-I _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . . . . . _ _ . _ . . - - ' - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Moisture In Tobacco The prusr.ncQ or moisture In tobacco 18 , the Lancet .hello\'os , or Rome importance . portanco to public health ! . since the comhuRtion or tohncco containing a largo ) proportion ( of moisture Is Impeded . peded , while nil Iho gpnemtloll of VH' per Is Incrcasell.f1O nt'o the chances of the loladnous ( principle ) being carrlCtl : Into the mouth , - - - - - - - A Syllogism That Proves Much The fatuous aj'l1oglfml of 'fhomla'to- 4 cleR was that his Infant son ruh.Jl1"'tho whole world . , proved ( thus I : ' Mj' Infant son rules his mol her , Ills mother rllleR me I rule the Atlwnlans The Athenians rule the Greo1ts. And the Greeks rule the world - - - - - - - - United staten Fish Catch According . to the Natlonlll Geographic . graphic ) Magazlno , the totlll cntch of food fishes In the United States and s Alaska , as shown IIj' the lust \ Cllnvass , ' wall 1,7:1:1,31-1,32. : : ' pOllnds ) , "a Illed ( at 46,631,1 1 C Gri 'fho numhl'l' of men employed . lloyell was 214OlitJ. and the capital In' vested WM $72,2G1,1i.IIi or Wide Interest Brecr1 , Win" , .Jllly 1S-Speclal- Charles Y. Peterson , JU3t1CO or the Peace for Oconto Co" , has delivered a judgment that Is of interest to the whole United Stlltes Put briefly , that jUdgment Is , "Iodd's Kidney JJlIIs are the best Kidney medlclno 011 the market . lcet todaj' . " And MI' Peterson gives his reason for this judgment. lie says : "Last winter I had nn aching pain In 111) back which troubled mo very much - I' the morning I could hardly straighten - en mj' Imc1c I did not IUlOW what It was hut nn advertisement led me to try DOlhl'.J ( Kidney Pills After taking : ana box I can only any they have done I more for me than expected I feel f as well now as ever I did before : ' I Pain In the back Is one of the first I symptoms ( \ of Kidney dlscmo If not J cured 1Ij' DolIll's Kidney Pills It may : develop Into Urlght's Disease , Diabetes I beteH Rheumatism or soma of the other deadly ! form of Kidney Dloeaso ! " .Il Is easier to secure It unanimous decision that a hall thing Is bad than I , , that a good . thing is gooll. ' 1'hl ! i IlagenlJec ] Anlmnl P/\I'nlllf anti 1'rlllncll Animal ClrcnM on the 1'11,1) lit tH Lotus ! atll'llclM great crowds every " . Iln . ' . 'l'hc1I'tJ urn willi beasts , lions , Ico\l- \ I IInIK , 11II1II1\ hyenas ; h'al'lanll t'.gers ! I roaming- their I native Jungle togethci ' : with Ilol1lcllIc'ntctl nnlmnlH III perfect hal' mon ) ' , 'fhe 1111tc'nhl''II'lIhwr ! ! preHcnt the moat Ihl'llIlnl ) lcI'Col'lnnnccI of perfect ) - fect anhunl I Iralnllll dllllr In the steel ' cage uf the huge IIrenll. YoU should ! not , all 10 see H , 11 IK the srl'atC3t aUrac : lion lit the \\'orid's 1"alr . _ _ Recognizes Geologist - The Academy : of Sciences of Paris has elected Prof Barrola of Lllle , to fill the vacancy \ left In the section ot mineralogy IIj' the death of the 1IIu8' , trlous FOIIue This recognition of the claims of one of the most distinguish- , cd geologists of the present day will / bo welcomed far and wide 'I Immensity 01 AlaskJ. Few people realize thtl Immensltj' at the area of Alnslm With Its 677,390 square _ miles , It If' larger ! than the three largest states In the Union , name- r. r , lr , Texas , California and Montana , the total area or whIch Is only 60,220 ,1 r i square miles \1 i DC You Want the Lowest Rates : . . either onewaj' or round-trip excursion , to any point ( east of Chicago or St Louis ? Ask the Erie Railroad Company . , ; . pnnj' , 555 Railway Exchange Chicago , for complete Information Three Cast . trains daily from Chicago and S1. a ' Louis through to New York , Boston , t { Buffalo , Pittsburgh and other eastern points Stopover without charge at . Niagara , Falls , Cambridge Springs and . Beautiful Chautauua Lake , . Oldest Woman In World Madrid claims to have the oldest woman In the wOl'ld-\larla Nieto , who has lived In three centuries , having . " Ing been born In 1781. She was twice I ' married and hall nineteen children , all I of whom she survives I ' . . , - - " " ' - , , - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - falls City Tribune BY TRIBUNE PUBLISHING CO . , . = " -r-- - - - - - - - - - - - I LLS Ct'NEBH.ASKA . , - - - - - - A l1I1'aulCo IIIlln tried to fly the olhOl' lillY , hilt owing to the fact that his starting / pIneo wa only five feet high ho Is still able to lie up and 111'\ \ lillI , A 'I'enncsseo court has decided that a woman cannot be compelled to tell hol' own nge. When under oath , the average \ woman Is apt to bo under age \ , , as well , - - - - - - The .Juno IIrllle 1Idn't realize how oho will hate next Dccelllbol' , when the thermometer IH raring 10 ( degl'ee holow zero , to get up and IlI\lId \ the kitchen fire. - - - - - - \Ve'll het sonic mean man meant to put \ woman's tamper to a severe test which he stal'tell dllicuHHlon of the quest [ I "Why have wOlllon more t cm' 1101' than mOil ? " 'l'he Academy of Medicine at Paris han decided that excessive meat eating causes 1I111'011l1lcltls ; ' , it doe morc II callscs emaciation of the pocketbook and haulCl'ulltcr A Pennsylvania man who Inherited l1i,000 : hits received no less than Jon : ) offers of marrlago Money must he uncommonly scarce or women uncom money plenty UII there The , theme chosen for her corn melcement ! essay hy one of Chicago's sweet girl graduates \ was the "Psj'cllO' . log of the Pig " The subject has the true stock yards \ lilt Val' , According ( to the Department of Agriculture - riculture peanuts contain "lIl1out four Ollllces of protein and l 2,767 calories of onorgj' " We know now why these clr. " " . . . ells men arc nil iO "Rtrong - J\n Imminent agricultural authority informs us that "hogs arc said to cut their throats when they iwlm " The trouble with the sort of hogs wo have around l here Is that they can't be In' dUl'ed to swim enough. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Judge Brewer recently declared that In forty yeal'H' experience 011 the bench he hall never heard hut one lawyer yer tell a lie In court. Thus Is the first time that wo lI1ethnt the judge was as deaf as all that. . - - ' - - - - - - - - - - The IIrllllant Washington Post quotas , It current magazIne as putting this soul - searching question : "Is America Do'lolllng Iln Aristocracy ? " If0 are , It Is certainly one of the worst cases of "arrestod development" on record . I - - - - - 'l'wo Philadelphia society men fought twenty rounds with hard gloves and 1 one finally knocked , the other out Philadelphia as , a ' whole . may bo . . . . . . slow anti sleepy , hut there are parts at Philadelphia which are .us alert and modern the Bower , . : ali . ) , } - - - - - A statue of Dr Benjamin Rush , 'ono of the signers of the Declaration or In dependence , was unveiled in \\'ash Ington last weol" Considering the length' of time the good doctor has I been dead , his admiring countrj'men have certainly been In no "rush" to honor his memorj' A Pltlsburg man who was anne 'ed 1 by a persistent organ-grinder 1\lllec1 ] 1 himself Instead of the perIpatetic musician , which Is about as interest Ing an example of misdirected onergj' . a : , : has recently been seen - - - The people of Morocco are so filled I wIth scorn and disgust at the western proclivities of their sultan , who hate d to give Ul1 part or his kingdom In order . del' to ransom PCl'dlcarls , that there arc already Indications that ho may have a chance to use his twenty auto mobiles in a relay race to the nearest = nnrt. . L Graln.Eatlng Songetera , Fine voices , It Is said , are Beldam found In II country where fish or meat diet 11revalls Those Italians who eat the most fish ( those of Naples and Genoa ) have few fine sIngers among them The sweet voices are found In the Irish women of the country , and not of the towns. Norway Is not a country of singers , because they eat too much fish ; but Sweden Is n country . try of grain and song Carnivorous birds croak ; graln , eating birds sing Where Most Wheels Go Around. There Is no place In the world where the wagon or cart trafi1c It equal to that or Newchwanb' During the winter . t'r ' months , when the roads are firmly frozen , there arc not less ' ! than 2,000 carts , each carrying two tons per day , coming to the port , each drawn by from four to seven mules or ponies ; some of these carts are from thirty to forty dar : ' on the road In order to reach the marlwt. - - - - Longest Convention 'fhe longest convention In our poetical . lcal history was the Democratic na- tlonal convention which met at Charleston , S. C. , In 18GO. At the end of ten clays It had accomplished nothing . lng , and adjourned to meet In Dalti- more Even when the majority of the delegates reconvened In the last- named city they needed four days to 1I61111nllte Stephen A. Douglns New Value of Aluminum A German experimenter , Herr Bernhard , noting the structure of aluminum , decided to try It for putting an edge on fine-culling Instruments , such ; as surgical knives , razors , etc Ho found that It acted exactly like a r:1zor.hone : or tie finest quality BACK LICK Settled the Case With Her. Many : great discoverIes have been made by accident and things better than gold mines have been found In this way , for example when even the accidental discovery that coffee Is the : real cause of one's sickness proves of most tremendous value because It locatoR - cateR the cause and the person has then a chance to get well. "For over 25 years , " says a Missouri woman , "I suffered untold agonies In my stomach and even the best phy- sicians disagreed as to the cause without - out giving me any permanent help , different ones saying It was gastritis , indigestion , neuralgia , etc" , so 1 dragged along from year to year , always - ways half sick , until finally I gave up all hopes of ever being well again " 'hen taking dinner with a friend one day she said she had a new drink which turned out to be Postum and I lilted It so well I told her I thought I would stop coffee for awhile and use It , which I did "So for three months we had POSe turn In place of coffee without ever shaving one or my old spells but wall always healthy and vigorous "Husband kept saying he was con winced It [ was coffee that caused those spells , but even then I wouldn't be- hove It until one day we got out of Postum and as we lived two miles from town I thought to use the coffee we had In the house , "The result of a weelt's use of coffee - fee again was that I had another ter rlblo [ spell of agony and distress , provo Ing that It was the coffee and nothing else That settled It and I said good bye to Coffee forever and since then Postum alone has been our hot meal time drlnlt "l\Ij' friends all say I am looldng worlds better and my complexion Is f much Improved All the other memo hers of our family have been benefit ed , too , 1Iy Postum In place of the old drink , coftee " Name given by Postum Co" , Battle Creek , 1\IIch Ten days trial of P0stum In place of coffee or tea Is the wIse thing for every coffee drInker ' Such a trial i tells the exact truth often where coffee - fee Is not suspected , Look In each plq for the famous little book , "Tho Road to WellVUlo , " , " , - . , FREE TO TWENi'Y.FIVE LADIES. I The Defiance Starch Co , will give 25 ladles a round.trp ticket to the St. l. j Louis exposition to five ladles In each or the allowing states : illinois , 1 Iowa , Nebraslui , Kansas and 1\lIssou- rl who will sent [ In the largest number of trade marks cut from a lOcent , 16. ounce package of Defiance coM water laundry starch. 'fhls means from your. . I own home , anywhere In the above : 7T' named states , These trade marks must i he mailed to and received by the Defiance . . fiance Starch Co" Omaha 1 " , , Neb before September 1st , lOi ! October and November . "ember will be the best months to I visit the exposition. Remember that ' ! IJefiance Is the only starch put up 16 . 07. ( a full pound } ) to the pac1mge You get one-third more starch for the same : money than of any other kind , and Defiance never sticks to thin Iron The tickets to the exposition will be sent by registered mall September 6th. ' Starch for attic by all 1onlors j' After a girl has been married about three weeks she returns to earth Catarrh Cannot Be Cured wtri : LOcA1. APPLICATIONS , ns they cannot t1aeh ! the seat of the dl eRSe. Catarrh Is" blood or eons\ \ tullonnl dleeaee , end In order 10 cure It you IIIUH take internal ' remedies , IIAlI's CAlnrrh Cure Is taken In- ternAlly , and nets directly \ nil the blood and mucoul IlIrfnce. , . . 101l's , Catarrh Cure Ia I not II quack med- ! cIne. Itwas I'relcrlhl'd byoncof tie ( heat I'brllclana In tbl" country for ycara nUll tc II n'Rulllr I'rrlcrll'lIoD . It / a cons powed of the beat tonieR known , combIned . r with the beet blood l'urlnerR , acting directly on the mucous 8I1rrAce . The perfect comllillolloll ot the two ingredtcnta whet produces ouch wonderful reo lullll In ourlllJ cnlllrrh Send for lImonlall , tre . FoOT. ClnNEY & , CO" , Prol'R" , Toledo , a Bold by Drllltght ; . price 7c. Take IInU'J Family 1'1118 for con8t1patiOD. ! When Wrestlers Oiled Bodies. In Grecian and Roman wrestling bouts the bodies and limbs of the wrestlers were plentifully anointed I wIth oil and grease The object of this was to prevent hold 1 ' a being secured - cured by an opponent. Modern articles . tlclea of agreement , however , state . explicitly that no all or grease shall . - be used Keep Moet of Products at Home. In the city ot Sm-rna there are rI.1 factories that maim thread yard , cal leo prints for head wear , boxes , etc : there are flour mills , machine shops , carriage and cart factorIes , arid a cigarette factory None of the manufactured - factured articles , with the exceptioq of carpets , Is exported I Another Breakfast Food. Seaweed , though not the diet of an epicure , is , when dry , richer than oat. meal or Indian corn In nitrogenous ; I t constituents , and takes rank among the most nutritious of vegetable foods. Uncle Amerlcus' Prayer , Uncle Amorlcu8 , an o1d-tlme darky commenced his prayer thus : " 011. Lord , we thank } thee that we are once more permitted to dissemble in the latitude of prayer " ; . . . . I Well , optimism Pays When a man loses his hair he a- ways consoles himself by thinking that being bald gives him a nice , fatherly . patriarchal sort ot look-Baltlmore American Ancient Stadium Ie Renovated Having been restored In white marble at a cost of over E 100,000 , the ancient Stadium of Athens has been opened for athletic sports Patagonia to Be Settled Europeans have discovered that Patagonia agents Is not an irreclaimable wilder ness and the tide of Immigration II turning that way. I < , 'f Song Many Centuries Old. - A song called the " 'Hymn to Apollo - lo , " wrItten 280 years B. C" , has Just been ! Bung for the first time in Eng. land Peculiarity of Electricity. An electric current of 600 volts fa fatal. Increase the voltage to 600 , 000 and It will be quIte harmless Antidote for Carbolic Acid Turpentine has been found to bo aa antidote for carbolic acId. . . . . . ' , . " , - _ -C _ _ ' _ " _