. , , * T" ' 1P' ; ' ' . ' ' . ' 'I""IJ"I'i' 'I [ P'T' " . " < " ; " ' ' " ' ' ' ' 'I , ' j' f . - . , I , " , . . . . . , . . \ ) . - " ' ' August 26 I9U4 . 'l'J-i.L \ l ' ' } \.LLS Cli Y'TKfl3U1VL : ° , -1 -r ; j . . . . , t. J' . . . LOCAL AND PERSONAL. ' is visit- Jessie Santo of Arag'o - ing"at thc honk ofher sister , Mrs John Maj urns. George "Tert of St. Joseph is I , visiting in this city. o C. Johnson and wife returned from St. Louis Monday. Mrs. P. S. Heacock is visiting ' left this city ' in Denver having 1 Tuesday aftcrnoon. Nellie Gandy returned to her home in HumbolcH thc first of thc weck. r Pay 1Je\Vald rcturncd Tuesday from a weck's visit with relatives I in l esc1'\'e. Miss Shultz returned Monday f from au cxtcndcd trip in the cast. Jean Boyle came down from : ' Pawnee City thc first of thc i l wcck. ; Frank Marvin .rcturncd from : leis ranch 'l'ucsla S. V. Stewart and wife arc i visiting with the parents of thc i latter In this city. I Joseph Geiger returned from : Oklahoma \Vcdncsday. Billy Casey , thc ice man is prepared - pared to listen to your troubles this wcck. IIc is thc father of a bouncing boy bor n 'l'ucsday. Mother and child doing w'l1. , J. H. O\'crman postmaster at Stella was a picnic visitor' \Ved- n esl ay. Toni Crabill won thc medal at thc trap shoot Saturday with Charley Davis a close sccon . Sonic of the local sports have been trying to arrange a match between these twu young men and their fathers , but thc old gentlemen arc too wise and will have none of it. John Wilson is nicely located in his new quarters , and has his stock of tailoring merchandise attractively arrangcd. Hank Shaw , thc lone fisherman claims to have caught a cat fish o wcighingsixty pounds last week , and Hank docsn't see double cither. Gust ucrfelt ; > is i thc proud father of .a boy . whose advcnt \Vclncsday was duly cclebratcd. . If any of thc fathers many fricllds misscd but on what is coining , they arc invited to call at hcad- I quartcrs and make their wants lnlown. Judge Tucker was a Falls City visitor thc latter part of thc weck. \V. H. Morrow , republican can- didatc for county altcrney at- tcndcd thc picnic yesterday and incidcntly called at this ofiice. Geo.P. Griffith of Pawnee City was a Falls City visitor \Vcdncs- ( l ay. Clyde Haskins of thc Stella Press was in the city thc first of thc wcck. -oIl's. Bvcrsolc is visiting friend in l-liawatha ; \trs. Nellie Tinker and daugh- tcr of Omaha arc visiting her parents , J. Cornell and wife in this city. Mrs. Jesse \Vhctstine , who has has been visiting relatives in Washington , Kansas returned to this city. Barnum & Bailcy's gold advertising - tising- car was in Falls City Thursday putting up the gaily colored pictorial paper for thc coming of thc big show Thursday Scpt. 15. A great circus as well ] } as a great circus day are antici- pa tcd. There will be German services at thc Brethren church Aug. 28. Re\ A. Kuhlcr will prcach. Kansas Sunflowers Wilt. The Horton aggregation tried playing ball but when they cause upon thc real article they hollered - cd for ice g-allorc. The Colts ran in four marl that count in thc inning. By an overthrow and error thc Sunflower boys secured four of thc same kind in thc second inning. The way H.ucggc slammed that sphere over the plate was vicious and put thc visitors to thc stakes. ' - affair in Foster put a two bagg-er thc third which was followed bv . Poteet with his special play a home run. ' During thc last six innings neither sidccvcn staggered - ed towards homc. By innings. IIorton-0- l-1-0-0-0-0-0-0-5 . Falls ty-4-0-2-0-0-0-0-0-x-6 - HOLT'S . .L. . ' -L ! ' : ) _ . : : " "PC".7".r. ; . . - - - - " - - _ THE CONSERVATIVE SHOE BUYER THINKS OF HOLT AND GOOD SHOE AT SONE TIl\'iE ' - . - - - . - - - _ - - - - WIlEN IN NEEI > Of fOOTWEAR ONa hAS A . ROPY I . A . . TENDENCY , - - . . - TO SUQOUST - TIIB - OTtIE Wt-- , ' ' II JUST NOW SPECIAL BARGAINS MAKE THE COMPARISON ' VERY ESPECIALLY STRIKING . _ _ . . . . . . . II - - te-aAlfi3t1.6i' .a . - - . ' . _ . . . . " . ; . . . . : .ifi. - II SHOES . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . - - - - - - - ' . . - _ _ . . - - - - - - - - - - ' ' " - ' .al\.4 - - - - - \ : " " " " ' - -'tV' n mT" l 'jf ; - - - ITi H. CLOTHING SALE " . . t , , . . \Ve are going to empty out all Clothing odds and , ends. Such a list of bargains never did go out - of this Clothing Store. It will pay you to buy to- ' day in this great Emptying Out Sale. It will pay I us to make little prices for Clean Stock and Economy's j Sake. The prices we make bela..w should do the work : : l\'Ien's Suits that sd regular for $12.50 and , $13.50 , EmptYIng Out Prices. . . . . . $ 10.00 l\'len's ' Suits , regular $ 15. 00 and $ I 6. 50 _ _ : ' ' Emptying Out Sale. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ t 2.50l ! . } . Boy's and Children's Knee Pant Suits selling regular for $3.5 to $4.50 , in this . . Emptying Out Sale. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $2.75 . - Hargl4ave & Hargraver Opposite Post Office Falls City , Nebraska , " . ; ' - . , : " ; - " : " - - - ! " ' - - - ' \ " " ' Shubert. On account of thc rain Mr. Lake did not lecture at thc ? Mcthodist church Sunday c\'cn- lng. - . Roy Wilson and Carl Bartlett returned from their western trip last wcek. " L. 1\1. \Ycddlc left for St. Paul last wcck. Cora Hcndcrson returned f1'0111 Falls City Sunday. Mrs. Mathcrs of Stella is visit- ing' her parents , \\T. Pearson and wife this wcck. Melissa Colglazicr of Stella is visiting Mollie Ahcrn this wcp.k. Mrs. Prof. Carr return > ( ; from her visit at Pcndcr thc last part of thc weck. Miss Atta Morrow and Guss Hendcrson arc Peru visitors this wcck. 1\Irs. Oaldcy and Mrs. Wheeler were Falls City visitors this wcck. Mrs. Mack \Veddlc returned from her visit at Broken Bow Monday. Prof. Evans of \Yahoo was visiting friends and relatives in Shubcrt this weck. Mrs. Foutch of Vcrdon is visit- ing Mrs. J. N. Colglazici' this weck. . " . - - = - : , " , , - : = : " ' - - - - - - " : - - .m. , . . . - . . . . , , . - . . , : , . Ic.nOctyu a Widows' Pension Quicker than anyone else 1 secured a pension for \IHS. AN- [ NA nAUD of Falls City. Allowed I l"cpruary 17 , 19..J. 1\11' nabb died l . . .J. October 29 , 193. - Also pension for l\IHS. JHNNIH Wm'f\\'OR1'H of Falls City. Allow- cd March 1,1) L } \Ycntworth lied November 28 , 193. " . 1 John L. Cleaver . : PENSION ATTORNEY I Falls City , Nebraska , i . : ,1 I - - - - . - - - I W. H. MADDOX ) , REAL ESTATE AGENCY tl Lands bought and sold . - _ ' ' ! I Hartford Fire Insurance . , Houses in city for sale i Money to loan f I Telephone 178 . . . Coal , Wood and Feed . Get prices of heck 011 all kinds I of coal before you place your , ' . . order. King's for purscs. " - . , . f J - . . . . . . _ . _ ,