The Falls City tribune. (Falls City, Neb.) 1904-191?, July 29, 1904, Image 9

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' . July 29 , 1904 . .
" " , : \
f . .
, t i Published ] very i nday at
! : , . . FALLS Cl'1 ' Y , NEBRASKA
I ' "
j By
, '
, -
Eriterccl as sccollll.cla5S matter , Janu-
_ " ° ' 'hrv 12 , 1904at the post office at Palls
; City , Ncb. , under the Act of Congress
of March 3 , 1879.
- - -
i I ' , Telephone No. 22 ( , .
f - - - - - - - - - . . , - - . . . . . . .
: ' For President ,
'l'hcodorc Roosevelt , N. Y.
. ' . I"or Vice President ,
m Chas. 'V. I'airhanl , Ind.
. \
. . . , Presidential Wcctors-
I " ' . _ : . ' _ , . F. A.Barton , Pawnee
. . _ , . . A. C. Smith , Douglas
} " . . I . '
! ; ' ' A. C. Abbott , Dodge
, . .
I " . ! ' 1. I. . . Norval , Seward
. W. P. Hall , Phelps
f , l\1. A. Brown , Buffalo
' ' . H. H. Wilson , Lancaster
' f'
, . .n'I - J. C. Robinson , Douglas
I . - , . .
Governor--------------- ' J. II. Mickey.
! Lieutenant Governor-- E. G. l\l'Gilton
t , Secretary State ---------A. Galuslla
Auditor-------------- E. M. Scarlc , Jr.
Treasurer------------ Peter l\Iortcnscn
Superintendent------- J. I. . . M'Brieu
Attorney General -------Norris Drown
Lan Commissioncr. _ _ _ _ . } . : ; : . M. Eaton
For Congress : .
Er,1\lltH J. BUHKH1vl' , Lincoln.
For State Senator :
g. A. 'l'ucIm , } I It mlJOh1t.
. . ! f.t"or 'l\lcl11bcrs of thc Lcgislaturc.
s f ' ' .
# : Ha ) . . R. E. GIUNS'l'EAI , Salem ' .
. .y , 4r" " . . , GnOHGn SlIT , Dawson
\ t \ . 'L " , . . ' Stella
; : t j'L , " W. H. HOGltltFn , '
T i : ' For County Attomcy.
; " \V. H. MOltHo\\ , Shubcrt
Bryan has declared for thc government
. cmmcnt ownership of railroads.
hill says Bryan is silly. "Ue- '
hold glow good and how pleasant
/ . . ' it is for brethren to dwell togeth-
together \
I . ' cr In Uluty. " !
- - - - -
The News has put Parker's
name at thc head of its editorial
column. Thc medicine is not
pleasant but Clay can take about
anything that has democracy
f , ' - blown in thc bottlc. L _
The Humboldt Leader is
I' 'I ' preaching advisability of employing -
' . ploying- competent legal counsel
for thc city of I-Iumboldt. It
seems that someone made a serious -
. ous mistake in thc preparation
, : ' for a bond election in Humboldt ,
( : . and thc Leader man desires to
' . avoid similar errors in the future
by the employment a lawycr.
; < f' . . . - - - . - - . - - - . .
7\Tr. Burgess of Lincoln , the
I chairman of the state committee
has lucated the state headquarters
at thc Murray hotel in amah.
Hc has appointed an executive
committee composed of . excellent
men to assist in thc active work
of the campaign. The aggresh'c
manner in which hc is pushing
thc preliminaries of thc campaign
1 is very pleasing thc rank and
file and augurs well for thc
ides of Novcmber.
Joseph Folk , thc persistent and
able district attorney of St. Louis
has been nominated by thc democrats -
crats for go\'CllOr of Missouri.
His work of prosecuting boodlcl's
is not complctcd , but hc sccms to
think that his field of usefulness
would bc larger in a state that
has gone dcmocratic so long that
thc mcmory of man runncth not
to thc contrary. .
. . - -
The standard oil trust has
never been long on publicity 1\1'
Rockefeller has built his business
' . is thc
on sccn Cj' Anti-publicity
creed of his corporation. Hc will
not retain thc most insignificant
of cmployccs if he talks about
thc business of thc concern 1\1'
Rockefeller was appointed a mcm-
bcr of thc campaign committee
of thc Union League club of New
York , a republicans organ i za tion.
Hc cmphatically and insolently
declined to scn'c. 'l'ltc Standard
oil trust has a candidatc for president -
idcnt but his namc is not l oosc-
vcl t.
. . . . .
velt.E. - - - - - - - -
E. A. Tucker will be thc ncxt
state senator from thc big Jirst.
Hc is entitled to thc vote of every
true republican in this county.
1\r. Tucker has always been a
consistent , hard working rcpu b-
lican. There is scarcely a school
district in this section that has
not felt thc influcncc of his labor
and his loyalty. Hc has nothing
in common with boltcrs nor their
creed and no man has uttered
more scathing denunciations of
this dan. Because of this hc
has endeared himsclf to every
man who puts principle above
pelf , and is justly entitled to thc
vote of those men who have
fought tHe battles of thc party in
all seasons.
. . . .
- - - - -
Horscs are a good price now ,
and in all probability will con-
tinuc so for many ycars. Take
care of that colt. He is to be
yoimr servant souse day , to do
your bidding in the daily grind
of Jifc. Teach him that hc has a
kind master and preserve his
strength for thc years of his labor.
Don't take him to thc field with
his mother and force him to walk
up and down the field all day.
Is it any wonder thc Jittlc 'fcllow
grows tired and gets in fron of
his mother to induce her to top ?
Deep him in the lot and let his
days bc playful days. Turn him
out with a playmate if possible.
Bring his mot Icr in for a drink ,
say at ten o'clock in thc morning
and give thc colt a pull at thc
fountain of Jifc. In all things
treat him ] with the consideration
his future usefulness will warrant
aid he will bc an asset and not a
The Ncmaha County Herald in
spcaking of thc big drainage con-
vemstion held in Brock says ; Time
convention was fortunate in
' .
having : R. : .Grinslcad ' : 'df ' Salcm ,
ichanlson county , prcsen to lIe is
a practical engineer and has devot-
cd considerable time to thc study
of the drainage problem as presented -
sented in thc streams of this scc-
tion. lie made a thorough and
cnhausti..e dcscription of the
mcthods that should bc pursucd ,
described thc most fcasi'Jlc mcth-
ods and gave an idea of the cost
I7c was Jistcncd to with great : tt .
ten lion and was questioned closely -
ly by a number of thc dclegates.
Before its adjou1'l1mcnt thc mect-
big extended a vote of hanks t to
llr. Grinstcad for thc valuable
information that hc imparted and
for thc nature of the service rcn-
dcrcd. "
. . . . . .
- - - - - -
'l'hc dcmocratic platformn pos-
scsscs its usual adaptibiJity. It
mcans anything or nothing as
thc occasion rcquircs. Its anti-
trust plank was written by a trust
magnate and will be construed by
thc trust candidatc. It is a plat-
form about which thc national
committcc says l\Ir. Bryan may
talk in thc west but not in thc
east and Dave hill may construe
in the cast but not in thc wcst.
It is madc to catch 'em going and
coming. It means one thing to-
day it nmeau4. another thing yes-
tcrday and will menu nothing to-
morrow. It WitS ; constructed to
get in on , and imot to stand on.
It dcscrvcs and is receiving : thc
condcmnation of honest electors ,
and will bc shot so full of holes
before election that its progenitors -
tors will nol recognize their off-
. . . . _
.r- < a < A > O
There is a strong probability
that national chairman Cortelyou
will chose H. B. Schneider of
Fremont as a member of his executive -
ccutive committ Should this
appointmcnt bc made it will bc a
great compJimcnt not only to
Mr. Schneider but to thc state as
\vcll. It is unusual to make up
thc executive committce outside
of thc National committcc. All
thc newspaper talk about such an
appointment being an affront to
thc commi ttccman from Nebraska
is utter nonsense. Mr. T\forril is
a smaller man than wc think if
he objects to thc honor coming
to thc statc.
_ _
Humor has it that thc Auburn
Post is about to go into thc hands
of a stock compan It is to bc
hoped that this rumor is truc.
Not only thc paper , but its editorial -
torial policy has , been on the
bargain counter so long , that it
will be a welcome relief to sec the
paper in thc hands of mcn who
will conduct it in a legitimate
After thc commcrcial club fixes
thc roads , let's all get tegcthcr
to offer sufficient induccmcnts ! to
have thc farming community use
. - . - . . . . .
Fancy und Staple .
Fruit in Season.
Satisfaction Guar-
nn teed.
Free City Delivery
Phone 40.
: n.E ! ! ! !
Storage for Household
and Other Goods. .
JD. A. 'l'uclcr will probably
dll\'a-1 both counties in his dis-
trict very thoroughly. 7\11' .
'J'uck is an . interesting talker
and will stir up cnthusiasm to the
limit whe..n he - . takes time - stump.
Parker may bc a good judge as
his advocates claim. ' -"hat " hc
wouldmakc a good juror we all
admit j hc has ncithcr formed nor
cxprcsscc1 all opinion on any qucs-
tion of go\'ert1tllcntal policy
H. E , Grinstcad would ill : ' he a
representative of whom thc
people of this , county would be
very proud. llis enemies ac-
knowlcdgc and respect his ability
and the party feels that his
nomination ( was one of thc wisest
acts of thc late county convcn-
- . . . . -
'l ' ime opposition to W. H. Ho-
grefc is about to give up thc
struggle . . Time republican party
possesses no nuin More distinctly
fitted for time position to which
he aspircs. No man can urge
one valid reason why hc should
not bc clcctccl. Mr. Hogrefc is a
staunch Burkctt man , and his
past record shows that the interest -
tcrcst of all thc people is his sole
guide of official conduct.
George Smith WIll not find it
necccssary to make much of an
effort tu Le cledc l. H..issu well
and favorably known that a per-
sonal canvass would add but little
to his popularity. Howe\'cr , hc '
will be in thc field bearing his
full share of thc burdens and
adling the weight of his influence
towards the UInphanl victory
which will bc achieved by the
republican party next Novcmber.
Lands bought and sold
Hartford Fire Insurance
louses ( in city for sale
Honey to IO .n
Telephone 178