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About The Falls City tribune. (Falls City, Neb.) 1904-191? | View Entire Issue (June 24, 1904)
. = " - . - . . , . - - - - .x"- - - . . _ . . . . . . _ ' . . - . - - - - - . - . - : - I f . _ . . - - , , . . I I , I 11 I . , I . ' 1. ,1 , j June 24 , 1904 _ THE FALLS - CITY TRIBUNE , A , _ _ _ ' r' ' : I \ i ! LOCAL AND PERSONAL II'I 'I 'If mat SowlcB Candy. C. M. Linn of Humboldt . Spent 4 Sunday in this citro " j Dr. and 1rs. Fast rctmncl on i . l ! riday from St. Louis , r , ; Coupe & 'l'hornton handle noth- ' \ : ing- but the best of mcats , " . \ / . . Oma Stodg-ill of Humboldt vis- itcd in this city Saturday. W. D. Sims of Dawson was in town on business Satu rday. J See Coupe & 'l'hort1t for . . fresh meats of all kinds. t . \V. S. Skalak of Humboldt \ was in thc city 'l'ucsday. : 1)r A. Gaiscr , dentist , office , over Richardson 1 County back Phone No. 248. 23-tf I I I Mrs J. II. Miles and Mrs. j Catharine Vrlie spent Saturday . , ; in St. Joscph. June Abbott and wife came down from Omaha this week for ( a visit ; at thc house of G. A. ! l Abbott Chas. 1\1. \Vilson and wife visited ! - " itcd friends and relatives in Hiawatha - : watha Sunday. I , Mrs Licurancc arrived ill thc city from California Sunday and will make her home with her sis- I tcr , 1\1rs. Losada Poor. , . " Dr. R. P. Robel.tsdenttst I' i ' over Kings Pharmacy : in -I i : Falls City , Neb. 'I ' 'I ' 1 , 1II II Thc ladies of St. Thomas , , I church will have charge of thc soda fountain at thc King phar- a J macy on Saturday June 25. Concrete walks arc still being I laid 111 all parts of thc city. M. 1 N. Bail' has just finishcd a fine 1 one along thc south side of his , residence propcrty. I For sonic time Judge , hc t well I . . 1 , has known humorous publication , i been running a series of pictures I . of prominent actrcsscs. In thc current issue this space is devoted - I cd to a portraE of Grace Cameron. \ The latter part of thc week l' . saw a general exodus of disrepu- table characters from thc south I part of town. .1'hcy left at thc i urgent request of Mayor Barton F backed up by formal notice from the t policc. > > ; The storm that came up from S the northeast Monday night . I li \ . frightened lots of pcoplc. Those ( who own well laden fruit trees I saw visions of hail storms as large ' as footballs. The storm I ; , - ' , proved however , tu be mostly it { blufT. \ Alice Cleaver will bc in halls 'r _ City ( luring thc summer and is : , ,1 , prepared to give music lessons on 1f'i ( " \ : uitar and mandolin ' I thc violin , guitar . , . . . .1.\ \ and 1 art lessons in painting and ! J drawing ; oil , water color , pastel , ? t' ' pen and ink , charcoal , pencil and ! crayon Telephone 124. I p I I . . . . . . . , Fred A , ' Oli : ' ; tr of V'crdon was in tow'Satur a ) . - . 'So M. Mayfield of Vcrdon was in thc city Saturday. Nellie Hossack left ucsday for a visit in Vcnlon. A. C. Crawford of Hiawatha was in town 'l'ucsday. Joseph Vcdncr and wife of Hum bold t spent [ Sunday in this citro J. A. Williams of Humboldt was a business visitor in Falls City 'l'ucsday. H. E. Clark of Stella was in town over Sunday .1. \V. Bash of Hum belcH tran- sac cd business in this city thc first of the week Try Bcrry's Chick Food for lit- . tie chicks - just thc stuff . - at Hcck's Feed Store We arc sli making special low prices on cured meats and , lard.- Coupe & Thorntomi. . There is .t real vine covered cottage like you read about over on the cast side of town Hcrbcrt Ayers of Ncmaha City was here looking after some busi- ness interests last Saturday. Do you remember of eve : hcar- jug anyone mention an electric railway to Sycamore Sln rinA's. H. P. Thomas of Mound City , Mo. , was attending to business matters in this city thc last of thc wcck. weclc.We We have been sore on ourselves sonic times , but it never reached the point where wc would ! umpire it ball game. Thc mcrry-g"o-round has left town. It did a rood business for two wceks. It had absolutely the worst organ wc ever hcard. A bridge is to bc built across the ravine at Twelfth street. It will bc a great convenience to thc residents of that part of town. \VAN'I'Im.-300 bushels nice , clean , white oats. Will pay 2 to 3 cents per bushel above market price. O. P. Hcck. The man who is supplied with new potatoes from his own gar- len is lucky. At thc stores pota- toes arc worth their weight in the coin 'of thc rcalm. If someone were to start a con- I test to determine thc most popu- lar young man in town , Albert T\laust would Will in a walk-or in an automo'ile , rathcr. Will \Yhcrry left this week for his new home in California. Very few people in Falls City have ' friends Mr. \'c as many aH \Vhcrry and they all unite in wishing hc and his family thc greatest of prosperity in their new location. Ice ! Ice ! Good clean ice from Culp's lake delivered at your door.-Culp Ice Company. - - - . - . - ' ' . ' , - . . 1'i : ' : j , { t . THE WORLDS . r. . t ROUTE ; X , . ' ' ; ! - - - Y TO ST. LOUIS _ AND 4 THE EAST I 1 r 0 i ' " . 4 . . . . . - " , . . " " ' " : 1 Fast Trains Elegant Service' ' - - . . , . . . . . . . _ . _ - .a : f1 Rate J-the ; ; S ; . Louis Worlds Fair as Follows ; ; .11 Season Ticket _ _ - - _ _ - - _ - - _ _ - - - - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - - - - - - - - _ _ _ - - _ _ $ . . " a 'vv limit ticket-----u----------------------- 13.55 ; : t\ ) , Sixty day - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Fifteen i day limit ticket------------------------- 12.2 ' ' ; ! i : ; k ; ; ii " ' Leave on No. 50 WORLD'S I FAIR SPECIAL . at S:45 : p. m. and arrive ( in St. Louis for breakfast. No " " : change of cars Through Pullman service ' ; , , ; Leave on No. 52 at 3:47 : a. m. and arrive in St. " " > - . ' : . , Louis in the afternoon. . . ; . Leave on No. 59 at 2:45 : p. m. and arrive i in St. W Louis at 7ot : ) a. m. 4 ' , " Vn . . " " : , ' Stop-overs of 10 days may be had on all tickets reading through St. Louis ' 'Y . For further information see local agent. . . ' LB. VARNErR AGENT " : K _ Church Services. I cF. . Poug-eon , of Ohio , filled thc pulpit of thc Christian church both Sunday morning and cvcning" Hc is a very powerful and enthusiastic speaker and amply able to thc task of interesting - csting" his audicncc. In thc evening - ing' hc addressed a good sized audience on "Abiding" and Walking - ing With Christ. " Hc told his hearers many things for their benefit t , and urged upon them thc ncccssity of proving to the world that they .lrc abiding in Christ by thc way they live. Hc will bc at this place again next Lords day preaching in thc morning at 11 o'clocl and in thc evening at S o'clock. All are earnestly invited to attcnd. \Ve carry a. . . . COMPLETE LINE 01 Building Material And all kinds of COAL WE SOLICIT YOUR PATRONAGE Chicago Lumber f&l Coal Co. TELEPHONE 58. THE TRIBUNE DOES GOOD JOB WORK . Less than Half Rates ' 1'1 On Mondays , Junc 6 . 13 , 20 and ' , : 27 , thc Burlington offers tickets . ' to St. Louis and ! return at , $7.2 , 4 i1 ' good for seven days-considera- . bly less than one fare for the round trip. . . , ; Tickets arc good in , coaches and chair cars ( scats frcc. ) ' . , - k The magnificent exposition is now complete and in harmonious opcration. You will regret it all your life , if you fail to see this wonderful exposi tion. s. , Illustrated folder free , and full - t formation i n on application ' to - 1 Burlington Route agent or to ' . ' L. ' 1' . 'Vakclcy , General Passcl1gcr Ag't. , \ ! , . 22Omaha , Ncb. x . . Thrown from z. Wa-gon. Dr. George K. Babcock was thrown from his wagon and seriously - ously bruised. Hc applied Cham- bcrlains Pain Balm freely and says it is thc best liniment hc ever uscd. Mr. Babcock is a well E _ _ _ known citizen of North Plain ' Conn. There hi nothing equal to I' ; Pain Balm . for sprains and . Lruis- fIffj es. Is wIll effect a cure in onc- tr third thc time required by any ; : . other trcatment. For sale by ' ' . . , . . ' G. 'anncr. , : . , . \ " ' World's Fair Rates. , " 1'hc Missouri Pacific railway will run coach excursions to St. . t Louis on June 6 , 13 , 20 and 27. ' The rate from Falls City will b $7.25 for thc round trip , with 'a limit of seven days , . '