The Falls City tribune. (Falls City, Neb.) 1904-191?, August 19, 1904, Image 14
- _ rhT A ; r , . . ' . : . . " , . . . , . . " f. ' . ' " , . . 'f. 1"1 " ' August ; 19 I 19u4 ' 1 t-lL l"\LL crrv ; ' 1'KIUUN ' ' . , . . , - . , " , . ' . " . - , > . ' I' ! lRea vis 'f Abbey I A Quiet Flirtation WI\iUJ \ OBJLC'1' . . . . Innocent Amusement RESULT..SOlllctitlles matrimony and then comes furniture and this is where ve get intcres ed. - - - . . . . . . . . - . "It is the way to 75 cts scved ; of the vise" to buy Linolculll , 6 , 7' Jh I I the best goods for and 12 feet wide , thc least nloney. 50 to 65 cts , hud. \Ve have the Some of our de " line signs ill certain = I . only conlpletelinc , , , of furniture and ly I 111 i tel est you floor and the quality coverings I I ever carried in the and pI' ice i s a re county. right. I Straw matting J I ' ' . , 1al ' f' 12 to 60c ; all wool :1i' : :1i'I Ingrain carpet 50 _ _ _ _ i . IDp < ! t'T C & A hhpv Reavis&Abbey III ' - - - ! i. " .11.:1 I'-Y .v " " ' " - . . ; I II W - ; ; ; ; AA i Missouri Pacific Railway Time Table , Falls City , Neh. NORTH No. 51 Omaha mind ; Lincoln gxprcss . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A 2:25 : a m No. 9Omaba and , incoII8:35 ) : a m No. 57 Omaha amid I..iIlCOltl passenger . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A 2-tS : p III No. 233 Local I.'rcig-ht , A\U- hlll'lI . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A 1:10 : p III SOUTH XO. 52 Kansas City amid St. Louis amid Denver . . . . . . . A 3-t7 : a III Xo. 58 Kansas City amid ) t , Louis and Denver . . . . . . . A 2-t8 : l' III XO,50 Worlds lair speciaL _ S-t5 : p III No. 232 Local. Atchison. . . WJ : ! a 111 No. 220 tock l.'rcig-ht , IIi- Itawatha . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A 9:5 : p 111 A. Daily. B. Daily except tJmlay. J. B. V.\HNHH , Agcnt. SPECIAL OFFER. Nebraska Favorite E\'eninl Daily ThroUl1h the Cl\.l11paisn fur Only 50 Cents. 'l'hc great presiclentalCampaign is now well under way , and everyone ' is interested in the events which will occur during thc next three months. Now is the time to subscribe fir a daily paper. The Lincoln Dily Star will bc sent until Oct. 15 for only 50 ccnts. The Daily Star is easily the greatest and best evening paper in Nebraska. It is throughly interesting every department. Time Star publishes all the news all thc time-four ' . : . . . . . - . . - , . . . . - ' . editions ( dail \ ' . Send us your name and 50 cents and "Do it Now. " Address Daily Star. L 1coln. Neb. Cholera Infantum. This disease has lost its terrors since Chambcrlain's Colic , Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy came into general use. The uniform suc- cess which attends the use of this rcmedy in all cases of bowel complaints in children has made it a favorite wherever its \'alue has become known. For sale by A. G. 'Wanncr. . 31-4. . . . . . . - - - . . Staple and Fancy Groceries FRUIT IN SEASON We Sell \VANI\'S BREAD Cash for BUTTER AND EGGS First Door North of Post Office . . . PHONE 14 A. G. IIOPPOCK - - Catalpa Grove. Alma Shaffer is on the sick list again. Bertha lxantsma is visiting in the G rove this week. Mr Hewitt , a brother 01 1\1rs. Holmes spent Sunday in the Grove. Lee Snyder and wife visited Chas. Sheeley and family in Falls City 'l'uesda\ 1\11' Stitxer is doing some fine work on the roads this week with the engine. ' 1' . H. Elson went to Rawlins , "T\O. , last Sunday to spend thc rcmainder of his vacation. Catalpa Grove has organized a Sunday school again. 1\Irs. C. II. 1\1cDowcll is superintendent and Adolph Aikens , assistant. , 1\1rs. 'rhos. lxelf who underwent - went a surgical operation last \Vednesday is reported very low , with but little chane for ' : rccO\- C'y. Misses Amelia and Maudc 1\1erchan ofVal1 Lake , Iowa accompanied - companied by Gertrude 1\fcDowcll went to Falls City , 1'ucsday for a visit with James 1\lcbowcll. Sam Hayes and wife entertained - cd a mt1lnbcr of thc young people in the Grove ' \Vednesday night in honor of their daughter , Anna's 15th birthday. Shubert. Arthur Doman left for Broken Bow , 1'ucsday. Mr' . Sapp of Omaha is visiting Ethel l\Iitchell this wcek. Dr. Sutton was a wclcome visitor - itor at Shubert this week. 1\1rs. Felt and Mrs. Jennie ' \Vcd- dIe were Falls City visitors last wcek. Charles Hall and Mae Weddl c were viewing thc sights at the river Sunday. Amos 'I'immcrman and Clarence - ence Bright left for Brokcn Arrow this wcek. Blanch \Vil1iams , Atta Morrow and Guss llenderson were Steila visitors Sunday , Maude Das who has been t yistting her aunt , Mrs. . Dal ) returned home this weck. L. M. \Veddle is loading a car of peaches this week which he expects - pests to ship to Sl. Paul , limn Rulo. l.'rances . Pierce is on thc sick list. Mrs. Thomas ikman is on the sick list. Will Win terbottom spent Sun day in lxulo. 'l'he little son of JuddyVaItem is on thc sick list. John S. Wilson of Prestos spent Sunday in Rulo. Born , to Willis Carpenter and 1 wife on Tuesday a boy. - - Grant Boyd left Friday IOi l . Lincoln. Rosa Plantc returned Friday ! , from St. Joseph. ' ' , ' The little son of John Harris is very sick. E. J'L Graves who has been very sick is much tnpro\'ed. Eddie Gagnon is now able to . ! be up and about the house. I Mrs. Joe Frederick who was I , ' " quite sick is much bettcr. ( Eugene Pro nett transacted 1 ( business in Rub 1'ucsday. Johnny Walters of Kansas is visiting his parents at this place. t 1\1rs. Larabce of Preston is \'is- . itingher parents at this place. ' George Davis and Jim I,4aRando made a trip to Dawson Sunday. " Charles Frederick and family J' returned Tuesday from Forest Ci ty. Henry Dclperc , 1'ob Miller and Martin Pierce spent Sunday in Rulo. Mamie Samuels left Sunday for a short visit with friends at ' . Hiawatha. Prof. Dnse11 and family of Preston visited Thursday sand . Friday at this place. 11rs.Vhalen returned house from 'l'able Rock. She was ac- ' -4. ? ' companicd b\ ' her little nc ces. . , Mrs. Ida PatH : bf Kansas is visiting at thc house of her par- cuts , 1\Ir. and Mrs. \Vallacc. 1\1rs. Katie Connelly left Sun- day for her home in Lincoln after a short \ 'isit"ith relatives and friends. Ira Boyles returned to his home in Kansas City after a visa with his grandparents , 1\Jr. and \'Irs. ' . Shcl houn. Dave Jonelrow and Terry Horan' . left \Vcdnesclay after a short _ visit with relatives and friends for Dakota. ' 1lrs. Herman Ixalciglt and children amid furs. Agnes Hildra- brand and children are visiting at Charles Gog-nons. The Catholic young people gave an ice cream social and box supper Tuesday evening August Ith for the benefit of the c1m.rch. A neat little stun was rcahzcd and all present report .a good time. 'l'he dcath of Mrs. Harrison I occurecl Friday evening at thc . . I. home of her son. Her death was v 1 very sudden and unexpcctcl ( being caused by heart troublc She omlJlained of not feeling well and went to lie down and a new minutes after was found dead. The funeral was conduct- cd Saturday from thc holiness church. The Falls City Poultry , Palter & ggg ! ; Co is paying 76 cents \ . . per pound for hens.