The Falls City tribune. (Falls City, Neb.) 1904-191?, June 24, 1904, Image 1
. 1 t I I C 1 I riknn. r . , \ J-- . . : : . ' VOLU "IE I FALLS CITY , NEBRASKA , FRIDAY , JUNE 24 , 1904. ' NUlVIBER . 25 - L , It . , LOCAL AND . PERSONAl. . , . . H. A. 'riehcn of Dawson was in the city 'l'ucsday. Francis \Vilhcc of Stella was " , iu tOW11 on busincss 'l'uesday. Frank Snethen of Humboldt . was in town on business 'l'ucsday. ' Ncllc McMahon and Nora Po- tcct were in Preston \Yedncsday. . J. A. Williams : of I-Iutuboldt was in town on business 1ondiLY. 1\1. L. Wilson and wife of Hum = " " ' : . b'olclt visited in this city 'l'ucs- . : . . ' ! . 1 Coon Sailors , the sage of Dar- , ' ada < was a Falls City visitor " /l'ucsday. , . The usual services will bc held . . . tt St. Thomas church next Sun- " < . , le All arc in vi tcd. , t , ) I )1' . J. L. Gandy uf Humboldt " has been interviewing thc Loard " : of equalization this .wcek. Es-i ; presentative Chas. Smith of Ncmaha precinct was a busi- ucss visitor here 'l'hursday. . ' 'd , . John Gilligan and wife went to Nebraska City Wednesday to attend thc street carnival. , . Childrcn's day exercises will beheld 1 . , . . . held at thc German Evangelical clulrch . nest Sunday. A good . . ' . program has been prepared and all , Ire cordially invited to bc pr'csept. " The office of Chas. Lorec , clerk , of the district court , looks as ! J- , " though a cyclone had struck it. - . The painters and paper hangers have been "t work and have made ' a j . rent improvement in the appearance - pearance of the ofi ce. I Chas Huber , postmaster at . / Rube and one of the leading republicans - " . publicans of Richardson county , - I was conferring with Postmaster Crook Wednesday with reference , to the establishment of another mail route through the north- eastern portion of the county. John \V. Dorrington left for thc Chicago convention Monday. , . Gco. E. Dorrington will meet him in St. Louis the latter part of the week and together they will visit tIle old homestead in . . Mew . York. ' . The members of St. 'l'homas " choir left Monday for their annual ' : - nual outing at the Missouri lakes I . ) Al Doerner hauled them over , t and when just across the rive I It : " " on his way home was caught in i I I , . thc storm. He says it was the hardest straight wind he eve saw , ' break'ng down trees and 1 , . blowing everything away that " . . was loosc. . , . - ' . . , . . . . < o . . , , ' ' . . , ' : , " , _ oJ . , - 'j , The Ancient Order of United orlnnan and Degree 'of Honor held memorial exercises last Sun- day. ' 1 ' hc two orders met at their hall in thc morning and procccd- ed to thc \ \lethodigt church where Rev. \Y. B. Alexander delivered the mcmorial scrmon. Steele cemetery was then visited and the graves < Brothcrs G.H.Ncal , J. I-I. Davidson , Ii' . A. \Vylie , J. C. \Yylic , Isaac Rhine. Joseph Steele , Ii' Godlirnon , P. H. Hays , J. D. Wicks and Ii' Dorrington and Sister Eva Morchead were , . strewn with flowers. 'rhe city junketing committee has ' returned loaded with inform- ation about water wo..rks and standpipes. The city will par thc bills for this jaunt and will get value rccch'cd.V c would suggest , however , that a special appropriation bc made out of the "pitch" fund for the benefit of Holt and Powell , and ] that Ncitz- el refund his expenses to cover thc dcficicnc\ Some of tile incandescent street lights have been taken from the wires by which they were sus- petidcd over the center of the street crossings and have been attached to poles on the corn rs. 'rhc' scheme is alright except where thc heavy foliage of the trees limits thc area of the light. The county clerks office has been a veritable wailing place this week. Sitting as a hoard of equalization , the supervisors have listened to one talc of woe after the other but have suc- cceded in adjusting most of the claims , in a satisfactory manner. R. E. \Vatzkc of Humboldt has announced that he will acccpt the nomination for secretary of state on the democratic ticket , if it is thrust upon ' 'him Mr. ' \Vatzkc is a travelling man and well known throughout thc statc. A representative of Barnum & Bailey's circus was in town this week and gave it as his opinion that time circus would reach this city about thc first of Septcmbcr. Pastor Selinger will baptize his first convert Sunctay cvcning. Come and witness the ceremonies at the Baptist church. Susie Goldncr returned home yesterday after a three months visit with her sister in Missouri. H. E. Boyd of Humboldt was attending to some business mat- ters in this city 'l'uesday. Sheriff Hossack visited the St. Louis fair ' \Vcdnes ay. Conll11encell1ent. Miss Frances Kelly has the honor of ' this ' being ycar's graduate - ate from St. Ursula's acadcmy. The excrcisl's were held Tuesday evening in tile presence of an audience that taxed the capltcity , of Convent hall. , 1\ splendid pro- gram had been prepared , and thc splcndid training given the participants - ticipants by the sisters was am- ply dcmonstratcd. Falls ' City is very proud of this school and the people rejoice itt thc good work that the Ursulinc sisters are doing. The year just closed has l been a very successful one and the prospects - pccts for thc future arc more than flattcring' ; Sunday School Convention Thc Sunday school convention which has been in session at the Christian church , this week , was largely attended , delegates being present from many points in' Southeastern Ncbraska. A spirit - it of in tense earnestness prevad- ed the meeting and the various 1 papers and addresses were inspir- ing' and uplifting. The points brought out by thc discussion are sure to be productive of much good and thc convention as a whole was a very successful I and profitable mecting. Married. . Belle Andrcs : and Raymond Rich were marricdVcdncsday , thc ceremony being performed at thc Hotel Moreland in Hiawatha. The bride is thc daughter of O. Andrews , proprietor of the Nat- ional hotel in this city , and has a large number of friends , .by all of whom she is most highly rcgard- cd. Time groom is a young busi- ness man , who at 'one time had charge of the Bicc stock in this city , but is now located at High- land l , Kan Both bride and groom will be recipients of congratulations - tions at the hands of halls City fricnds. Among those from Falls City who attended the wedding were Mr. and Mrs. Andrews , Mrs. Wilson , Mrs Taylor and Miss Schultz. Mabel Miles and Marion Gray . were married at the home ot the bride's parents Wednesday e\'en- ing. 'rhe affair was of a very quiet nature , only the relatives and a few intimate friends being present. ' \.t the appointed hour Miss Magnolia Ewalt played the wedding march and the bridal party entered the parlor , the . , . I , ' , " , ring being borne by i\'Iiss Ncllc t \Viser. ' ' 'l'he ceremony was performed - formed by Rcv. Smith of 81. t 'rhomas church. t. ) trIte bride is the daughter } { of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph H. , Miles : ; and having spent practically her entire life in this city , she en- joys it wide acqaintanceship , among our people , and hr' all is admired and respectccl. Time groom is a young traveling salcs- man with headquarters at St. ty Louis , and on his frequent trips I to this city has made s many fricnds. The wedding of- these young people was . ! of a surprise , but this docs not detract - tract from the sincerity of thc congratulations which friends tender thcm. The newly married couple left at once on a trip to St. Louis. Among those from abroad who attended the wedding - cling were Mrs. Hinkle and Mr. 'Easlcy of Rub , and Mrs. " Gray of St. Louis , mother ' of , thc groom. . , . , . At the home of thc bride's , mother , Monday cvcning- " six . . o'clocland : in the presence of a large number of invited guests , Chas Ii' Yoder of Aihlanh ! : , 0. , and Miss Pearl Lutz of Falls City were united in marriage , Rev. E. E. Haskins , pastor of the f3rcth- rcn church , performing the cerc- mony. Later the wedding ! party and" guests sat down to k wed- ding supper , and at 8:45 : :1 : p. m. the newly married couple left over the Missouri Pacific for the \Yorld's li'air. They will also visit in Chicago and probably go to northern Michigan before go- ing to their new home at Ash- land l , O1mI0. ' I Prof. Yoder is a son of Re\ E. L. Yoder of this place , and is a Falls City boy , having attended school here and finished his edu- cation at the University of Chi- cage , being a graduate of that institution. He is now a professor - or in Ashland college and the & d- itor of the Literature of. the Brethren church. 'Miss Lutz is a Falls city young lady who has always taken a great interest in christian work , and has for several years taught in the public schools of . Falls City. City.Out Ont of town guests were present - ent from Iowa , Illinois , Ohio and Kansas , and all joined in wishing thc , happy couple a life filled f with joy. t . . ' . I . - . . . . /'fA / - _ ; '