The Falls City tribune. (Falls City, Neb.) 1904-191?, August 19, 1904, Image 7

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    - - _ _ _ _ . . . _ . _ . _ _ . . _ _ _ _ _ . . . . . _ . . _ -M. . . . . . . . . . ,
' " . . . . . ,
. ; . . . . . ' . . . . ( . ' . . . ' . . . ' \ .
' ! ' . THE FALLS CITY TRIBUNE o' I : \ ' , . ' . . / , . H
( August 19 , 1904
. . . . .
, .
, , . I
- r - AND
, ' . Fast Trains Elegant Service
. .
. ' ; ,
' / - -
" ' \ : $15 to Portland , Tacoma and Seattle September
/ . . , 15 to October 15 , 1904.
: ' } " . $25 to LosAngles , San Francisco and Sacramento
' '
. , - - Cal. Sept. 15 to Oct. 15 , 1904. , .
State Fair at Lincoln , Aug. 29 to Selt. ) 2. Return
limit Sept. 3rd. $2.80 round trip. . . ' iTo ' ' ; ,
To California and return $45. 00 ' August ' 5 to Sept.
loth , return limit Oct. 20.
1 ! _ . : .
- St. LoUIS 60 day ltmIt. . . . . . . . . . . . $13.55
St. Louis 15 day limit. . . . . . . . . . . . $12.00
St. Louis 7 day limit Tuesday and Thurs-
day of each week . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $7.25
Remember there is no change of cars ' to St. Louis.
Take the Worlds Fair Special at 8:43 : p. m. Fast train
I through Falls City.
For further information see local agent.
, ' , rj"J . . , - Correspondence
. .
: : - News of the County as Told by
. Our Special Correspondents ,
. .
: John Cornell returned from
. . Lincoln Friday.
, Dr. Meycrs of Hiawatha was
, in town 'fucsday.
Born to Rott. 'frnan and wife
on August 10th a boy.
: : L. -A. Kinscy and wife spent
Sunday in Falls City.
Camma Hall left Sunday for a
' - visit to her brother Will in Can a-
r' ! .
, 1 ° al a. -
Myrtle Bowers returned to her
home in Falls City thc latter
: part of the wcck.
. . . .
. Nellie Weaver returned on Fri-
day from an extended trip to
Idaho where she visited her
Grandpa Kinsey came over
from Salem to visit his son Leonard -
ard and to attend the Pioneer
- , picnic.
, Mrs. Lulu Sinclair of Kiddcr-
vi11e , Kans. , visited her niece ,
- # : \ \V. C. Sloan Saturday and
- Sunday.
- - \Vm. Marsh and wife of town
accompanied bY George Marsh
and wife of Lincoln left for South
Dakota Sunday.
. . Iva Fuller celebrated her six
teen 'Jirthday in an elegant man-
't ner on Thursday night. About
I. ' a hundred 9f her friends partici-
, . . tcd. .
f } ' : " gated.
, .
iI i I
Roy Swisegood and wife gave
a very pleasant party Wednesday
night , a large crowd was present
and ice cream and cake were ser-
Dr. and Mrs.Bournc of Auburn
attended thc Pioneer picnic.
May Johnson and Grace Saylor
returned on Sunday from a two
weeks visit in Auburn. Howc
and Stcl1a.
Mrs. C. G. Humphrcy went to
Falls City on Friday for a few
days visit with her parents , Gco.
Abbott and wife.
Lizzie , Nellie and Belle Hos-
sack came up from Falls City on
Saturday for a visit with their
sister , Mrs. W. C. Sloan.
Mr. Paradise who purchased
thc stock of goods of M. F. Look
is behind thc counter waiting qn
tradc. M. P. Look will go to thc
mountains ill search of hcalth.
Miss Acott of Palmyra has
been lured for thc coming year in
thc intermediate room. Miss
Acott comes highly recommended
and wc bespeak for her success .
L. A. Kinsey returned from his
visit to Lincoln , Exeter and
Strang , Ncb. Hc visited his son
Raymond who has been with his
grandparents since June 1st. Hc
will return in time for school
duties about Sept 1st.
'rhc neighbors and friends of
John Crouch and wife gave them
a pleasant surprise on last Wednesday
ncsday the occasion being their
golden ann \'crsary. They all
walked in after prayer meeting
' . " . . . .
carrying many tokens to remind
them they had been married fifty
S. H. Baync was in town l'ri- ;
H. E. Grinstcad was in Falls
City on busincss.
Rcn Grinstead and wife went
to Lincoln 'l'ucsday.
Fred \Vylie drove up from Falls
City Friday afternoon.
Hi Shildncck has sold his farm
to Mr. 20rn for $100 per acrc.
Mrs. Hoff CitttC down from
Humboldt Monday aftc1"1100n.
Roy \Vallcr and wife spent
Sunday with John 'fichcn and
Lillith Mead wcnt to Fihnore ,
Mo. , Sunday to see a cousin , who
is seriously sick.
Eugene Baldwin of Omaha
cause yesterday to visit O. A.
Mrs. Ben Kelly and two of her
little children arc sick this wcck.
Vera Lord of Vcrdon visited
friends in town thc first of thc
Hay Gist and wife of Humboldt
spent Saturday and Sunday with
S. P. Gist and wife.
Hcrman Schneider and wife of
Pickcral , Ncb. arc visiting with
friends in this citv.
Florence Jones returned from
Stella Wednesday wherc she has
spent several days with friends.
Ida \Vhitcomb of Lincoln visit-
cd over Sunday with her friend ,
Mrs. Bert IVlcCoo1.
Mrs. Letha Scott was up from
Falls City last Friday and stayed
over Sunday with her foll\s. :
Mrs. Whitney and little daughter -
er , 140renc came up Monday from
Hiaw t'.1a to visit with her mother -
er and sistcr.
Mrs. Shirley came down from
Lincoln Monday afternoon to
visit with her daughter Mrs.
Will HofTncll.
Minnie Clift , of Humboldt
arrived lucre Monday to spend a
short timc-with her sister , Mrs.
Ab Adams.
1\fr. and Mrs. Emmcrt cntcr-
tamed Mr. and Mrs. Schneider
and Mr. and Mrs. Ray Houston
at six o'clock dinner \Vcdncsday.
1\lr. Norvillc Hedgc and wife
and Daisy Arnold of Stella spent
Sunday with relatives near Salcm.
Violent Attack of Diarrhoea Cured
by Chamberlain's Colic Cholera
and Diarrhoea Remedy and
Perhaps a. life Saved.
"A short time ago I was taken
with a violent attack of diarrhoca
and believe I would have died if
I had not gotten relief , " says
John J. Patton , a leading citizen
of Patton , Ala. "A friend
recol1l1nel1ded Chambcrlain's Col-
ic , Choler and Diarrhoea Hcm-
edy. I bought a twcnty-live cent
bottle and after taking three
closes of it was entirely cured.
I consider it thc best remedy in
the world for bowel complaints.
For sale by A. G. \Vanncr.
f\foiher's Slipper. .
By Rev. F. Poutcon
'l'all crholltltcrecling chicken ,
Maldn' IItII get out tq slwlc ;
l\Ialdn' cm tcw inv thc'r nahal's ,
.All' obey th' Golden I lIlc.
' ccrt'JI ' mcm'l'i7cd
All these things I'vc cert'uy
( An' I'll not fcrgit cm qlliclq )
With thc assistance IIV my inttuly ,
An' her slipper smooth all slick.
'l\Icmhcr whcn a little shaver ,
Stole sonic mcll'lIs with th hay : ;
lIow we sat right dowlI all' ct cm ;
Didn't IImltc cr hit IIV 1I0isc.
Sonic one saw tiS , told our IIHlIlllllics ,
\Vcnt an' laIc cm oO'tll qlliclq ;
'l'hclI our matllmics fanned our trousers
With their slippers smooth and sliclf.
Used l to like t' hay dad tall tIIC ,
'atlsc he used a buggy whip ;
SllIn times I'd get right clost tCI' him ,
'l'hclI again , away I'd slip ;
So lie dirht't always hit tIIC ,
An' I'd git oil party quick ;
But I cll n't fool my mammy
With liner slipper smooth all slick.
0 , I tell you when she : got me. .
lly th' car so sure an' tight ;
An' hussclcd inc across her nee ,
How I used tcr jump and fight ;
How I'd struggle , sqllccl an holler ,
Squirm an' tremble , twist an' kick ;
\Vhcn my mammy fanned my trousers
With her slipper smooth an slick.
Years hay gone , an' I'vc forgotten
Many things IIV childhood days :
Many schoolmates passed front tIIcmry
I'm fcrgittinllv timer ways ;
But theses things I'm not fcrgcttin-
In my mcm'r ) ' fresh an' quick ,
Conic th trlots tlV my ole manl1Y
An' her slipper sll100th an slick.
McNa.Il's I
, .
Fancy and Staple
Fruit in Season.
Satisfaction Guar-
Free City Delivery
Phone 40.
Storage for Household
and Other Goods.
D. S. McCarthy
Special Attention to Household lt10vlng
- Phone 211 '
Palls Nebraska
City - -
- J
' .