The Falls City tribune. (Falls City, Neb.) 1904-191?, June 24, 1904, Image 18
- - Iyf- f'p - r . . , - - . , , - . . i I I r . . . . r ( June 24 , 1904 ' - .iI' . ' . . THE FALLS CITY TRIBUNE _ 01 ' . . . . .0- . . . . . . - - - - - - - - - ' - TilE FALLS CITY TRIBUNE Published Every li'riclay at FAILS CITY , NEBRASKA Dr ! ' .L'RIBUN PUIJLISIINC CO. I glltered 1 1U secolHI.clns'I : maUcr , .Talllt- , . a ry 12 , IIJO , lIt the Best : onicc at 1 I.'alls ' : City , Nch. , tinder the Act df Congress of March J , 1879 . \ : ' t _ . _ , . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ' , ; . , ONE DOiLl4A1' PER-'YIAli ? ; L \ Telephone I 1 N o. ? ? f ) , Ic I c REPUBLICAN TICI < ET. f I Presidential 1'Jlcctors l - . I. . " A. Barton , Pawnee A. C. Smith , Douglas . A. C. Abbott , Dodge ' 1' \ I.b Nor\'al , Seward 1i j , V. P. Hall , Phelps : " 1\1. A. Hro"II , IIi.i halo / ; j 1 11. 11. \\11011 , Lancaster I .T. C. I Robinson . , Douglas :1 : Governor------ . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ .1. 11. Mickey. ' Lieutenant Governor.- : . G. l\l 'G i Hall 'j Secretary of State - . . : _ _ _ . . A. Galusha . - 'i I Auditor------ _ _ . . . . . . T. . 1\1. Scarle , .11' . Treasurer---------2 Peter 1\lortcllsclI I I Superinlertdeut- _ _ .u. J. L. l\l'Bdcn - Attorney General : -------Norris : ! Brown :1 : band Commissiollcl' _ _ _ . _ .11. M. Raton . , For ; Congress : , 1i ; , \ 1I it J. BUHKH'r'r , f..illcolll. I Per Slate ' Senator : ' : 1 + { . A. 'l'UCKltII , Humholdt. Per ; Mcmhcrs of the Icgislatm'c. H. g. G JUN5'1'JtA1 > , Salem Gltoitci Jt , hll'rll , Dawson I W. II. ItocH1ttot [ , Stella - - - - - II For County Attol'llcy. : " , V. H. lrOIIWShuhcrt " i :1 : If this town keep 011 growing , " it WOI1't be long until it can break into thc "third city" class. 'l'hc weeds in some of' thc streets need a Hcn lion. The pretty - ty lawn will show us to much i , . better advantage if thc streets arc kept clear of wccks. . 01 _ " _ The question as to what wc shall do with our ex-presidcnts has never been satisfactol'illy an- swcrcd.Vc ' ' swcrcd. suggest that they bc compelled by law to take vice presidential nominations. . - . . . - . . . The exposition is i being held at St. Louis t.o comm mmorate thc Louisiana purchasc. \Ve sometimes - times doubt thc propriety 0 f R commemorating thc event when we rcmcm\cr that Colorado is a part of the Louisiana purchasc. Richardson county dccomocra will feel much relieved after thc national convcntion. The county . ticket can then be selected be- I cause thc bosses will know from I which branch of hc party to 1 draft the victims . . for t lie . sacdfice. The Missouri Pacific Railway 1 company has placed signs at 4 every crossing warning pcdes- trains that trespassers will be prosccutcd. And they probably I would not bc , but should such trespassers bc injured by thc train thc company ' would get behind its ' signs and in thc eyes of thc law i would not bc liable for damages. . , \Vhcn thc Fourth of July comes woufan't you like to be a boy and attend an old fashioned coun- try picnic celebration where every thing was safe and sanc ? . . . - - - Why all this talk about thc location of thc republican com- mittee headquarters ? Republican headquarters are to bc found in every city and village and in every cornfield in NcbUlska' this ycar. . . . . - - The Sunday school convention brought to town his week many bright and enthusiastic young people who arc engaged in a great and good work. The influence - JIucncc of thc Sunday school is very great and thc people arc glad to have had this baud , , of workers mcct hcrc. - - - - - - . . . There are men who would not be ca pablc of properly ) assessing a vacant lot on the river front in Rube who have a great deal to say about the manller of assess lug railroads. Just by way of diversion , wc would like to see the valuation they would , place on thc Burlington property in Ncbra lm. - - - Sonic men in Falls City should have their cars examined by a comp.ten : : specialist. It is evident - dent that they are hard of hcar- ing' . 't hey stit1l1 : around on thc streets every day and complain about hard < 1 times and no work and all thc time Kansas is crying for harvest hands. It is only a few miles f1'Om'li'alls City to the Kansas line. . . . . . . . . _ _ - = -W < 'T'W \Vc visited Auburn last week and with one of thc residents fell to comparing the good ; points of our respective towns. We were getting thc best of the argument when the Auburnitc played his trump card by saying , "Oh , well , wc may have no waterworks , 110 public library no brewery , no big flour mill , no business college , or electric fan system , but our electric - tric lights burn all night. " . . - - . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . The people of this city and vicinity - cinity have plenty to look for- ward to during the remainder of this ycar. 'l'hcB.trl1t.l1n. & Bailey circus is coming ; the Salem chau- tauqua will atTord an outing for many ; the fraternal picnic will bc thc biggest event of its kind to bc held in south-cast Nebraska - braska this summer ; after all these will come thc big political rallies with torchlight processions and spread eagle oratory. - - - _ . _ _ . 'l'he railroads . 'report that thc freight business , i. on thc increase and attribute the fact to good crop prospects. The railroads arc pretty good barometers by which crop conditions arc inli- catcd. The average man reads flood reports and other discour- aging things and imagines that _ _ _ _ _ _ . _ _ u. _ _ _ _ _ . . : : - " - . , , ' . ' . ' " 1"-1" , ' ' ; df''l OUR CUSTOMERS ARE .J : t WELL PLEASED _ ' . . . , . I When customers . . . . are pleased , it is the . . . - - - - - - - - - - - - I best advertisel11ent-ask . . about . us and i . . . . . . . NiLttlY - - - - - - - - lti IIG6QSWniRWfJYaMYy . you viII find out. - Wall Paper is our . . . . . . . - - - - - - - - - _ Specialty A _ . 01.-- We - . - - also - ' . . - carry - Paints . - - - , A- , . , Y Oils 1WONIMS.NO. , Etc. , a I - - . - - White s Wall Paper Stereo ' . , > , _ . Falls City , Nebraska . ' , 4 . .J he sees aL least seven years of faminc. ahcad. The railway peo- pIc keep in touch with the situa- tion' all over thc country and can . come . pretty near telling what is in store for thc f armei' " ' as far as crops arc concerned. , - _ . - - - - . . . . Dr. Gtl11saulus thc . eminent - nent Chicago divine , has lived a life of usefulness ! ' > and won for himself honor and renown by his scholarly attainmcnts and by his eloqucncc. But now hc has spoIled it all by a lot of fool rc- milrl\s about the Declaration of Indcpendenc IJe says that the framcrs of that immortal docu- ment labored under intense men- ; t'll excitement and overestimated the situation when they said that all lien were created free and cqual. If all mcn had been free and equal there had been no occasion - casion for a Declaration of Inde- pcndencc , and there is no doubt in the iiiincl of any rational Ainerlcan . citizen that such an emergency did exist on July 4th , 1776. They knew what th.ey were doing whcn they put the word "crcated" in thc declara- tion. It appears to us as though the reverend gcntlcman's logic ( or his theology ) were it little at fault-but then sensationalism is seldom 10 icaI. Sue hy his Duclur. "A doctor here has sued me for $15.50 which I claimed \vas excessive - CCSS1\'C for a case of cholera mor- bus , " says R. White of Coaclwlla CaI. "At thc trial hc praised his medical skill and medicine. I asked him if it was not Chamberlains - lains Colic Cholera and Diarrhaca remedy hc used as I had good reason to believe it was , and hc would not say under oath that it was not. " No doctor could use abe bc ttcr reined than this in a case cholera morbus , it never fails. Sold by A. G. \Vanncr. E ; ! TIME TABLE y' ' l jr Falls , City. Ncb . I Lincoln Dcnvcr Omaha Helena Chicago Butte ' St. .Joscph. Snit Lake City Kansas " . ' City Portland St. Louis and all ' San Francisco . ' \ , points east and and all points south. west. . , TRAINS iEAy1i : . \5 1101.1,0\\5 : No. 42. Portland , . St. Louis " " I SpecIal , St. Joseph , ' . . . . . . \ Kallsns City , m. . ' I . . ; Louis and all points ' east and south. . . . . 7:27 : p tit ' ' . No. 13. Vcstihulcd express ! , daily , . Denver and . \ all points west and . , " 1I0rttn\'cst. . . . . . . . . . 1:33 : a tit " . No. 14. Vestihuled express , daily , St. Joe , Kall- sas City , $ t. Louis . . S and all points cast , - ' and sotlth. . . . . . . . . . 7:47 : a tit' 'i' No. 15. Local express , daily . . . Lincoln and points west.llot.thwest 1:48 : p 111 No. ? l. Vestihulcd. express , I. . , daily , Den\'cr and \ , , - . all points west and . ; . : : \ . northwest . . . . . ; . . , . 135 : p tit : " ? , . . , . ' No. 16. stihuled express " - . 1"t. 1" daily , St. Joe , ban- ' , , , : sns City , St Louis " ' ' Chicago and points . , cast and ] south. . . . . . .4:30 : p tit . " , . No. 3 ? . Local express , ( daily , / p . Atchison and points ( ( , south and west. . . . ,4:44 , p m No. 41. St. Louis-Portlafd : , . _ . ' Spcctalr..1 ncol nHe- I lcna , 'l'acoma and , . . " . > , Portland without " , change , . . . . . . . . . : ' . 10:0i : p nit No. 115. Local accommodation - , , . , tion , daily I 'oIon- ' clay \Vednsday and Friday , Salem , ' Ne- . , , maha and Nebraska , . { i City , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11:30 : p'n1 Sleeping , dining and reeling 'chair I cars ( scats free ) 011 through { traills " r , I ' ' 'rickcts sold and baggage checked to i any , point in the States or Callada. For , j information , time tables , maps ' .allll. , aJ tickets , call on or write to G. Stewart . , . Agent , Falls City. Neb. , or J. Francis , t in G P. & 'l' . A. , Omaha. - . L. W. Ii. : O'ADDOX 'y ' - . . . . -.1' ; ' REAL ESTATE AGENCY . Lands bought and sold Hartford Fire Insurance ' Houses in city for sale . + 1 , . ' . Honey to loin Telephone 178