The Falls City tribune. (Falls City, Neb.) 1904-191?, June 24, 1904, Image 15
i . , . . I t - , : NEW HOMES a 11 THE WEST Almost half million acres of the fertile and . well-wntcroj lands of 'the Rosebud Indian neg- 1 IInaUon , In South Dakota , will be thrown open , . to settlement by the Government In Jnly. These i lands are best reached by the Chicago & North- f , Western ltallway's direct through lines from Chicago to Bonesteel , S. D. All agents sell I tickets vii \ this line. Special low ratos. f HOW TO GET t. . A' HOME Send for a copy of pamphlet giving full Informa. lion as ; 0 dates or opening and how to secure \ lCO - - acres of land at nominal cost , with full doscrip lion or' the soil , climate , timber and mineral , _ ' . resources , towns , schools and churches , opportunities . tunltles for business openings , railway rates , etc. , free on application. . . . ' - . " . W. R. KNISKERN , Passenger Traffic Manager , wwaoa UHICAGO. ILL ; . r I . , . I. I I " . . .OLLOW THB FLAQ. " TAKE THE WABASH TO SAINT LOUIS THE ONLY LINE f. , TO THE WORLD'S FAIR MAIN ENTRANCE. D&I&'oge checked to World' Fair around. 8topove-ril nllowed. All Agents can route you via the ABASH. For beau- tltul World's Fair folder and nil Infor- mation address HAnny g , 1\Ioonl S , Gen Agt" , Pass Dept" , Omaha Neb FREE to WOMEN A Largo Trial Box anti book of fn- : ItructloDs absolutely Free and Post- . ill i paid , enough to prove the value of . PaixtineToiletAntiseptie , Paxtine Is In powder form to dissolve / In water non-po/sonoas / and far superior to liquid ! antiseptics containing alcohol which Irritates Inflamed surfaces , and have no cleansing prop- tw A erties. The contents q , of every box makes . . . , more Antiseptic Solu- tion - 'asJ Jonler- goes further-hall more uses In the family and does more good thansny antiseptic preparation you can buy. The formula of a noted Boston physician and used with great success as a Vaginal Wash , forleucorrh a. Pelvic Catarrh . Nasal Catarrh , Sore Throat Sore Eyes Cuts , and all soreness of mucus ; membrane. , In local treatment of female ills Paxtlne Is . . Invaluable. Used as n Vaginal Wash wo ehal10nge the worM to produce } its equal for , thoroughncss. It is a revelation in clemslllg , ; { td be\Ung power ; it kills all germs which I J . . tauae Inflammation and dlschargcs. All Joaillngt1rugglsb keep l'nxtlrHJ ; priee,50c. . box ; If yours ! does not , send to \19 for it. 1 > on't Sake a IUlilltituto- there Is nothing 111:0 1 > ax tI 110. . . Write for UmFreo Box of l'axtluo tu-tlny. & .rAXTON CO. , 5. Pop Blr" / Boston. Mass SMOKERS : FIND I LEWIS ' - .SINGLE BINDER : I itCitar . better Quality than most 10f Cigars ! , Tear jobber or direct from Factory Peoria 11' i " W. N. U. , Omaha. No. 26-1904 , _ . I FREE TO TWENTV-FIV LADIES. The Defiance Starch Co will give 25 ladles a round trip ticket to the St. Louis Exposition , to' five ladles In each of the following states : Illinois , Iowa , Nebraska , Kansas and Missouri - sourl who will Bend In the hugest number or trade marks cut from a ten.cent , 16-ounco package of Defiance - ance cold water laundry staroh. This means from your own home , anywhere - where In the above named Btates. These trade marks must bo nutlled to and received br the Defiance Starch Co" , Omaha , NebI' . before Sep- tember 1st , H t October : : and November - lJor will bo the bmt months to vIsit the Exposltlll. Remember that Defi- anco Is the Only / starch put Uti 16 oz. ( a full pound ) to the package. You get one-third ! mere starch for the same money than of another hind , and Defiance never sticks to the iron. The tickets to the Exposition will be sent by registered mall September 5th. Starch for sale by all dealers. When lightweight Is HUed up he is sure to ho blown away The reconstruction of West Point Is an undertaking of Interest to the whole country ; and the result of the changes under way will lie a matter of national - al pride , for it is promised that the new West Point in magnificence or scale , titanic Inmpresslveness and fascinating - clnatlng plcturosqueness will surpass anything that crowns the crags of the Rhine. The leading article of the July Century will he an authoritative description - . sCI'ipUon or 'The New West Point , " the first so far pullllshed on the subject - ject , with drawings from the archi- tects' plans. The text is from the pen of Sylvester Baxter , and the drawings , the frontispiece in color , have been made by Otto Bacher , Harry Fenn , Bertram Goodhue , Birch Long : Jules Guerin and Dawson-Watson. Soldier Defended His Curls. I Should Mr. II1tt he elected vice pres- ident he will lie 71 when he takes the oath of office and in Ills 721l year , he having been born , January 16 , 183-1. He will lie the oldest man ever elected to the vice In'esldency. Elhrldge Gerry was 69 ! ) when he became vice president . dent , and is still the oldest man on the list of those who have held that oftlce. Clinton , King , Wilson , Hendl'iclts and Morton had till passed the sixtieth milestone on life's highway. 'fho youngest vice president was John C. Brecldnridge , who was 36 ( ; when ho was inaugnratell. . Hypnotism Can & : Stop He.rt. According to recent Investigations It appears probable that hypnotism can stop the action of a person's heart , and thus cause death. A. Jour- onet , n Frenchman , reports that he has Increased and lllmlnishell the number of pulse heats nt will , and as far as he could venture with safety. It is salll to he also proved that circula- tion Is curiously affected , even if _ It is not quite certain that the heart can lie silenced. ARE YOUR CLOTHES FADED ? Use Red Cross Ball Blue' and inalfu them white again. Largo 2 oz. package , 5 conts. 'fo Tunnel Under the Channel. One of the results of the recent Anglo-French agreement is a renewal of the scheme for tunneling the chan- nol between France and England. The London and Paris chambers of com- merco are lending In the matter. It Is nearly fitly years since the tunnel project was put upon a. practical basis of experiment , but sillco then the original estimate or" cost has been reduced - lluced from 50OOOUOO to 20OOOOOO. . . Insist on Getting It. Some grocers say they don't keep Defiance Starch because they have a stock In han ot 12 oz brands , which they know cannot be sold to a custo- mer who has once used the 16 07. pkg. Defiance Starch for same money. Finding flaws in the sermon Is easier - IeI' than following it , any day. To-day's worry is i the result of yes- I terday's neglect. . - - - - - Spencer In Rtlssln. Tolstol In acknowledging the ro- colpt of a copy ot Herherl Spencer's autobiography confessed ( that ho did not like the English Ilhll080phOl' because - cause he hall little heart. But that Spencer Is 11. great favorite In Russia modern Russian literature bears ample - plo witness. That very aridity of which 'olstol complained appeals } w- cullarly to the feverish , materialistic idealism out of which nihilism springs. Probably no single philosopher has exerted n wider influence on Russia , which has not ItS yet produced 1I1uch In the way or philosophy that Is origi- nal. $100 Reward , $100. The readers of thIs paper will he plensed to loam that there h nt Jeu8t 11110 dreaded dlaesse that 8elcIIl'o has been able to cure III oil its 81nle8 , nod that h Cnlnrrll IInll'8 Cunrrh ( Cure IA the only poaltlve cure now known / tll Iho 1111'1111'111 frnternll ) ' . Catarrh lJclllII \ Coil lllullllllnl 11181111"e , le111llrcs II C1l1l811111' tloul1l Ircnl1llellt. 1I1111's Clltnrrh Corn 18 taken Internally ' ternally , acting directly upon the blood ! nod mucous surfaces of the system Iherelly destroying limo fOllllllntlon of limo .1Ip1I80 , 111111:11'1111 \ : the l'nUeut ' gtreftlCth lIy hllllllllll lip the CUIIAttIlUon ! and asiIst- Iug nature III lIullll Its , , 'ill k , 'rho IlfOl'rlelors1111'0 ' / so much faith III Its curative powers that they utTer One lIun.lretl . 1olhlra fur allY case that It falls to cure Scud ! fur list of teHllllolllnfs , Address P. .r. Ciisxlv ; : .C CO" Toledo / , O. Sold hy nil Urll\\r18ts \ 71\1' \ . / Take 1I1111's family 1'11/8 / for cOlIstll1nloD. ! Sentence of two months' imprisonment I . mOl1t and dismissal from the army has been passed hy 11. Dover cOIII'tlllaJ'tial on a private who struck his officer when called to account for wearing his hair In curls outside his cap. No chromes or cheap premiums , hut a better quality turd onc-thlr mercer or Defiance Starch for the same price - of other starches. When a man Is ashamed or his religion - ligion ho is generally justified the fecllng. SuperIor quality and extra quantity must win. This Is why Defiance Starch 11'0 taking the place or nil others. PORTRAIT AGENTS Manufacturers and Save Money. Our goods time bestL I'rlces the lowe l , l'rollllllNhlp- ents. Delivery If nil portraits ItIlUrnntectl Send : f"I'I'lltllloltllu amid . ntcntH' : prh'ollHt , Adllrep ADAM J. KROLL & : CO" , How Era DId ! : . . Chicago. - - - ' Lydia E. Pin Kham's Vegetable Compound A Woman's ' Remedy For Woman's ills - WESTERN SUPPLY CO. JOBBERS OF . PUMPS , WINDMillS and PLUMBING MATERIAL BELTIIIG and THRESHER SUPPL.lE8. PACKING and ELEVATOa REPAIR8. 1120.022 N Sireet. . LINCOLN. NEBRASKA THE-DAISY FLY KILLER destro3sallthefiles ntrurdscoutfort toevery .na 1Lomo-lu dining-room , sleoping-room and plweei where ale. are trouble. r , sumo. Clean , neat . ntg 0. and will not col f or Injure anythln1. Try them nn , and . a l yon will never he wlthnulthmn.lno/ t . koptiydealur..eal . : pn pnld for loc. IIARnI.Il t.oMIIaa , 119 Dk.tb Aso. . . , _ , IIr.ollya , N , t. Estab. WELL DRILLING 1Ished 18G7 MACHINERY l'OltTil1tE amid Irlll nay depth , by tilC/11II or horse Iowr. 4:3 : DU'l"EltEN1. BTYLEN. wo cbatlouge competition. Beni for Free lIIotlrat.d l'.lal'r. . IC. . . . . ' , Inuy : .t : T.SI'IIILL CO. , I VIIatllut tit. , \Vul""Jo , low. . . Lawn Fence _ Iron or wiru , ninny styles , fonCHhlellec. ( J \lroh , ! lO hoof , CClllcll'I' ; ; poultry and hot fl'IIl'fJ ; fUl'm tltml Send for . 0/1111101\110 / \ Ctnmgion Iron and . Wire Wont OMA1IA. HIm . . I " ( , " .J4 . , , d. 0 .D . - . ® f I - f It is the purest , cleanest starch made. It is free of injurious chemicals. It can be wed where ordinarily you would be afraid to we starch of any kind. That's Defiance. Your grocer sells it. THE DEFIANCE STARCH CO. , 1 OMAHA , NEB. _ o. Cj1H S WIILIIE ALL ELSE AILS. Belt ( .oagh Syrpp. Tastes ood. Use ht time. Fold hr drugaiste. When Answering Advertisements Kindly Mention This Paper. BEGGS' BLOOD PURIFIER CURES catarrh of the stomach. . \ - r