- - _ . . - - - - - . - - - - - - - Is I It Not Worth While If you travel , on business or pleasure , to get the best service for the lowest rates ! Ask the Erie Railroad Com- pany , 555 Railway Exchange , Chicago , for full Information. Booklets free describing - scribing Summer Tours and the Beau. tlful Chautauqua Lake Region ; also Cambridge Springs. It Is better to lose the setting of PI"Osl.ous . circumstances than the jewel of a pure character. Why It Is the Best Is because made by an entirely differ. ent process. Defiance Starch hI un like any other , better and one-third more for 10 cents. A family who has no sickness for ten years must be rich. . Defiance Starch should be In every household , none so good besides oz more for 10 cents than any other brand or cold water starch. The Fulton Centennial. Profiting by former experiences In the matter ot celebrations In not hav- Ing things ready on time-tor instance - stance , the Columbus , Dewey and oth- er affairs-New York has already com menced preparations toward the cele- -bratlon or the centennial or the sail- Ing or the first steamboat on the Hud- 60n. This will bo In 1907. and Is to he an auspicious event. Steps have been taken toward building a facsimile simile or the Clermont , at first sneer- Ingly dubbed "Fulton's Folly " but which turned out to be Robert Ful- ton's joy and pride when she success- : fully paddled her way to Albany and back In tour days' time. Steamboat development within the last century has been so wonderful that It Is fitting to commemorate the inventions or Fulton . ton and John Fitch In as big a blow- out as steam and money can dovlse. Why He Dislikes Republicans. After one or John Sharp Williams' pull.and.haul contests with Republic. ans In the house during the last session . sian or congress , Speaker Cannon said to him : "John what makes you such a bitter partisan ? " " 'VeIl , Joe , " was the reply , "coming front you , that Is certainly very good. " "Oh , never mind about me , but tell mo why you are such n. partisan. " The Mississippian answered gravely , "To tell you the truth , I never saW a Republican until I was 21 years old , and I can't get used to them somehow. " The higher the mountain the deeper the valley. FOOD FACTS - - - What an M. D. Learned. 'A prominent physician or Rome , Georgia , went through a food experience . ence which he makes public : "It was my own experience that first led mo to advocate Grape-Nuts food and I also know from having prescribed - scribed It to convalescents and other weak patients that the food Is a wonderful . derful rebullder and restorer of nerve . and brain tissue , as well as muscle. It improves the digestion and sick patients always gain just as I did In strength and weight very rapidly. "I waR In such a. low state that I had to give up my work entirely and go to the mountains of this state , but two months there did nut Improve me ; In tact I was not quite as well as when I left home. My food absolutely refused - fused to sustain mo and It became plain that I must change , then I began to use Grape.Nuts food and In two weeks I could walk a mile wIthout tha : : least fatigue and In five weeks returned - turned to my home and practice , tak- Ini up hard work again Since that time I have felt as well and strong as I ever did In my lite. "As a physician who seeks to help all sufferers I consider Il n. duty to make these facts public. " Name given en by Postum Co. , Battle Creek , Mich. Trial 10 days on Grape-Nuts when the regular food does not seem to sus- tam s the body will work miracles. "There's a reason. " Look In each pkg for the famous little book , "Tho Road to Wellv11le. " NATIONAL TICKET I I REPUBLICANS SELECT WITHOUT A DISSENTING VOTE. . FAIRBANKS AS RUNNING MATE A Good Deal of Enthusiasm Manifested Notwithstanding Results Were as Anticipated from the Assembling of . .the National Republican Convention. For Presldent- Theodore Roosevelt of New York. For Vice President-- Charles W. Fairbanks of Indiana. CHICAGO.-The swift , sure current of public opinion for the second time In the history of republican conven- tions , on : Monday resulted lu the selection - lection of a national l ticket without a dissenting vote. Theodore Roosevelt for President and Charles W. Fairbanks - banks for vice president received ev- ery vote In the convention. Regardless of the fact that the nomination - Inatlon of one had been assured for months and the other for days , the announcement of the choice was ac- compnllshed by a resounding demon- stration which attested the candi- dates' universal popularity. The cheering was lead by figures known the breadth of the land antI echoed hy a mighty throng or enthusiastic men and radiant women assembled In the Coliseum to witness the crowning feature as well as the close of the national convention that marks the semi-centennial or the publican party In the United States. No less than 10,000 men and wom- en participated In the ratification ot the party program and the consequent roar of cheering and hand-clappln was deafening. The band , stationed high among the girders of the hall , was drowned by the tumultuous and unbounded demonstration. Bats were tossed high in the air , state em- blems wore waved and flags fluttered from every baud as though stirred by a gale. I When Governor lllack of New York I made his speech nominating President . Roosevelt to succeed himself as president - dent the delegates In the republican convention showed there Is no absence or enthusiasm In their ranks when occasion - casion justified exhibition of that qual- Ity. Pandemonium broke loose when the speaker announced that there were 9tH votes and 99.1 had been cast for Hoosevelt. A great picture of the president was carried about through the halt. It was followed by a ban- nor carried by the Oregon delegation bearing the words : "I"lrst gun , Oregon , 23,88-1 Hoose volt. Forty per cent republican - publican gain. " Alabama again yielded Its place at the head or the list when the roll call was started for nominations for vice president The rank this time was given to Iowa and Senator Dolliver , taking the platform , named Senator Fairbanks. ' 1 ' he speech was an eloquent . quent endorsement of the candldate's qualifications and was received with tremendous applause. Seconding speeches were made by Senator De- pew , Senator J.'oral\Cr , Governor Pen nypacker and Senator Carter atlon. : . tana. tana.When When Illinois , Nebraska , Missouri and Georgia were called announcement - ment was made that trio candidacy ot favorite sons had been withdrawn. 'l'ho entire vote therefore was cast for Benator Fairbanks . . Cholera In Persia. WASHINGTON-Vice Consul John Tyler at Teheran has notified the State department that at the end or May : there were 250 cases or cholera at SnHanahnd , which Is the principal center of the Persian carpet trade with Amerl" ' , . : LLY.r , ' " . . " " ; .1. . . " . _ . - t . < _ - _ . . . . - - - _ _ . . . _ . - . _ . . _ BIG LAND BATTLE. Expectation Is That It Will Soon De Fought. ST. PETERSBURG-The Immi- nence oC a battle In the northern part or the Llao Tung peninsula IJ admitted by the War cffi'o and Is indicated . dlcated succinctly In today's dispatches - es from the Associate I Press correspondents - spondents at Llao Yang , Kal Ping and other points on the railroad. The week or skirmishing around Situ Yen retarded General Kurokl'M operations permitting General Stak- elberg to reach Kai Ping , the rear glard slowly falling back on Senuchcn before the Japanese advance. Mean- whllo large forces are hurrying south from Llao Yang to check both Gen- oral Oku and General Kurokl. It 115 believed here that General KouropatJcln' object Is to prevent a juncture at the Japanese armies. On the other hand , the aim or the Japanese - ese apparently Is to drive the Rus- sians out of the Line Tung peninsula , preparatory to a march on lIao Yang. The approach of the rainy season will more than like precipitate mat- ters. Nothing Is known of the reported . ported occupations of Halung Yal Chen ( Hsi Yung Ya Cheng , or Yl Yung Cheng ) by the Japanese. If the report should be correct , It agrees substantially with the Japanese plan of advance , as It Is understood here , but It Indicates that the Japanese outposts are further forward than Russian advices Indicate. , It Is not betraying Vice Admiral Slerydlotr's plans to say that Important - ant naval developments are Imminent In the far east. The admiralty has no news of the reported loss or two Russian torpedo boat destroyers oft Port Arthur. The latest dispatch from Rear Admiral 'Wlthort , In command or the naval . forces at Port Arthur , dated June 17 , ' reports all weB there The British ambassador , Sir Charles Hardlnge , Is not presenting a protest against the seizure of the British collier , Allanton , by the Rus- sian Vladlvostol squadron In view of the Russian declaration that coal Is contraband or war and owIng to the : irregularity or the ship's papers. W. V. ALLEN WILL SPEAK. Arrangements for Populist National Convention. SPRINGFIELD , Ill.-Arrangements are now completed for the national convention of the populist party , which will meet at the state arsenal in this city July 4. Messrs Deveroux and Colonel James S. Felter will deliver addresses or welcome , with a response by National Chairman J. A. Parker of Louisville , Ky. A. K. Burkhart or Indiana . diana will be chosen temporary chair- man. Former United States Senator Wil- liam V. Allen ot Nebraska will deliver an address to the convention in the after oon. J. P. Calderhead , state auditor ! or Montana , Judge Clancy , also of Montana , and Mrs. Marion Todd of Michigan will be among the delegates. Rece it Ion for Frtirbt es. INDIANAPOLIS , Ind. -Meetings were held 'l'hursday night at the Co. lumbla and Marion clubs for the purpose . . paso or arranging for a public recep- . tlon to Senator Fairbanks , republican vice presidential nominee , on his re- turn from Chicago. At a conference or prominent republicans It Is loarnml that It was the senator's wish tint the reception be Informal and non- partisan. Senator Fairbanks will will probably return to hllllanapolls Saturday ovenlng. Pardon for Chinese Reformers. KIN-An ImperIal edict has just been Issued which pardons all who were connected with the reform move ment In 1898 , with the exception of Kung Yu Wel Liang Chic Chu ar , Sun Wen. A REASON FOR 8ICKNEel. - Healthy kldneysi ' , take from th4 I blood every J4 hours 600 &ralDi „ of Impure , poise > - onous matter-J more than enough to cause deathJ 'fQ/ ' / Weakened kidneys4 / leave this wastd ' ) j In the blood , and you are soon slckJ To get well , curd , 4 I the lddnoys with f Doau's IldDe } Pills , the great " ' kidney specUlc. Mrs. J. ! I. Bowles oC' 118 Core Bt'l Durham , N. C. , says : " 1 was sick and bedfast for over nine months , and the doctor who attended me said UDI loss I submitted to an operation fOI gravel I would never be well. I would not consent to that and (10 continued to suffer. .My back was so weak I C'ould not stand or walk , and It ached constantly. The first day after 1 began - gan using Doau'I Kidney Pills I felt relief , and 11 a short time I was up and around the same as ever , free . from backacho. A FREE 'J.'HIAL of this great kidney medicine which cured Mrs. Bowlel will bo mailed to any part of the _ , United States. Address Foster-Mil. . . \ . . burn Co. , Buffalo , N. Y. Sold b1 all dealers ; price 60 cents per box. One trouble with the oldest inhabi taut Is that he remembers too many Incidents of his boyhood days that never happened. Do Your Feet Ache and Burn ? ' Shake into your shoes , Allen's Foot- Ease , n powder for the feet. It makes light or New Shoes feel Ensy. Cures Swollen , Hot , Sweating Feet , Corns and 1hmions. At all Druggists and Shoe Stores , 25c. Sample sent FREE. Address - dress Allen S. Olmsted , LeRoy , N. Y. - Mustn't Flirt Any More. . , . The Cunard company has Issued an - . order forbidding the officers to promenade - - nade flue decks with feminine passen gems or to participate In any social events on shipboard. It seems that numerous complaints were madl that the officers were neglecting their du > ties In order to play gallant , and be sides , that the officers snubbed all but the pretty girls bringing complaints from the ladles not endowed with beauty. The fascinating wearers of gold lace and brass buttons wlll here after attend strictly to their duties , for steamshlll companies should take as good care of their homely passenl gems 68 of their good-looldng ones. i . . Rules for Politicians. "There are , " said Thomas Taggart , . - the Democratic leader In Indiana ' - -1\ I "three rules of deportment which I should be the guiding stars of all polll - tlclans : First , never take a drink , for fear of promoting Intemperance ; second - end , never refuse a drink , for fear of making bad friends ; third , never wor- ry about what happens-unless it tlap pens to you. " " , ' I The Preacher's Evidence. holand , Ill. , June 27.-Dlabetes has I so long been looked upon as an incurable - , curable form or kidney disease that a sure cure for it must rank as one ot the most valuable medical discoveries of the age. And every day brings forth fresh evidence that Dodd's Kid ney Pllls will cure diabetes. Important - portant evidence In their favor is giv- on by Hov. Thos P. Norman , the well4 ; known Baptist minister beret Mr. Norman says : "I had all the symptoms of a bad case or diabetes and received so much benefit from the use of Dodd's Kid- ney Pills that I cheerfully recommend them to anyone Buffering tram that dread dlscase. Dodd's Kidney PUll wlll cure the worst form of diabetes. " Dodd's Kidney Pllls always cure diabetes , one at the final stages at kidney disease. All the earlier stages from backache to rheumatism are naturally much more easily : cured b1 ) ) ' the same remedy. .1 ' . j