The Falls City tribune. (Falls City, Neb.) 1904-191?, July 29, 1904, Image 16

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ii' i :
\ . ' July . .
t. 29. 1904 _ _ - - t
More Drainage Matters .
by R. Eo Grinstead
" . . Many persons living I in the west
' . end of the county have an idea
; , , I that when thc : Mo. River has a
'maximum raise then the Ncmaha
. :
. .
It. . back water
I River is affected
as far up as Salcm. 'l'hc time
, was whcn many Salcm people believed -
licvcd that at thc Exchange Milts
alms City is at thc level line of
back watcr. Now .Saletn pcoplc
1 don't believe that way. 'l'hcy
I have been invcstigating. Salem
pcople also know that a maximum
I raise ' in Mo. River docs not affect
thc Hood line in thc Ncmaha
\ River more than a few hundred
I feet above thc mouth of thc
t Ncmaha : Rivcr.
1 If both rivers were at maximum
flood title at thc saute time which
would be a coincident not likely
. ' - to happen in a century , even then
thc flood in thc Ncmaha would
bc niodlflecl in thc Ncmaha by thc
saute for only a few hundred feet
abo\'c. A maximum raise for Mo.
River is 20 feet and only once in
40 years , on an average , does ( it
reach this lleig-ht. The average
annual maximum ; raise is 15 fect.
Once , in every few years there
is no noticeable annual raisc in
the \1o. at thc usual timc which
is about June. 'l'hese facts arc
all well known and arc compiled
from statistics furnished by U.
S. Geodc(1 survey rcports.
'l'hcy arc given here to correct
an erroneous opinion
by peoplc throughout thc county.
' ' - used somewhat
'l'he samc : is beingused
as a supposed reason why thc
disastrous effects of our overflows
may not at all times be eliminated -
ed by thc methods discussed in
these articles on drainag-c.
It is a pleas : ngfact and wc
take delight now in enunciating
the same that about aU opposi-
tion to . these . inlproveulents i on
account of any fear formerly entertained -
tcrtaincd , that others than the
will be taxable '
owners of wet lands
, able for the reclaimation of thc
same , is no longer very seriously
I I man Hest.
It is Iso becoming i more ppar-
cut every day that the people are
j learning that all classes are vit-
i \ ally interested in having these
$3.30 To Lincoln And Return.
On account of thc Enworth
L ague Assembly the Burlington
will sell tickets to Lincoln and
return at $3.30 , on August 2 to
11 , inclusivc.
An educational , interesting
amus program is offered , to
which thc following will contri-
bute :
Dr Frank Bristol , Governor
LaFolctte \Visconsin. . Dr. John
Mcrrittc Driver , Dr. Byron W.
King , Dr. H. B. C. Mason , Ross
-f , . . . . . . . .
- - -
> > '
- "
---101 ; < . . . . I. , . II ! !
improvements made 'l'hc good
results will be to all in furnish-
ing- thc only possible solution of
having good roads across these
bottom lands and that at a maxi-
mum , cxpcnse to all tax payers.
It is also pleasing to know that
whcn these improvcmen arc
madc that all owners of bottom
lands may plant and sow confi-
dcntly expected to reap thc har-
vest that others dOi ; and that at
thc same time they arc collcctive-
ly thc benefactors , not only of
their own interests but of that of
the entire county.
It is also a pleasing fact to
know that thc concurrcdt t opinion
of all who have had experience
along this line is that results arc
always good and that \\'e ma.y
know in ad\'ance just what they
will be. It is also significant to
us of thc best results because of
thc facts that the natural environments -
onmcnts such as gradient , and
alltt 'ial soil , in many places a.
limestonc. rock in bottom and
bank as a factor to aid in the
controling- the forces of nature
and conserving thc same in tak-
ing- care of our channel when
it shall have been intelligently
l emember then this the new
channel will be located by a com-
petcnt civil engineer at the right
place. Nobody will be damaged
by this location but all will bc
bene 1 tcd.
'his will be done indepl'ndent-
ly of what you or 1 may wish to
say. The best general results
will be conserved by thc action of
thc engineer in chargc. The .
best local and indh'idual results
of thc particular land owner is to
thc lands through which the
channel is located , howcvcr much
he may bc averse to thc samc.
In Salem . township wc have
three land owners who are each
actull\ ' anxious to have thc channel -
nel made through his own lands.
When thc same hall have been
completed , all will see why this
is so. It is because it is best for
all and will be especially beneficial -
cial to thc lands of thc particular
owner. Yours truly ,
R l . 1i. Grinstead.
Crane , Gail Laug-hlin , 'Wilber Ii'
Crafts , Samuel Dickie , C. S. Pal-
mcr , Lotus Glee Club , Mrs.
Minnie Marshall Smith , Dr ,
'l'o'oldchi Lycnaga of the Uni-
\'crsity of Chicago , Prof. L. D.
Eichhorn , and , thc Original
Sla\'ton Jubilee Singers
Write for pamphlet "Som'enir
'l'alcn . which will tell you aU
about it.
L. \V. "Takclc .
General Pas-
cngcr Agent , Omaha.
l5tn . I ! T" ' . ifF 1 _ U. L J rt lY" ' "
WM - - . - " " JW .
- .
- . . . " " , . , \
- - -
Reavis f Abbey .
. . - . .
A Quiet FlirtationI. I. ,
. , . H . I
! : vUmt..111 ; (
OBJECT = = Il1nocent Amusement
RESULT = = Sometimes tnatrinlony J .
then comes furniture and this is
where we get terested. ' .
I r , , , . , - .
"it : is the way
of the vise" to buy
the best goods for
the least l11oney.
We have the
i only complete line
of furniture and
I floor coverings
ever carried in i the
county. _
I Straw matting
j 2 to 60c ; all wool
I' Ingrain carpet 50
C I _
I IlReayi &Abb 1J . , , .
Safeguard the Children.
Notwithstanding all that is
done hy boards of health and
charitably inclined persons the
dcati1 race among small children
is very high during thc hot
weather of the suuluter months
in thc large cities 'l'hcrc is not
probably. one case of bowel complaint -
plaint in a hundred , however , that
could not bc cured by the timely
lisle of Chambcrlain's Colic , Chol-
era and Diarrhoea l emed ) ' . For
sale by A. \Vanncr. .
Less Than Half Fare.
'l'he Burlington ; offers another
series of low rate excursions to
St. Louis and return on l\loIJda's
July 11 , 18 and 25. -
Tickets at S7.25 for thc round
trip-considcrably less than half
ratc. 'l'ickcts arc good in chair
cars and coaches.-
Let us send you an illustrated
folder or call on our 'agent for
full particulars.
I , . K. \Vakely , general passen-
'gcr agent , Omaha.
King's for best paint.
. . -
- - - - --&A. -
" 111&A.
: - - - : " J -.if , ,
I I : " -
tC 75 C"S " ' - cd
0 .
sc , .
' " I V ' " 3'n
r. '
I' I \
Linoleum , 6 , 7 ,2 ,
and 12 feet wide .
50 to 65 cts , laid.
Some of our de =
signs will certain =
Iy interest you
and the quality
and prices are
right. ' 4j. . .
\'T' J . . ; .
" V4 t
. .1
- I
Two Personally Conducted Excursions \
To Boston Vin Burlington.
Special excursion to Boston ; -1 , f :
. ,
leaves Lincoln August 11th r.t. : . . '
JOO : p. 111. in charge of Chap1ian ' )
H. R. Randall .
A second excursion - 1 I .
sion leaves Lincoln August 13th'- fi ,
. .
at JOO : p. 111. in charge of J. B. _
Fcrguson. Through tourist cars
from Omaha ; Short stops at the . 11 t
show places of the cast. A. . , _
chance to return via St. Louis. . . \
and St'C thc Worlds Fair-the _
greatest creation by thc hand of
If you arc figuring on the , trip
talk to our agent about these cx- , _
cursions-a very low rate for the , - . " , -
round trip , with all conditions " , .
most favorablc. Or , write 111C. . " . '
L. \V. \Vakelc , G.P.A. ,
' ' ' ' ,
Burlington Route , .
Omaha Ncb. - ,
, , . ; : _
. . . .
Ice ! Ice ! : " . " ,
Good clean ice from Culp's lake a :
delivered at your - door.-Culp Ice '
Compan , " _ : , ,
Try Bcrry's Chick , Food for lit . .
tic chicks - just thc stuff - at "
Heck's Feed Storc.