S . " . /M ' . , . . ; , . . ' - , \ - . ' . - . . . . . . . " " . " . ' \ . .F'If ' , . " " " , , w < ' " " ' ' ' ' ' ' < / ' ' ' _ . ' , ! ' ' . ' ' ' 'Fr'I'i'i ' ' . , \ , " : -i. I' . " . . . .l'Jllll"l' , " " " ' ' ' ' " ' ' , . ' 7 _ iI"I"'m" ' ; " ' ' ' ' ' ' ' -'JU > 71\'J " : .1f.-- : : ' , . . . . ; . . . . . , ; ' " , iIt , " " . ; . ; ; " , . ' ; 7'--7 . : : . -j " , ' t , ' , . : . - . ' . , , i r 1\ , , { THE FALLS CITY TRIBUNE . July 29 , 1904. a , . . . . LOCAL AND PERSONAL. King's for croquet sets. r , Buy your gasoline at the City > . Pharmacy. j , ΒΌ Allen May was in Humboldt Monday. Rev. Bet was a Salem visitor Sunday. James Pickett left Sunday afternoon for SterHng. . . " Everybody invited to call on Dr. McMi11an , Druggist. i . Coupe & Thornton handle noth- ing but the best of meats. lrs. J. M. Whitaker is view- ing the Expostion having left . " - , for St. Louis Monday. Ruedolph Smith , the unknown of Nebraska City , had the crust . to order two breakfasts by pass- ing himself off as . a twin or a two- faced twin. It looks as if Nebraska City could furnish enough grub for Ruedolph Smith. The Salem Chauta1.Nua , Ring- ling Brothers circus and minor amusments have been called off because of inclement weather. The lodge picnic will be palled off if it has to be done in a boat. Everybody come prepared for the . . time of your life. The failure of Ringling Brothers - ers circus to show here was a \ cruel dissapointment to many . , , . people , some of whom hall driven - en a great distance to attend. . I . . However , 1t resulted in a large sum of money being left with our merchants , and none being taken out. It was estimated that about three thousand dollars in headaches were accumlated dur- ' ing the day. If there be such a thing as lay- ing up treasures in the hereafter there arc ao number of Falls City ladies who will be very wealthy in the dawning of the morning. - \Ve do not believe that there has r' been .case of sickness or distress in Falls City for years that Mrs. L. C.'Mauger ' , Mrs. John Holt and many others that we can call to mind have not been present , ministering to the wants of the afflicted. 1. . ' - < . - " I There were a number of holdups - , . ' , . . ; . . . , ups at the ' trams the night of-the , circus. A Hebrew traveling man > 1' " - was relieved of about ninety , : . . . - J dollars and the way the dead I languages were hurled in that " vicinity was a caution. The "I : ' , . . , Ike ' : . : press agent of the circus had his II'.k II' , pockets picked : of all he had. It I" . was thought advisable for the II . * . . agent to ship out all of the r , , currency on han(1. Mr. Varner . . , : doubted the advisability of carry- ' , , , ing a sack full of silver through , ; . the crowd to the express car , but [ it' . " after securing Joe Culp with a , : t' ' . , club to guard him , Joe made the " : t ! ' \ . trip safely and landed the money + in the hands oi the express mess- N , , 'It 'I I ' I S t - enger. This hold up gang has been following the circus for a week. Ring1i1g ! wired for some Pinkertons to meet the circus \t Lcavenworth and assist in round- ing the light fingered gentry up and landing them ip jail. Jacob Johnston of Superior , father of the .Messrs. Johnston who conduct ' the dry goods emporium - . .porium , is visiting with his sons for a few days. Mr. Johnston is chairman of the finance committee - tee of the A. O. U. W. and is one of the most prominent ledge men in the state. He is naturally very well pleased with Falls City and with the immense business his sons have built up. The Sphinx club has not only worked up a lecture COlt rse but is now considering the advisability of organizing a chautauqua. This club IS composed of the leading young men of Falls City. It is run along the right lines and if they undertake to organize a chautauqua it will be a success. A Galusha republican candi- date for secretary of state was in town MonClay. Mr. G.llusha is a traveling man and was in the city on business. He took occa- sion however to become acquainted - ed with many of our citizens and made a most favorable impression with those who met him. The ball game Monday was graced by the presence of Rev. Alexander , Rev. Smith , Re\ Haskins and Rev. Lincol n McConnell - Connell who is a thirty third degree fan and together with A.Galusha rooted for Fans City in the most enthusiastic manner. Mrs. Emaline Wilson and Miss May Norris of Chicago arrived in the citY' Sunday for an extended - ed visit with their parents , Al- bert Norris and wife and other relatives in this city. Louise Radinsky returned to her home in Sterling Saturday. She was accompanied by her sis- ter Mrs. James Pickett. Pool Grinstead of the \Vauth- 'na ( Kas. ) Times was in the city Tuesday and was a pleasant caller at this office. Charles Hofer and Harry Foeh- iinger drove to Verdon Tuesday evening to visit friends. Mrs. Grant Sperry is visiting with her parents , Thomas Sare and wife of Mound City. : Mrs. Harry Morrow and child returned from Mound City the first of the wcek. l\1rs. C. F.Reais : who has been quite ill is convalesing at this writing. - Jess Jameson of Stella was a business visitor in our city Mon- , day. . day.Mrs. Mrs. Herbert Kerr left the first of the week for Kansas City. King's , for good soda water. , - \J ' ! 1 THE WORLDS i . . , ROUTE I - --y- - TO ST. LOUIS - AND r TH E EAST Fast Trains Elegant Service Rates to the St. Louis Worlds Fair as Follows Season Ticket-------------- . . $ . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Sixty day limit ticket-------------------------- J.55 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Fifteen day limit ticket-------------------- 12.20 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Leave on No. 50 WORLD'S FAIR SPECIAL . . at 8:45 : p. m. and arrive in St. Louis for breakfast. No change of cars. Through Pullman service. Leave on No. 52 at 3:47 : a. m. and arrive in St. Louis in the afternoon. Leave on No. 59 at 2:48 : p. m. and arrive in St. Louis at 7oo : a. m. . top-overs of 10 days may be had on . an tickets reading through St. Louis. For further information see local agent. l J. B. V VARNER AGENT i New Brethren Parsona.je. The new 'Brethren Parsonage which is being constructed on Lane and Birch Streets will be under roof in a few days. It will be a two-story building and modern in every respect. The total cost of land and buildings . is estimated at $4,000. D.- . S. McCarthy PROPRIETOR OP CITY DRAY LINE Special Attention to Household l\1ovlnir. Phone 211 Falls City - .J Nebraska Cured of Chronic Diarrhoea. After Ten Yea. , . of .sufferin "I wish to say a few words in praise of Chamberlain's colic , cholera and diarrhoea remedy , " says Mrs Mattie Burge , of Mar- tinsville , Va. "I suffered from chronic diarrhoea for ten years and during that time tried vari- ous medicines without obtaining any permanent relief. Last sum- mer one of my children was taken with cholera morbus , and I pro- cured a bottle of this remedy. Only two doses were required to give her entire relief I then de- cided to try the medicine myself , and did not use all of one bottle before I was weB and I have nev- er since been troubled with that complaint. One cannot say too much in favorof that wonderful medicine. This remedy is for ale by A. G. 'Vanl1er. - - . . . , k.1 . . " " ; .l" ! > . . . J.t. ! . . > _ -1 : ; < 1 ! - - ' Burlln tonl TIME TABLE , J 1 'I > : Route I Falls City. 'Neb. J Lincoln Omaha Chicago St. Joseph Kansas City St. Louis and all points east and south. : Denver Helena Butte . r" Salt Lake City 1 Portland San Francisco : and all points ' west 'j TRAINS IfHAVJ AS FOLLOWS : . .J No. 42. Portland St. Louis 1 : ! Special , St. Joseph , : ; Kansas City , St. , ' Louis and all points " ,1' east and south. . . . . 7:27 : p 111 No. 13. Vestibuled express , daily , Denver and 9 all points west and f : rnorthwest. . . . . . . . . . 1:33 a JJ1 ' No. 14. Vestibuled express , 'J daily , St. Joe , Kan- sas City , St. Louis d and all points east -4 ; ; and south. . . . . . . . . . 7:47 a 111 . .J No. 15. Local express , daily . " Lincoln and points ' cast , west , northwest 1:48 : p lit . < ; No. 21. Vestibuled express , t , daily , Deliver , and . all points west and northwest . . . . . . . . . 1:35 p m j No. 16. Vestibulcd express 1 daily , St. Joe , Kan- ; sas City , St Louis ! Chicago and points " . cast and south. . . . . 4:30 p JJ1 No. 22. Local express , daily Atchison and points , south and west. . . . 4:44 : pm ; No. 41. t. I..ouis.Portlaml SpecialLillcolnHe,1 ,1 lena , Tacoma and Portland without change . . . . . . . . . . . 10:07 : JlIII . No. 115. Local accollllllo a- tion , daily Mon- day\Vednsday and Friday , Salelll , Ne- mal1a and Nebraska City . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11:30 : JlII1 Sleeping , dining and reeling chair cars , ( scats freer ) on through trains. 'l'ickets sold and baggage checked to : any point in the States or Canada. For information , time tables , maps and tickets , call on or write to . ; . Stewart , Agent , Falls City , Neb. , or J. Francis , G. P. & ' 1' . A. , Omaha. . - . . , , ' . " . I , ' ' , ' ' , . . " or- ' " . i" ! IoJ. . _ . \Il ' . . . n