ( ( f ! Ab.bey Falls City ) Vebraa el t(2AA iP ! fo. . ; 'ft ' : f < buddillg' hopc" whell I ccascdo be a child. Dear little shoes in thc firelight dear little feet just starting life's journey ! see you as you tramp the oft beaten paths of the back yard and as you swing high in thc old maple tree , where like birds , some of your fondest mcm- ories will build their nest. I sec you reach thc first cross road , the little feet tilll hitherto have known no path but the homc path , now start toward the school hou.c : and the little t hand that was clasped in min waves child- ish glee , but the new road seen through my tears seems long and loncl ) ' . I see yon join the hurry- ilig'throng just over thc fcnce I see yon stop at thc fountains by the way sidle and find much of the bitter is of your own brewing. I see you with joy break thc fur- row in thc seed time , may there be joy \ r hen you bind the sheaf I see you search for the some clay -just over thcre. Ah ! my children , when an hour like this comes to' you , I will know whats over therc. Arc we selfish ? ' Or when thc great God allowed us to emit r the sacred ' shrine of garcnthooddid we taste a joy so sweet that frail human nation cries out in pain when the- chords tightcn and thc hildrcl1 - w : . leave our hcarth stone. . It seems to mc tonight , were it. possible for thc tide of time to ' stop awhile , I'd cry "let it bc now , - . \ . ' wIth thc 111uc1dy tracks on mmiv t . : . carpet and the little shoes in thc fireligh " . , : . Emergency Mcdicil\Cl ' , , ' , : It is a great convemmi'umce to \ , ! : J : _ ' have at hand reliable rcmcdics , , ' : . ' . for use in cases of accident and'q. . for slight injuries and ailmcnts. A good liniment and one that is ' fast becoming a favorite if not a household necessity is Chamber- lain's Pam Balm. By applYIng it promptly to a cut , bruise or . burn it allays the pain and causes " . thc injury to heal in about 01C- third the time usually required , : J and as it is an antiseptic it prevents - , vents any danger of blood poison- ing. 'Vhcn Pain Balm is kept at - , ' hand a sprain may bc treated - before - fore inf1amation sets in , which insurc a quick reco\'cry. For . - , sale by A. G. \ Wanmmer - . a . . - 1 .i..J ; : . ' . . , . . I ' . .i.1 1- - : . \1