" " , , , _ _ . MO : _ _ _ " _ , . " . " . . . . . , . _ _ : : ; . August 26 19u4 11-IL l P \ LLS LII Y KIJjUN . . _ , , . , , - - - - - - - " - - - ; r , w ' TilE FALLS CITY TRIBUNE . " . A Published Every Friday FALLS CITY , NEBRASKA . By . .S , : . tl TRIBUNE PUBI-4ISHING CO. - TytlterCl as sccolHl-class mattcl' , Janu- at' ) " 12 , 190 lat thc post office at Falls City , Nch" , tinder the Act of Congress of March 3 , 1879. ' . . ' . : > 7. : : r . . . . . . ONE DOLLAR PER YEAR . ' 4 tl'c1cphonc No 22CJ. : > : .t " REPUBLICAN Tl KET. . For President , Theodore Roosevelt , l\T. Y. . For Vice President ' \ Chas.V. . ' Fairbanks : , Ind. . , " . . , . . . Presidential Elcctors- . I" . A Barton , Pawnee " . A. C. Smith , Douglas ' : . < , 'A. C. Abbott , Dodge ! i . < ' , 1' . T , . Norval , Seward . , . . , \V.P. Hall , Phelps . " " M. A. Brown , Buffalo } ' , , , , ' . " . . . M " s ' H. H. Wilson , Lancaster I J. C. Robinson , Douglas f . . 'i' + Governor--------------- J. H. Mickey ' . . F G. 1\1'Gilton i Lieutenant Gc VCrt101' F. # Secretary of State - - - _ _ uA. Galusha 1' I Auditor.------------ : E. 1\1. ScarlcJ.Jt' . Treasurer----------- Peter 1\Iortcnscn HujJc1' ntcndcnt. _ _ . _ . . J. L. M'Brien Attorney General . -.Norris Brown 1-and Commissioner----H. M. Eaton For Congress : EI\1BR J. UllKET1' , LJincoln. For State Senator : E. A. 'l'ucKER , Humboldt. . . . . For \I mbcrs of thc Lcgislaturc. , J P \t : ! < , / I . - R. E. GItI STEAD , Salem GHORGH SMITH , Dawson 'f'W. . IHOGRHIIH. . Stella For County Attorney. \V. H. l\lOlwow , hubcrt . For Supervisor Dist. No. 3 : CIIAS. 1 < ' . ZOEJIHIt , For Supervisor Dist. No. 7 : AUGUST POOH. . - - r TELEPHONE. . . There is a more or less labored attempt at defencc on thc part of the local telephone company in \ the rCCPlll issues of the News and Journal. The latter paper says . ' that its editor has investigated the matter and that the local company is right. Of course wc realize our presumption in con- nuing the controversy after the editor of the Journal has passed II an adverse udgcmcn j , but in as much as the young man has been mistaken in the past wc feel that hc may be wrong in this instance. In consideration of thc fact that . Joseph 11. Miles is thc largest individual stock holder in thc telephone company , wc feel that thc Journal , to say the least , can - s. . . hardly be considered a disin- , . . > Je'1 tcrested wItness. The denial is made that the local company has a monop01y. I ) . The answer Weaver and : Morehead is an inferential admission - I mission that it has. Mr. Morel - l I head , in speaking of the farmers : companies coming into Falls City I says , if these people want in let I them come to mc. . 'A' i , Why to you ,1\11' 1\lorchead ? \Vhcn and by what authority did you come into control of the streets ! of Fails City ? If these people want thc use of thc streets for a franchise why should they not go to thc city ? 'I : lie reason is that the franchise tax ordinance - nancc puts it into your power to say who shall conic in and who shall not. The council has built a wall about thc city and stand at its gateway to demand tribute of every company seeking admission. If these companies will not acccdc to your dcmands they must stay ' . I Cu' . By this ordinance the local company is in absolute control of thc telephone privileges of this city and such control givcs to it the monopoly of which we com- p1ain. It will not do to say that no interest is taken in this fight. tl'he letters and personal visits this office is receiving from farmers - ers who trade in this city and who feel that they are not being fairly treated would soon convince certain interested parties that this question is of the greatest I . . moment to the business interest of this community and concerns the welfare of every business man who depends on thc farmer for his markct. The city council should bc fair between all partics. It should permit competition in every branch of endeavor. It should grant no greater benefits to telephones t1.an to merchants , and if , tny favors arc to bc shown they should bc given to that class of our citizenship upon whom we arc all so dependen Judge Parker is i to'isi t St. Louis. While in thc west h should run up to Falls City , we have the test swimming hole in the wor1d. Bryan or Burkctt ? This ques- tion must bc answered by every voter in the state when hc comes to vote on thc legislative tickct. Bryan or Burkett , which do you want for United States senator . . ? . . . . . \V. 11. Morrow pursues the quiet and unassuming campaign which will land him in the office of county attorncy. His ability and integrity furnish thc essen- tials so necessary in a legal posi- tion. No citizen in the county can afford to vote against Mr. Morrow. The office is too impor- tant.to trust to inexperience and ' " inability. tl'hc county committee is i ! now well organized for the ensuing campaign. The poll will shortly bc taken , thc committce appoint- ed , and then the : gay and festive politicians will bc abroad 111 the land greeting every body wIth the glad hand and smiling facc. There will be heart aches , when the battle is over , and there will I /f .1 f , , - - VERMIN PROOF 'GHIGKEHS. Lice prey upon chickens. This Is one of the great bars to profit In poultry. Hut It need nol bo so The fumes from ' Prussian Lice Killer catch every louse. The fumes penetrate every hiding . pI nee. There Is no hiding ! from It under feathers or In cracks or corners of roosls The chickens pro nol at' reeled-do Dot wlllll it . but Its use menus louse deslrucllon. Just Inlnllt on the floor , walls , boards , roosts , etc of the hen hOIl CS , Should you prefer limo powder treatment don't forgot the reliable Prussian Lice Powder-l'rlco 2Se : mall 40c. "We CAn recommend your Prussian Lice Klllcrio Any one who has ! , oultr ) ' , Please quote UI prices en one Rallon lOll fie gallon lots. " -1r. M. WAY . Maynard Iowa. Ple. , 1100 and. ' .00111 a.llon. , 400. Uon' , CorltI that we make thettmousIYnsstaeVeal. tr , Fool atso. U your dealer does not keep II , write 'D us Our 66 page stock book lent Cree. PRUSSIAN REMEDY CO. . ST. PAUL MINN. SPECIAL AGEITS-PORTLAND SEED CO. , porll.rd , Or . " , H , W. WILlIAMS da CD" , Fl. Worth , Tnn The Prussian Remedies arc g'uarantccd by me and 11taney re . funded if not satisfactory Nenieniber 1 buy Butter , Eggs and Poultry and Pay Cash. I have Barrel and Lump Rock Salt , also Coal and wood O. P. HECK. be rejoicing as well. The post- mortcms will hc hell and thc country will move along much in thc same 01d way. - Grinstead , Smith and Hogrefc compose thc strongest ticket that has ever been nominated for Ilie t legislature in this county. Each one possesses some distincth'e quality which will cnurc to the benefit of their constituents when used in a legislative position. There is Jess reason to scratch the ticket this year than ever before - fore , and wh,11 to the general popularity of the candidates , wc add thc fact that each candidate is a strong friend of Burkctt and is instructcd to vote for him for United States senator , there ought not to be a moments liesitatioti on the part of any republican as to how he should cast his \'otc. There has been considerable local speculation as to whom the dcm- ocrats will nominate for state ' senator. Better let it go by dc- fault boys. Tucker will puh ' cr- ir.e : thc ambition of any man in thc district , both on thc stump and at thc ballot box Rulo. Bessie Anderson is 011 the sick list. John Santo and wife visited in Rule Sunday. Ben Frederick was on thc sick list Saturday. Maggie and Sophia Pierce are on the sick list. Abe Liberty spent Sunday with his fami1y. Mr. A1 Eas1ey has moved into his new housc. " l1lrs. Thomas Aikman is still on the sick list. Mrs. Frank Simmons was on thc sick list this wcek. tl'hco. Anderson made a busi- ness trip to Falls City 'l'ucsday. 'l'he little daughter of Charles Frederick is quite sick at prescnt. \Vill Bauman and family of Fargo attendee ! church in Rube Sunday. Mrs. Ida Pane returned to her homc at Troy Junction after a- few days 'nut ! with relatives at this p1ace. 1\11' . tl'upan and family were \'i iting- old friends in l ulo tJ'ues- da\ Jerome Johnson was in town transacting business one day this wcek. ' . Anthony Smith of Fails City made a business trip to hula i\Io11day. \frs. ! Gilbert and children visited a few days in Preston this week. . . Ferdnand and Mary Bohcme returned from Atchison Wednesday - day cvcning' John Anderson and 1 family spent a few days visiting with friends in Rulo. ? 1r. Housc , wife and daughter spent Tuesday at the home of their parcnts. Mr. D. Anderson has purchased thc Bingam property and expects to take possession . Mrs. Edd Taylor ] after a few days visIt with friends returned to her home at Table Rock tl'ues- day. The Rule base ball ninc played a game with the White Cloud - ninc. The score was 14 to 9 in favor of Ru10. Mr. Bingam expects to leave in a few days for Dakota where he has rented II farm for the coming ycar. \Ve carry a. . . . COMPLETE LINE OIr , Building Material And all kinds of , COAL WE SOLICIT YOUR PATRONAGE Chicago Lumber r&l Coal Co. TELEPHONE . 58. .