t " " - . \ \ July 1 ,5 , 19u4' THE FALLS CITY TRIBUNE , . : . ' . ' - - - " ' " CHURCH NEWS Methodist ' Church. There will bc Preaching at ! r' J 10:45 : a. m' by Hcy. F. ] P. Blakc- man pastor of thc M. B. church in 'l'ccumsch , and at 8 in the morning by thc pastor W. 13. Alcxandcr. A cordial invitation is extcndcd to all members and fricJ1ls. Be sure and hear the morning i scrll1on. Baptist Church. 1):45 : n. 111. Sabbath School , 10:45 : a. m. Divine Worship 7 p. 111. Young Pcoplc's Meeting 7:45 : p. 111. m\'cn Song 1\11' Scling'cr's Topics : a. 111. 'To wholl1 shall wc g'o ? " p. I'Scalcs" Teachers Class-'hursday ! cvclling' You arc cordially illvitcd to all of these scrviccs. - - Christian Church. Sunday School , 10 a. m : Preaching . a. m. Junior C. 1. . 2 p. m. Y. P. S. C. E' 7 p. m. Preaching 8 1) . m. subject , 'The Ladders.'Time public is cordially - ially invitcd.-l4' Pougcon. H. H. HancR of Omaha was in this city cc1ncsday. Hc is con- ncctcd with a Brick plant Co. and came to look over thc g-round. King-'s for croquet ( sets. W. H. MADDOX REAL ESTATE AGENCY Lands bought and sold Hartford Fire Insurance Houses in city for sale Money to lOLll Telephone 178 Missouri Pacific Railway Time Table , Palls City , Neb. NOR'l'U 1':0. 51 ; 1 Omaha and Lincoln Express . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A 2:25 : a 111 No. 9 C7maha and Iincohl ] _ _ 8:35 : a 111 No. Si Omaha and Lincoln passenger ] . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A 2:48 : II m No. 233 Local Freight , Au- burn . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .l\ :10 1 : II nl SOU'1'11 No. 52 Kansas City and Rt. .ollis ( and Denver . . . . . . . A 3:4i : a 111 J\o. : 58 Iallsas City and St. Louis and Dcn\'cr , . . . . . . A 2:48 : l' 111 No.50 Worlds Fair ; Sl eeial. . ' 8:45 : l' 111 No. 232 local , Atchison. . . 10:30 : a 111 No. 220 Stock Freight Ili- \\.llha. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A 9:5 : p 111 A. 1)aily. B. Daily except Sunday : J. B. V.\HNl I , Agcllt. - TRY OUR SuiiiiiYer Carat11els I They are Fine I SOWLES . , . S . . , . , , "t ; ' ; " , LI ' : ; . . . . . . d. . . . _ ' ' 's : ' ' - 1111portant Notice. Owing to thc sickness of one of of our force , a rush of job work and an accident in thc office wc are compelled to issue a smaller paper this week , although - though in doing so " ' . e were com- pcllcd to leave out our "gduca- tional Department , " coumity correspondence - respondence and other interest- ing' news mattcr. Children's Ch.autauqua. The idea of a Childrcn's Chau- tauqua is original with the IIHlIJag'cmel1t of thc Auburn Chautauqua association and they have engaged , Miss Nina M. Kcnagy of Lincoln as superintendent - tcndcnt of this work. Miss Ken- ag'y is a professional instructcr and has entered into this I work with a great deal of thusiasm. The children are to have a chautauqua "all their own" . They win sing , tell , stories , play ill the sand and clay , cut and fold paper , have marches , and will h ave lessons in Indian bead and basket work , study thc trees and grasses in thc park , study birds and animals , their habits and uses , vegetables , flowers and ttcrl1ics. A playground will bc providcd with swings , see-saws , , a may- pole a merry-go-round and other amnusemuents so that an the child- rcn may have , a good time. For further particulars , cata- log'ucs and tents , apply loV. . L' . Harmnau sccretary. Burlington Low Rates. The man or woman who takes a vacation during thc heated period is the one who lives the longest , enjoys life thc most and docs thc best work. St. Louis and return , all kinds of reduced rates daily. Chicago and return either direct - cct or via Sr. Louis , daily low rates. Cincinnati and return S20.40 July 16 , 16 and 19. Denver , Colorado Springs , Pu- cblo , Glcnwood Springs , Utah , thc Black hills of South Dakota , thc Yellowstone National park of 'Yyoming-practical1y half rates all summcr. Ask the agent for particulars or write L. W. \Yahe- ly , general passenger agent at Omaha. Notice. Owners of boftom land throuh- out thc county are requested to meet In Falls City , Saturday , July 23 , 19t to perfect thc organization - tion of a drainage bistrict. Let everybody comc. For Sale. I have a few stands of beeF , which I will sell very rcasonablc. Call at thc Farmcr hotcl. 2--t J. , , , . Macommmber. . Cheap Rates to St. Louis Excursions on thc Missouri Pacific to St. Louis anti return on July 11 , 18 and 25 for S7.25 Hmit 7 dayc , J. B. Varncr , agcnt. , ' -t. ' : . . . , j ' ' It's Woi'tli a Deal of Sacrifice , and Saving to Possess Clothes Like These. . j I Hand G - , I d : ) " Men's Spring Busi- - . , - , WAMpOLD , A co. 1 . . ; , . ' ' ' Amerl & ' moll ness S uds . Progrellve ' y . . Clolhu Make . [ - x All cut in the newest : t I ' fashion . and superbly ' ' ta'i1 rccf $7.50 I "j Men's Stylish Spring Suits. I H.cal $12.00 va1uc h re 2 and highcr clscwherc IS + ' ' 'l'hcy at go $10.00 : t : ; : _ - l'ien's Better Spring # . ' . 4. , / Suits. . rTY r1'4 = L < ' if , ' , k ( ( Splendidly lined and exceptionally well tail- I } ; } r orcd. Our price $12.50 - ' " n , yl : 'lVlen' : Very S..cll ; it : . I , . . a , ' tt' ; Worth S3.00 a suit' . . < j more but now you can 4 I' II 1 . 1 ; buy them for $15.00 c . 'ss ' " I " Men's Pa.n'fs. 1 Your choice of new CAhn.WAfllpola&Co. Copyright 190 + . tire , pattcl"l1s in stock. , 1'11c Qicago , v , . best of quality. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . - . . . . . , . . - - - = - - - - - . . . . . . . . . . - - . , , " ' - J Big Line of Madras Shirts , former . value 75 Y cents , to be closed out 110\V at 40 cents. ° Call and see theln. . . . . - - - F. We Cleveland . I - - - - . - - - - - - . . Bessie Davis returned from St. Louis Thursday morning. Bcssis Boher left Thursday nio'ht for an cxtendcd visit in Chicag'o. Rev. Smith , mother and daugh- tcrs arc visiting in thc Indian 'l'erritory. Zula McCool of.Salem is visit- ing with her sister , Mrs. Bob Rule this wcck Louise Radinsky of Sterling is in the city visiting with her sis- ter Mrs. Alma Picket. A crowd of young people pic- nicce ! at 1\lartin's grove cast of town \Vcdncsday. . All enjoyed - cd a fine time , especially the shade , while the more unfortu- natc mortals roasted in town. Nora Potcct chaperoned thc party which was , Edna Crook , Reba Evcrsolc , Leah Potcet , Florence'ylie , Ncttic Cleveland , Dorothy 'hite and Anita ' " ilson . Fred Cleveland , Albert Gray and Harry Cain. Nellie McMahan sustained a badly sprained wrist and thumb rucsday ( > while attempting - : evening whilc. . . : ing to stop the iron handle of the well windlass that was going thc routc. Thc injured member was dressed by Dr. Houston and although - though still quite painful is il11- proving iccly. . ] . . . - - - McNa.II's . , GROCERY Fancy and Staple Groceries. Fruit in Season. / Satisfaction Guar- 1n teed. I , Free City Delivery Phone 40. -I : Storage for Household and Other Goods. D. S. McCarthy : ' PROPRIETOR OF ' CITY DRAY LINE Special Attention to Household Moving. Phone 211 . 1 ' . : Falls City - - Nebraska ' I