The Falls City tribune. (Falls City, Neb.) 1904-191?, July 15, 1904, Image 13

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t July IS , 1904 : ! _ _ _ /
; : . _ _ _ . _ _ . _ _ ,
Burglars at Rulo.
- , . Rub , Nch. , July 14-Burg-lars
" i-t/ got ill their work at Rule last
, > l 111g-ht by breaking into three dif-
f :
_ fercnt places , Goupc's drug store ,
: . .
, . . .
; . , ,1 w ; $ : the post oflice amI Kanaly's I sa-
! } loon. lti I trance was gained
, : through a back window in each
l : : , : ' placc. A hole was bored through
" . the top of thc safe and powder
) t. ' placed therein in the post office
but the charge failed to open thc
c afe. 'rhc cash in thc drawer
and thc Postage stamps were not
molc ted. At thc saloon sonic
T : , whisky and cigars were all that
was taken , but at thc drug store
xf jewelry to thc value of several
' : ; : altars I was talccn , but thc cash
a. . . in the register and slot machine
d' . was not touchcd , No clue to the
' robders has yet been found.
Cured of Chronic Dil\l'rhet Arter T n
Ye rs of Surrerinl !
; , . t1 wish to say a few words in
praise of Chamberlain's colic ,
cholera and diarrhoca rcmedy , "
says Mrs 11altic Durge , of Mar-
= tin " , , jlc ) , Va. "I suffered from
' chronic diarrhoca for ten years
. and during that time trial various -
, otis mcdicines withou t obtaining
any pcrmancnt ) relief. Last sttln-
_ ' mgr ono of lily children was taken
* . with cholera morbus , i\nd , I pro-
cured a bottle of this rcmedy
Only two doses were required to
r , t give her entire 'licf. 1 then deC -
C , ' cidcd to try the t 1l1clicinc myself ,
and did not use all of one bottle
. before I WitS well and I have never -
cr since been troubled with that
com'plaint. . One cannot say too
much in favor of that wonderful
medicinc. " . This remedy is for
sale by A. G. 'Wanncr.
M \ . rriagc Record.
'L'hc following licenses to mar-
ry have been issued :
Charles Lcgg , JIllluhohlL. _ _ _ _ _ _ . . . .31
lmma 1 \ Mitchell , same.--------------3'-
Hcm'I.'Hz , Vernon---- . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ' _ - - . 2. l
I"I'l'di.Vcicl ; < , salllc _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . . . . _ _ _ _ 22
John lcCrith ; ; , Sclalia , _ _ _ _ . . _ . .
Catherine Cassidy , same----------- , 24
Salem Chautnuq
, The Salem intcr-statc chautau-
qua will bc held l July 23 to 31.
letlucetl l rates on railroads com-
mcncing" ally 22 and continuing :
every clay until 1 July 31. See : your
railroad agent in regard to thcm.
Senator H. H. 'fillman , thc
Cromwell of time Palmetto state ,
Lewis ' McPherson
Wells , 'Vinhnills ,
Stock Food , DippingTanks
and Fluid I
.CreLlIll Separators
Lightning Rods
Pump and 'lndm1ll Rcpall'in l n
Spcclalt All 'Vot'k 15
Falls City , Neb.
. , : . _ : ; '
will lecture 'Vcdncsc1a ) ' , July 27 ,
al 2:50 : p , m. Do not miss hearing
this rctnirkallc man of whom so
much has been said. Hc stands
for time rugged truth and the
rights of thc common People of
his country.
Six evening of moving pictures
and illustrated lccturcs. 'l'hc
moving pictures by D. 'V l ob-
crtson are the best to bc obtained
in the United Stilt g. Tie uses
thc g-cnuinc htlisou ; ProjcctoiCOPC !
and it is lllleccl1ed. ; 1'he illus-
tratetllectures by Hc\ IIolley
and 11r. 1iliersoii are first class
and up to date in every particular.
li'or tents , programs , clc. , writc
thc Secretary , Salem , Ncb.
Chamherlain's Colic , Choler anti
Dii\rrhoc Heme y ,
'rhis rcmcdy is certain to bc
nceded in almost c"er y home before -
fore thc summcr is O\'cr It can
always be depended upon even in
the most severe and clangorous
cascs. It is especially valuable
for summer disorders in childrcn.
It is pleasant to take and never
fails to give prompt rclicf. "Thy
not buy it now ? It may save life.
For sale by A. \Vatincr. .
A Free Institution.
At the last regular meeting of
thc library board , action was tak-
cn upon an item of. interest to
all. One of the principal objects
of a Ihlblic library is to reach : the
masses , those who have not a
private library , that good reading -
ing' may be thc familiar of every
home , for it is a well known fact
that books are a great factor ln
thc 1l10lclilg' } of chanLcter. It has
long been thc desire of the board
to place our library on such a
basis , but until now no way was
open , On a recent levy of the
city tax the library receive 5 an
alllouni that justified the hoard }
in making the folio ving rule :
Bcg-inning- 1st of May , 1905
thc circulation of thc books from
thc library will be free excepting
it slight fee for thc ticket ; thc
lncs remain thc samc. li'rolllnow
on the ; barge for a ycar's ticket
will cccreasc tell cents each month
until May 1st , )05.
- - - -
Safegurd age Cllihlren
otwithstaI1l1ing' all that is
clone by hoards of health and
charitably inclined pcrsons thc
death rate among small children
is very high during the hot
weather of thc sUlllmcr months
in thc large citics. There is not
probably one case of bowel complaint -
plaint in a hunched , however , that
could not bc cured by thc timely
use of Chambcrlain's Colic , Chol-
era and Diarrhoca emedy. For
sale by A. G. \Vanner.
Ice ! Ice !
Good clean ice from Culp's lake :
delivered at your 'door-Culp . Ice
Compau , , . J
. ' "
" . . " , , " ' '
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. , .
! ! m r it. ! . . ; . " ! . .r..1. . . . . " , " . .
, . .
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HOLT'5' I. . I
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D. = :
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. _ . _ - r.A : . - TENIHNC'I ! - - . , . . . . . . . . TO . . . . SUUUST . . . . . . . . . , . . : . : . . . - wOViTI TIlE OTHER . . . . .J.Td it ; - . li . . : iS-
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= DJ' " " , , , J i
! - - = , ' - :
. , ' . . , 1\ \ ' , LEAVE THE NESTS
" : , , . . ' I In nearly nil cases il is because they are so pestered with lice
. ; : . ' . : ) . Of course the hen docs nol know that the eggs \ mny have cost YOU $5
Dr . . .JJ ) . " T n settint -she leaves just the same Prussian Lice Powder dusted
.g y y . : - . - freely on the nest and eggs once each ten days docs the business.
I" " . . _ : . . .y ' . . . . Docs not injure the eggs , and the little chicks will be free from lice
. ( . , . . ' .7 , - : ra. , when they , come 0111. Should you like the liquid better don't forget
. : , ' '
L : r'- " : ! ; ' our Prussian Lice Killer.
fJj , > , I # : "I have used Prussian Lice Killer lor chickens anal also for horses , and same has -
" . ,
given entire satisfacllon.-RIMOND ( LENTZ , Jericho , Wls
Price 20 and GO conta per cnn. nemem r 31so our C1mous Prusolnn Poultry Food. Ifyourdealer
does nol keel any or these write us , We will supply you and send you our 68 page book free.
ntfSSaAN STOCR FOOD & REMEDY COI'iiPANY , St. Paul , mine.
'I'h Prussia l11edies are guaranteed by mc and money re- . . .rJ
funded If not satisfactory . Hel11el11ber I buy Butter , Eggs and ' " 1-
Poultry and Pay Cash. I have Barrel and Lump Rock Salt , also
Coal and wood.
o. P. iECK. . : '
K. & L. of S.
The Knights and Ladies of
Security wishes to let thc people
of Falls City know that ( al-
thoug-It the warm season is upon
us ) we are still wide , awake , ilnd
doing some very good work , initiating -
tiating- new members and voting
in candidatcs.
Last 'l'hursday evening wc or-
g'ani.ed : our drill tcam and expect
to practise regularly in thc future
'l'hc Council meets the 1st and 3
reI 'I'hursc1ay in each month-and
our latch string hangs on thc
outsidc to any visiting mcmbcr
from other Councils that should
have thc operttlnity to visit us
Less Than I mail ! Fare.
'l'ltc Burlington offers another
series of low rate excursions to
St. Louis and return on Mondays
July 11 , 18 and 25.
Tickets at $7.25 for thc round
trip-considerably less than half
ratc. 'I'ickcts are good in chair
cars and coaches.
Let us send you an illustrated
folder or call on our agent for
full particulars.
. '
I4. K. \Yakely , general passenger -
g-cr agent , Omaha.
I. Giannini , tithe old rcliablc'
bus man has been having a busy
week of it.
- .
. . . . . - - - - - - - - - - - ' - - . . - . ,
l asJW
. . . . .
John L. Cleaver I . . .
JUSTICE of the PEACE t. '
of , ,
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- . . . . . - . . . . . - - 1'M \ ,
" '
- " " " - - : - - - - - - - T
Staple and f :
Fancy Groceries > _
' - ' . ' !
We Sell ANK'S BREAD' '
Cash for
First Door North
or Post Office . . .
. . Tr r