it ( 11 _ Saved by Qad Spe1i ! fag ' 11 " " "I ' t' e Co ] , Artemus Leo of Templeton , one , of the most estimable citizens or northern Worcester county , n man imperious . ' : : porious ' and qulcl.tempered , who had 'boen apt to have his own way In the , " "I.4W' ' - , ; Jregion where he dwelt ; and not very , i 'flllng to give up to anybody \ , employed . ' , . , = ' played Senator Hoar once to bring suit , i' ' for him against the town of Temple- , : , ton to recover taxes which ho claimed had been illegally assessed and col- lected. The senator says in his autobiography - biography : : [ . " , "Ho was a man whose spelling hud . ( ' . , ' , been neglected in early 'outh. Aid- - , . . : . ' , : rich was for the tOWl1. All the facts ; , . ' ; , . i , . : , : showing the Illegality of the assess ' , . ' , monk , of course , were upon the town , : . ' : . , . . " , records. So we thought If the parties . : . . : , ; " met with their counsel we could : " ' , , , agree upon a statement of facts and " ' " ' ' , ; , , - submit the question of law to the . , : , . courts. . 'Ve met , In Judge Aldrich'f3 office , Col. Lee and myself and Judge Aldrich and some of the town officers , to make up the statement. But Mr. Aldrich had not had time to look very deeply . . Into the law of the case and made . ' - . . . . I . )1 > ' ; t- > I . . To lear 'Jo Sim --I r : ; j A person who Is timid about the 4 ' _ water can overcome the greatest part . . h . - . . ; of the difficulty of learning to swim . . . by the proper use of a wash basin. The obstacle that nervous persons meet In the water Is not the conscious fear of drowning , but an . involuntary . nervous shock that causes them to gasp for air even before their faces . are under water. . - " ' " " ' 't.p ; It Is this gasping for breath ' that drowns people. They cannot control the , gasping , JLnd consequently they often snap for . breath : when their mouths are ' under water. As the buoyancy of a human If body Is easily disturbed , a few pints , , ' or quarts of water swallowed In these , Involuntary gasping acts serve to sink : a person who otherwise would oat long enough for help to arrive. , . Now If a person afflicted with this ' involuntary fear of getting under wa- , ; , ,1 ? ' . : . ter will thrust the whole face gently " ; . : : 1 : _ Into an ordinary basin full of water every day and stay there as long as ' " J. possible , It will be only a short time , before the gasping sensation begins , to disappear. " Then the bath tub should be used , so that the ' bather , lying full length , " " can immerse the entire head. At first - , . . . this will bring back all the old fright- ening sensations of suffocation , but the attacks will be of short duration , and within a' few days : It will be found that the total Immersion can be maintained for almost a full minute without discomfort of any kind. Once a person bas learned how per. fectly comfortable one can be under water , the first great step has been taken towards learning to , swim. Many otherwise good swimmers have never really acquired this calm- ness under water , the result Is that when such 0 swimmer 18 caught In an undertow or a swirling current , his confidence leaves him as soon as he feels himself dragged under the IU- face. Instead of diving . . or remaining motionless and so preserving his breath , he gasps involuntarily and nat. urally swallows water , and the chok- Ing sensation at' ' once forces him to exhale what breath he has left and gasp again. . Confidence under water should be the first lesson in swimming. - Doctor Leaves Snug Fortune. Dr Samuel Smiles , author at "Selt Help" and other works , left an estate which has just been valued at $389- l 20. , - : : : : - I No Problem for Him. I . 1 . . tip . . , ' : , . . : ; . , , - The honeymoon was over , and they " had settled down to show themselves : " ; : . " staid and steady old married people. , . . . . . . . "Fred , " she said , knitting her pretty brows as If greatly perplexed , "I've . . . : been trying to arrange things a little . . . . ' ' ' . " f ; . / systematically to-day. y - . , . "Quite right , " he saId "It's , time we were settled and had everything : . \ F . ' arranged properl " . . ' ; ' ' . J'r. . . "Yes , but , Fred , the fact Is-I-I- " ' ' . . 4 , nth' ' "You what ? Nothings has gone , < . wrong , bas It1" he asked anxiously. , "Ob , no , but everyone was so kind . c . co use that I find it a little hard to- : : ( . to- , It wouldn't be proper to sell any of the presents , would It ? " "Certainly not. " . "That's what I feared , " she said , I' ' with n sigh "You see , 1 don't know Just what to do with them all. " . "Do with them ? " he exclaimed , with masculine readiness to settle any problem. " 'Vh ) ' , us : them , of course " ' - , z . r - some : difficulties In agreeIng upcra the fact which we thought rather umo sonnble. up-to a late ] hour aD a hot summer'u evening trying 10 got a statemont. "At last Leo's patience gave ont. "He had had one or two hot pna' sages at arms with Mr. AldrIch in the course of the dIscussIon ahead ) " . Ho rose to his feet Md said ! In a very fetid l and angry tono-hIn vblco was always something lko ' ! that of the bull or Dasban-'Thls 19 a farce ' "Aldrich rosa from his seat and to the occasion , and said very angrily , 'What's that yon say , sIr. ' "Leo clenched both his fists by his side , thrust his own angry connte- , nance close up to that .of his antago nist , and saId : 'A farce , slr-l -A-R. S-E , farce ' "Aldrich caught my eye as I was sitting . ting behind my client and noticed my look of Infinite am" semont. His anger yielded to the comedy of the occasion. He burst Into a roar of laughter and peace was saved. I "If Lee had spelled the Word farce 'I ' with a 'c' there would have : been 8 I I battle OYal.-Boston Giobe. lo. . . . . I "But how , Fred ? lIow ? " she asked. "We have seven clocks and only a six-room Oat. " , He gave a low whistle. Then we have six dozed silver spoons and five cake baskets. " He began to look perplexed him- foeU "There are fifteen butter knives arid eight fruit dishes , " she added. He swore , to himself , but made no r , "We have three sets of fruit knives . aId- " "Enough ! " he exclaimed , "Do what you please with them. " "Dut , Fred , I want you to- " "They're yours , " be Interrupted. "They were all given to you , and not to me , weren't they ? It woul n't be lair for me to assume any right to tt em when they were expressly given to you. " And thus she first learned at man' ability to dodge a difficult problem. , COST liTTLE TO BUilD - Comfortable Dwelling Put Up Com plete for $240. The accompanying Illustrations show plans of the dwelling of 1\11' AI. bert Parker , who went tQ.\Vhit 1 'lsh Valley , New OntarIo , four years : ago , . " ' Tr' ! fj - , t ! 1 , 'TtH ' EN . I . 10 ) < . 16. . - - I ri . . : ! T Cl.Ot.T ! . - - - LIVING ' Roe ! 1 gip ROO ° 1 tG .X 12. ' ' : 2.0c20 - GHO\i\D FLOOR PLAN. His house Is 20 by 26 feet and one and one.half stories high. He paid ! out $240 for material , all of which was shipped from Port Arthur. The . _ e. - - _ - . gio p"oor- E OOt"\ ' OOt"O. . . . q" . . . 1J x 7 n 1111 jED . 1\00'1 , gEn . . to oeM ' 0 'K , ' 3 ' " to , tb. " UPPER FLOOR PLAN. material In the house could have been prepared at the sawmill In his community . munlty for one.thlrd less. Water Pipe Too Small. P. M.-I have laid 1,400 feet of pipe to convey water to my house. Half or this pipe Is half.1ncll and the other half Is Inch pipe. The water runs so slowly that four minutes are required to fill a common water 11all. What Is probably the cause of ' the slow deliv. cry ? . The difficulty In this Instance appears . pears to be caused by the great length of one-half.lnch pipe. The correspon dent does not give particulars enough. He should mention apIiroxlmately the amount of full that there Is and also how much he requires. As It Is , I . can only calculate roughly the amount ! of fall and guess at the amount of water he requires From my understanding . standing of the question , I have cal. cnlated the total fall to be about thir- ty.six feet , although In making that calculation I had to assume certain things-for instance , the character of the pipe used-whether smooth or I rough. At any rate If an Inch pipe Is . substituted for the onehalf-Inch pipe In the first seven hundred feet , I the amount of flow would be three gallons or more per minute Instead of I three.quarters as at presenf The correspondent . , respondent states that -'ordlnary - I pall Is filled In four minutes with the present nrrangement.-J. B. R. I , - White Hairs GrowIng From Wound. I Recently I saw 'a question asked : How , to kebp white' hairs from cowing . I Ing from a sore on a horse. " I send "ou a recipe which I have used since . a boy , and I am now eighty years old : Burn the leather sale of a boot to a cinder , grind it fine and mix with lard to form an 'ointment. Rub this daily on a healing wound on a horse I and the hair will some In the natural ' color.-S. E - ' ! . . , . : : " " . . . . . . . " " ; . . . . . . . . ' 1 1 Didn't Have It , Anywny. , Servant ( returned ( from an crrnnd ) -Plt'fts , ma'um I couldn't get it . M Islress-Get what ? SOl vnnt-1'l1oy said they didn't . hoop it , ma'iun : \7sl1'esR-Keep ! what ? , . . - . SOl'Vnnt-WlIUL you told tno , to fetch , mll.'am l'.Iistress-What waR that ? Servant-Dullllo , lIl\'I\1U-I lorget. ' . , . -Stray Stories , - - - Easy Mark. Cleopatra was sllllIng down , the Nile with Anton ) ' , / "Don't call mo Antony , " said Itho great man , as he gave her another pearl tillra "I thlnl , " said Egypt's red.tressed queen , "I shall call yon l\tt\rl { , and , " she added sotto voice , "an easy one at that. " . The Natural Inference. 1 l 1 l11 , C . L'ti. . : "Who Is at the telephone ? " I "Your wife , sir. " "What does she want ? " "The only word I can understand II ' ' " 'numskull. " me come there. She prob ably wants to talk with mc , " - Topep . State Journal. . Closed Season. Yeast-I see a dispatch from Ma lone , N. y" , says a man has already . . been shot who was mistaken for a deer. " Crimsonbeal-Why , I thought the law wouldn't allow a man to shoot another man for a deer , yet ? , . Good and Hard. , ' . . . " , , , - - - . Z-\ " 1r / . , ? : : ) . . } ; / " " " , . ' , . . . , , - "What did papa say when you asked him for my hand ? " "Gave me his oot.-Rocbe Democrat Chronicle. Not Preaslng. "Ah ! " he cried , "now that we're en gaged , let m'lJrC8R you to my heart In- " J "Don't lose yourself , " said the Bummer - mer girl , pushing him away. "TtJfs I. n'O pressing engagemcnt. " . . . , " " , ' . . . ' .