The Falls City tribune. (Falls City, Neb.) 1904-191?, June 24, 1904, Image 9

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j June ; 24 . 1904 THE FALLS CITY TRIBUNE
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r rcO ; poride c-
_ _ _
. News of the County as Told by
µ 4 i ' . Our Special Correspondents
_ . . . . - - ' - - -
! \Ii'S. Pose Shelly is on thc sick
L. A. Kinscy of Verdon was in
. town li'riday.
, A. I. Hcacock is having his
elevator shingled.
Fred aough of SL Joe is visiting -
e iting friends hcrc.
! John Bcnschotcr and family
were in town 'l'hursday
Y Mrs. John Hossack came ' down
from halls City Tuesday
\-1rs. J. C. Schneider of Pawnee
I is i visiting relatives hcrc
. ' Ed Douwtr went to Vcrdon
F' Thursday , returning Friday.
I , Jennie Vilattync and Grace Cro-
, nisi . , of . Rube were in town 'rhurs-
. , . 'prof : Larabee of Rube . will
; teach the . Preston . school ncxt
" f , term. '
I' ' , , ; rhc central telephone office
has been Moved into Reigcrs
t- i " storc. "
1\ o - . lr3.'Ja 1c Sinclair of Kiddcr-
j , 'il1ct . I an. , is visiting relatives
f : herc
I here.A.
1 A. E. Hcacock and W. A. Mar-
grave shipped stock to St. Joe
_ , .
f .J
f rhllrsday.
Mrs. Kate Dcuchler : left Tuesday -
clay for Sterling to visit her
Frank Schneider left Friday
for' Pawnee where lie went to
help his brother with his crop.
A.I number from here attended
\ thc band concert and ice cream
social at Reserve Saturday nig-ht.
, The ice cream social given by
the Union Sunday school was
, s - a succcss and they realized $12
' .for hc t school.
; ; t'
A number of colored people
pitched a tent in town Wednesday -
I i day and gave a minstrel show at
, night , which was good.
Mrs. Margery Grant moved her
household goods to Falls City
Saturday where she will make
her home in the future.
P. W. Schroeder left Friday
for Lincoln were he went to bur
'a stock' of. harness goods. I-Ic
, will locate at Padonia , Kas.
r . " l1tllboldt.
Fred Riechers of Falls City has
" . been here this week visiting rela-
, ( ( \1 ti vcs.
E.V. . Elwcll of Sterling was
. '
, ' - - . . ' ' in \ . the city on business a portion
rI of thc wcek.
, ' Lcla Patterson has returned
from an extended visit with relatives -
: tivcs in Oklahoma.
1 Ella Sladc of Tecumseh has
' . ' been in the city this week visiting
the Rice famil ) ' .
r- +
. .
Mq ; . Emma Scgrist and Josc-
phinc Bruun went to St. Joseph
Monday to do some shopping'
Quite it number from this city
went to Falls City 'rUCSCta to it t-
tcnd thc county Sunday School
con vcn ! ion.
1\Irs. 'Vm. Bean has returned
froni an extended visit with
friends in Kansas City and St.
J scph.
Quite it number of the children I
were recently christened into the
Presbyterian church by R c v.
1\1rs. Guy Reid came down from
Havelock Sunday and is spending
thc week with friends and relatives -
tives hcre.
Ncttic and Myrtle Stcinmcycr
of Clatonia arc visiting their relatives -
ati\'cs , the Upland ! and Davis
family in this city.
I-lida Crawford came down from
Lincoln to attend the marriage of
her cousin Bertha Cope to Roy
Bain. She returned Friday.
Mrs. Ed. Huston and family
were over from Brock a day or'
two recently , guests of thc family -
ly of their former neighbor , C. n.
Capt. Bridgcford of Alcdo , Ill. ,
arrived here tv attend thc funeral
of his granddaughter , Grace
Harding last Friday. He will
remain a few weeks for a visit
with thc family.
J. W Bailey with his wife and
son were guests of l cv. Calvcrt
and family over last Sabbath.
They were old neighbors from
Ed. Hughes was sufficiently recovered -
covered from thc effects of his
broken limb that he was removed
last Sunday to thc home of his
parents , north of town.
Will Bobst , who works for the
Gage Bros. ' millinery hO\be of
Chicago arrived here Sunday for
a two weeks visit with his par-
cn ts , He was accompanied by
two gentlemen friends and all arc
, spending their summer vacation.
1\1rs. V. A. Boaz , whose home
is in Dunning , stopped off here
this week for a visit with her par-
cnts , Tom Brown and wifc. She
was just returning from an extended -
tended sojourn in Arkansas.
Friends in this city have received -
ce'cd announcement of thc com-
ing marriage of Willie Speiser , a
former Humbolt. young man , to a
lady in Lincoln. The couple will
reside in Frcmon
BertiHl Prank will leave in thc
near future for Detroit where she
goes as a delegate from this dis-
trict to thc international Baptist
Young Pcople's Union. She will
bc absent about three weeks , vis-
iting thc \Vorld's Fair on the way
Roy Bain a young business man
, ,
. I
o I have just received a car of Halt which I can furnish you iu ( f )
5 : lump . rock , crushed title rock snt ; 100 Ih. in sack , No.1 rock salt for : I :
ice cream , No. l1\Iichig'an barrel salt , No. 1 ichigan sack salt 70
Q Ib , in sack just thc thing for house USC. 11 1
Z Also received a car of Illinois washed nut coal , just the timing 0
.A' for cook stove 01' range , $6,00 a ton dclivcrcd , satisfaction g'lIat'J )
' - antecd. I can deliver you flour , feed , grain , hay and straw , wood
for short noticc. I cash for butter
-I heating and cook stove , on pay m
- eggs and poultry , rubber , copper ' ' , brass , zinc and old iron.
< ( ( i )
- -
of Table Hock , was united in
marriage on last Wednesday to
Bertha Cope of this city , thc cer-
cmony being performed by Re\
Smith in the company of about
fifty relatives and immcdiatc
fricnd The [ couple left the
same c\'cning for a few days stay
in Lincoln , after which they will
go to house keeping in Table
Card are out announcing the
marriage of StchlL ; Watts and
Walter Bruun , popular young
people of this city , which event
will occur at the home of the
bride on Wednesday evening
June 29.
A fine of $10 and costs was imposed -
posed upon young Joe Carsh on
the charge of torturing an 1I1i-
'mal which complaint was made
by J. Ii' 'Valsh. This is the last
of thc case begun a week or two
since when Mr. ' \Valsh slapped
young Carsh for thc deed and was
assessed a small finc. .
Tic Odd Fellow's lodge observed -
cd their annual memorial day last
Sunday afternoon by gathering
at the Presbyterian church and
listening to sonic special music
and an address by J. A. Hudelson
of I--lincoln. They then marched
to thc cemetery in a body and
c coratcd the graves of their departed -
parted brothers.
It was with general regret that
thc news of Grace Hardings death
was received last 'l'hursclay. The
young lady had been in ill health
for two or three years and much
of that time had been spent in
tra vcling- in thc mountains and
and on thc coast but with only
the result perhaps of prolonging
life a short time. Miss Harding
was born on a farm near town
and has grown to young woman-
hood among our people , being
most highly respected by all her
acluainLances. < She leaves to
mou1'l1 beside innumerable friends
her parents , Col. Harding and
wife , one sister and one brother.
Funeral services were conducted
at , the home by l cv. Calvcrt and
was attended by a large crowd. ,
Lizzie Nutzman of Avoca is
visiting her uncle and aunt , ' \Vm.
'l'jadcn and wife , north of town.
She has recently graduated from
the 1I1llsical conservatory at \It.
Pleasant . Iowa , and will perhaps
remain here to teach
Mrs. Edna Cooper left 'l'hurs-
day for a month's visit in Fort
Morgan and Denver , Colo.
Chca.p Rates to St. Louis. .
Tickets to St. Louis and return
via Burlington Route ,
Good fifteen clays , $12.20.
Good sixty days , $13.55. " ,
Good all summer , SlC.25. . I
For full formation about
train service and other details
see thc ticket agcnt.
'rhc St. Louis cxposition-the
grcastest show thc world has ever
seen-is mow : complete and in harmonious -
monious operation , and it will be
a lif time's regret if you fail to
see it. 22-
Rates to Rosebud.
The Missouri Pacific will make
rates to Rosebud as follows :
Bonstccl and Fairfax , round trip ,
Yankton , round trip , 510.20.
Chamberlain , round trip , 515.95.
Tickets on sale July 1 to 22 inclusive -
c1us'c , with final return limit
August 31st. .
Ice Crcan\
'Vc believe that time people demand -
mand .t better grade of machine
made ice cream and a wider va-
riety of kinds and fla'or. 'Vc have
equipped our establishment to
meet this demand.-D.'V. Sowles.
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