The Falls City tribune. (Falls City, Neb.) 1904-191?, July 08, 1904, Image 16

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' , ' , \ THE FALLS CITY TRIBUNE - 1- - . j 5.1
Jti.1y $ , ; 904 , > .
- - - - -
I ' Educational Conducfcd by County Superintendent Department Crocker
'rite next teachers examination
\ will bc held in thc Central school
, hui1e1ing , F.tlls City , Ncb. , July
15 and H , . 'l'hc following is thc
program of cxamination.
_ ' : Arithmctic. . . . . . . . .8:00 : to 1100 ;
. Grammar. . . . . . . . . .10:00 : to 12:00 :
, "
. AP'l'lmNOON
. 1f'IClinfr. . . , , . , . , . . -1:00 : to 2:00 :
_ _ _ . _ _ n _ _ , . . , _ _ _ ,
Geography . . . . . . . . .2:00 : to 3:30 :
( . :
history . o. 0 0. . . . . . .3:00 : to 4:30 :
I Ci \ . . . ics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4:00 : to 5:30 :
' Composition . . . . . . . .8:00 : to 1):30 :
j 1leticdnts and Agriculturc. . . .
: . ! . . . . . . . . . . . . 0 . . .9:00 : to 10:30 :
1 Orthography . . . : . .10:00 : to 11:30 :
Theory . . . . . . . . . . .10:30 : to 12:30 :
, 1)rawing . . . . . . . . . , .1:00 : to 2:30 :
Physiology . . . . . . . . .1:00 : to 2:30 :
Book-keeping. . . . . . . .3:00 : to 5:30 :
\\-riting- . . . . . . . . . . . . .4:00 : to 5:00 :
. .
Our institute this year will be
held August 15 to 20 inclusivc.
Supt. Pillsbury and family are
" \ ' siting friends anel relatives in
M.tine. ' They expect to return
bout August 1st.
Prof. Fcucrstcin , principal of
{ thc Salem schools for thc ensuing
I , year is att ending school at the
l li'rcmon normal.
- - - - -
Prof. Watson and family mo\
Beatrice Chautauqua.
. The Burlington offers tickets
to Beatrice and return from Fails
City at S2.25. July 7 to 20 inclus-
- h'c. Return limit July 21. Ask
the , agent for particulars.
. Burlington Low Rates.
' ' who takes
The man or woman
a vacation during the heated
, period is thc one who lives thc
! longest , enjoys life thc most and
does thc best work.
. St. Louis and return , all kinds
" , of reduced rates daily.
1 Chicago and return cither dir-
ect or via Sr. Louis , daily low
ra teSt
, Atlanta City and return $33.40
July 9 and 10.
w I
Cincinnati alga return S0.40 : ! July
- H" , H and 19. }
Denver Colorado Springs , Pu-
. - ebbs , Glcnwood Springs , Utah ,
: " [ lie' Black Hills of South Dakota ,
" hc Yellowstone National park of
, " \Yroming"-practicaltr half rates
. all summcr. Ask thc agent for
: particulars l or write L. \ V.Valc -
i : , ' 1) , , ' general passenger , agent at
Omaha. .
I , It.
' - :
, Cheap . Rates to St. Louis
' , .
Excursions on thc
" Pacific to St. Louis and return on
July 11 , 18 and 25 for S7.25 limit
7 ( ! aye , J. B. Varncr , agcnt.
" " " ' ) I1IdIMItII' ! - " , " J.w ' \ u
cd 1.0 Vcrdon last week.
Prof James thc newly elected
principal of thc Dawson schools
is already planning for a lecture
course for thc coming ycar.
- - - - - -
The Rube board of education
will elect teachers nest Monday
Olive > Harmon has been elected
. . . - - - - - . . . . - -
principal of thc Ilk Creek school.
Maud Bcatty of Chi1licothc , Mo.
has been elected to succeed Miss
Harman as fourth grade teacher
in thc Hum'Joldt schools at a sal-
ary of S40 per month.
O. O. Marsh has been elected
to succccd himself irl 1)ist. 71 at
a salary of S55 per m.nth.
The counry superintendent has
juft completed a tour of . thc coun-
ty meeting directors for annurl
sc t tlcmcn t.
- - -
- - -
' Annual Con-
'rhc Forty-thirel
vcntion of thc National Educa-
tional association formally con-
\'cncd June 28 at thc Worlds fair
grounds in Festival hall. A good
man ) ' Falls } City teachers attcnd-
C(1. } .
- - -
The article on teachers wages
in last weeks issue was written
by State Supt. Fowlcr. It was
an oversight that credit was not
given last wcck.
- Notice.
Old Settlers picnic changes
dateS owing to coming in conflict
with thc Falls City Fraternal
picnic which had their dates set
for August 24-25 and 26 , 1904.
The Old Settlers association
deem it best to change their dates
to August 17 and 18 , 1904 for
their annual picnic.
George Smith , Scc.
Less Than Half Fare.
The Burlington offers another
series of low rate excursions to
St. Louis and return on 1\londays
July l1,18 < \nd25.
Tickets at $7.25 for thc round
p-considcrably less than half
' ' in chair
ratc. 'l'ickcts arc good
cars and coaches.
Let us send you an illustrated
folder or call on our agent for
full particulars.
L. K. \Vakcly , general . passenger -
gcr agent . , Omaha ,
Cha.mberlain : Colic ; Cholera and
Diarrhoea Remedy.
This remedy is certain to 'bc
needed in i almost c\"cry home before -
fore thc summer is O\'cr. It can
always be dcpcndcd upon even in
thc most severe and dangerous
cascs. It is especially valuable
for summer disorders in childrcn.
It is pleasant to take and never
fails to give prompt rclicf. \Vhy
not buy it now ? It may save lifc.
For sale by A. G. 'Yanncr.
_ . _ _
- - - r w .
o I have just received a car of salt which : I can furnish you iii en ) . . .
( .
3 : lump rock , crushed fine rock salt 100 lb. ill sack No.1 rock salt for I I
ice cre t 11 N ) . t M ichigan b lrrel salt , No. 1 khigall sack salt 70
Q lb. in sack just the thing for house use. "
Z Also received a car of Illinois washed nut coal , just the thing 0
A' for cook stove 01' range , $6.00 a ton delivered , satisfaction gUal" JJ
. . . .
. . antccd. I can deliver you Hour , feed , grain , hay and straw , wood
. .J for heating and cook stove , on short notice. I pay cash for butter rn
eggs and poultry , rubber , copper , brass , zinc and old it'on
< ! : _ _ _ _ . _ Q j
8 o. P , HECK ffi t
- ,
Apparatus Applied to hteainshipu
Which Is Both Propeller and Rud-
der-Only for Small Eon ts.
Unlike the ordinary steamship ;
the fish forces itself through the
water and alters its ! : ! course
bJ' mcans of the same organ , the
tail. Several ! inventors , though ,
have tried to perform both func
tions with one piece of apparatus.
The first application of the idea-
at least of late J'ears-was made
to the submarine. Some French
boats of that class have been pro.
vided with a peculiar joint in the
propeller shaft , just outside the
stern , so that the screw itself can
be swung from side to side. By
changing the angle at which the
thrust is made against the water ,
the boat is steered and rudders
arc made unnecessary.
From a short report made to the
depar.tmentof commerpe at \Yash.
ington from the American consul
at Birmingham , it would appear
that the same system has been
tried 011 boats which are meant to I
travel on the surface only , like i
naphtha launches. An English I
firm is introducing the invention
but the latter is of French origin.
The "propulsor , " as it is called ,
can be applied to any boat already
in existence , if it is not too hu'ge.
Flow the connections are made is
not explained , but the consular
report says that it Is possible to
dispense with the necessity of
boring a hole through the n _ stern
_ _ _ _ _ _ _
< : >
post , and of supplying u permanent .
cut propeller shaft and stuffing
box. It can be attached ta a ( boat
and removed from the same witb.
out any modification of thc boat
itself. Anyone taking this "steel"
lug propulsor" to a lake ) , river or the
seaside may attach it to any boat
IlC finds there that is within its
range of powcr. As the propeller
can be completely turned around ,
, n reverse action is given. The
Automotor Journal states that a
given number of these transfcl"
able 1ropul80r8 ] have been adopt
cd by the navies of France , Russia
lI1d Japan ! , and that n 12 , horse ,
power propuisor fins been successfully -
fully applied to a launch , which
towed a 300 . ton canal barge with
a load of 150 tons of sand.
- - - - -
Sacrifices in Koren.
Education costs $105,000 and religious -
ligious sacrifices $180,000 a year
in Korea.
Farm Land Values in England.
Farm land in England ranges fg
price from $ a0 to $120 per acre.
. . . . . . . . . ,
- " - ' - - . . . . . .t. . . - -
Fancy and Staple .
Groceries. J
Fruit in Season.
Satisfaction Guar-
Free City Delivery
I Phone 40.
& . 1
Storage for Household
and Other Goods. " . .
- -
Caramels i
I They are Fine
j to
Lands bought and sold
Hartford Fire Insurance
Houses in city for sale
noney ! to 10c..11
Telephone 178
All tile local &
county news 52
weeks for $1.00
is what you get
when you sub =
scribe for The
Ice ! Ice !
Good clean ice from Culp's lake
delivered at your door. -Culp Ice ' , ' .
. . - - - - - - - - ' . . . , , ' . '