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. . . ,
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j . : . . August 26 , 1904 THE FALLS CITY TRIBUNE : ; f : " 'l ' '
King's for stationcry.
F. . .King's for good soda watcr.
Roy Dag-get of Salem eras in
" ' this city Monday.
. . y 0" " O. Marsh was down from
if a ; crdoit , ronday.
' ' \Var .cn Schaible spent Sunday
, I
' and ' 1\londay in Salcm.
Miss Dora Carico return cd
( Monday from Hiawatha.
r E.N. Rupert of ShuLcrt attend-
' . ed the picnic here 'l'uesday. .
H. C. Zoellcr 01 Preston was in
, thc city on business ' 'l'ucsda
' ; V. G. . yfOl"II returned from
! : New York Monday aftcrnoon.
1 F. . ' ' 1. Moritz of Mints City was
a Falls City visitor thc first of
the week.
Mi s. Alice Walker tree Hutch-
jugs' went through Falls City
. Sunday on No. 57.
; , ' Mary Pete of Preston visited
- with Samuel Prater and family
the first of the wcek.
'Vanted-two apprentice girls
' ' store.
at the Don Ton millinery
Reference required.
\Irs. Prank Marvin and George
Strong of Oklahoma City are
visiting friends in this city.
Arthur Alexander met the
afternoon trains Monda ) ' . Ac-
count-fricnds from Humboldt.
Mrs. James Dorman and Mrs.
Herman Maust of GoIT , Kansas
are visiting friends in this. city.
Miss Helen Brebeck returned
from the east Tuesday where she
purchased a large and up-to-date
stock of fine millinery.
. Grant . . ShubCrt ! , a prominent
fruit raiser of Shubert brought a
load of fine grapes to town 'l'ucs-
( l ay.
Miss Minnie Jusscn entertain-
cd thc Bachelor girls and few
others Wednesday afternoon in
honor of Miss li'ernleof John-
ston , Pcnn.
Mrs. P. H. Jussen has return-
cd from a two weeks visit with
her daughter , Mrs. Stewart of
Indian Ter. Mrs. Jussen visited
thc Worlds Fair and other places
of interest while gonc. She re-
ports the grand child as progress-
ing finely all of which will bc
welcome news to the tnaur
friends of Maude aitcl Mr. Stcw-
A Galusha , republican candi-
date for secretary of state was a
\ Falls City visitor 'l'ucsday. : Mr.
Galusha is an ardent ffilternal
man and could not resist at least
one day at the picnic. He is i also - -
so a base ball crank and believes
the Falls City team to be one of
the best amateur teams in the
wcst. He visited many oC our
local business men through thc
kindness of Geo. W. Hol1and.
' , , , .
' " -
Killed by Train.
" John Mosiman who had been
raking hay in a pasture across
the B & 1\01 tracks , tied the tcam
to the back of a wagon , from
which they broke loose and stattt-
cd for home just as the passenger
train whistled for the yards. The
horses were struck and instantly
killed by thc train just as they
were on the crossin : ! .
Miss Angelinc Van Gundy lied
at the home of her nephew , A. B.
Everts , Friday evening , August
19th , after an illness of three
Miss Van Gundy was well
known in this city , and her sud-
den taking way will be a sur-
prise to her many fricnds. She
was born in Chillicothc , Ross ,
Co. , Ohio Mo.y 3rd , 1862 but for
many years has been a resident
of Nebraska and the immcdiate
vicinity of Falls Citr. :
Time funeral services were con-
ducted at the residence where she
died on Saturday afternoon at 3
o'clock by Rcv. Pougeon , after
which the remains were shipped
to Milton , \'Io. : , for burial. Miss
Van Gundy leaves to mourn her
loss a father , sister and three
brothers , also a large number of
other relatives and fricnds.
Christian Church Services
Large crowds attended thc
services at the Christian church
Sunday morning and evcning.
The pastor discoursed on the
following subject in the morning ,
" 'l'he Love of t end ; " in the even-
ing , he used for his subjcct.
"Man's Inhumanity 'ro Mall. "
He said that our apparent disregard -
gard for one another but < lis-
playcll the real character of thc
individual , and was an outward
display of the indwelling desire
to bc criminal , given though we
had no real intention of being
. . . .
Crtnl1na 1 . ' . .1an ' S inhumrmanity 1
to man" is as much in evidence
today as it ever was ; the most
horrifying displays of it arc made
every day in our midsts , in so-
ciety , business , politics and even
in the churchcs. The cause of
all this is the refusal on the part
of the people to adopt the Golden -
en Rule , a rule that can be adopt-
cd by any and all classes of
people ; we have been practicing
the Silver Rule long enough-
"Do others and do . them plenty
while you are at it , " and it is
high time that wc realized that
fact and changed our tactics.
Services as usual next Sunday ,
to which you are cordially in\'it-
cd. Come and bring your friends
with you. The people who attended -
tended the morning services were
favored with a rare treat in thc
form of a voi1in solo which was
rendered by Miss Alice Cleaver ;
the rendition was all that could
bc asked , and was highly apprec-
iated by those who heard it. '
' r '
. . I
_ 'IN\VM \
F. W. .Cleveland9s "
Clearance Sale J
- - -
The man in the pic-
ture is wearing a suit
identical with the ones
wc are sel1ing.
The artist drew this
picture of a man wear-
ing one of our gar-
men ts so as to show
you the exact aPpear-
ancc of this' suit in a
trying position.
You do not have to
bc of regular propor-
tions for us to fit you.
Our sizes : run in
longs , slims and stouts ,
so that we can meet
thc requirements of
sour figure as well a'S
tny ta ilor.
All our garments
bear the Uion Label
-the s'mbcl of sani-
tary and worthy goods.
- - - - - - - - -
-.w are making Spe iR i = ' , '
dtlctions on all Summer Cloth = . ' ! .
ing to make room for New Fall " : 'f '
Goods which will arrive soon. . . . . r
It I will . pay you to call and get ,1'
our . " ,
prIces. -
- - - . . o - _ _ ' ' ' ' ' ' " _ _ _ . _ _ _ _ _ . . . . . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ w. _ . 4
F. W. Cleveland H . '
' . ' . A fiNtI. " .
, , i
Thompson George Brown , at
his home in Falls City , Sunday
August 21st , after a liugerittg i11-
Mr Brown had l been ailing since
last February , and all that
Medical Science could , was of no
avail ; he passed out of this life '
in his 63rd year , and left to mourn
their loss , three children , two
daughters and one son.
\'lr. Brown was born in thc
state of Pennsylvania , Fcb. 21st
1841 , but for a numbcr of years
was a resident of this statc.
He was a member of the G. A.
R. , and the Odd Fellows , and
was heW in very high esteem by
those orders.
Time funeral services were con-
ducted in the home of the deceased -
ed , Monday nighf at 12 o'clock ,
and were under thc supervision
of Rev. Pougeon , pastor of the
First Christian church.
After the services , the orders
of which the dcccased was a
member took charge of the remains -
mains and escorted them to the
depot where they were plac d
ab ard thc train and shipped to
- - .
Rind Tallornt by Cahn , Wampold & Co.
. '
" .
. .
iIiJ ' "
' '
, . ,
" "
. . .Af I , 4 " . .
. . ,
. { . .
c. 7m ht sue , Cahn. Wampoid do Co. , Chlcaro , . . f / . .
. : tl
- - - - -
a - " 4r
' t-
Shickley , Neb. " and consignee to . f
their last resting placc.
Thus it is , we are passing one ' . . ' ' : ' , ,
by one to that bourn from whence .
no traveler has as yet returned , " L'm , ,
. .
to solve the mysterious problem , ' . . ; . '
that confront us in dcath. ' ' ' ' : , i , . . 4 . '
. Remedy for Crookedness. " , , \ f1 '
I think thc horse with a ' i : '
crooked tail is i a : Missouri Demo ; = _ . , ' - : '
crat , and has been so used to twj '
crookedness that he has faIle& l in ' " : .
to the habit of carrying his tail ' . : - ' ( " : ' 1'
in line with his priciples : Hemcy : . r : . ! <
Vote the Republican tIcket a few' : ' : , ' .
times and thc tail will fall in line' : ;
with thc backbone. Rcformer. . . . - ' . .
. . , . .
$7.75 To St. Louis And R.eturn. . , : : :
The Burlington offers the , - . : i- . , " '
above'low - . , .j ,
above low rate for tickets good-in f
. . " . . . .
coaches 1 and chair 1 cars ( seats . 1 ' L:4 . . t _
" " f".Ti . )
free. ) On sale Tuesdays and , . ' . - - ' .11. '
'fhursdays during August and ' ' -r
and"i' . : :
September. " . ' , ' ! I
See me for full particulars. ' , " : C . 1 ,
G. Stewlrt. . , ' . : , . . . ' : . ,
Ticket 1 gen t. ' " ; jh '
. ; >
; J. ,
Ice ! Ice ! " , , ' I
! . :
Good clean ice from Culp's lake
delivered , at your 'door.-Culp Ice , : : , ,
Compan . , .rh' : . . . . . . . ,