The Falls City tribune. (Falls City, Neb.) 1904-191?, June 24, 1904, Image 6

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f June J _ , 24 , 1904. . " . . ' THE FALLS CITY TRIBUNE I
- - ,
11 ,
: : Con . . espondence ; I
News of thc County as Told by
_ Our Special Correspondents I
James Riley is down front GUHl-
ha visiting his brothcrs.
. . .
Joe Miles jr , : and Guy Crook of
Falls City were in town Sund y.
) Mrs. Sam Hcim ] rGturncd home
thc last of the week from Jasper ,
Chas. Draper of Lincoln visited
relatives here .fcw days , , thc past
wcck. /
May : : and 1tarceila Taylor are '
spending the week with relatives
" .
in Auburn.
Pearl , Phillips of Hastings is
visiting : her brother Clarke , it ) "
this cityi ) , ' . , : . . . . , .
May CrawJonl WClit to.Falls :
City Friday 1 to spend a few lays' (
with Anna Martin.
Mr. Bracclcn jll1d , little son of
Humboldt were visiting at Will
\1 ' brigh t's over Sun < 1ay.
Li11itliVaggcncr spent a few
days thc past week in Falls City
visiting at thc home of John Gil-
Dr. Hewitt \vaggcncr.wcnt .
to Omaha Sunday where hc will
engage in the practice of-mcdi-
cine with" Or. ' W. 0. Hcnry , one
of thc leading physicians and sit--
gcons of that city
'l'hc A. O. U. W. lodge hcld
their memorial services at this
place Sunday. 'l'hcy met at
their hall and marched in a body
to thc Rvanglical church where
Hcv. Maze preached an eloquent
memorial scrmon At thc con-
clusion of thc services thc ) '
marched to the cemetery where
they decorated thc graves of their
departed brothcrs.
The three year old laughter of
John Ogle and wife was thc vic-
tim of a distressing accident on
Monday [ of this weck. She was
playing about thc room ' where
thc mother was washing and in
some manner pulled hc t .s tOlper
out of thc washing maching' with
the rcsult' that one entire side of
time child'H body was frightfully
burncd. She was brought in to
Dr. Burgher who ' dressed thc
wounds , hut it is ( lillicult just yet
to tell what the result : : ; of the accident -
cidcnt will hc. . . ' '
ID. J. Satterwhitc and ' wife arc
making preparations : to mo\'c to
Falls City where Mr , Satterwhite
has accepted the management of
time line wort : for the Falls City
'l'clcphonc Co. Hc will ! 'co'ntinuc
to look after time lines of the
Dawson-Ncmaha company at this
placc. The Dawson people regret -
grct very much to lose these csti-
mablc young people. The switch
board at this place will be taken
care of by Myrtle and Luella Mc-
. . . ,
" .I
Oro. Vogle of f Verdon visited
' .
here last-week. ,
Robert Toltigison and wife of
Falls City w visiting s
at this place Sunday.
Ecl. Spit : llaglc and Julius
Cleaver of Falls ; City transacted
business ! ' in this city .L'hul'sday.
Mary Shulcnbcrg" returned
Sunday from a three weeks stay
at the home of E. I. James at
Dr. VanOsdcl1 was called to at-
tend thc little ncicc of Mat Shu-
Icnberg , who fen from a hay loft ,
receiving sonic severe bruiscs.
\Vc wish to correct an error
made last wcck. The Woodmen
will ] ] celebrate the Fourth in he f
'Smith 'g-ro\'c , a half-milc west uf
town , and not in the Hilcman
grove as mcntioned.
Mrs. Jacob Mack returned last
week from a few weeks stay at
the 'Gardener : , hospital in Palls
City , where she under went a sur-
gical operation at the hands of
Dr. Henckcr. She ; is much improved -
proved in hcalth.
Henry Siemcring and wife in-
vited a number of friends and relatives -
ativcs to their homc' Sunda" in
\ -
honor of their daughter's birth-
day. Among them were John
Lowers and family of Verdon ,
Henry Kukcr and family of St.
jeroin. J. C. Shulcnberg and
wife , Grandma Sicmering and
Frecl ; and Louis ' Sicimiering.
Ben Neal was thc guest of
Citas. Pond ' .L'ucsday.
Chas. Lord and wife cntcrtain-
Ad. Harris and wife Sunday : .
Chas. Lord and wife entertained -
cd relatives from Salem l\Ionday ,
Bqn Neal of Oklahotiia is thc
guest of G. W. Lewis and wifc.
J. Mitchcl of Atchison , Kans. ,
was thc guest of Joe Harpel and
wife Tuesday.
Time minstrel show given at
this place 'l'ucseljlY . evening was
attended hy a large crowd.
'Mrs Jim Dolejack and Nellie
Harpcr arc visiting relatives in
Vcrc101i this wcck.
Mr. Connor and children , who
ha\'c been visiting . his sistcrl\Irs
Henry Leslie and family for the
past few days , returned to their
home at Dawson Sunday.
Ethel itchcl , Pearl GiIispic ,
l\rs. , Tiny - Else , Frank Saal and
a few others were hurt at thc
show Tuesday evening being
caught under thc scats as they
gave way.
May \Vcdnlc visited relatives
at this place ' Sunday.
Chas. 'l'ownlcy and family removed -
moved to Stella thc first of thc
week where thay will run the
, - - - - .
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Ohio Precinct.
Henry 'Valton's little girl is on
the sick list.
O. A. Burk and , wife sited at
, V m. Bartlelt'H Sunday.
Mr Gad ) ' lost a horse by light-
ning during the ! heavy storm last
Monday cyening. , .
Mrs. W. 1. Knight of Falls
City spent thc week with her par-
cnts , Eph Peck and wife.
During \ thc storm . last week
Sam' } Kimmel and Eph. J Peck lost
some valuable cattle by lightning.
f ,
i11rs. Conrad Brccht spent a few
days with her laughter , gliza-
beth at Peru , where she is at-
tencliug school.
Childrcn's day exercises were
held at Maple Grope church last
Sunilay evening with a very ap-
priate program.
1\ new bridge has been put in
at thc corner just south of HCI1r\
'Vhitrock's , , which has been nccd-
ecl very badly for somc timc. '
- - - -
Being a Brief Account of n eeting
: Between a Coachman
and a Dog.
Here was a coachman sitting on
his box in ! an attitude of immova-
blc rigidity and holding his whip
at an angle ec\u { Fly unehangeable
appa1'entlr , says thc New York
lie was driving up Fifth ave-
nue. And to see him as he was
hen you would have thought that
had an earthquake occurred under
the rear wheels of his brougham
and slowed the body of it around )
at right angles with time t'am he
would have driven on , just the '
same. nut :
When a big , rough coated , black :
clog came hounding along : in the
street at his off hOI's"s side and
began harking at the horses , time
coarhman who , had - ( fPI11l'd ; . so im ! ,
movlle : e'l mg-Nl his attitn ,
slig-ht1 , and , with lighfl1ing--likf'
swift umess , h1'w t his whip over I
and down , maldng- the t long lash of ' .
it curl \ neatly and snugly around , i I
the big hlaek ; dog's hody..A nd then t ' I
hp and hs whip rump hack : , ns on ' : :
stiff sp1'ing-s. to just the same po , . : ' : . "
sitiQns as hpfol' ' _ . : . .
, It was not a cruel blowbut it ± . .
was sial'p ' enough to Blake I ITC ] dog ) -w
t-hink. But it might have hppnt' : -
chance hit- . Drivers often lash at ' . ,
( dogs and nllllo e.5 : often . miss " , ?
them ; and the dog l' < ' 1)t on bonncl- ' „ "
ins at the horse's side , and kept
on barking ; and then : f ' , j
Once more t Iw c'oHrhman Rhif.tpC )
his attitude slightly ' , and ' over !
came that whip again , 11(1'(1'oWl
with an nhsolnt'ly : ; tttwt'1'ingaC'I1'
racy ; its 10n : lash ! ; curling around
time black og's body again , ' and
this inw t st itH in ! ! ' right smartly.
And then again did coachman and
whip sprint ; hark , as ! ; a.t fi1'At ,
' "
And this timp ihp clog under L
stood fully . and drew off with tail - . I
wagging , but rather f'h1while , ; ) ' , ;
the paA : PI'sb ' on thc sidewalk ,
who had seen time indent : smiled ) : . J
rather more hparm" i
.A nd the 'oa'll111n : ; ? TIp drove . ( t : 1
on np Fiffh avenue in an aHituck
of iml11m'ahle : rigidity . 1101(1 jug his ,
whip atan angle equally ] UlI-
C'hangablp appal'pntly. If you
had seen him ] then ] you would
surely have thought Alai t , even it' - \ ,
all C'Hl'hqllakp . ( occurred under tJlI" I , I
rear wheels of his brougham and ,
stewed lime body of it around at
right angles with thc ieanl he " . ' _
would lwye driven right on , just I
the RalliC- '
D. . s. lilcCarthy , . : ' , - , ' .W
Special Attention to Household 1\10\'lng f
Phone 211 !
Fails City - - Nebraska
. . : .A