. . July 81 1904" THE FALLS CITY TRIBUNE . . . . . . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Correspondence News of the County as Told hy Our Special Correspondents ; - . . . . . . . . Shubert. H. D. Houtz was 111 the city on Monday . Chas. I.i'eH ! and wife were Sa- lcm visitol'B Sunday. Hay Cummings visited friends f in Howe thc first of thc week. Merle 'Vcddle is down from Nebraska City visiting , ! ' rclat \'cs. Attic Morrow is visiting her sister Mrs. li'rank Handlcy at Au- burn. Angic Leslie and l\1able Wilson - on celebrated ' the Fourth in Att- burn. ' \ ; lIctry Leslie and wire visited relatives in the country thc first of thc wcek , J. D. Shuhert and wife entertained - taincd Chas Ducrfeldt and wife Wed 1ncsday. . Mn " ' . G. McGcchic of Brok- cn Arrow is in the city for a visit with her parcnts. . Mrs. FtatilSh : u hert drew the prize : given by thc Quaker Medicine - cine company Saturday night for thc most popular lady in town. Mesdames Lee Dalbcy and Art Doman took their Sunday school classes out for a picnic Thursday aftcrnoon. Ice cream and cake were served making It very pleas- ant time for the little oncs. , Leonard Lloyd and wife ar- rived Sunday evening from the western part of thc state for a visit with her parents and they will attend thc St. Louis fair before - fore returning to their homc. . Ohio. S. H. Kniscly and wife visited at E. Pecks Sunday. Ian Keller was thc guest of Harvey Peck Sunday' ' . dith I ! ; Peck returned home from Merrill \Vcdncsday. E. ' 1' . Peck and family \'isited in Straussville Sunday. HcStoudcr and wife drove up to Glen Rock Saturday. ' ( ' lie Stoudcr girls were guests at J.V . Dodds Sunday c\'C'l1il1g. Harvey Peck sports a fine new buggy now. Girls thc left side is for rent CHEAP. Catalpa Grove. lrs. Clay Princ is on thc sick list. Anna Hays has been having the mcaslcs. ' \ ' 1' . L. Snyder and family visited \V111. Crush Sunday. Ed Morrison and wife spent thc Fourth at Hiawatha. C. B. Snv'ler ( ] wiihi his two little girls are visiting in Kansas. , . \ \ - i Quite a number 01 our young people went to Sabctha the 4th. Mrs. John 'Vitliams ' has been having a serious sick spell but is some better at prcscnt. Sam Hays and Jim Jellison have phones now and can bc heard any hour night or day. The heavy rains wilt ruin some of thc whcat. The ground is so soft farmers can't get into the ficlds. 'Vc can't understand why nothing ever hurts the wecsls , especially - pccially thc cockle burr. Barada. " 'm. Dragoo marketed several load of hogs to Shub'rt last wcck. . Mary and Emma Shulenhcrg- were shopping in Falls City ' 1 ' 1)ursday. . Wesley Smith laid a new side- 'valk along his lot which fills a long felt wan 1. Supervisor Santo and daughter carne over from Arago to celebrate - hnitc with their fricnds. Ivlcssrs H.upard and Hcasoncr of Shubert were transacting bus- mess at this place Saturday. The Shubcrt ball team played ball with our nine r.'londay. The game e : dcd G to 10 in favor of Shubcrt. Great crowds came over from Shubert Monday to mingle with their friends and have a good time gcneratty. John Morchead and daughter Dorthea , Dr Rcncker and wife and Viva Wagoner were out from Falls City to spend their Fourth at this place. Augusta Horn daughter of Crist Horn was taken ill very suddenly on the grounds r.londar. : - Dr. Van Osdcll was hastily sum- moncd who soon had the patient out of dangcr. The A. O. U. W. and W. O. \Y. picnic held here the Fourth was celebrated in grand stylc. The day dawned bright and fair and by noon thc largest crowd that ever assembled ( } here were on thc grounds. The lIon. A. J. Weaver delivered an oration to an interesting audicnce : . . . . The famous 'Vi1liamsvillc band discoursed - coursed some of their fine music : Wes 'findlc assisted by several others furnished music for those who enjoyed danccing. The lodges entertained their friends in a royal manncr. The picnic was a success socially and financ- ially. Altogether it was a day long to bc rcmcmbcrcd. - Verdon. Gcrtie Lum returned from Crete Sunday. J. W. Taylor Sundaycd with his wife in Auburn. - - Mrs. A. D. Gise and daughter , Lucille , went to ' \uburn Satur- day for a few days \ ' sit. . . . ' rn - ; ; : ; : 'r - " L T'SI t ' . ; ; -.r S- : : - - - - . . . - . . . . TI-IE CONSERVATIVE SHOE UYER THINKS " " " OF HOLT AND GOOD SHOES AT OE TIME ' Tl - - - , - - , - - - . - . . . . . t , . I _ j i. . . .Q > r.- . , . . . . ' . " . , " . . . . - . . < . , : jmN IN . NEtiD 'j"i ; ; oTWBAR 0N13 . HAS , A TENDENCY TO SUUOtST TIm OTHF.R - - - - - - . - . . . . . . - . . . . . . . . - r.i\ \ BARG'AS . ; Ai-E- ( i I < . ' ( : JUST NO\V SPECIAL BARGAINS MAKE THE COMPARISON VERY ESPECIALLY STRIKING , , . ) ( ' . - . . . - - - - - . . - - ' - - . - - - - - - - . . . . . - . . . . . . :1. ' ; \ k W ' . 1.- i f , : ; z : . . ! > . .f . . .E. I iIJ ; . " , " . " , : , . : .i ; f . . + , \ . " ' ' , \ - S S : -r : - HOEj . ' . . . . , . ! ! & . ' . . " : - Josh Bloom and wife entertain- : cd a number of friends on Mon- day. Dave Thomas went up to Lincoln Sunday to spend the 4th with his famity. L. A. 1iinscty left on Tuesday for a business trip for the Vcr- lon Roller Mills. Ira Hout : and wife _ visited near Falls City last Sunday with Frank Hont : and family Uncle Steve Sloan returned the first of the week from Superior - ior looking hale and hcarty No 77 drew thc set of silver knives and forks offered as a prc- mium by Heinzclman Bros. Mrs. A11ip Watson came up from Falls City on Sunday and . . visited . with her sister , Mrs. Lum. Mrs. E Laflcr who has been suffering with consumption for some time is reported quite low. E(1 Auxicr left on 'l'hursday for thc Rosebud Reservation in view of registering for some land. . Mrs. \V. C. Brewer went to Falls City on . Sunday to care for her sister ate , thc Gardener , Hos- pital. j - 't' Mrs. Allen Combs living near Salem , spent Tuesday in town with her mother , Mrs. A. B. Foutch. Josh Lord and wife are domiciled - ciled in thc house vacated by A. B. "TiHsc , having moved last "Tcdncsday. , C. l\I. Hcinzelman and wife celebrated in Barad They visited near Corning Mo. with Mrs. Heinzelman parents from Saturday until Monday. Grannm Walker and daughter , Mrs. Gage , left Sunday for Hum- boldt where they will visit a short time beforc returning to their home in Nelson. I . . . i-- - - ' n..r..i . ; . . . , W . - . . . . - . _ ' . ; " , ' . ' , ' , ' . .H . . " . ' " " It' - . ; " . \ ' - - - - . - - - - - - . COLLECTIONS . " U GIVENm . , . ' . . . . ' . . " " , " . : , "J- - 1 ' . , . , PROf1PT ATTENTION . . . . , . " . - - . . ( . . . John L. Cleaver . . ' ' . . . " ' - ) JUSTICE of the PEACE' FALLS CITY , - NEB. , - - . Staple and I I Fancy Groceries I . i j ji i FRUIT IN SEASON We Sell WANK'S BREAD Cash for BUTTER AND EGGS 4 4. First Door North of Post Office . . PHONE 14 A. G. HOPPOCK I Lewis McPherson Wells , Windmills , Stock Food Dipping Tanks and Fluid Cream Separators , _ . . , Lightning Rods Pump and Windmill Repairing a S ecialt.Y. All Work is j Guaranteed i , Falls City , Neb. I . , . . ' .r' } - t - - - - - - - . - . - -I