- _ ' ! ! . ' " : . - " . ' . . : . _ , _ _ " " , , _ . _ _ _ _ _ _ - - _ - - . . . . - . . . . . - . - . . . " , - " R..r'U. . , . . . w ' + . . _ " - - _ . = . . . . . . . - - - - - - - - _ . . . : w + . . . . . - - _ August 12 , 1904 THE FALLS CITY TRIBUNE ' 1'h. . g-ospclmccting-s conducted by Hcv. Haskins arc well attended - cd and prove interesting many. 'l'hc large chorus organized for thc occasion gives a dclightful song service each cvcning. There will bc no tent meeting Sunday morning as Mr. Haskins will , preach at his church but there will bc services at thc tent Sun- day afternoon and Sunday evening - ing and every evening next weck. All arc welcomc. Humboldt. ? Irs. John Norton is visiting her children at Lincoln and Hasting-s. Laura Irit1clly l of Stella spent the past week or two with her sister , Mrs. Lou Beard. Master Dewey Simms suffered some inconvenience from a fish hook in his foot one day last week. Quite a crowd from here attended - ed thc picnic at Auburn last week and all report an enormo\\s \ crowd and a good time. - Ii' A. Fisher and wife have returned - , turned from their week's visit in li'urnas county where they have real estate interests. I : . S. Unlancl Auld family left this week for l\1arysvillc , Kas. , instead l of St. Joseph as they contemplatecllast week. Mrs. Mathis Wichita . , Kas. , and Mrs. Anderson and daughter from Belgrade , Neb. are in the city visiting \V. J. Bean and wife. John H. Holman and family are home from their two months' visit to the old home in Eng-land. They stopped at St. Louis on the homeward trip. l\rs. Sarah Bracelen and daughterVinnie are clown from Lincoln this week visiting relatives and friends herea boub. Gus l\IcDoug-al is minus the first joint of his right thumb , Dr. Gandy having found it necessary to remove it after Gus had attempte(1 to clean the chaff from a thresher in motion. Harvey Mann entertained a small company of friends at a lawn party at his home on North Central avenue last Thursday evening and a highly enjoyable time is reported. - Colonel Davis , who has been making his home with his " ' brother , A. J. Davis , near this city for some time , lied the first of the week from the effects of a cancer. He was a colonel during the civil wr.r. Cholera Infantum. This disease has lost its terrors since Cha m berlain's Colic , cholera and Diarrhoea eme(1) came into general use. The uniform success - cess which attends the use of I this reined ) } n all cases of bowel complaints 111 children < has made it a favorite wherever its value has become nown. For sale by A. G. \Vanncr. 31-4. . , . . . . . " " " . . . "I'I ' ' ' - - & ; ; ; - - Marriage Record. Otto W.Juhel , Falls CitY _ _ . - . - - _ _ _ ; . Alllla Dellchler 1'a118 _ . . _ _ _ . . _ _ _ Win.Iienry MnltisPhelps , Mo20 Wi11ia Belle Mnl\is \ , MOllntserat I Io..20 'T ' ile latter couple was married by County Judge \Vilhite 'rucs- day l Aug. 9 . Public Sale. Elztl Martin will hold a public sale at his place two miles north ancl one half mile east of this city on riday August 19 at 10 o'clock p. m. He will sell cattle , horses , hogs , farm implements , etc. f1arried. I Otto Kubel and Anna Deuchlcr' were married at the Evangelical . . . parsonage in this 1 city Tuesday evening , H.eM. . Manshart ofliciating. . Martin Kanaly and wife left for Denver fJ.'uesday. 1\1rs. Chas. Bracelen is visiting her mother in this city. Bruce Dixon and family are visiting in Detroit , l\Iic1l1g-an. Born , to Mr. and Mrs. Charles Sheely Wednesday of this week a son. 'I'he'V. O. W. drill team from this place went to Stella Thursday - day to attend the picnic. Chas. Geiger of Sauetha , { as. , was 111 the city this week visiting with his brother , Joseph. Only one new case was filed in the district court this week , that of Mrs. \V. 1\1. Maddox vs. Oscar Morgan , John \ V. Powell and Harry Perkins. Foreclosure of mortgage. The contract for the building ot the new Episcopal rectory was let Monday night to Bohrer Bros. the stone work to J. Jclison and the digging to Dennis McCarty , work to commence immediately. The Sphinx club held their semi-annual election on Monday evening and the following officers were elected : Will Schock , grand sphinx ; Ed Fisher , vice-grand sphinx. G. E. Hall , secretary and Guy Greenwald , treasurer. Mrs. Sarah B. Hichart died at her home in this city on Wednesday - day morning at the age of 69 years. l\Irs. Richart has been an invalid for a number of years but only grew worse about a week ago.Her death was a great shock to her many friends. She leaves a husband and seven children to mourn her loss. Allan D. l\Iayof this city has - purchased half interest in the Hum bold t Enterprise and will hereafter be published by Sharts & May. Mr. May will move his family to that place next week. We are very sorry to lose so worthy a young couple from this city but wish for them a success- ful career in their new location. , . . . . , - - - r .L. " r" _ 1. ' " I PROGRAl OF THE : : ; - , ) . Fraternal Union "f J PICNIC ' ; k . ' . , , . To be Held in Falls City , Nebraska " . August 23 . = 4 = 5 i . TUESDAY. . . : 9:30 : a. m. , Band concert , Stone street and parade forms ! 10 a. 111. , Parade to Evergreen Heights Park. . - , I 10:20 : a. m. , Greeting anthem , C. V. Stricklancl ; 9 voices. 10:30 : a. m. , Band concert and chorus. 1.30 I a. m. , Rev. E. \V. Cole , "The Way to Universal - sal Brotherhood. " 12 Ill. , Dinner. . ' . T :30 : p. 111. , Band concert and chorus. . . , 2 p. m. , Ladies quartet. \ : " 2I5 : p , m. , Address , F. G. Simmons , Grand Dep. A. O. U. W. , 3 p. m. , Band concert and chorus. . . ' , ' SOLO-IVliss Blanche Kerr. ' 4 p. m. , Address , lVIrp. E.V. . Cole. 5 p. m. , supper. . 7:30 : p. m. , Band concert and chorus. . - : , : 8 p. m. , Quartette , eight voices mixed. " Y 8:15 : p. m. , Address , VV. E. Sharp , President Royal : : , ; . " . r a' Highlanders , Lincoln. . > . ' . " , , . 'j ; , . . , . , ' - ' ; " WEDNESDAY. " ; : ; , : , ' I it. . . . . . . ' 9:30 : a. m. , Band concert and parade forms. . " ' 7 I 10 a. m. , Parade marches to grounds. . " ' - I I a. m. , Chorus. - ' 1- : , : il : . I I :20 : a. m. , Address , IVIrs. E "vV Cole - . ' , ' 1 . , I2 m , . Chorus i lnd . dinner V - . ; " y 1 :30 : P - lTI , Band concert and chorus - . , , : , . ' . . 2 p m , Mixed quartet of eight voices . ' . - > ' ; 2:15 : P 111 , Address , "Our Present Needs" , Rev E. , , Burdette Widger ' ' : . \ - b _ 3 P m , Band concert arid chorus . " . , ' : : SOLO , Miss Anna Dorrington 3 :30 : P m , Field sports and exercises at park ' . ' . ' " . ' , 4:30 : p m , Base ball , Poteets park I ) 1L 7:3o : P ill , Band concert and chorus . 8 p ill , SOLO , Miss Keller . ' ' 8:15 : . P ill , Address , , "lVlodern Chivalry" , Rev I H Percy ' - " SIlver .4 , . . tit ' s .THUR DAY : l t 9:30 : a 111 , Band concert and parade. 10 a m , Parade marches to grounds . II a m , Chorus . : . " ,1 , ' 11:30 : a m , Address , John T Yates , Sov clerk , W OV' , . ' , : , , Omaha .1 A ma 1 1(1 ( _ . : , ' , , ; : . . ' 12 m , Chorus and dinner . i' 0. 1:30 : p m , Band concert and chorus , , ' . ' . , , 2 P m , Greeting anthem , nine voices " , . , 2:15 : p I m , Address , J L Phillips SOLO . ' 3:30 : P l m , chorus 4-6 P Ill , Drill . contests on Stone street between the Fraternal drIll teams. PrIzes awarded . . . . . . 7-10 P m , Band concert on Stone street , fireworks also MUSIC t The music for this year will be better than ever be- fore. In addition to the special numbers there will be a chorus class in charge of Dr. C. H. Rush. . . . This class should .have one hundred members and will be one of . . the features of the reunion. 4. . r " " r .t , , ' , , - . " " " . _ - ' : ' 2 x . .j. _ . )1 ) 1. _ _ _ _ j _ . . . . _ _