The Falls City tribune. (Falls City, Neb.) 1904-191?, August 19, 1904, Image 3

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    . \i \ , . August 19 , 1904 THE FALLS CITY TRIBUNE J
'ilMfI . . " . f " INJ
f J F. W. Cleveland's
, , ,
/ Clearance Sale
- . . . . . . - - L _ . . . . . . . . . _ _ _ _
trhe man in thc pic-
hire is wearing a suit RandTatloredbrCahntYarld&C . , ,
- I identical with thc ones , r : u ' ' '
wc arc selling"
' rhc artist drew this
picture of a man wearing - t
lug one of our g"ar- = . , : : '
iilcnts so as to show i-.e. , .
you thc exact appcar- : ,
ancc of this suit in a
I" trying position. t
l You do not have to t't1 ti '
bc of regular propor- , ? ;
tions for us to fit you.
Our sizes run in
longs , slims and stouts ,
( ! so that wc can meet
thc requirements of , + % r { ; ax'4 . . .
ris" wqc
sour fig-ure as well as
I tny tailor.
. 1 I All our garmcn ts
( bear thc Uion Label , t' , ' ,
f - the symbcl of sani- . . a v , ata sof. Caha , Wampold ec Co. , ChcaLv (
m I tart' and worthy ; : IS .
" , We are making I Special Re =
i ductions on' all Summer Cloth =
ing to make room for New Fall
Goods which will arrive soon.
! " . It will . pay you to call and get
our prices.
- -
F. W. Cleveland
. > t9 tia ' - - - A'f
, -r . . . . . . . . . ' - " " . . . . . . . _ _
, , . _ "V"V . . . . . . . . _
s I I Falls City. Neb.
Lincoln Denver
Omaha Helena
( Chicago Butte
f J St. Joseph Salt Lake City
Kansas City Portland
St. Louis and all San Francisco
points east and and all points
south. west.
No. 43. Portland St. Louis
Special , St. Joseph ,
Kansas City ; St.
Louis and all points
east and south. . . . . 7:27 : l' m
No 13. Ycstibulcd express ,
daily , Denver and
all points west and
northwest. . . . . . . . . , 1:33 : a niNe
No 14. Vestibuled express ,
daily , St. Joe , Kan-
sas City , St. Louis
and all points east
and south. . . . . . . . . . 7:47 a m
No. 15. Local express , daily
. . . t Lincoln and points
\ iIi , , eastwcstlIorthwest 1:48 : l' m
No. ? 1. Vestibulcd express ,
daily , Denver , and
all points west and
northwest . . . . . . . . 1:35 p m
No , 16. Vcstibulcd express
daily , 81. Joe , Kan-
sas City , St Louis
Chicago and points
cast and south. . . . . ot:30 : p m
No , 22. Local express daily
Atchison and points
south and wcst. . . . 4H : p m
No. ot1. St. Louis-Portland
. . - . . . . . . . . . . . - . . . . . . "It. . . . ' .
. . .er. . . . . . . . . .
. .
SpccialI4i ncol ii , I-Ie-
lcna , 'l'acon1a and
Portland without
change . . . . . . . . . . . 10:07 : l' m
Xo. 115. Local accommodation -
tion , daily Monday -
day , 'Vedllsday and
- Friday r Salem , Ne-
maha and Nebraska
City . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11:30 l' m
Sleeping , dining and " reclillg chair
cars ( scats free ) on through trai ns.
Tickets ! sold and baggage , checked ! to
any point in the States or Canada. For
information , time tables , maps ami
tickets , call on or write to G. Stewart ,
Agent , Falls City , Neb. , or J. Francis ,
G. P. & ' 1' . A. , Omaha.
News of the County as Told by
Our Special Correspondents
Nellie Dunn and Ethel Barrctt
were in Falls City , Friday. "
Chas. Stcinbrink and wife spent
Sunday at thc home of Jake
Rcv. Gromosh and family left
Monday for their home in New
1. A. Dunn and family spent
Sunday with Jacob 'Wissingcr
and family.
Rcv. Gromosh and family spent
several days the past week with
his wife's sister , Mrs. Bertha
Zurbrick near Vcnlon.
Edward Luhn is suffering from
a severe attack of malaria fc\'cr.
Mary Ducrfeldt spent Sunday
at thc home of Gust Duerfc1dt.
Joe Prichanl and wife spent
Sunday at thc home of Coon
Jacob Compton and daughter
of Kcntucky spent Sunday at thc
home of Coon Prichard.
Prof. Barrctt and } family of
Brownllc came down Thursday
to spend several days with their
friends hcrc.
Ira Dunn's yearling colt while
in Mr. Sinltl1crilg-s ! pasture received -
ccivcd a very severe wire cut on
thc brcast.
The Arnold young people entertained -
tcrtainccl thcir' rriC'nds with a
lance 'rhursday cvcning. Elegant -
gant refreshments wcrc served
and at a late hour all dcparted
for their homes after -
being royal-
l.r cntcrtaincd.
Sadie Peck spent Sunday with
Lena Brccht.
) ) ella Kl11scly returned llonle
last week from cscn'c.
Harvey Peck is assisting n.
Kniscly with his farm work this
Norman Miller : and wife of My-
crdalc , Pa. , visited with P. Peck
last wcck.
Edith Peck went to Merrill ,
Kas. , to assist in caring for her
sister who is very sick.
Noah Peck and family returned
home IVlonclay from \'IorrilJ , Kas.
where they were visiting for a
few days.
Marcia Edwards has returned
from a visit to relatives at Sterl-
Ray Linn and Albert Bruun
have gone to St. Louis to see thc
cxposi tion.
Miss Clcmantinc Rousch came
from Omaha to spend her vacation -
cation with relatives and fricnds.
Icsscrs. B. 11'ruhbaucr , Will
Gcrg"cns and John Shroycr left
thc first of thc week for a visit to
thc world's fair at St. Louis.
Hiram Quackcnbush and Will
Kinscy drove over from DuBois
on business thc first of thc wcck.
C. M. Hughes lied last week
at his farm home a few miles
northeast and funeral services
were held on Thursday aftcrnoon.
1\11' . Hughes was an old soldier
and has been in poor health for a
couple of months although no
one anticipated his illness would
end seriously so soon.
Au May and Miss Cecil Stovcr
were married at Pawnee City on
l\londa" , the cercmon\ being preformed -
formed by thc county judge
A , A. 'l'anncr and family spent
Sunday in Falls City. < -
Mrs J. C. 'VilJiamson is visit- .
ing with her parents in Omaha ) ;
this wcek.
Florence Pcrrin of "incoll1 is '
here visiting her relatives thc "
, - '
. . . , 4
J Inn fanl1hcs. ' _
1. C. Hill sr. , has gone into
thc western part of thc state for
a visit with old fricnds. . ,
Pruf. Oscar Schlaifcl' has rc- i
turncd ( from his vacation spent in .
'V\'omillg' and at Nock Island , Ill.
\Vi11arcl Marburgcr ran against
a pitchfork anel crippled himsclf "
quite badly thc latter part of last
A. D. l\Iay and family have
mO\'cd up from lraJls City and
will live in one of thc Lee cott- , °
Supervisor John Hutchillg's was t
over thc west cnd of thc county ;
thc first of thc week looking after '
bridge mattcrs. .
trhc hitmu lumberyard has been ,
sold to Loll Scg-rist a young farm- " :
cr northeast of thc city and thc ;
latter is already in chargc. .
Prof. Ned C. Abbot and wife . {
who recently returned from thc ! ;
Philippines were in thc city thc _ 1
latter part of last week visiting
ricnds. 1
Henry Patterson is this week
entertaining his cousin , S. Pace
of Kentucky , who is looking over ,
thc country with a view of locating - y
ing if conditions prove satisfac- 1
tury. .
\V. S. Joseph and wife and
John Smith have gone up
into Dakota to rcmain a short
time on their claims recently
takC'11 from thc
government near
Ft. Picrrc. They expect to bc '
gone at least a month.
Rcv. Wren Grinstcad and wife
who recently returned from missionary -
sionary work in Australia spent
Sunday in this city with relatives .
thc former preaching at thc "
'Christian church in thc morning
and at thc open air meeting in
thc cvcning.
John Gcrgcns was somewhat .
crippled up 1y being thrown
from a wagon on Monday , a
wheel passing over one of his
fcct. A severe sprain and
possibly a small fracture resultcd.
'l'hc Lincoln Daily Stal's
great campaign offer will enable
you to get that paper until Nov ,
15th for only 50 ccnts. tl'he Star
is thc best evening daily ill Nc-
braslm. Send in your order to
Thc Daily Star , Lincoln , Neb ,
Ice ! Ice !
Good clean ice from Culp's lake
delivered at your door.-Culp Ice
Company. . "
. , ' . . " . " ' " . . " , . . . - w , ; . . . . . . . . . . . . . . - . . . . . ' . , " " - . , .