I ! , . . " - ' , > " Ie , . I , L . " 51J'/lii / : C Y " ' lv : ) , - . . " ' ' - rt - ) t' , . . . I , New Lingerie The very lightest pink and blue batiste is In favor for underclothing. . It washes well and Is not by any , means so ruinously expensive as sllk. French women stow these delicate articles In what Is called a lingerie basket , covered with cretonne and trimmed with ruchings and lace , Inter- lined with plain color In harmohy with Its contents. This forms quite a pretty adjunct to my Indy's chamber , and the cover Is generally wadded , S large , fiat bow on the top. Ribbons form the hinges , but there are pockets Inside for holding sachet bags , which - - . \ give the different articles a delightful sroma. In these baskets these dainty garments are not In any way crushed , and sometimes they are divided In four and have a series of trays for each kind of lingerie. It should be large enough to hold a petticoat at the base , and the corset coverri ' are stowed away under straps of ribbon In the lld. These baskets are mostly of wicker , and are rather a pretty present to give a bride , or , indeed , to any friend. Alum In Rinsing Water. Alum used In' the rinsing water will prevent green tram fading. A handful of salt will set blue. Oxgal1 Is used for gray or brown. Haywater , made by pouring boiling water over hay , Is excellent for washing tan or brown , J . lInenj ; . , when.thls Is not used the gar f' > ' means will soon look faded and bleached. i . Pongee With Velvet and Lace. 6 Pongee In all colors Is a notable ! favorite - vorite of fashion , but Is never more attractive than In the undyed shade , I that Is neither yellow nor tan , which I a t I ej , ti I d t t't. . ' 't. ' f- , , , ( - f . " " ' , . r' I , t : j Design by May Manton. y , was the one chosen for this smart gown. The soft silk tends Itself to . . , I the plaits In both waist and skirt with " singular success and the lovely tone Is greatly enhanced by the touches of brown chiffon velvet and the trimming ; ' , of ecru lace. The blouse Is most \ becoming - r coming one and includes shoulder extensions - tensions that give breadth without exaggeration - aggeration while It is : closed invisibly at the front and left shoulder seam The skirt Is both new and graceful I and Is cut In twelve gores with extensions - slops on each that form the fan plaits z To make the gown for U woman at Smart Gown of Fongee and Coat for Morning Wear That Is Both Com fortable and Pretty-Light Colors In Favor for Dainty Llng rle. medium size will be required , for waist 4 yards of material 21 , 3 % yards 27 or 2 yards 44 Inches wide , with * ; yards of velvet for belt and trimming : for skirt 16 % yards 21 or 8y4 yards ! 44 Inches wide when ' material has figure or nap ; ; 12 yards 27 or 6 % yards 44 Inches I wide when material has neither figure nor llap. Always keep your celery roots and dry them. They are good for season Ing l SOUlS I\nd lauces. When tomatoes and milk are to be put together , as in cream soup , have the tomato juice and milk of the same ! temperature , then beat vigorously as ' the tomato Is added ; ltttle by Httle. When weighing molasses sprinkle the scale wen with flour and then It will slip off again quite easily Without sticking. A good general rule always to remember - member In the use ot gelatine Is to soften the gelatine In cold water , then to dissolve in balling water. Neglect of either part ot the process will cause trouble In making jemes. Told in Hr , Boudoir Velvet ribbon tabs are used with good effect. Tucks ot all widths are noted on new dresses. The wheat pattern Is conspicuous i In the new laces. Coarse laces trim the canvas fabrics . rlcs to perfection. Wrinkled ribbon festoons have an old - tlme fiavor. A fob of contrasting velvet edges the neck of a smart eton. Double skirt effects arc seen In both plain and elaborate rigs. Shirrings about the hips are like for light weight fabrics. df Gauglngs arc recognized rivals ot the much favored shirrings. Waterproof parasols available for rain or shine are the latest novelty l\Iarabout stoles wlll serve as scarf for evening wear this summer. Shaped lace flounces form a part at some ot the fetching examples. A Fish Net Photograph Holder. A college girl has solved the prob hem of disposing of her growing collection - lection of pictures and photographs In this manner : i She bought , a coarse mesh fish net and tacked it that on a wall. , Then the four corners of the photographs were tucked into the mesh of the net and held tight. While the net affords no protection tram dust , files and Inquisitive - quisitive fingers , In this day at inexpensive - pensive photography pictures coma and go with amazing frequency , and one often lays aside a photograph which has grown out of date for a new one of the same porso7 Home and Reception Wear. Limerick lace Is lavishly used In I this Parisian model gown exhibited at the spring Salon de Style of the International ( - ternational Society at Dressmakers , to whom courtesy for this reproduction Is duo. The lace , backed with chiffon , appears } between boulllonnes of rose red I alt : taffetas. These fashion the yoke to which the blouse Is shirred , a hand of shlrrr > 11 tucks ornamented will " 011\ a hutton ! passing across the bus I . : : f ij I1 ll if l ' ( } { "I' c . . _ " , , . - - a nd ) confining tits fulness of the sleeves on the Inner seam. Cool Drink for Invalids. A deliciously cool and refreshing drink ! for an Invalid Is orange pulp served in a glass. To prepare It you cut the fruit in halves crosswise and scoop out the pulp , rejecting all the seeds and white fiber A sharp knife may be used to aid In the process , 80 that the delicate globules may he broken as little as possible. Sprinkle with sugar and stand the glasses on Ice for ten minutes. Pineapple syrup may be added to give zest. Calfskin Belts Now Wide belts made of calfskin show- Ing a mottled red and white hairy surface . are lone of the many novel- ties to be found In this lIne. Thor are about four Inches wide and fasten with a very simple brass buckle , with a gap of the leather running through It. Coltskln , too , comes under the head of Parsltal dress accessories , because belts of this material have rather an uncouth appearance. - For Morning Wear. House coats that are loose and entirely - Urely comfortable without being In the least careless are always In demand - mand and make most delightful garments - meats for morning wear. 'This one fulfills aU the requirements and Is box plaited below a smoothly fitted yoke over which the big collar Is arranged The sleeves are plain and Iii bell style , but finished with the frills which are always becoming and the entire ga r ment Is one quite certain to give am pIe satlstactlun. As Illustrated the material Is flowered dimity with collar - far ot tucking and frills of embroidery , but various cc.mblnatlons can be made 7 r 1 ti . . 9 J ' ' 4 d , ' ' , Yf a ' 1 Design by May Manton. The quantity ' at material required for the medium size Is ! 41f.s yards 21 , 4 % yards 27 , 3 % yards 32 or 2 % yards 44 Inches wide. Summer Shoea Shoes In a light champagne shade will be much seen this summer , adorned with chiffon or embroidered In ! the prevailing tones at the coso tume. Distinctly novel are the tongueless shoes , the stockings show Ing through the lacing , although lacing Is rather a misnomer , for they are fastened br the most lovely rIbbons - bens Imaginable , terminating In a large bow near the toe. The smartest - est tongueless sieves have a pertor- ated pattern. Naturally , with the hose so much In evidence , only the very prettiest designs are worn. J . ) . STATE HOUSE 'S.DWAftF'ID. ' I Immense ' Skyscrapers on All Sides ot Beaten Building When the present old Soston statl house was erected In 1748 it was bJ tar the most pretentious pUblio build. Ing In the province , and Its cupol/ rose high above aU surrounding buUd. Ings. One hundred and firty-slx year tater the former pretentious atat/ house appears dwarfed and insignltl cant between the skyscrapers which ! surround 1l _ Not loss than five skyscrapers , tout ot which are 125 feet high , and one ot which is 186 feet high , front on \ the streets close by , and It Is not necessary - nary to ascend very far In any 0' . , , these In"order to obtain a posltlos from which to look down upon tni very tiptop or the weathervane sur mounting the cupola of the archltoo . , tural relic. Not a building Is now standing 11 the immediate vicinity of the old state ' house that was In place when tbk people of Boston rebuilt their town house , which the year . before had been ruined by fire. Rivera Swallowed by Chaam. . One of the moat singular features In the scenery of Idaho Is , the occur " rence of dark rocky chasms , fate which creeks and large streams sud. denly disappear and are never more e soen. The fissures are old lava channels produced by the outside of the mass cooling and forming a tube , which , when the fiery stream was exhausted . has been left empty , while the roof , having at some point fallen In , pte- lents there the opening Into which' ' the river plunges and is lost. At one place a river appears gush Ing from a cleft high up In the rocky walls. Where this stream has Its origin , or at what point It Is swallow. ed up , Is absolutely unknown. Woman Dresses In Kilts I The now woman , attired In the latest - est development of her idea ot 'ra- tional dress , has invaded the city. . Yesterday afternoon a somewhat stoutly-bullt lady was to be seen walk- Ing jauntily down New Bridge street , I , . . . . k I ( c Apparently quite unconscious or indifferent - feront to the amusement that her ap ' pcarnnco caused to the passers by. Her costume consisted of u. dark blue coat and skirt-or. rather , Idlt- which reached to just above the knees , disclosing beneath a neat pair of knickerbockers of the same material. A pair ot thick , black woolen stockings - fags and low shoes completed her at- tlre-London Mirror.