The Falls City tribune. (Falls City, Neb.) 1904-191?, August 19, 1904, Image 16
_ _ . _ ; a _ . . . _ _ _ _ . . _ , u . . . . . - - - - , _ . - \ , , . ' I 'f'J. \ : : . ; - . . " 4 ' . . < ' . ) . , - . , August 19 19u4 'J 11-11 PALLS LJ 1 Y TKlIjUN ! ' ) 1tI , . , " " - - - - - - - - : - - - - - - - - - - - - - . . fIIOLT'sl THE CONSERVATIVE SHOE BUYER THINKS OF I10LT I AND GOOD SHOE AT SONE TIME . ' WlmN IN NE'1) OP / POOTWEAR ONU / nq I _ A TJNINCY ! ( .or TO SUOOIST TIIO /lASt J ' - , - - - - - - - JUST NO\\ SPECIAL BARGAINS MAKE ' THE COMPARISON VERY ESPECIALLY STRIKING , - L t. SHOESJ , , , ' . , t i " - 'vVe carry a. . . . t : " COMPLETE LINE t 01 I Building Material j . " ! f And all kinds of ! I COAL , WE SOLICIT YOUR PATRONAGE \ t Chicago 1 1t 1f 1 f Lumber ftl Coal Co. i TELEPHONE 58. . II II Ii I i I Cnn Get You a Widows' Pension Quicker than anyone else I secured a pension for l\IlS. AN- NA B.\1111 of Falls City. Allowed li'cpnmry 17 . 1904. Mr. Babb died October 29. 1903. ' Also lCI ion for .ms. JHNNm \VJtNT\\'OJ'l'H of Palls City. Allow- cd March 15. 1904. Mr. Wentworth died Xoycmher 28 , 1903. . John L. Cleaver , PENSION A''ORNEY Falls City , Nebraska . . - . W. H. MADDOX REAL ESTATE AGENCY Lands bought and sold Hartford Fire Insurance Houses in city for sale rloney to Vo , .n Telephone 178 If you want 7 cents per pound for your hens take them t or the Falls City Poultry Butter : & Egg Co. - , 'v . . . . , , " . . _ . . I : rrrmiT J l , _ LOCAL AND PERSONAL King-'s for purses. Eat Sowles Candy. 'Van tcd-A girl for general house worl\ Enquire of Mrs. C. Ii' . l \ ea vis. Services will be held at the Brethren church at 11 a. m. SUII- day , Sunday School at 1):45 a. m. Coupe & 'rllOrnton handle noth- ing but the best of meats. Re\ Grifliin , paster of the Presbyterian church expects his daughters return fronr Colorado the last of this week. Regular services cut. the Baptist church next Sunday 10:45 : a. m. Topic " The Supeirority of Jesus. " 7:45 : p. m. open air service. A short service of praise and prayer. Come and sit with us in the open.-H. Selinger. All kinds of tablets and writing paper at Dr. 1\Ic1\Iillan's Drug Store. ' The annual Mission Feast will be held at the German Lutheran church three miles south east of Verdon on next Sunday August Rev. Luther Ludden of Lincoln will deliver an English sermon at 2:30 : o'clock p. m. Everybody is cordially invited , to attend this gathering. The Gospel meetings at the big tent in the southeast part ofthe city have been largely attended i and are resulting 111 good. A chorus of fifty voices lead the singing. Re\ E. E. Haskins pastor of the Brethren church : has charge of the services While the meeting is held by the Brethren church a cordial welcome - come is extended to other christ ians to join in the work of Gospel 1 Evangelhmtion. 'rhe meetings will be held each evening eve Sunday and should the special 1 interest ccntinue will be extcmc1ed over next week. M . . J' 1,1t''i : ! ' " _ . ' " Everybody invited to call on Dr. McMillan , Druggist. Mrs. Reschlm returned from St. Louis 'l'hursday. 'Ve are still making special low prices on cured meats and lard.- Coupe & 1'hornton. The subject of sermon at the Presbyterian church ncxt Sunday at 11 o'clock will be "A Picture and Parable of Lovc. " Our people are urged to he present. Everybody most cordially invitcd. - SoV. . Griffin Hazel White left Wednesday afternoon for Kansas City where she will be thc guest of Mrs. Frank McDermand. 'rhe Presbyterian Junior So- ciety chaperon by the Misses Cll aver enjoyed a picnic at the home of Mrs. Steele yesterday . afternoon. Mrs. Watson of Reserve . : \ spent Thursday with her daughter , Mrs. D. H. Sears. McCray Side Steps. It is stated that William Mc-- Cray will decline ) \ to stand as a candidate for representative 011 . the democratic ticket. At the time of going to press the resig- nation has not been filed but we can state on authority that 1\lr. McCray has , after careful consid- eration determined that this is . not a democratic year and that he does not want to hold t1.e sack in the snipe hunt. I-Iis _ letter of resignation is in the hands of the powers that be and will doubtless be filed during the day as Mr. "McCray is in the city at this writ- ing for the purpose of withdrawing Richardson County j 4. ' . Teachers Institute I The Richardson County 'reach- ers' Institute opened at Falls City l\Ionday and will continue this week. 'rhere arc 153 teachers in attendance and healthy interest is shown in the work. The following instructors arc in charge : Profs. Pillsbury , Hoff and Wilson , Supt. Crocker , l\Irs. H. C. Richmond , special instructor - tor in music ; I\'Iiss Belle Newell , of Grand Island , primary methods and primary kensington ; Miss Martha Pierce of Lincoln with a class in picture study _ Prof. Schlaifer of Humboldt is in charge of the letter writing. j\'luch interest wag manifested in the spelling contest which was held Monday night in the high school building. Miss Maud Beatty won first prize and Miss Almcda Hill second. The county school exhibit is especially fine and shows general interest has been taken in this class of . 1)h ) institute - stitute is characterized by snap and energy in spite of the very warm weather. Following is the enrollment : , ALLS CITY l\'a Lowe Almeda Hill , Pearl HannaNclle Hanna , Alice Douglas - las , Elizabeth Brecht , Mabel Greenwald , Eva D. Scott , l\Iabel 'Vhittaker , A. L. Knisely , R. J. Dunn , Edna Brown , Lois Spencer , 'Vinifrcd 'raylorMary T. \Viltse , Pearl Prater , Emma Snyder , May Maddox , Edna S. Holland Agncs Moran , A E. Knisley , Nellie Dunn , I-I. L. Kloepfel , Della M. Knisley , E. ' 1' . Peck , Maud Heck , C. H. 'Viltse , Emma Koenig C. P. Shinny Janie Brown , Eliza- beth Naylor , Clara GagnonClara Babb , Una Snidow Maggie Fer- gus , Marie Crotty , Grace Saylor , Lettie Cain , Myrtle Bowers , L. P. Loueth , Anna Dorc , Elizabeth Hossack. RULO Julia Cronin Laura Aikman , Bessie Brineg-ar , Mamie Kanaly , Cecile Kanaly , Carrie Boyd Jas . 'Viltse , Eva Bacon Sarah Edie , Ida Pierce Agnes Schrader , Ver- na Vastine , C. 1\1. French. STIU.LA Jennie Tompson , Cora B. Hig- I , H gins , Alice McCray , OlIie Bain , I I. G. Wilson , Carrie Dieterich " : _ Pearl Cunningham , Grace Bain , ' . , : . Jcnette E. 'Vellcr , 1\'lrs.I. G. \ViI- - " , .I r. . son , \V. C. Jamcs. ' ' ; : ; \ \ , . Plu..FsTON . . ' . A. D. Larabee , Katie 'lcl\Iahon. ; ' HUMBOLDT tf" Myra Shrauger , Gustave Herr , Georgia \Vells' Jennie Gravatt. Olive Patrashek , lone Norton , , ' Pearl Snethen , Minnie Hudson , ' ' ( f.,1 " Minnie Clift , Lela Patterson , H. L. Hoff. Daisy Morris Mina : Y Hothenburger , Edward Hodapp , Nelle Gandy , Emalyne Loenning Mac Burgett' SALEM Ethel Barker , Florence Jones , J. Frank Pelf , Florence Lesley , Cecile Sheely , Nena Emmert , Orrie French , Ada Allen , Ah'er- da Allen , Minnie 1. Jennings ' . 1 'j Lulu M. Hoover. ' 11 , VERDON , . - Maggie ' Hanle\ , D. D. Houtz ' V'an Aten , Frances KellyClara 1\1. Laughrey , Amelia -Nusbaum , O. O. Marsh , J. W. \Vatson. } DAWSON J. 'I' Oliver , Lillian Oliver , Nora V. Fenton , Venetta Shire Li11ith 'Vaggener , Estella Gillon ; Ethel Hummel Bessie Guinn Lizzie Morris , V. E. Emmerson , 'Vinifred Ryan , May Crawford ' Martha Kcrncm , Alpha Roberts , J. ' \Vagg-ener , Florence Judd , Mary S. Trunk , Ella Fisher and L. P. Fisher. SHUBI3RT . . J Cora Henderson , Vesta Williams - iams , Minnie James , W. P. Carr. MISCELLANEOUS O. Schlaifer , Omaha , Nellie Davigon , South Auburn ; Helen Smith , Sabctha , Kas. ; J.1 ? . Young . . . Brock , Neb. , Blanche and Edna 1 Lytle , Broken Arrow ; Roy Rock- well , Fargo ; Ruth Chambers , Table Rock ; Mamie Riley and Bea Riley , 'Vymorej ; Maud Beatty Chillicothe Mo. ; Florence Acot ' Palmyra ; F. T. Fenerstain , Fre- mont ; C. 1\1. Bracclen , Omaha ; 1\1. Della Jordon Hebron , Sadie C. Joy Peru ; C.V. . Carry , Vy- r ! more ; A. E. Butler , Barada ; J. H. Veeder , , i