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About The Falls City tribune. (Falls City, Neb.) 1904-191? | View Entire Issue (July 8, 1904)
1 " July 8 , t. . THE FALLS 1 CITY TRIBUNE - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -T------- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ------I : (1 . CLEARANCE SALE ! ON July 5th we open our Annual Summer Clearance Sale. Fortunately for many of our custom ? . . .1 s mers the season has been backward and not being forced to purchase , they are now in posi = ' 'If 1 tion to take advantage of the bargains we offer. We include in the sweeping reductions ail \ ash 4. Summer Fabrics , Cotton , Wool and Silk Tailor Made and Dress Suits , Wool and Cotton Skirts. t , , r I Ladies' Hosiery in the better grades , a large range ; of Muslin Underwear , Embroideries , Laces and - I many articles of an especially seasonable nature. It is in the line of our policy to clean up aB i such merchandise each season. ' j _ _ _ _ _ u _ _ _ _ _ Shirt Waist Suit Fabrics. I 20 pieces Shirt \Vaist Suiting-s , that are right in , I ' line this season , sold at 20C to SOC , in all the desirable shades and weaves , reduced to ISC i , goc : , 30C and ; 5C. tFhe number of yards in these pieces is small and only ; l ' ; early comers will be able to share . in these barg 1 ns. g Nothing but our determination close out all Summer Stocks regardless uf cost ur profit would ( induce Wi to I sacrifice these Suitings in the face of the present active demand ( for them. _ _ . _ . . _ . _ _ _ -4 _ _ _ _ " ' . . _ _ . . . _ _ . _ - _ . . . i iJ Wash Fabrics. i The unusual spring weather has left on our hands : hot weather stuff. Our selection of Lawns , Batistes , s/1 Dimities , Lace Stripes and other thin goods is large ; t1 5 they are superior ; in quality and at the prices at which we now offer them are money savers. If you will compare - pare our SC lawn in fifteen patterns you will find ( it finer i and wider than the average Sc grade. Our 70 c Batiste - ' tiste is fully equal to most of the fabrics of this weave sold ( at I5c I and so on down the list 1Ve bunch all our Lawns , Batistes and Dimities in three lots at . 5c , 7 1 = 2c and tOe These lots include cloths sold at from 7c to 2SC. _ - - _ ft' _ u _ . . . . . . _ _ _ . . . . . . - ! i Straw Hats at Half Price. I All our 1\1 ' en's and Boys' Dress Straw Hats sold ' at 25c to $ i.50 are now offered at one ' half price. f 1 L.r.--1----- : I , - Muslin Underwear. ! To close out all odds and ends and all soiled gar- - meats in this department we have placed ( all such on our front table at very great reductions. \Ve have an i over stock of Children's Muslin Drawers which will be ! ? . included in this sale. ' we : : : : . . . . . _ _ _ _ _ . _ _ _ _ . _ . _ _ _ Shirt Waists. All our Silk , Crepe de Chine , Cotton Voile and Lawn Shirt Waists are reduced for this sale. In Jap J Silk and Crepe de Chine we have the daintiest styles we have ever shown , but the sizes and quantities are lnited-if l interested come at once. Our Lawn Waists . are not matched in Falls City. ' Ladies' High Grade Hosiery Our Ladies' Lace , Embroidered and Silk I-Jose priced at 7Sc , 8sc , 9oc , $1 , $1.2S and $ I.S0 i are now Z - J offered to close at Ssc , 6sc , 7Sc , $1 I and $1. IS. Parties' \ ' wishing something elegant Hose at substantial reductions - , ductions will find this a rare opportunity. ; - - - - - - - Embroideries. : ' t . . . : , To close short lengths , odd pieces belonging to ' 1 sets , and soiled ends we put in this sale man ) ' of our _ ' E : finest Eribroicleries Nearly every lady is now mak- ; ing Shirt \\Taists , Children's Dresses or l\hlslin Underwear - r wear and will 'find among these Embroideries money , . savers , . ! f'a' , - - - , . 1 . , Y. . . . . . . . , , . . . . , . . . .a - - . , , Ladies' Suits : ' 20 Ladies' Dress and Tailor Made Suits sold at : f from $1 I4 to $25 now offered at one-fourth off. $ 14 ' Suits now $ lo. So ; $18 I suits only $ 13.50 I ; $20 suits only i "vt : t $ I5 ; $25 suits only $18.,7S. Ladies planning trips to ' , St. Louis will ] ] find these reductions go a long way towards - t4 wards the expense of the trip. These suits are all new I this season , made of fabrics and in styles that are up- ' ' " i to-date and attractive. 1 s } ! - - ' - ' - - - - ' - - " " " " " ' - - ' - - - - 50 Dress Skirts 25 - ' < = = = per cent off. All summer weight Dress Skirts are offered dur- ing this Clearance Sale one-fourth ' i at - off. Every ar- tide in our stock is marked , in plain figures f a at our reg- I ubr sellingprice. . price. Every customer can verify our claims by referring to these marks , Mohairs , Voiles , I Cheviots and Fancies are among these skirts and the _ designs are new. ' -4' fi : _ _ - : - " ' . . . . . . . . _ _ _ .r _ _ _ _ . _ Shirt Waist Suit Sill < : s. Never in the history of dry goods have Fancy + Silks found so much favor in the world of FashiOl . Everybody is interested in Silk : Suitings now and everybody - " I erybody will be interested during the coming fall r These facts make low prices on Fancy Silks of interest to many. \Ve have 12 patterns left sold by us at from _ 50C to $1 per yard. , These are now offered at twenty fiSC. ' per cent off-that . is SOC silk now 40c ; 70C , silks now : - S6c ; 7SC sIlks now hoc ; $ I sIlks now Soc. These will be sold in patterns only. /if / " - & - ' " 't' # , . , m Ve G. LYFORD - L . , . I . . . . I - d