The Falls City tribune. (Falls City, Neb.) 1904-191?, June 24, 1904, Image 22

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June J 24 ; 1904. .
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News of thc County as Told by
Our Special Correspondents
.J ames Rile ) ' is clown from Omaha -
ha visiting his hrothcrs.
Joe Miles jr , and Guy Crook of
Falls ! City were hi town Sunday.
Mrs. S'am Hcim returned hone
thc last of thc week from Jasper ,
Chas. Draper 'of 14incoln visited
relatives here a few clays l . the past
May and : Marcella 'I \ aylor arc
speiucling thc week with relatives '
in Aubprn. , - .
pcar Phillips of Has ntt"s , is
visiting , ' her l . . , ' brother ' , Clarke , hi
' "
this city. ' , ! ' . .
wellt to Falls
? lay Crawford we
City 1 'riday to spend a few days
" -
with Anna \lart l1.
Mrs Bracclcll aiul little son of
Humboldl were visiting at Will '
' 1.lbright's over Sunday.
Lillith ' \Vag-gocncr spent a few
days thc past week ill Falls City
visiting at the home of John Gil-
Dr. Hewitt \Vag'g'cncr went
to Omaha Sunday where he will
of medi-
engage in thc practice
cine with DrV. . O. Henry , one
of the leading physicians and sn : -
g-cons of that city.
The A . O. U.V. . lodge held
their mcmorial services at : this
place Sunday. 'l'hcmct at
their hall and marched in a body
to thc Evangelical church where
Hc\ Maze preached an eloquent
memorial scrmon. At thc con-
elusion of thc services they
marched to thc cemetery where
they decorated the graves of their
departed b1'Others.
' 1'hc three year old laughter of
John Ogle and wifc was the vic-
' accident on
tim of a distressing
: Monday of this weelt. She was
playing about the room where
the mother was washing and in
some manner pulled thc stopper
out of thc washing coaching with
the .result that one entire side of
the child's bQdy was ' frightfully '
IJlll'ncd. } Shc was bl'oug'ht in \0' \
Dr. Burg'hcr who ctrGssecl thc ' I I
wounds , hut it is 1ifiicult just yet
to tell what thc result of thc accident -
cidcnt will be. . _ ' L .
E. J. Sattcrwhitc anti \\ifc : are '
making preparations ' to' move to'
Falls City where \h' . tterwhitc
has accepted thc man gcmcnt of
thc line work for thc Falls City
Telephone Co. Hc will continue
to look after the lines of time
Dawson-Ncmaha company at this
placc Tic Dawson people regret -
gret very much to lose : these csti-
' ' switch
iitableyoung pcoplc. The
board at this place will bc taken
care of by Myrtle and Luella Mc-
, . - . - - - - - -
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arada . " I
Ut'O. Vogle ol Verdon visited m
here last weck.
Robert ' 1'omp50n and wife of , I
1' ails Cite : were visiting relatives
at this Place Sunday. '
1d. ! : Spitznagle and Julius
Cleaver of Falls City , transacted '
busincFs in this city 'l'hursc1ay. 1 , J
Mary Shulenberg l' c t u l' 11 e d : j
Sunday from a three weeks stay t. : : .
at thc hcinte of 1. g James at "
] )1' ) . VanOsdell was called to at-
tend thc little ncice of Mat : Slm-
lcnberg' , who fell from a hay loft ,
receiving , some severe
\Ve wish to correct an error
made last wcek. The ' Woodmen
. will celebrate thc Fourth in he 1 ,
Smith grove , a half-milc west of i
town , and not in tune Hileman
' . I
grove as mcntioncd.
Mn ; . Jacob Mack returned last II I I
week from a few weeks stay at '
thc Gardener hospital in Falls
City , where she under went a surgical -
gical operation at thc minds of
Dr. H.cnckcr. She is much im- u health.
henry Sicmcring and wife in-
of friends and rel-
" 'itcd a number
ativcs to their home Sunday in
' birth-
honor of their daug-hter's -
day. Among thcm were . John
Bowers and family of Vcrdon ,
Henry Kukcr and ' family of St.
Deroi J. C. : Shulenberg and.
wife , Grandma Sic111cring and
Fred and Louis Sicmcring
. . Shubert.
lien Neal was thc guest of
C ias. Pond 'l'ucsday.
Chas. Lord and wile cntertain-
Ad. Harris and wife Sunday ;
Chas. Lord and wife entertained -
ed relatives from Salem Monday.
Ben Neal of Oklahoma is the
guest . of G. W. Lewis and wifc.
J. Mitchel of Atchison , Kans" ,
was thc guest of Joe Harper and
wife 'l'uesday. (
Time minstrel show given at
this place 'l'ucsdaYI evening was
attended by a large crow(1. (
Mrs. Jim Bolcjack and Nellie
Harper arc visiting relatives ili
Verdon this wcck.
Mr. Connor and children , who
have been visiting his sistcr , lrs ,
Hcnry Leslie and family for thc
past few days , returned to their
bore at Dawson Sunday.
Ethel \Htchcl , Pearl Gilispic ,
Mrs. Tiny Else , I ' rank Saal and
a few others were hurt at thc
show Tuesday evening being
caught under the seats as they
gave way.
lay Wedctle visited relatives
at this place Sunda"
Chas. 1'ownlcy and family re -
moved to Stella thc first of thc
week where thay will run the
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Ohio Precinct.
Henry " \v a ttOlt's . little girl is on
sick list. _
the I
O. A Burk and wife sited at
' \Vm. Bartlett's Sunday
Mr. ' Gady lost a horse by ' liglmt-
- ' the . heavy storm last
nino- during . J.
1londac'cning. .
1\1rs. W. K. Knig-ht of f Falls
City spent thc week with her par-
cnts , l ph. Peck and wife.
During ' the storm last week
Sam'l Kimmcl and I pli. Peck lost
some valuable cattle by 1ightl1in
Mrs. : Conrad Brccht spent a few
days with her daughter , Eliza-
beth 'at Peru , where she is attending -
tending school.
Childrcn's day exercises were
held at Maple Grove church last
Sunday evening with a'cry ap-
priatc program.
Anew bridge has been put in
at thc corner just south of Hcnr\
' been need-
\Vhitrock's , which has
ecl very badly for sonic
Being a Brief Account of a Meeting
Between a Coachman
and a Dog.
Here W\ ; 'coachman sit ! ing on
his box in an attitude of immoya-
ble rigidity and holding his whip
at an angle equally unchangeable
apparently , says the New York
lie was driving np Fifth ayc-
nn ! : ' . . Amid to ace him as he was
then yon would have thought ' that
occurred under
had an part hqual Orrlll'l'l
the rear wheels of his broug-ham
and slewed Ow body or it around
at right angles : with the team he
would have driven on , just the
same. nut :
When a big , rough coated , black ] :
clog ram : hounding along in time
street : at his off hOI'S < : > ' 8 side and
began barking at the horses , the
coachman - . who , - . hal ( scored : so im-
movable : eiiined : # his ai titud'- , ,
slightly , find , with lightning-1ikp ,
swiftness , threw : his whip ever
:111(1 down , making the long lash \.t \ .
it curl neatly and snugly arounif , , ' I
< ' , And theIl' ' ; : ' :
the hh black log's hody then'k
. .
he and his whip came hack as onAr. : ; , t
stiff springs , to just ill ( > same p.o ' " . ,
sit ions as h < : > fcwe. . . : . .J.\ \ >
Tt was not a cruel blow hut it
was sharp c , nongh to male : : the clog ) " , I
I ' " ,1- 4 +
filing nut it might have : been a :
chance : hit. Drivers often lash at , . ' , .
dogs . and almost : is often : miss ' , , . ' " : ,
I hem ; and the dog kept 01l1 01m1. , .
ing at tlt me hors < : > 'H , side : , and kept : . , .1
on barking ; and then : .
Once : morel he coachman shifted ' .
, his attitude slightly . and over
came that whip again ; , and down
with an absolutely unerring acen ,
racy ; its long luRlr curling . around ; \ .
the black dOg'R body again . . anti " , - L
this time siin ( zing.right smartl. ' ; . " "
And then a rain did coachman and " \
I ( \r\
whi1) spring back as at firM .
And this i tim 1'hp clog understood -
stood fully , and drew off with i'nil is :
wagging ' 'bnt rather : feebly : : : while , .f , . :
the pasHPrs-h.\ on the sidewall : : '
who had seen the inc dent smiled : l ' . ,
. : . ' -
rather more hparti1
. \ nc1 the coachman : ? TIe drove . ' '
on np Fifth avenue in an attitude _ ,
of immovable rigidity , hol l big his
whip at an angle : equally un-
' . . 1f " I
rhangpnhlp flppf1I'pntl you
. . . - . \
had seen : him then yon fvotdd 1 < 1. y . ' .
surely hay : : thought that , even if
an earthquake : occurred ] under tai , 1
. '
rear wllPplR of his brougliana ] tad ' . ' , r' ,
Slewed i he body of itl around at _ ' }
right angles with time 'team : , he
would glare driven right 'on , jnst' . h .
he f same
. . ' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ,
D. S. McCarthy" : '
- ,
SpecIal Attention to household 1\\o\'ln ;
Phone 211
Falls Nebraska
City - -