The Falls City tribune. (Falls City, Neb.) 1904-191?, September 09, 1904, Image 17

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September 9 19u4 II-IE FALLS lll Y lKlJSUNE :
Grace Vcits is visiting relatives
in loldrcg'c.
Chester Power was up from SL
. ,
Joe Sunday.
En1ma I ! rattle rcturncd to her
home in { Juincy , 111.
Carrie JIasncss is spcnding a
two weeks vacation at homc.
J. Ir. 1 Ford is entertaining his
two brothers from \Vavcrty , 111.
Col. HardingHcnry IL 1p'r ; arc
taldng" treatment at the Sycaniorc
w Spring's.
hy Dcnnis has been visiting
friends in Pawnee count ) ' the
past wcek.
George SCg"rist and wife left
'rttesla ) ' for a weeks visit at the
worlds fair.
John lorchca l was up front
Falls City on business the latter
part of the wcck.
\Irs. l dna Cooper has rcturned
from a two months visit with
relatives in Colorado.
Arthur Upland left this week
for Alberta , Canada and 111ay dc-
cid" to rcmain thcrc.
Sidney and ILizzieVliitehead i
of 'l'eculllsch were guests over
last Sunday of the Rice famil } ' .
School opened i\tontla5' morn-
ing" with a larger attendance than
last year , the enrollment being
lIon. la. J. Burkctt was here
last week and made a rot ( ing"
speech at the old settlers picnic
on 'l'hursday. 1 .
1lrs. gllll11 ! GdrIstCrul and
( laughter left \Ionla } for Lincoln
having spent most of thc SUI11111Cr
with relatives herc.
Len Mann and : \1050n ShurtlcfT
left this week for McCook I where
they will take charge of a farm
and bc absqnt several months.
1lrs. Garvcr and Clara left on
Monday for Lawrence , Kasas
where the latter will take up a
pharmaceutical course in col1egc.
! \II' . and Mrs. Joseph and John
Smith returned Saturday from a
month's stay in Dakota , where
they both have real estate intcr-
John Hadsell was transferred
from this place to Troy , Kans.
. Mr. Howcll having returned from
Wisconsin to take up his work as
B. & 1\1. agent. {
J dVi ttvcr and Miss Iela
Morris were quietly married at
thc home of Dr. J. R. Morris on
Tuesday evening last , with only
the immediate relatives prescnt.
1\11' \Vittwcr will leave shortly to
finish his course in the study of
medicine in Kansas City.
A reception and banquet was
enjoyed by about forty young
folks Friday evening , the event
being given by the O. B. O.
club of f young mcn to their lady
fricnds. Time Masonic hall was
the place for gathering thc games
and contests helped to pass away
thc early hours , after which the
entire company were served with
a fine banquet at thc Park hotcl.
Marriage Record. . .
Claude Curry , Horton , Kasuuuu21
Bcssic Paschal , samc. u _ _ u. . _ _ _ u1S
Ross f-4. Jackson , . . _ . . . _ _ _ - - _ _ _
Ruby Jones , Falls _ _ _ _ _ - - _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Joseph \\T. Glaze , Preston-----------48
Mary Lari\'circ , Prcstollu.uA4
William ' 1' Carr , Falls . _ _ _ - - _ _ _ _
Mary lllodgctt , samcuuuuuuu . .17
- - - - - - - - - - - - - -
. .
, ' ; !
R. R. Norton Proll1oted.
"C.V. . King" , who has been
train mastcr of the shod line
since thc . road began operation
over three years ago , tendered
his resignation to thc short line
director last wl'ck.
' ' accepted
'l'hc resignation has been -
cepted and N. N. Norton , chicf
clerk has been appointed to lilt 1
thc vacancy. ' 'he ' chatige went
into into effect Scpt. 1st. Mr
Nodo1 who has been appointed
to the position of train master ,
car accountant and supcrin tcnd-
cut of telegraph , has been with
thc short line about three years ,
serving in thc capacity of chief
dispatcher i1 last June whcn
hc was oracle chief ccrk.-Colo- ]
rado Springs ( Colo. ) Daily ] Ga-
Mr. Norton is a brothcr-in-law
of H. P. Custcr of this city and
his many friends here will bc
glad to learn of his promotion.
At the ionic of Samue ] Prater .
'l'ucsday , Scpt. , Ith at 5:30 : p. m.
Mary Larizeire and Joseph Glaze
were united marriage by Judge
\Vilhite. 'rhc ] bride was attired
in gray sick while the groom
wore the conventional black. 'T ime
welding was a very quiet affair
being witnessed by only ] thc intimate -
mate friends of the bride and
groom , after which thc newly
married couple ] went to Preston
their future homc
Both parties arc well \ known in
both this city ancl Preston and
their many friends join with 'rhe
'l'ribunc in extending con gratula-
tie :13 : _
- -
II. B. Segur died in St. Louis ,
September 5 , of fatty-degcncra-
tion of the heart , at thc age of 41
ycars. 1'he lcccased was a resident -
dent of Atchison , I \ : as. . and was
a member of Masonic order at
Pawnee city. Intcrment took
place at Steele cemetery in charge
of thc local order of l\Iasons. J.
I I. Stephens of Pawnee being
master. H. B. Scg-ur was for-
mcrly a resident of this ci ty.
Supervisors Convention.
The supervisors convention for
thc first district was held ] at \Vi11-
iamson's hall in Barada , .Monday
aftcrnoon. There was no contest
as it seemed thc unanimous opinion -
ion that Chris l\adowse of Aral o
was the one destined to wear thc
thc shoes of Charles Santo Consequently -
scqucntly l\rr.Madowsc was nom-
inated on thc first banot. This
is a splendid nomination and
meets with thc approval of thc
republicans , gcncrally
Aftcr thc convention had adjourned -
journed thc republicans of North
and South Barada organized a
Roosevclt-Fairbanks club. Chas.
Martin was elected president ; E.
\Y. Nixon , secretary ; \V.Smith
treasurcr. Fifty names were enrolled -
rolled and soliciting committecs
appointed to secure if possible
the signatures of every Roosevelt
man in the two prtcincts. 'l'his
organization will bc a power in
thc north part of thc county and
under thc leadership of its splendid -
did officers will assist greatly in
rallying up an old time republican -
can majority in thc two Haradas.
A three weeks meeting will be
held at time Baptist church Mr
and I1rs. Sclingcr will have
chargc. All arc welcome
" ' -
, . . . - ' .
_ .
- . - . . .
L 'DIES ' . '
We now have a full line of Pall and Win =
ter Millinery. New and Nobby Styles.
. . -
Call and see thel11.
- - - - - -
arnett' Millinery
. . _ _
: : ! 1 ;
( Dr. & Ophtha.lmologist
t 4' * - - - . u 4 I
, , .
' 'I
1' ' '
" . If you have headache Nervousness , Blurring or Watery -
. . ; Eyes , 110ating" specks , dizziness , weak mcmory , etc.
'L ' ime exhaustion of thc nerve supply caused by eye strain
is thc cause of such troublcs. I measure thc eye and its nerve . ,
supply by thc science of Opthalmology , and can tell thc
J' amount of drain and strain on thc nervous syctcm , and by my
mcthods of fitting and adjusting glasses remove thc cause and < = . 1 -
all symptoms of eye strain and nature docs the rest. If you I
have glasses that do not stop such trouble they are not prop- .
erly fitted. Cross Eyes straightened without operation or
CHITD1Um's EYHS-If your boy or girl complains of heady
ache or if thc teacher tell they are dull in their studies ; many
t a child has been considered dull in school when thc truth was
. that because of eye defects , blurred vision or headache it bc- . .
. camc an agony to study. Don't blame ] thc child before you
know. Our examination tclls. Consultation frcc.
Office Hours-S : to 12 ; 1 to 6 ; 7 to 9. DR. TAYLOR. J'
: : : : : : ' : ; : : : . ' " . ' : :
1 ; ; ' .oa ; . " ' = .A
W. o. W. Resolutions ,
Whereas death has recently
entered the homes of two of our
mcmber : " , and claimed the mother
of Brother , J. F. Hichartand thc
little son of H. E. Lcmmon , bc it
Hesol "cd , 'l'hat thc members of
Ncmaha Valley Camp No.9V. .
O. \V. hereby express their great
sorrow and heartfelt sympathy ! .
for their bereaved , and sorrowing
brothers and their families , and ,
bc it further
csoh'cd. 'l'hese solutions bc
spread upon thc records of this
Camp , and a copy of thc same bc
handed to Sovereigns , ichart
and Lcml110n and thc press of
this city.
W' , n. 'tyrrell ,
G. V. Stumbo ,
Gr J. Crook.
"Colonellleavcr' ' went tv Hiawatha -
watha thc first of thc wcek.
Guy Grecnwald and John Dorr-
inglon left Tuesday for St. Louis
, - , b 'J tt '
. . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . - < L2'O : ' " ' " ' .b : : : : '
Roosevelt Club.
There will bc a meeting thc
Roosevelt club on Tuesday
evening -
ing Scpt. , 13 at 7:3U : at the court , ) -
housc. JD\'cydody comc. . ,
'V -Dorrington , Prcs.
1\ J. 'Vhitakcr , Sec.
Cases Filed. -
State Bank of Stella vs Amos .
W. Orr yet al. Foreclosure . . "
Peter Frederick . jr.'s D. Mc . :
Phec et al. Attachmcn
Donald McPhec.s John Hos- "
sack , shcrifT. lxcplcvin.
There will bc thc usual services
at St. Thomas church Sunday ,
Scpt. 11 the 'l'hcrc will bc an 1
- i
address at thc evening service
\ ser\ cc I P
which begins now at 7:30. : .
'l'hc first regular fall meetings
of thc Falls City Ministerial
Association will be" held at thc
Baptist church Scpt. 2th at 10 .
a.m. Order of thc day , "FaJIs
City , its Rum and Sabbath. " All .
interested arc cordially in dtcd , .
-\V. B. Alexander , Presidcnt. ' .
. .
. - !
' " . . . . . . , . . ' , ' . \ .
\ . .