The Falls City tribune. (Falls City, Neb.) 1904-191?, August 26, 1904, Image 4

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    Jr , .
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t. falls City Tribune
John L. Sullivan Iii to open a care.
In New YOI'I-ml ) nol with the dox
' .
Now the czar will set up the cigars
for the boys , no mutter what happens
at. Port Arthur.
"A stage holll up. " The pity Is that
t It does nol happen oftener , for the
I stage IW heeds such ald.
4 That automobile which scalped n
II Woman In New York the other day
I , , must have been a "rod devil. "
A writer In llarper's asks , "Do
: mon manage their wives ? " A good
many or them lllrulllge to think they
At any rate It did not take ! the British -
IHh half I\S long to get to Lhassa as It
will take them to gel away from
Edward Atkinson says : that he con
skiers the comlllontH on his slllollng
I1n IlIIpCI.tlnencc. Now , of course ,
lhe11 IIlop. :
IIn'l1 Is now having It revolution
every thirty minutes ! : , mold apparently
possesses a fair claim to the revolu
. lion record.
The stamp collectors have just helll
a national convention at PIUsburg ,
but they didn't' nominate It condldate
for PI'eshtenl.
The millionaire may smoke only
dollar cigars himself , but he has to
smell the fivo-cenl cigars that other
men are amolelng.
Now , If King Edward woulll start a
fad for wearing trousers bagged at
the knees some men would consider
hint 11 real benefactor.
A French schmUHL has : given 1\
learned and plausible explanation of
lc1eptomanln. Now will somebody discover .
cover that ho plagiarized Il1
- - -
While Il Iii a mean trick to rob a
defenseless slot machine , It short-tem.
pred man frequently Is sorely
tempted to throw things at one.
A Kentucky business man has used
the same steel lIon continually for 1-1
years. 'I'hat's the sort of pen that Is
mightier limn Kuroputldn's swonl.
Being fined $17.GO for over.speedin
his automobile bothers Reginald G.
Vanderbilt u good deal less than an :1 :
other mosquito bite would bother you.
Don't be too harsh In your judge
ment of the sultan. He has his trou-
bles. How would you like to sleep In I
a bombproof room In the summer
time ?
The trolley car Is said to be largely
responsible for appendicitis. 'l'hat's
queer , considering that the disease In
question Is distinctively a rich mnn's
William C. Whltne"s heirs object
to paying an Inheritance tax ot $ 222 ;
222. Why can't the State of New
York bo generous and cut It down to
221,999,99 ?
Publishing n newspaper In 1\Iexlcc
has Its drnwbnclts. In consequence of
. . President Dlaz's emclent system of
collecting taxes there are no delinquent
quent tax lists to print.
Probably the young people don"
need to bo told that It hammock is
about the best plnco from which to I
see the meteors-ot course , It the
leaves above . are not too hlck.
. . . .
. ' . . . . . .1. . . . . . ,
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Shelton will have u harvest festival
the second weak In Stptombm'
Hot weather has given u push to
the corn crop all along lhe line. . .
A twenty-acre tract of land In Hlch-
unison county old last week for $170
per acre.
A Seward county farm of .100 acres
has just changed hands for a. . consld-
oration ot $28,000.
Republicans of Nucltolls county have
nominated II. E Bowman of Lawrence
for revrcsentatlvc.
Time canning factory at Beatrice has
started opcrntlons.
Omaha officials are at war over pav-
Ing matters , and It Is likely that none
will he done this rear.
Time labor organizations of Nebraska
City will hold a big celebration In
the grove north of the city on Labor
The Morlon-Gregson Packing ) com.
parry of Nehrasltll City hUH resumed
work after the settlement of labor
Tile annual meeting of the German
Lutheran synod ; WitS held at Butler
Creek with a large number or ministers .
tel's In nttCllltance.
During u heav electrical storm at
'Vaco the barn of George Owens was
struck by lightning and burned to the
ground. The loss Is estimated at
1I0\\'arll county has the best sweet
corn crop In the memory of the old-
est Inhabitant. Canning factories In
different parts of time slate are just
beginning to work up the new crop.
Harry Johnson , a man who has been
employed at the stone quarries at Ne-
hawlm for some time , was examined
before the board or Insanity and pro.
flounced It fit subject for treatment at
the Lincoln asylum.
1\1. F. Dunn of Wood River , manager
of time Commercial hotel of that city ,
was ought to Grand Island by the
village marshal , charged with shooting
with Intent to Itl11. But Dunn haG
been turned loose and It Is expected
that 110 complaints will be filed.
O. Lisby filed a complaint with the
hoard of commissioners on Insanity
of Otoe county , charging his wife
with being Insane The board heard
the evidence and dismissed the complaint -
plaint , finding that there was some
malice In the filing or the complaint.
As Lisle Holmes , 1InrQ' Jungles and
Frank 1\1eler were passing the farm
of Frank ' Cook , five miles north of Ra-
vonnn , they left their threshing rig
and started to regale themselves with
apples from Cook's OI'chard. 1\lrs.
Cook fired twice at them , wounding
all of them as they retreated. She
will bo arrested.
Game Wnnten Carter has received
word from Custer county that A. E.
Brigham of Oconto has been fined
$150 Rllll costs , amounting to a some-
what larger sum , for violations DC time
game law. Brigham , who Is a well- merchant , has given the warden
much trouble for the last two years ,
shipping game to Chicago commission -
sion houses.
St. Paul Is contemplating with
much satisfaction the completion of
its first important manufacturing en-
torprise. The St. Paul Cunning com-
pany's efforts of the past few months
have resulted In what Is believed to
be the finest and most complete corn
canning plant In Nebraslm. There
are two substantial buildings with accompanying -
companying husking shed , from which
the bright , plump cars of sweet COI'll
are conveyed to the third floor of the
main building , where four noisy ma-
chines strip the corn , which Is then
conveyed to the cooker on the firth
fioor. There are seven process kettles -
ties of 900 tons capacity each , at each
chnnge. The dally capacity at'- the
plant la 10,000 cans for ten hoUl's'
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Parties Have Taken Lease on Land
Where Discovery Is Made.
COIJU \IllUS-Gold has been discovered .
erod within three miles of this city
and he t land has been leased and
preparations have been made to thor-
oughly prospect the place. The geld
was discovered on the farm of Gol-
1I0b 1lause , a German , who lives on
the south bank of the Platte river In
Butler county. Miners from Denver
made the discovery and found their
pay dirt three feet under ground In a
bog or quagmire. It Is said that
Omaha capital Is behind the enterprise -
prlse , and 1\11' Klause has leased his
farm , but the names of the parties
have not yet been disclosed.
'I'here Is much the same kind of
looking land on each side or the Platte
near here ] and If the enterprise Is It
success more prospecting will be done.
The gold Is in the form of what Is
called by the miners "rust deposit , "
and Is very easy to get at. .Just at
present Mr. Klnuse has refused all
offers to sell his land and will await
full dovelopments. The prospectors
also claim they have discovered evidence .
dence of an oil deposit near the same
State Board of Equalization Laying
Out Course of Action. _
LINCOLN-Attorney General Prout
was In consultation with the members
of the state board or equalization for
the purpose of determining upon a
course of action In the suit brought
by Nemaha count citizens for the
purpose of avoiding the 5 [ j per cent
I Increase ordered . by the state board ,
- - - - - - - -
and a decIsIon was reached to file in
time Nemallll county district court a ,
motion to dissolve the temporary in' '
junction granted to Church Howe ,
who Is appearing for the remaining
taxpayers of that county. The suit I
will be made a test case for the pur
pose of determining all the questions
conected with equalization In the
counties , and the attorney general will
use every possible effort to bring the
case to a speedy decision In the supreme -
preme court.
The suit will oblige the board to
disclose In the courts the reason for
the increase whether It was due to
the low valuation of land alone or to
other factors. It Is probable that they
count on this feature or time suit In
Nemaha county to secure evidence as
to II disproportionate assessment of
different classes of property.
Boys Find a Floater.
DAKOTA CITY-Arlo Hager and
Charley ueslon , two young boys of
this place , were In the timber about a
mile south of this place , and becoming
thirsty , went. to time Missouri river for
a drInlc On getting down over the
ban -n gruesome sight presented itself -
self to them , It being that'of a floater ,
who was lying face down In the
water , his feet reaching the shore and
his body extending out In the water.
The body was recovered and burled
without being Identlfled.
Epworth Receipts Big.
LINCOL.N-Over $10,000 was taken
In br the Bpworth assembly manage-
ment In eight da's. Time exact figures
have not been compiled.
Child Drowns In a Tank.
PETERSnUnG-A lIttle child of
William Lordemnn , It. farmer living
near this place , was drowned in a I
water tame near the house.
Heat Causes Death.
BEA'rmCE-John J. Shandoll , for
the last six rears : a resident of Bea-
trice , dropped dead at his borne from
heat prostration and heart . ! failure.
. " " < - - . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . , _ . . . - . . . . . . .
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: ' ; j
Costs 10 cents and equals so cent ,
worth 01 any other kind of bIUlng . _
.Won't . Freeze , Spill , Break 1
Nor Spot Clothes
W V'fl , $ 1fdi . "
around in the f1Jatel' I
At an wise Grocer
- y . .cJ
The Cause of Sleep.
The man who is kept awake b ,
pain , or who suffers In any other wa )
from Inclc of sleep , can usually obtain
tt by the use of a drug. Such sleep
however , is i generally regarded as un , ,
natural , and hypnotic drugs are
avoided when possible. But now comet : .
1&1' Raphael Dubois , a French physl-
.Ioglet , who tells us that all sleep i8
the result or drugging , the sleep-pro > .
Aucer being carbonic-acid formed with _ _
In the system.
Weight of Dead Sea Water. ' .
'A gallon ot distilled water weighs
ten pounds , of sea water ten and three-
fourths pounds , ot Dead sea water
twelve pounds. There are eight and
one-half pounds of salt in every 100
pounds of Dead sea water to two and
tour-fifths pounds in ordinary sell
water. _
Original Rough Riders.
The original Rough Riders antedated -
dated the pony express by several
) 'p.ars. The Rifle Rangers themselves
were rough riders , and Mayne Reid
was a captain , leading In person many
rl gallant charge against the "greas- " , . . '
ers , " Apaches , Commanchos and Sioux.
Shouting TheIr Praises.
Frlllrpolnt , MI8S. , August 22 ( Spe
Ilal-Cured of Bladder and Kidney
Trouble after 26 years of suffering ,
Roy. IL H. Hatch , of this place , 111
telling the public the good news and
shouting the praises of time remedY
that cured hlm-Dodll's Kidney PJ11s.
Rev. Mr. Hatch snys- :
"I have been suffering from Bladder -
der and Kidney Trouble for 26 years
and I have trIed everything that lo-
pIe said would do me gootl. But
nothing did me any good except
Dodd's Kidney PIlls.
"I haven't felt a pain since I took
Dodd's Kidney Pills. They gave me
health and I feel like a new man al-
together. Dodd's Kidney Pills are 1
the best I ever had. "
All Urlllar and Bladder Troubles
are caused by diseased Killneys. The
natural way to cure them Is to cure
the lddne's. Dodd's Kidney Pills
never fall to cure diseased kllllleys
In any stage or place. They always
cure Backache and they are the only
remedy that ever cured Bright's Dis-
Unhappily there are virtues that
one can only exercise when one Is
For Your Perfect Comfort
At St. Louis Exposition , which , is very
severe upon the feet , remember to take
along a box or two of Ar . Ll N'S FOO'.r- j
EASE , a powderfor hot , Tired , Aching , _ i
Swollen , Sweating Feet. 30,000 ( testimonials - , I
menials of cnres. Hold by all Druggists , . . . .
115c. DON"l' ACCEPT A HUllSTn.'UTE. .
Never playa horse that Is too high-
toned to run with the others. He has
the habit.
It you don't get thc biggest and best
It's your own fault. Defiance Starch _
Is for sale everywhere and there b
positively nothing to equal It In qualIty ,
Ity 01' quantlt t
It a man has a worthless dog and
a frivolous wife he can at least pois '
on the dog. .
PIso's Cure cannot 110 too highly spoken of at
n couCh . . O'DIUEN , 3' : 'I'blrd Ave.
N" , Minneapolis , MinD. , JUD. 0 , 1900.