The Falls City tribune. (Falls City, Neb.) 1904-191?, September 09, 1904, Image 19

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    _ _ " " _ - 'M _ W"-U' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' _ _ _ " _ , .4 > _ _ L ! oI : > .II : J. . . . . . .
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" " ' J" T".r' ? -
September 9 , 904 . TI-IE 1 _ FALLS _ _ CITY TRIBUNE . I , . - . : : : " . , { t r' '
. _ . _ _ _ _ . - . . _ _ . . _ . . _ _ . . _ _ . _ _ _ _ a _ _ _ _ _ . . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . . . _ _ _ _ . . . _ _ _ . . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . . _ _ _ _ _ _ . _ ' " " ' .010"
, .
. _ 'M ' \ ' ,
- - -
! fI. We now offer the largest and most complete assortment of Dry r . -
Goods , Women's Ready to Wear Garments , Carpets , Rugs , Hats and i
Caps ever presented to the people of Falls City and vicinity. We han = .
die nothing but high class , reliable merchandise. We buy under the , . '
most favorable conditions and sell at figures that are in harmony , , '
f with values. We give you an absolute guarantee that we are not un = " , : . -
dersold. Our claims upon you are based strictly upon business uring g , 1 . , .
u . . /4 "
J6i/ j' ' ,
pies. :
. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ \ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ , .
- - -
_ _ _ _ _ _ , _ _ . . _ _ _ -nr- . - _
_ _ _ _ _ _ . . . . . _
; Odd -Lots I
; + To 1 close out all odds and ends in Summer
Goods , \vC now offer these at about half price.
This offer inc udcs Fancy HosieryShirt Waists , !
f wash Skirts , Muslin Underwear , wash Good , !
s&c. . When you sire getting ready for the "Cir" ,
cus" come in. I'1uch of these goods are rigid : in
season no\v.
- . . - _ _ _ _ . _ . . _ _ _ _ . . . . . _ _ _ _ , . . _ _ _ _ n . = = " ' . ' "
I Ready to Wear , "
! \Ve cordially invite nil ladies to visit our r > ,
I Suit , Skirt and Cloak Stotk. Our styles have * j 1 - . - .
I . ,
received the of the best dressers
approval rs = " you
will find a look profitable to you in many f . , , " , _
. . ' . :
5vays. ; J
- . , rflrrTrr - - . - - . r Wu..uw..ris..vvranc.w - - - - - . . . . rtJ wry n.rrs.v..r- . = . . . -
V . .G @ L F RD t r
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, dd 6''N 4J. . ) ' J ; t" ' tt " ; ; tft7 ( "s' .ril' C. : , if ; : " t.t ; : iJ t1-\'J 'p. { ' f : < 78' . . : : . ' c.itt. : ) 'i , , % /fl h1 . , ' . :
_ . _ _ . _ _
- - - - - _ _ - - - - - - - - - - . - -0-
. ddEduccthrciwd Dparft ( i irt
, Conducted by County Superintendent Crocer
N 1 label Grccnwald , Barada
2 Nellie Gtiucly Humboldt
3 1 . R. huff , Shubcrt
4 JenetteVcller , Shubcrt
5 Cora 1' ! ; . lIig-gins , Shubert
6 Iva Lowe , Stella
8 Jeunic Gravatt . I-Ituuboldt
9 Nellie Davison , Stella
10 13ea Riley , Humbohlt
h 11 gmalyne Locnning- , Hum-
13 l 'lorcI1cc'Judd , Dawson
14 Ethel Hummel , Dawson
15 Pearl Cunningham , Verdon
H Minnie Hudson , Verdon
17 Cora He11derson , Falls City.
18 Florence Lesley , Harada
19 H. J. Dunn , Falls City
20 A. E. Butler , Harada
21 Marie"Crotty , Bnrada
23 A. E. Kniscly , Falls City
24 Nellie Dunn , Fails City
25 Agnes Shrader , Falls City
26 James Wiltse , Fargo
28 Laura Aikman , .1'cllls ! City
21) Agnes Moran , Falls City
30 E. ' 1' . Peck , Falls City
31 Emma Keening , Falls City
32 Verdon-Prin . J. Watson -
son , Alpha Roberts , Florence
Acott , Carrie Boyd.
33 Lillian Oliver , Vcrdon
34 Nora V. Ii'enton , Dawson
35 Pearl Sncthen , Dawson
37 Humboldt-Supt. 1 . T4. HoIT ,
Prin , Oshcr Schlaifer Josephine
Duras Rose Novak , lone Norton ,
Maud Beatty , Daisy : Morris , Ruth
Chambers , Minnie Clift.
38 Georgia \\Tells , Humboldt
39 Maud 'rosland , Humboldt
40 Bessie Guinn , Humboldt
41 Lela Patterson , Humboldt
42 lIc1cn Smith , Dawson
43 Palmer Fisher , Dawson
44 Mamic [ Riley , Dawson
45 Grace Lain , Verdon
46 Ada Allen , Salcm
47 Elizabeth Bt'echt , halls City
J 49 J. R. Reel , Falls I City
50 Mary 'Viltse , Falls City ; '
51 Eva D. Scott , Rube
52 ] ulo'- Print C. 11. French ,
Cecil Kanaly , Mrs. Bessie Brinc-
gar , Julia Cronin , Verna Vastine
53 1 I. T4. Kloe'pfcl , Rube
54 C. H. 'Viltse , Falls City
55 Lhzic Hossack , Falls City
56 Falls CifySuptV. . H.
Pillsbury. High School-Prin ,
E.L. 'l'obie , Elenora l\IillcrMary
Davies ! John Hol'rt , Elfie Fos-
ter , Mabel Bridg-esClara Gag-non
Harlan St. School-Grace Miner ,
Grace Saylor , Grace Bucher and
Central School-Prin , Cora Betts
Pearl Hanna , Lillian Dorring-ton ,
Josie Graves , .i\1rs.gmma Snyder ,
Pearl Prater , Myrtle Bowers , Minnie -
nie McDonald , Elizabeth Naylor ,
Maggie Fcrg-us.
57 Maude Heck , Falls City
58 Ethel Barker , Salem
59 Salcil1- Prin , Ii' S. Ii'eucrs-
tcin , Al\ ' rda AllenOrrie French
Minnie Jennings , Florence Jones
60 Edward Hodapp , Salem
)1 ' 1\ J. Oliver , Dawson
62 Ella Fisher , Dawson
)3 Mac Burgctt , Humboldt
64 Olive Pctrashek , Humboldt
65 Iva Baton , Hum bold t
)6 Gusta\'c Herr , Humboldt
77 W. C. 'l'ucker , DuBois
,8 Lois Spencer , Humboldt
,9 Grace Colson , Humboldt
- - - -
70 Ida Kernen , Dawson
71 O. O. Marsh , Salem
72 Nena Emmert , Salem
73 Lizzic Morris , Salem
74 Edna Brown , Falls City
75 Clara .Babb , Fall City
76 Stella-Prin , 1. G. Wilson.
Maudc l\Iontg-0111cry , 'Sadic Joy ,
? Irs. L G. Wilson , Jennie 'l'homp-
77 I ) . D. Iloutz Verdon
iF' 78 MabelVhitaker , 1 + ills City
79 Lulu hoover , Salem
80 Edna LytIc , Sh/lbcrL
81 Alice Douglas Falls City
82 Della Kniscly , Falls City
83 A. 14. Knisely , Falls City
84 Blanchc Lytle Shubert
85 Clara Laugher Verdon
S6 Nellie Hanna , Falls City
87 1\label Gooclale , DuBois
8S Frances Kelly Verc10n
89 Bertha Frank , Humboldt
90 Sarah Edie , Humboldt
91 Ida Pierce , Rube
92 Lillith 'Vag-g-ener , Dawson
93 J. Ii' Young , Humboldt
94 Katie McMahon. Preston
95 wson-Prin , Will James ,
1' . J. 'Yag-g-ener , May Crawford ,
Venetta Shier.
96 Vivian Aten , Stella .
97 Martha Kcrnen , Stclla.
'JR ' Alice : McCray , Stella
'Jf ) Pre tol-Prit : : , A. D. Lara =
bee Ollie Bain
11 0 Georgia i l Gandy , Humboldt
J01 VestaViiliams . , tla' }
102 Shubert-Prin , P. W. Carr ,
Amelia Nusbauut , Minnie Jones
103 Carrie Di\.tl.'rich , f dla
lOWinifrl ! , l 'l'a 11.11' , Salem
105 1'lyra' Shraugcr , Humboldt
- - - -
School in distri . : is 94 and 27
will not begin : until about Oct.
1st. Each district is building : a
new school house.
. . .
The . , .
County S.lpcrintcndcnt
. . .
has a supply of the C. Ii' Hubbel . : ' .
Combined Multiplication and ' " -
Division 'l'able Cards. He has' " ' ; ' . '
enough for all the schools of the , ' " _ ' . . . . . .
county. 'l'hcy arc free. If you
have not received thc cards for " 7 . ij
' your school , please cither call or S' ,
send for thcm. ' . ! . ' ' ' 1
. :
The Salcm Fair will bc held ' - .
Sept. 13th to 16th. Thursday ,
Sept. 15th is Chilc1rens' Oa \ ' . On
that day all children that present rte
to the gate keeper a certificate,1
sig-ned bj' their teacher will be - .
admittf'd free. All thc schools
are invited to take part in thc '
educational exhibit , and schools : : :
near Salem are urged to enter . -
the marching contest. ; ' . . , > '
Preston Schools-A. n. Larr.- . ; ' , . -
bee , Prin. . ' . . i , I
The prospects for a prosperous n. ; . , .
school year at Preston are most . ' .
- . -4 .
promising- School opened with
thirty-two in the primary and . ; .
nineteen in the '
principal's room. " w
' 1'he school-board , teachers and
pupils are working in harmony ;
and arc determined to makc a t
success of the school. ' [ ' lie . .1. . . . .
schoolcbui1dinl' is in excellent -
condition and thc work of repairing - - .
ing the furnace has begun. . .
School began last Monday
morning in District 21 with an - . . : . . .
enrollment of 28. Marie L."I'
Crotty. teacher. . . . . "
The Shubert schools opened ' . . - ' i..a
last Monday with an enrollment , \ ;
of 120 pupils. K
The Falls City schools opened ( 1"1 , .
with an enrollmcnt of )39. ' . " ' : : ' 1 '
Miss Lettie Caiti will teach the
fourth and HUh - \ . .
grades in Beatty ,
Kansas public schools , this year.