. . ' : . . . . , . . . ! . ' .I't'j" : ' ! ' ; , , . : , ; : " ' " ' . . . . . . > ' . . . " , ' 'J " , { I . ' ' r . . . . . . 'r' , August 26 1904 U-W ILLS : loll Y T1t11SU1VL . _ ' , . " , . STATEMENT OF THE CONDITION OF The Southeastern Nebraska Building and Loan Association. I i OF AUBURN NEB. . ON THE 30Tl DAY OF JUNE 1904. 1\ \ s ' I ASSH'l'S. ; t li'irst mortgage loans S140,140 82 . Stock loans---------- 1,050 00 I Heal Estate - - . - - - . . - . 7,853 16 i furniture and station. II f i ' cry-------- . station. . 118 45 f' ' Cash----------------- 5,8G822 ! I 1)elinqucnt } interest , t prcmiums and fines 4,580 42 HxpClIscs and taxes paid _ _ _ _ _ _ . . . . . . . _ _ 4,504 74 Dividends paid and crcdited. . . . . _ . . _ . . . 2,635 90 , Real estate sold 011 ; contract _ _ . . . _ _ _ _ _ _ 3,458 25 I Real . estate bought for building site--- . - - . 1,850 00 I ! ' 1.otaL _ _ _ _ - . . . . . . . _ . SI82,059 % I I RECEIPTS AND EXPENDITURES FOR YEAR ENDING JUNE 30. 1904 I . HJ : CHII"rs Balance on hand I July 1 , 1903..5 7,300 97 Dues on running stock 15,383 19 IntcrcstprclI1iu\11s and tines _ _ _ . . , . . . . . . . . . 17,298 03 Loans repaid _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 47,024 on Pull paid stock--- . _ _ . 22GOO 00 Rents _ _ . . . _ _ _ _ _ _ . . . . . 340 35 Certificate fees. . _ . . _ _ 81 00 insurance and taxes . 16 15 Heal estate sales. . . . . 2,721 50 Profit and withdrawal fees _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ G38 32 Total---- S113,403 51 To Everywhere And Bl\.ck. The Burlington offers excursion rates in every direction-so low that there is 110 excuse for stay- ing' at homc. Below arc sonic of thcm. St. Louis and back : Three kinds of daily rates besides thc special low rate coach excursions on each Tuesday and Thursday luring August and S ° ptcmbcr. Chicago and back : Daily low rates either direct or via St. Louis , with stopovers at St. Louis , Kansas City and 9maha. Louisville , Ky. , and back , $20. 40 , August 12 to 15. Boston and bacle-thc only chance of thc season for a low rate visit to New England , $31.40 , August 11 to 13-10ng' limit. 'Vorld's Fair : stopovers at St. Louis on through tickcts. Colorado , Utah and Black Hills resorts-thcrc and back prac- tically half rates all summcr. - . _ . . . ' ! I . . . ! . ; - . - . . ifa- I.IADlT.ITntS. Capital stock paid up S149,745 09 Reserve fund _ _ _ _ . . . . 8,000 00 Undivided profits . . . 6,769 37 1 n t e r cst , premiums and fincs. . . . . . . . . . . 16,982 30 Advance interest and premium _ _ . . . - _ _ _ _ _ 141 85 Certificate fees------ _ 81 00 Rents- 340 35 I . - I Total . _ _ . . . . . . .S182,059.9 I 1-l' 1'ENDITU1ES. Loans----------------5 : 46,109 28 Expenscs _ u _ _ _ _ _ . - _ _ 4,334 13 Stock redeemed . _ _ _ _ _ 40,415 05 Cash 011 hand _ _ _ - _ _ _ _ 5,868 22 Dividend on PPstock 7,139 09 Tttsurartcc and ta. . : = cs. . 78 ; 00 Real estate purchased 9,317 18 Undivided profits--- _ 142 02 ' _ _ _ _ _ _ . _ _ _ _ _ _ $ , 51 . . . . I STATE 01" " ' BRASKA l ss Ncmaha County 1 , R , M. Gillan , secretary of thc above named Association , do sol- cmn1y swear that thc foregoing statement of thc condition of said Association - sociation is true and correct to thc best of my knowledge and bclief. R. N. GUT.AN , Sccrctan' Subscribed and sworn to before me this 16th day of July , 1904. ' CIIAS. O. FlutNCII , Notary Public. This Association has grown to bc one of thc strong financial - nancial institutions of southeastcrn Ncbraska. By its liberal plan of operation many of this and other towns arc today enjoying thc pleasure of their own homes and paying for them with thc motley usually paid for rcnts. Call and see us if you arc thinking of buying or building a home and stop paying rent , or if you will begin now and take stock in this association it will only cost you 25c , 50c or $1 per month on the share ( or $100) ) and this will earn for you not less than 10 per cent per annum , and at maturity you can draw out 100c on thc $ and buy or build you a homc. WHIT.tt\.KER BROS. , Agents Falls City , Nebraska - . . . . -co.t ; 1'0 California-San Francisco and Los Angeles and back , Aug- ust 15 to September 10 , only $45. The only chance in 1904 to get this low rate. Portland , Puget Sound and back , August 15 to 18 , one fare for thc round trip. 1'0 Michigan , Minnesota , Wisconsin - consin and thc Great Lake region , thc ideal summer country-daily low rates to take you away from home. On thc first and third Tuesdays of each month very low round trip rates to hundreds of points in thc Northwest , west and South , wcst. wcst.Vritc Write or call , describe your trip ; let mc advise you thc leas t cost. G. Sclwart. Ticket Agent Or , L. W. 'Vakely , General Passenger Agent , Omaha. . - - - - - - - _ ; " . ' _ . ' - . - - " . - . . . . - - ' - . - - . . . " . . 1 R E Grinstead on - a . \q' Drainage Matters . { , 1 Thc following letter is our text for this weeks sermon on drainage mattcrs : 'rarldo , Mo. , Dee. . 19 , 1903- l\lr. R. E. Grinstcad-Salcm , Ncbraska-Dcar Sir-Rl'plying to your letter of thc 12th inst would say wc have a ditch here about fifteen feet long. Thc ditch was about 12 feet deep and 18 feet widc. r think thc cost is right around S2000 per milc. We believe thc ditch is a great hclp. R. E. Gowdy of this place did our ditching for us , however hc has sold his machine but lor further information wc would refer you to him. Yours truly D. Rankin. 'Vc desire to have this letter reproduced because of thc fact that David Rankin is a man of national reputation , not only as thc most extensive cattle feeder in thc world but as a man of thc strictest honor and integrity , a man who could not bc induced to prevaricate thc truth to gain a political advantage nor for any other purpose : The corn that Mr. Rankin uses to feed his numerous herds of cattle is raised mainly on his own farms composed mainly of 'l'arkio river bottol1 S. The bulk of l\lr. Rankin's immense fortune was made main- ly by buying 'l'arkio's wet lands at a low price prior to the mak- ing of thc ditch sonic five years ago , of which hc speaks in thc above lcttcr. I reproduce these facts because it is being asserted that thc Tarkio ditch has clone no gooct. The following a truthful . statement of thc 'l\trkio ditch together - ' g'clhcr with all its cn vi ronmcn ts. 'l'hc 'l'arldo river watershed is well made up mainly of thc steep , and in many places priapitous bluffs of thc Missoun : river hills. 'l'hc gradient of thc stream is very little , towards thc lower end from thc Holt Co line to thc mouth of thc stream it is not more than one foot per mile and at thc Holt Co. line thc new channel makes a right angle to thc cast and discharges into thc old channel following its sinuosi- tics to th'm r'cr. . Along this part of thc 'l'arkio hc t ditch above has been a disadvantage - I . advantage rattier than otherwise ' . for it is a settled and undisputed fact that when a new channel is made , of the samc size as thc old , which shortens thc distance between - twecn two given points thc flood line is lowered in thc same pro- portion that thc stream is short- . . . . cned and thc flood line below thc -.t- cut off is for a while , before \ thc new channel gets its growth , raised half as much as it is low- cred above the lower end of the cut ofT. The above statcmcnt of facts is thc concurrent endorse- nient of all engineers , wc belicvc. The Tarkio river above thc Holt Co. line sometimes now in excessive rainfalls , breaks thc banks for a short while , but remember - . member that thc old channel is : filed up in many places The bottom lands there cannot bc bought for less than $75 per ' acre , wc mean above thc Holt Co. ' ; : : ' lines which is thc lower end of thc cut off. Remember also that rl ! thc Ncmaha river in which wc , _ i' . : . arc interested has a gradient : 11 ninny . times greater than the . , 'rarlno , and that of thc watcr'I" ' . ; , .1 shed above thc bottoms is much , 1 lea than thc 'rarko : which do s it not so rapidly bring a given volume of water jute thc channel . thus causing it to break banks. It is thc concurrent opinion of several noted engineers with whom wc have discussed thc natural environments of Ncmaha valley that wc have the easiest and most inviting problem of any " ' known valley in thc west for ' . - securing thc best results with thc _ least expenditure of cffor.t. . . - These same engineers is invited - cd to do so will give some good 5 advice to thc board of trade al . Falls City relative to thc only possible war to maintain good roads at a minmum expense across thc bottoms into this town. In Burt , Douglas , Washington , Otoc , Dodge and Ncmaha coun- ties where drainage districts arc being organized , there is no effort - fort being organized to defeat -.J. thc same because of any fear - . that any property other than thc ' ' wet lands benefited , will be taxed for thc reclamation of thc same. k I am very certain that in this . county there is not an intelligent fair minded man that wants to know thc truth and bc fair and "tell thc truth and shame thc . 4 dcvil" that believes such nonscnsc. ; : j i Thc owners of overflowed lands' . : : ; under thc law-or under any law .t . . . . . , . . . that can bc madc-that is consh- ' , ; tutiolt'al , will par different prices , per acre each according to benefits - , fits received thc to bc ' - ' , same sct- 404\ tied by thc engineer in charge under thc direction of the county board of supervisors . 'l'hesc same supervisors will have thc selection , . . . tJon of thc cnginecr. . Grover Cleveland will have as . much to say and do in making ' . these selections in these actions as . ) Yours truly , R. E. GRINSTEAD. . , I . . .t. 4 ' + - . , . . . . , . \ i - . . . . - - - _ .