The Falls City tribune. (Falls City, Neb.) 1904-191?, September 02, 1904, Image 11
. . . . . : , "f . . , I D ARK EST R U S S I A - ' ; - . ' I1Y II. GUATTAN DONNELIY. 1 Copyright , 18g6 , by Street & Smith ' All rights reserved. _ _ _ _ _ _ ct. . : : : : _ _ _ _ r - . " ' : - " ' 1 " , er-vUII uwv. , , G"u'S' . . , ' : : : . " ' "f CHAPTER I.-Continued. . - . . ( . . He turned to Rndaloff and was , : : .t. about to speak when a servant 1\11' ; iii " : ' reared. "An Imperial messenger . : ' : seeks immediate audience with the _ minister of police ! " . Karsicheff turned pale. t ' Nicholas , deeply agitated , placed , r . " his hand on his mother's arm. , Katherine , with an undefined dread Q. . . of something , breathed heavily in con f' vulsive gasps. , . ' . Another second and the imperial . : messenger entered the rOOI1l. Going . . ' , I directly to General Karsicheff he " ' handed him a large envelope of an rF { . r ominously official appearance. . The minister , taking the envelope ' ; : - tore it open with feverish anxiety , and I , , , : " ' ' : ' with sinking heart and burning eyes . ; ! I . : , ; read the following : _ , , ; ' . . "To Constantine Karslchefr , Minis- ' Ii" ' " . . n tel' of Pollee. 'F , "Sir : His Imperial Majesty has . , ' . been graciously pleased to make the " 1- : ' following orders : " . "I. Constantine ICarsichetT is he- ; ; : : r. > . ' - Minister of Police and : W. : : : ' by removed as . ' : l ' : ' deposed from all other authority heretofore . , , ' ' : , . " . . , . . torore vested in him as such mnlstm' : . $ : "II. Paul the Count Nazimoff is t \ . hereby appointed Minister of Police to . , f' succeed Knrsicheff , deposed and _ will " ; , ' take possession of the official seal ' . and assume all powers of such ministry . istry at twelve o'cloclt this 'da ) ' , pre ; " " , - dsely. , . ' f . - "III. Constantine KaralchelY will ; , , ' without delay proceed to Siberia where he will act as civil and mill. 1 ! ' ' ! \ ' , 'i " : , - : " . . . tary governor of the province of To- 'tl"- I - ! ' . bolsk during his Imperial Majesty's : . 4i : . ' pleasure . . . " seal of the "Given under the great . . . . . . . . _ _ . . , " . . . _ , _ . U" . _ . . _ c ' , 'FJ ' 'Cbancellorle ; Gortschako/f / , " " " . . "Prime Minister. ' " With a" deep groan , Karsichetf ; , ; : dropped the paper. . , . , - "Good God It Is the blow I feared " - ' ; : . : . r : . . . and he sank back In his chair. ; : ; " - Nicholas picked up the paper J : . , 410ive it to me " said the countess as . . she almost snatched the document ' ; , from his hand. A glance told her Its . . contents. She looked at the clocl . ' r ; " It wanted but ten minutes of the . : time-of the hour of noon. r' . "His excellency Paul Count Naztm- 1 _ - oil , " announced a servant. KatherIne . . . . . . " " { stood erect in a moment. She would - 've + . ; J.j { 'It . ; . . r' \ \ E4 , ; , , f r'J , , \ : " ( ( : f c-- -IJi . . " . . . . . < t fr1 \ \ \ " ' \ 0- : " , " ' . . 0w , " w , ; . . , _ _ _ 1- . , I I ! ' I r . : . . . : . . . . r.t' . s > . i : ; ; ; . . . . ; ; . . ' $ iM , , , ' " - . I "i- . ; > ' ) . . , _ " /T i5Tlif BOPPZJr' .PED " I . , ' give no sign of her bitterness of : , . . : : ; . ' 7 heart , . however deeply she felt the ' : . ' - blow. . - , : ; ; ; ' 1- " . Count Nazimoff entered the room. ' ' He was dressed In full uniform. . . . . i " Karlscheff half arose and then sat . + . - back. ' ' - , . , Count Nazimofr approached and ex. extended , . : . ' tended his hand. "Belie\'e me , my ' , , " ' , . dear Karsicheff , " he said , "I was not , I , , ' desirous of this position. But _ his . " , majesty having sent for me and hav- - lag proffered the honor , it was not to ' \ 1 be refused. " , The suggestion of a smile passed over the pale face of the drwosed min 'Vu---O"Vu----v1l" . . . . ,11' , x Ister. "I am quite sure the position cannot be in better hands , " ho said. Katherine looked at the clocl. It was within five minutes of noon. She looked at her husband and be understood the meaning. "I have finished my work , " said Karsicheff turning to Count Nazlmott again , "ror , as you doubtless know , I have succeeded In capturing the leaders . ers of the Nihilistic conspiracy. His majesty , I had hoped , would have recognized - ognized my services in a different way " he said with a bitter smile , but his majesty knows best. It is my last duty to prove my loyalty by sentencing the enemies of my sovereign - I eign and I shall do it to the end " HeI I paused. Katherine was furious. She determined . mined to take matters into her own hand. "General Karsicheff " she said tu the count , "is still minister. " "Until twelve o'cloc1 , " replied the count ; "it sOll wants a few minutes of the hour. " , "Theu bring in the prisoners } and let the general finish his work , " said Katherine looking toward Radaloff. The latter opened the door and with a file of four soldiers guarding him another : prisoner was brought In and placed in position before the minister - isler of police. Count NazimolY took a seat by the side of KarsichelY and gazed curiously at the s ene. "This is another of the vile gang of conspirators captured this morning . ing , " said KarsichelY to the count and then turning to the prisoner whose face was concealed by the hood of his greatcoat , he assumed a tone of judicial severity and said : "Drop I your hood . prisoner. What is your - - - - . . . . 11111111 : : : The prisoner dropped the hood and stood like a statue as he answered - "Alexis Nazimott ! " "Alexis Nazimotr ! " was repeated by all in the room-all save Ivan and Ilda. Ilda.With With a cry of bitterest anguish from his ' breaking heart Count Nazi- molY staggered to his feet. For a moment . ment he vainly essayed to speak but his tongue refused to utter a sound. "Oh my father ! " The cry was wrung from the surcharged heart of Alexis as he stretched out his shack- led hands. Paul Nazimoff , weak and trembling , found his voice at last-- "Alexis , my son , my boy , " he cried In anguished tones , "what does this mean ? Oh . my God my God ! " He pressed his hands first lo his heart , then to his throbbing brain. "Father ! " said Alexis. "Speale , speak out ! Oh . God , speak out ! " crIed the stricken count. "You you . my boy here-here-charged with crime-with plotting the assassination . slnation of your sovereign ! Speak . Alexis ; say that it is false ! Don't you see my heart is breaking ? " "I swear to you father , it Is not true. I am innocent. " "You hear " faltered Count Nazi- motT , looking wildly around. "You hear-Ill' is- ' " "He Is guilty whoever he may be , " spoke up the officer in command , "for I myself found concealed on his person - son , In his cigar case this sign-the sign of the assassin chosen to kill. " He held up his hand ! The Red Rouble ! "My God ! " Paul Nazlmoff fen back and buried his face in his- hands. The chock showed that it wanted but 11. minute of the hour. "Quick . " said Katherine , rushing to her hushand' side. "You have um pIe proof of his guill Sentence him to SiberIa-it will bring him and Olga together. " Knrsicheff sat stunned ! The terrible disclosure ) of Alexis' identity had shaken him. "Q iIck . " urged Katherine "It ! Is your l:1st ! : chance ! " The iron will and relentless purpose - pose cf his wife swayed Karslchetr , " . _ . . _ _ . _ , J _ . . _ _ _ - . . . . . . I. . . . . " ' ! , - " . now ns they had often swayed him befot'e. It nerved him to n deoll that , left alone , be would rover have dared "AIQxls Nazimoff " he , said "there can bo no doubt of your guilt with this damning evidence of your unholy purpose found in your ossesslon. ) You have forfeited your life , but my last act shall be merciful. I spare your lIro. I sentence you to twenty years in the mines of Siberia ! " Karsichect rose from his Ilesl The clock began striking twelve and as the strokes rang out they fell like t\ kn ll' on the ears of nearly all pres' ent. .Turning to Paul , Count Nazi 'mott : < Karsichoff . taking a bunch of keys'fromhis ; pocket said "My work . Ig ftnished. Count Nazimotf , to you ! I resign my seal my keys , my pow- ers. I have done my duty to the end -lhe rest Is yours I" ! Radnlott approached Count Nazi- molT-Count NRzimotT , the ne v minister . ister of police-nnd as he passed the iIjI 1 I a'l / ' 1z . I' - /III / i ' % : n ' .SCIA.YQ countess he gave her one look that repaid all tIle insult she had heaped upon him less than an hour before. "What Is your excellency's command regarding the other prisoners ? " he asked saluting Count Na7. mott. "There is one more to be disposed or. She says she is the wife of that man " and he pointed to Ivan. Katherine caught the word. His wife I Ilda's brother's wife. She too must suffer. None of thorn must escape. "Count NazimotT , " she said , "my husband Inlll down his work while engaged in meting out justice to this gang of assassins. There is one more -that man's wife. She too should be punished' here and now. " . Paul , Count Nazimoff looked up slowly. He had aged ten years in less than two minutes. "Not now , " he said faintly ; "not now. We have had enough of- of - " He could say no more. ' Katherine spoke again. "It ill becomes the minister of his sovereign to show his weakness at such a time as this , " she exclaimed. "My husband , at the expense of his feelings , nerved himself to do his duty-now do yours. Russia needs an example now ! " Almost Involuntarily Count Nazi mott raised his hand. It was to beg Katherine to be silent Radalof saw the motion and interpreted - preted it to mean that he should pro' duce the prisoner In another moment he hall left the room and a second later re.entered it with a heavily draped figure clinging to his arms. He had to support her or she would have fallen. Katherine' pointed to the trembling figure : supported by Radalott. "She is the wife of that man " exclaimed . claimed the countess indicating Ivan. ' "Thel'e can be no excuse for delay : She was captured with the rest-is It not so ? " . arid she turned fierce'ty to the officer in command. "It is so , madame , and she was arrested - rested while standing by the printing press upon which we found this pro ' lamatlon. " As be spoke he displayed the placard - card III red. . , 'You SiJC-You ! nee CQunt' Naz1- - " . . . . . , " : 0'e " " , " . . J . . ' " q' - ' - . r molt , " exclaimed tft.o , countess ! , . "thcrG can be 110 douht. , Act-nnd a heavy sentence , too. " "POOl' gh'l. " The count glanced nt the veiled and shrinking figure before him "Silo may ho innocent Sho- " "Sho cannot bo innocent with the proof of her guilt in that treasonable . ' proclamation " shouted lntherlno. . "Sentence hOl ) ! " "What Is your name ? " asked Paul . . ' , Nnzlmolt in a faint volco. The girl said nothing She seemed lo shrink still more. . "Speal , glrl-yuur name ! You are - that man's wife ; do not deny It , " said' Katherine. "My name is- " The vail fell and the pale face WM exposed to the gaze of all present as Olga stood forth with trembling - form and fainting heart I "Olga ! " I Above the exclamation of horror surprise and nmazcmont 'with which the name was spoken by all , there rang out Ii wild shriek \ or anguish and ---un u _ _ _ , " " " un".u _ _ _ n n' _ " nn _ despair as Katherine Knrsichoct recognized - . ognized her daughter "Olga ! " a Again the shriek echoed until It struck terror to nil within hearing. - "Olga-m llaughter-his wlfo- that man's wife-no ! not ! no ! Oh God Count Nazinoff you do not bOo ' here this , you cannot believe this. . My daughter the affianced wife of your son-she here-with those- that man's wife ! It Is not so-m1 God , my God , I swear it Is not so.- Do not sentence tier ! Spare her ! Spare her. Here on my knees at your foot I beg I implore you . by Othe love you bore your dead wife , have mercy on her ; on me-on all-havo mercy , have . mercy ! " Count Nazirnotr raised his Itead . "You have urged my duty well , madame . . ' dame I must perform it. " - "Merc ) " , mercy , mercy ! " screamed Katherine , fairly groveling at his 'A" feel.'A" "I sentence her , " . said i Count Nazi : , a . moil , "to Siberia-with her parents ! " : ' , ' CHAPTER XIV. / - , On the Road to the Mine. . Three days after the events nar- rated in the preceding chapter the .iloors of the great prison of Petro. pavlovsk in St. Petersburg swung - open. The entrance was guarded by a squadron of Cossacks , and a line of prison vans stood near , ready to move at the word of command with -the first detachment of political prls oners from among the hundreds arrested - rested during the wholesale raids of the police made by order of the min , ister. Of the prisoners arrested In the Nihilist rendezvous , four-Oramlnsky and Horsy being two-were sen- tenced to death ; the others , without exception , to exile in Siberia for terms ranging from ten years to lICe. Klrshkin's fate alone was undecided - He had made a full confession of all he knew , and it was determined to keep him In St. Petersburg In hopes that he could furnish the authorities r' with still fuller details of the great conspiracy. Two by two , Iieavlly shackled the prisoners moved slowly from the prison . on and took their places in the watt. ins : vans. I ( To be conllmod. ) J Submarine Experiments. An Important series of experiments with submarines is to bo carried out at Portsmouth. One of the principal tents will consist of "fishing" for submarines . marines with a wire net. For the - purpose of the experiments a netting 206 ( feet long made or thin but strong 1 steel wire Is to be attached to three steam pinnaces , and by then drawn under water at the depth \V.llch it fa known submarines usually ha\'el. When one of the little craft becomes entangled In the meshes the two out- side boats will close in around ie. 'and so force It to come to the surface or slnk.-London Engineer. F Woman Scl100i Dcctor. Charlotienburg Is tilt first German commune to appoint 1 woman school fi doctor. 1 i . . . . . , u .