The Falls City tribune. (Falls City, Neb.) 1904-191?, September 09, 1904, Image 4

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Indications ' that the Russians are In a
mOlt Serious Position Thrown Into
rut Confusion as They Attempt to
Hurriedly Cross the River.
' - ' at Llno Yang
'rOKIO-'J'ho lighting !
. was contnuel1 until a late hour Tl1m'8I I
It I ( was resumed at dawn Frll1a ' . I
The fate of the great hlllle or the retreating -
treating Russian army hinges upon
the bravery and fortitude of Its left
Befoul falling hack General Kuropnl-
kin Intended that his left to the eastward -
WArd and northward or Line Yang
should . be greatly strengthened In the
hope of checking General Kurol\l's advance -
vance ! around his fianTt and to protect
his line of retreat and communcation
. The greatest part of this protecting
force seems to have been massed In
the neighborhood of Helyhngtai ! twelve t t I
miles northeast of Lllto Yang . where
it was fiercely assaulted by General
Kmokl at II o'clock Thursday morn-
InK ,
The result or this fighting hI nol
- If Iurokl wins and strllecs IIIP flank (
of the retreating Russian Rrmy and
reaches ! the railroad : Il wilt place : the
Russians In a mostt ! . serious 11I'edlca-
. ment.
Yesterday the .1all1\lIel'0 managed to
Interfere seriously with the train ser-
rice from Llao Yang , They used some
gums captured from the Russians lo-
mother . with some ; of their own to bom-
hard the railroad station nt Llno
, Yang ' thus preventing the entraining
. or Russian troops
It Is reported here that a conflagration -
tion Is raKing at Llao Yang ,
- The chief of staff of the center .Tap
I\nelie army , General Nod7.u's. telegraphing -
graphing early this morning , reported
that . the Japanese center was contlnu-
InK 10 advance today . with the object
or taking , a line from Shlnchh'cn to
J..iAO Yang and effecting ) a rc-jlnetlon ;
with the Japanese left commanded br
General . Okll I
The Russians began to retreat on
the right center front Uno Yang early
l'hllrsdnr. ; They were thrown Into
great confusion while attempting to
cross to the right bank or the Taltse
rh'er. The Japanese ) pursed them vigorously -
ollsly and seized n hessian cannon
which they used 10 shell the Llno
Yang railway station .
Field Marshal O 'all1n's right uttacl.-
Otl a heavy force or Russians In the
, vicinity or Jleylntlll , twelve miles
north or Llan [ Yang al. 11 I o'cloc1
Thursday. His left began at ( lawn to-
day , pressing the tussahs towards
Tatzho , It Is
thought that ho will \ se-
rerely punish the Russians ,
The Japanese casualties In the Line
YanK engagement have not yet been
ascertained officially It ! is I announced
that they will nol exceed 10,000.
- -
- ,
Government to Make Medals
T'ORTr.AND-That there will
; be a
government mint In full operation al
the Lewis and Clark exposition Is the
assurance given President ! H. W.
Geode br Secretary Shaw oC the
treasury department. The visit of
. Secretary Shaw to the exposition
grounds ' Wednesday had the effect or
gaining his sanction to the establish-
ment of the mint. The mint will / be
an active exhibit and will / be placed
where the processes of making money
mar he viewed by all. The plant will
be complete In every detail ,
China Stows Work on Ships
SHANGHAI-The Chinese ' ' .
went acceding to the demand of Jap-
an , effected the stoPlllge of all repairs -
pairs on the Russian protected cruls
er Alkold and the' Russian torpedo
but dutrorQr Groto\'QI. :
, -
Contractor Under Indictment Objects
to Relettlng the Contract. '
W\SIlll\GTO-Blds were opened i
1lhe llOrtof1)cu ; ) del1nrtmcnt for flll'- '
nlshlng "streel package l > and comblna- I
lion package ! and loiter boxes " under ,
the supervision or 1\ special commlt- ,
tee headed In' Potmastl1l' Hlhbarct or I
no ! ! ' ton.
gx-Hcpl'csentnll\'c Lemuel ir I , Quigg
or : - :01YOI'I , was present ns attorney
of Isaac S. lcGlchl1n of New York
who made contract In the name of
the C'olllmblRn Supply company In
11101 for furnishing such boxes , anti
who now claims the right to furnish
them , and warned all bidders against
making any bids. The government
Ham time ago refused to receive any
further supplies \ or this character from
the Colllmblan Supply com1 > an ' .
: McGiehan who Is a New Yorker ,
1\1,1 George 11. Huntington , It clerk in
his once and former Superintendent
Iachcn or the free delivery service ,
were Indicted In Washington for conspiracy
spiracy and fraud In connection with
the furnishing of these package boxes
to the o\'ernment.
The South Wrought Up Against
ESOPL'S , N Y.-Senator Ashur C ,
LnUmC ! of South Carolina was the
only political visitor at Ros'mount. :
After leaving Ho\cmollllt Senator
I Lntlmel' said :
"I 1 came to tell Judge Parker that
the south stands ready to send It host !
of orators north to help in the cam
paign against Hooe'ell'ery !
speaker In the south Is prepared to
assist 111 this work \ In the north The
south Is solid , not so much against
republicanism as against the person-
ality of R008e\'olt. The race question ,
as fathered br Roosevelt , will be the
chief Issue against him "
The announcement by David B Hill
of his contemplated retirement January -
ary 1 occasion much Interest in
Esopus today hilt .Jlldge Parker refused -
fused to comment on It.
Battle Now In Progress May Put an
End to the War.
Monday night the greatest uncertainty -
ty prevails regarding ! ; the actual
situation at Line Yang 'rhere is intense -
tense anxiety for definite news from
the font , bill on the authorities
tire frankly Ignorant as to whether
01' not the long expected decisive ac-
tion will he fought at Llao Yang OJ'
further 11ol'th
Il Is possible ) that a great battle
IA now proceeding and there are
many Indications that : such Is the
JC this is I su , the fate of this 'ear's
campaign mar be sellled within for
weight hOl1l's. At the same time
opinion Is almost equally divided ,
many believing that General Kuro-
pullcJn i will not make a determined :
stand and that the Japanese will
crack the shell , only to fllil1 that the
bird has 11own.
Meat on Unfair List. I
CHICAGO = 'A meat famine will be
forced at all costs , It Is the best
weapon with which to tight the trust
packers l , although It may nol he wel-
comed hy the Inl1ependents " In
theRe words President Donnellr of the
I .
butc lol's' national organization declar-
ed ! a boycott against all meat and announced -
nounced that union men would quit
In all he I packing houses Thursday
afternoon , regardless oe where live
stock Is securel1. nOl1nellr's announcement -
nouncement was made after the meet-
Ing of the Allied Trades board.
- - - -
John M. Thurston Speaks.
Senator John M. Thurston of Nebl'as-
1WQS ( : the principal speaker nt the
convention of the New Jersey State
t.oagor. \ . Republican clubs Tkur6dlU'
night . - . . - , . _
. . .
. . . . . + y..wwaf.f" ' 9'k./W : RaMNC7Y''t
, . . .
Kllrokl's Army Crosses the River on
Pontoon Bridge-Japanese Casual
ties Since August 29 Estltmated at
Ten Thousand.
TOKIO-'rhe Japanese left began
pressing the Russians toward Ttazho
at dawn FI'ldlmorning , The Japanese -
ese right Is engaged In the neighbor-
hood of lIelrhlgtal.
The Japanese casualties since Au-
gust 29 : : ! are officially estimated at
ST. PETERSBUlW-rl'he news oC
the occupation of I..lao Yang by the
Japanese and the withdrawal of the
Russian army to the right bank of
the TaitliC river reach oily a small
section of the people of Sl. Petersburg -
burg at a Into hour and caused Intense
excitement and c1lmpl > olnlment. The
majority of the inhabitants retired to
rest believing that Russians arms had
again bet n successful and that the
Japanese attacks hall been repelled
Ugly suspicions , however , stave been
rife during ! the liar , owing to the absence -
scnco of press telegrams ; from Llno
Yang , leading to the belief that the
comlllllnicatloH had been cut hy Gen-
oral K\\l'okl -
The following Hlatfmenl15 011-
tnlnell by the Associated Press from
the war office at 10 o'clock Thursday
night :
"Genoml K1II'okl's army crossed in
force to the right bank or the Baltse I
river , and It therefore became necessary -
sarr for the Russians ; to be In a position -
sition to repel a blow In this dh'cc-
"In view of this development In
the operations General Konropat1dn
decided to abandon his positions l on
the left bank and to cOl1ccnarate his
whole army on the other side of the
l'l\'or. This ' position li ! the strongest
- . . . .
both In character and In sac The I
great issue I will \ finally ho decided I
"Br withdrawing to this position ,
the Russian army avoids the necessity -
sltr of being divided by the river
and enjoys the advantage of com-
" ' ' there-
"General KouropaUdn's move ,
fore , Is not to be considered as a
retreat hut rather m the carrring out '
of a wol1 defined idea " I'
The wll1Hh'awal or the Russians to ,
the right bank involved the abandon -
moot of Llao Yang which is situated I
on the left hanl. The .Jnpanese took I
advantage oC this to occupy the city ,
but the sternest part oC the fighting .
Is still before them unless General
Konront1ln ) decides at the last hour
to again fall back to the northward
It Is more than likely however , that
he will decide to fight to a finish
The cards are all In his favor , It is I
believed , now that he has the Japan
eRe 'dlvlded by the river , thus errect-
unl1y turning the tables up his foe
RussIan Crews Told to Leave.
SHANGHAI-Reralr work on the
Russian cruiser Askohl and torpedo
beta destroyer Grozo\'ol has been
stopped by the order of the British
minister the dock at which the repairs -
pairs are being made being owned by
British clli7.ens China has ordered
that the paroled crews of the Aslcold I
and GI'ow\'ool return to Hussla 'fhe
.JapaneRe consul notified the consuls
of neutral nations that allY ship leavIng -
Ing port with crews of toile Aslcold and
Grozovol will 110 captured by Japanese
warships still outside the barboI'
- - - - - -
Cullen Succeeds Parker
NEW YORK-Judge Elmer E CI1I-
len or Brooklyn has been appointed
chief judge of the court of appeals by
Governor Odell , succeeding \ Judge \
Parker , reslgntd .
. . ,
Former Turkish Ruler Passes Away
At Constantinople.
tan M 1U1'ad V died Wednesday of diabetes -
bete , from which [ he had long suit- ; t
H was reported In May last from
Vonna that 7\lnrad V . the thirty-third
sovereign of the house or Osman , was
dying and at the same ; time It w. . . . , t
reported from the same source thl . , \
his adherents all over Turkey , known i
as the young Turks , were secretly J
arming and only awaited the signal to
rise In Insurrection.
Murad V. was born In 1840 and as-
tended the throne after the murder ot -
the sultan , Abdul Azi'z May 1876. Tn
July of that year 1\1mad was placed
upon the regency of his brother , the
present sultan , Abdul Hamid II" , and
on August ! a : he was dethroned Outwardly -
wardly this act was performed legally S
br the council oC ministers on the
ground that he was Insane
The real facts in the case , however
will probably never be known , but It
has been claimed that Murad was R.
good deal more sane than his brother
and one of the greatest terrors or
Abdul Hamill's existence was the fear
thlll this Turkish "man with the iron
mask , " as he has beeR termed , might
escape from his place of confinement '
, . ; (
In the CheraKan palace , and some six
tears ago he was removed to the
Malta Kiosk In the grounds of the
i Yildlz palace occupied hr Abdul
Hamid , which Is surrounded by lofty
walls In spite of the secrecy of
Murad's removal ho waR seen as Inn
IRHRed b.r several foreigners , who declared -
Glared that though he had aged and
.as haggard In appearance , the former -
er sultan had not lost his maje.He
bearing and that he preserved the tv"
pearance of a man tn the full possession ! -
Iion of his mental faculties ,
The confinement of Murad hu been
M the cruelest character Only his
jailers were allowed lo see him and
every precaution was taken to pre- , ,
vent any Intelligence of what waR KO1 ( -
Ing on In the opposite world from
reaching him . .
Although 1\I\II'ad Is announced to
have died from diabetes , It had gcn. - 1
erally been understood , according to
the palace representatives , that he
was suffering from erculosls.
Seven Thousand Men Will He Out of
GIIIC'AGO-'rhe great shops of the
Pullman company ) are to shut down
on September 1 and thousands of " men
employed In the various departments
of the car building corporation will
he without wOI'I. Thirty thousand
people at Pullman and In the stirti
rounding towns will be effected
When the Pullman company III
working on the full time 7,000 persons
arc employed During the last few
months owing to a lack of new or-
tiers , men have bee laid oft 600 and
400 at a time until now the , force
does not amount to more' than 2,000
, These men arc engaged in finishing
the construction of cars already under -
der way and when these are ready
for the rails the shops will be closed
and the plant rendered Idle The
plant mar remain closed for more
than a month.
Letter in Hands of Printer. -
OYSTER Y.-Havlng transacted
all business of pressing importance , .
that has been pending since his arrival - \
rival at Sagamore Hill the president
l will give more time henceforth to visItors -
Itors A few callers wilt be received
almost every clay Members oT the in-
ternational arbitration conference -
which Is to be held In St. Louis In
the next ten days will be received
by the president at the White house
September 24 The delegates will be
thE : guests or the nation . while : In this
ount'y _ . .
. . .