The Falls City tribune. (Falls City, Neb.) 1904-191?, August 19, 1904, Image 1

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Anderson Miller left \Vednes-
day for Idaho.
L. E. Wise came up from Reserve -
serve Monday.
D. C. Kirkpatrick was a Daw-
son visitor tl'uesday.
A. Graham is viewing the exposition -
position at St. Louis.
Ruth l\1etzger is visiting with
relatives in Auburn
'trom Pot et returned from
Grand Island Monday.
. .
James Morris of Stella was a
. Falls City visitor 110nday.
r 4M
! - Sadie Schmucker visited in this
city the first of the week.
i Mr. Karnes , the apple buyer
F 1 : . went to Stella tl'uesday.
' ; \Vm. Hanna left Tuesday
r afternoon for Humboldt.
t , A. D. Larabee of Preston call-
i cd at this office Monday.
! 1 \V. H. Schmelzel was in the
1 city the first of the week.
r G. N. Titus of Nemaha was a
4 Falls ; City visitor Monday.
t " ' . Dan Huffnall and wife were
I Falls City visitors l.'hursday.
\V. B Alexander returned to
Dawson Monday afternoon.
, Will \Vigton was down from
, Omaha a few days this week
Peter Frederick and wife went
to St. Louis Monday afternoon.
O. A. Marsh of Verdon was in
this city the first of the wQek.
Fred Cleveland made a busi-
ness trip to St. Joseph Tuesday.
Clarence Peabody of Table
Hock visited with Pearl Prater
Grace and Kate Berkely of
Hamlin were shopping in halls
City truesday.
Nellie Weaver and Vashti Cor-
nell of Verdon were Falls City
\ visitors truesf1ay.
11 Mrs. Ida Snowden and little
, daughterof Omaha are the guests
, of Mrs. T. J. Gist.
Joe Geiger left Tuesday for a
visit to his daughter in Oklaho-
John Nulk and wife left Mon-
day for an extended trip in the
. it" . . . east.V. .
V. H. Shriner and J. H. Travis
of l.'a'Jle Rock were in Falls City
Clarence \Viltse,1. \Vhitakcr ; ,
and George Fisher left for Lincoln -
coln , [ ( as . , tl'uesday.
Tom Gaston and Albert Kim-
mel of Merrill were inspecting
- - - - - - .
, bridges here this week.
George Schmel.el : and family
were in Humboldt part of this
week visiting relatives.
Mr. and l\Irs. John \V. Freed
of Soldier City , Kas. , are visiting .
with relatives in this ctty.
" Mrs. Nora Ball of Falls City
attended the funeral of her grand
mother , Mrs. Harrison at Rulo.
Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Martin left
Tuesday for an outing at the
lakes of Minnesota and \V'iscon-
Judge Isham Reavis who has
been . . quite sick for the past ten
days is rapidly recovering . his
hl allh.
Warren Schaible is spending
this week in Auburn visiting with
friends and attending the chau-
But one new case was filed this
week-Morgan M.Sweeney et al
vs Mary Ambrose et al. Suit in
parti tion.
Mr. Ilahn Geo. \V. Fischer
and daughter Grace left Tuesday
afternoon for Oswega , Kansas ,
St. Louis and Illinois.
Dosha Frazier of Humboldt
and Wale Buchanan of Dawson
were married by Judge \ViJhite
on Tuesday of this week.
Frank , : Case , wife and daughter
and Frank Hewitt of Hiawatha
were the guests of Chas. M.
Wilson and wife Sunday.
Dr. Selinger will be in Lincoln
next week. He is to deliver the
principle address before the Ne-
braska Baptist Association.
He" Alexander went to Emerson -
son , Iowa , Monday night on account -
count of the serious illness of his
grandchild , Miss Reed.
On last Saturday L. J. Hitch-
cock presented the force of this
office with a basket of the finest
peaches we have seen this season.
Helen llrebeck has been in St.
Joe the past two weeks selecting
her stock of fall millinery . Her
mother joined her there this
Anna Dorrington , Bessie Davis
and Mina Alexander went to
Tecumseh Tuesday afternoon
where they will visit with Mrs.
Eva McDoweU.
A. R. Doman came down from
Shuhert Tuesday to take the
train for Broken Bow for a short
visit with relatives before he locates -
cates permanently elsewhere.
Jennie Schilling of Mt. Carrel ,
Ill. , who has been visiting the
past six weeks with her sister
and brother , 1\Irs. Samuel Mowers -
ers and \Vm. Schilling returned
to her home tl'uesday.
O. P. Heck , the ever accommo-
dating feed man has the thanls
of the force of this oflice for a
nice large juicy watermelon right
ofT the ice. It was fine.
Prof. and Mrs. Pillsbury returned -
ed from an extended eastern trip
in time for the institutp. tl'hey
visited at Old Orchard Beach in
? Iaine and made an extended trip
through Canada while g'one.
The case of John H. Richardson -
son against AUg'ustVeick occupied -
cupied the attention of Judge
Wilhite and a jury all dar \Ved-
nesday. tl'his was a damag'e
suit arising out of the disputed
ownership , of a line fence and resulted -
sulted in favor of Ue plain tifT.
Drs. Houston and Wiser have
leased the Lindell hotel and
purchased all of its furnishings.
They intend to take imediate
possession and fit up an up to
date hospital. It is among the '
possibilities that some of our
churches will take al ' room in this
Talk about Barnums circus. If
you want. to see a sure enough
circus , just take a few minutes
ofT some afternoon and go to
Sam \Vahl's spacious yard on
Stone Street and see a circus as
is a circus. Every performer is
a clown and every clown an art-
ist. The north end kids are cer-
tainly ingenious in their make
ups as well as their acts.
James Nausler's horse , Col.
Weaver , won three straight heats
in Red Oak , Iowa in 2i7/ : .
There can be no question but that
Jim has a fortune in the horse
and his many friends are delighted -
ed that he'he Tribune
predicts that the Col. will pace
the Lincoln track during the
state fair in 2.14 or better.
Ball Game at Verdon.
The Colts were to have crossed
bats - with the Verdon ball team
Wednesday but owing to the
inability of Verdon to produce
nine players , they went up
against a mixture from Sabetha ,
Humboldt and Verdon. On account -
count of errors in the fifth inning
the score book rather favors Ver-
don. "Crip" made a good catch
in the 2nd inning and a good
double was tacked by Foster and
"Crip" . A three base hit by
"Quilp" in the fourth inning by
which he scored saved our repu-
tation. 'l ' ime score by inning's. ,
Fails ; Ci t '
\ - - - - - - - - - -
. .
- - - - - - - - - -
Press Banquet atAuburn.
Time writer had the pleasure of
attending' the Press Banquet
given under thc auspices of the
Auburn Commercial club at Au- ,
burn 011 Monday nigh 'l 'he
visiting members of thc Press s
were all lOUt l in their praises of
the hospitality of the Commercial
club in particular and the people
of Auburn in general , and it is a
safe bet that none who were
present will miss an opportunity
to attend any similar gathering
in the future.
Too r1uch Kunsas.
After a hotly contested game
at Potcet's ball park last Sunday
the Colts went down in defeat
before the Horton , Kas. . team by .
a score of 3 to 2. Our team was . . t
badly crippled by the absence 01 C y"
their regular battery , Tom Poteet
and Gus Ruegge , though Pax-
ton did some good twirling and
Tommy Glines did some good
work behind the bat. tl'he score
by innings was as follows :
- - - - - - - - - -
Falls ty-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-2-0-2
Picnic at Verdon.
The annual Pioneer picnic was
held at Verdon on Wednesday
and Thursday of this week and
large crowds were in attendance
both days. As is usual the com-
mittce had prepared an excellent
program which consisted of addresses -
dresses by prominent men , vocal
and instrumcntal music , balloon
ascensions , ball games , etc. Har-
nack's Military hand of this city
furnished music for the occasion.
Other Falls City people on the
program were Simon. Davies , Ceo.
Hall , Peter Kaiser and Miss Em-
ma Kcller. There was a ball
game on Wednesday between
Falls City and Verdon and on
Thursday between Nebraska City
and Verdon. The picnic as usual
was a grand success.
Market Report.
Corn . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .41-44c
White Oats . . . . . . . . . . . 24 to 26c
Mixed . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .28c
W'imeat . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 87c
Cattle. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.75 to 5.50
lIog's . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4. ( i0
Butter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .9j6c
Eggs. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13c
Marriage Record. .
John A. Gergens , HumboldL.30
Nellie I : . Vaught , Humboldt. . . . . . . .22
Wade Buchanan , Dawsol1uu.23 '
Dosha Frazier , IIumboldt..18 'I