The Falls City tribune. (Falls City, Neb.) 1904-191?, August 19, 1904, Image 13

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    . - , . . c'r . . - " - , . . Pr ; . . . ' " " " c'- " ' ; ' f ,
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Used Pe-ru-na For Dyspepsia With
Great Benefit.
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Ex-IIntted States Senator From South
Ex - U. s. Senator M. C. Butler from '
: ' " I South Carolina , was Senator from
:1' i , . : that state for two terms. In a recent
. \ letter from Washington , D. C. , lie says :
, , ' . "I can recommend Perllna for dyspepsia .
' " . .
. . ( , / pepsia and stomach trouble. I bare
been using your medicine for II abort
period and 1 feel very much relleved.
. . It I. Indeed a wonderful medicine be-
. , sides lJ good tonic.M. . C. But/cr. is not simply a remedy for
> \ dyspepsia. . Peruna is a catarrh remedy.
Peruna cures dyspepsia because it is
generally dependent upon catarrh of
the stomach.
If you do not derive prompt and satis-
factory result from the UHe of Peruna ,
write at once to Dr. IIartman , giving a
full statement of your case and he will
be pleased to give you his valuable ad-
vice gratis.
Address Dr. Hartman , President of
The Hartman Sanitarium Columbus , O.
r ,
Baggage checked to 'Vorld'
Fair grounda.
Stopovers allowed. All Agents can
route you via the ABASH. For beau-
tltul World's Fair folder and all information -
ma.ton address
addressHARRY E. MOORES ,
Oen. Afrt Pass. Dept. , Omaha Neb.
W. N. U. , Omaha. No. 33-1904
Beat Cough Syrup. Tastes ood. IIse
in time t3oltY h1 druaRl.te
: " ' " " " " , ' " ' \ " ; " . . . < ' '
: .r ? : , \f""r : , if' .
Approved Prelcrlpt1on.
Sutreror-I have a terrible tooth.
lche , and want something to cure It.
Friend-Now , you don't need any
nediclne. I had a toothache yoster-
lay , and went home , and my loving
'Ifo kissed mo and so consoled mo
, hat the pain soon passed away Why
lon't you do the same ?
Sufforer-I think 1 will Is your
vifo home v-Albany Journal.
Easy to See That.
"Wlll you direct mo to Farmer Skln
ler's house ? " asked the newly arrlv-
td : summer boanler.
"I will if yo want mo to , " replied
, ho station lounger.
"I shall have to ask you for ex-
) lIcit dIrections , because I'vo never
seen there before.
"Gosh ! I know that , seein' ye're de.
.ermlned to go there now. "
Situation Summed Up.
, ; . '
Wifey-How do you like my new
lat , George , dear ?
Hubby-Oh , 1 suppose I've got to
ice It , or else buy you another.-
. .omie Cuts , .
By Doctor's Advice.
"Excuse me , Softly , " remarked Pen
tennis curiously , "how Is it you al
vays wind up your watch immediately
Ifter dinner ? "
"For the benefit Df my health. You
lee , my doctor has recommended : me
1lways to take a little exercise after
Ihmer. "
The Customer and the Salesman.
"I think these will fit you , " said the
talesman. 'I'hey are No. 3. "
"No , they are not , " replied the
; Jung woman , sharply. "They are a
ull : size larger than that , and I want
1 pair two sizes larger ) 'et. Do you
: pink I can wear , a No. 4 shoe on a No.
i foot ? "
Ideal Laborers.
She-What gave you nervous pros.
.ration ?
Weary Will-Overwork , mum.
She-I never heard of a tramp over
working himself.
Weary Wlll-I s'pose not , mum.
They be generally too tired to tell
) f it.
Postponing a Pleasure.
Young mother-Harry , dear , you
'l1ustn't go near the baby.
Young father-Mayn't 1 just look at
nim : a minute ?
Young mother-No , dear ; he's
isleep. I'll let you take him when he
wakes Ull in the night.
Beyond Him.
See that colored man wrinkling his
brow over that book ? "
"Yes , he can't read it at all. "
"Just making a bluff that he's edu
sated , eh ? "
"Oh , no ; he's educated , but that's
a negro dialect story. "
Two Truths.
"Ono of the most Important things
In life , my son , " said the father , "Is
to know when to grasp : .n opportun
It ) ' . "
"And another , " said the wise 6n ,
"is to know when to let go of It , 1 sup
pOS0. "
One Might Think So.
"No , " said the man who had recently -
cently made his fourth pilgrimage to
tee matrImonial altar , " 1 can't say
that marriage is a failure. "
"Of course not , " rejoined his baehe
for friend. "With you It is merely a
. - - . . . . . - . . . - . . " - - - - . , . - - . . . - . - - . . . . . . . - . _ - - . . . _ . . _ _ . . . . . . . . . _ " ' , _ . _
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Mrs. Hughson , of Chicago , whose
letter follows , is another woman in high
position who owes her health to the use of
Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound.
"DEAR Mus. PINICIIA1\ [ : - I suffered for several years with general
weakness and bearing-down pains , caused by womb trouble. : My appetite -
tite was fitful , and I would lie awake for hours and could not sleep ,
until I seemed more weary in the morning than when I retired. After
reading one of your advertisements I decided to try the merits of Lydia
E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound , and I am so glad I did. No one
can describe the good it did me. I took three bottles faithfully , and
besides building up my general health , it drove aU disease and poison
out of my body , and made mo feel as spry and active as a young girl. .
Mrs. Pinkham's medicines are certainly all they are claimed to be. ' -
Mns. M. E. HUGnso , 347 East Ohio St. , Chicago , Ill
Mrs. Pinkham Tells Jlow Ordinary Tasks Produce Displacement.
Apparently trifling incidents in womnn's daily. life frequently produce
displacements of the womb. A slip on the stairs , lifting during menstruation ,
standing at a counter , running a sewing machine or attending to the moat
ordinary tI.:1l:1J : may result in displacement , sad n. traIn of serums evils ill started.
The first indication of such trouble should be the signal for quick nction.
Don't let the condition become chronic through neglect or a mistaken idea
that you can overcame it by exercise or leaving it alone. I
More than a million women have regained health by the use of Lydia B.
_ kIt
Pinkham's .
Vegetable Compound.
It the slightest trouble appears which you do not understand
write to l\lrs. Pinlcham , at Lynn , lUnss. , for her advice , and a few
timely words from her will show you tH right thing to do. This
advice costs you nothing , but it may mean life or happiness or both.
Mrs. Lelah Stowell , 177 Wellington
St. , Kingston , Ont. , writes : !
DEAR Mns. PINlrIJA3r- You are indeed s
godsend to women and if they aU knew what
'c you could do for them , there would be no need
® , of their dragging out miserable lives in agony. I
"I suffered for years with hearing-down pacne ,
womb trouble , nervousness , and excruciating head-
' 4 ache , but a few bottles of Lydia E. Pinkham'
Vegetable Compound made life look
new and promising to me. I am li ht and
happy and I do not know what sickness
is , and I now enjoy the best of health"
Lydia E. inldmm's Vegetable
Compound can always be relied upon to restore
health to women who thus suffcr. It is a sovereign cure for
the worst forms of female complaints , - that bearinrr-down feeling , weak
back , falling and displacement of the womb , inflammation of the ovaries , and
all troubles of the uterus or womb. It dissolves and expels tumors from the
uterus in the early stage of development , and checks any tendency to cancer-
ous humors. It subdues excitabilIty , nervous prostration , and tones up the
entire female system. Its record of cures is the greatest in the world , and
Gould be relied upon with tonfldence.
FORFEIT If 1fe cannot forthwith prodnce the original letter , And alguatur.s 01
$5000 above tatfmoni&T , which will prove their abnolute "nl1ln'ne .
Lydia E. IJlnkJllun )111'.111'1110 ) :0. , Lynn , > ' r. . . .
In sheets ot PURE ANILINE BLUE. No .JottlCIi. ! No paddles. No wuste. Gives the sam
amount ot blueing water each washday. AISle your grocer for It or send 100 for - n book ! or leaves
The Handy Blueing Book Co. , 87 E. Lake St. , Chicago , III.
. .
When Answering Advertisements
Kindly Mention This P"per.
CURES catarrh of the stomach.