" Jun C 10 , 1904 THE FALLS CITY TRIBUNE - - - - - - , President of Sorosis ' , ' Delivers Annual Address ' A a recent business mecting' ( . . ! ' of Sorosis ; ; 1\lrs. 'Vm.Vilson , thc president , dclivcrcd thc annual address as follows : Your delegate , Mrs. Holland has given you a most excellent report of the seventh h biennial , thc secret of whose power and charm lies in that magic word- : fricndship. Your president has i . tried to give you just a glimpse of the social functions where the Nebraska delegates pa.tock . : of the charming hospitality so grac- iously extended to thc delegate by thc hospitable c1ubwom'n of ' . . St. Louis. Our highest aim would be to bring to you some of the inspiration , thc spirit of true devotion and helpfulness for _ others and of thc grand and noble work which is being clone by. this great body of dignified self sacri- ficing womcn-could you have seen this gathering of women coming from glacier bound Alas- ka and sunny Florida-from thc granite hills of New England and . the flowery mead of California , from Ceylon , England and China , then you could realize more fully that this "world encircling band of woman's clubs , " hats ' its golden . > _ , links more firmly united in thc hearts of thoughtful earnest wo- men , who arc marching in thc . \ dawn of a brighter day , which , makes an era of progress in one of the greatest forces of the twen- . . . . ticth century Yiz , the raising of . the standard of homp.life , making and happier. it . . better and _ By bringing into closer relation the school the home and the church. More and more are . womcn impressed with the idea . that this world must be made better through the ' efforts of .J. . women-women who have solved f the true meaning of life by living l up to the highest measure of their own possibilities at the same time seeking to lift up the fallen and protect the helpless innocent ones. Human happiness - ness depends so largely upon g.iving and receiving-we receive from others that which helps and encourages us--and we in our turn must give to those around us , to hive and grow is a universal law of nature , and "Freely ye have received ; freely give" should be our motto. Our rY fi state president , Mrs. \V. E. Page 1 gave a. pleasing report of our state work and at the conclusion ' " " - the Nebraska delegates presented l\Irs. Page with large boquet of . _ _ flowers and a replica of the 111e111- \ . orial bronze tablet ( costing one- thousand dollars ) presented to St. Louis by the seventh biennial of 4 , woman's clubs in commcmoration of the one hundredth anniversary of the Louisiana purchase. In listening to the report we felt that ; Nebraska was doing her part in the great work and that Sorosis was yedrly adding her m ita to the sumlof human happi- ncss.'a have beautified our library , given two successful lecture courses ' which represents days of hard work , we have visited - ed the schools and tried to im- prove the sanitary condition of our city , have given our mite to help educate a colored teacher , atHI tisel our influence in favor of pure food , chiltl labor and juve- nile.court laws and for library extension. As a club we have been helped and strcnthened in many ways. Our papers have been excellent and compare most favoraby with those of other clubs. Some one has said , "that only now and then is one born with the gift of true expression. " Emerson says , and for an encouragement , that "Nature arms each man with some faculty which enables him to do easIly some feat impossible to any I other. " There are no two whose talents are rivals , so if we do not do the work we were intended - tended to do it will remain un- done. This coming together in club life , with its many avenues for work , helps us find the work best suited to us. To share our experiences - periences , give us new thoughts an.d ideas and a greater tolerance for each others views and opin- ions. Lifer seems more sacred as we realize how much there is to do for those less favored than ourselves , and that it is not what we have done for ourselves , but what we have done for others that will give us joy at the close. Whatever our work or sphere in life we can be true womanly women , and add something of kindly sympathy to brighten and make better tll'e ' lives of others , for the cup of happiness in wo- manly hands may scatter the sweetest of earth's blossoms. In closing , I wish to express to officers and members of Sorosis my heartfelt thanks for your loy- alty and faithfulness , and for your united and untiring efforts to make Sorosis the successful club center from which shall rad- iate an influence that will broaden - en the foundation laid for future . growth. I have received at your hands so much of kindness and courtesy , so much of that encouragement - agement and genuine approval , which makes the hardest work a . TH E WORLDS ' ' r ROUTE TO ST. LOUIS i AND v I THE EAST ( . I . . . . Fast Trains Elegant Service , - - - - - - - Rates to the St. Louis Worlds Fair as Follows Season . . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . $ . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Sixty day limit ticket------------------------------ : 13.55 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Fifteen day limit ticket-------------------------- 12.20 . - - . - - . . . - - . . . . . - - - - - - . Leave on No. 50 vVORLD'S FAIR SPECIAL at 5:45 : p. m. and arrive in St. Louis for breakfast. No t . change of ( ars Through Pullman service. Leave on No. 52 at 3:47 : a. m. ' and arrive in St. Louis in the afternoon. I . Leave on No. 59 at 2:45 : p. m. and arfive In St. Louis at 7:00 : a. m. I Stop-overs of io clays may be had on al1' tickets reading through St. Louis. . For further information see local agent. J. B. VARNER3 AGENT " . . . . . , , . , . . . . . . . . . . _ _ _ 'C.I ! : : ! : ; : ' ; ; ; : ; ; ; : < t' : : : rr..I : : - : ; : ! : r pleasure-my mistakes and errors you have covered so closely with that sweet mantle of charity. I cannot tell you how deeply this has touched my he rt. If there were troubled hours , by your generous sympathy and helpfulness , the mist's were lifted and rolled way like fleecy clouds before the blue sky ; and in the future , " when across the va.l shed - ed years" will come back , so of- ten , the picture of your helpful loving faces. The memory of your loyalty and friendship will be to me a most sacred thing to be treasured throughout my life , the sweetness of which will stimulate - ulate me to further endeavor and encourage me to 'a loftier aim ; "for to live in the hearts and lives" of our friends is a glimpse of paradise , and to me the most precious gift that life can bcstow. tllo your new president I extend ' ( l most cordial greeting and can ask for her no greater boon than a continuance of that loving courtesy so freely extended to me. Thrown from n. Wn..gon. Dr George K. Babcock was thrown from his wagon and seri- ously bruised. He applied Chamberlains - berlains Pain Balm freely and says it is the best liniment he ever used. Mr. Babcock is a well known citizen of North Plain , Conn.tl here is nothing equal to Pain Balm for sprains and Lntis- es. Is will effect a cure in one- third the time required by any other treatmcnt. For sale by \ . G. 'Wanner. . 1 I TIME TABLE . I _ I I' . Falls City. Neb. Lincoln Denver Omaha Helena Chicago Butte St. Joseph Salt Lake City Kansas City Portland St. Louis and all San Francisco points east and and all points south. south. , TRAINS TEAVi AS Itorro\\'s : No. 4 ? . Portland St. Louis Special , St- . Joseph , Ita11SaS City , St. Louis and all points . - , ' . east and sbuth. . . . . 7w37 P I1t No. 13. Vestibuled express , daily , Denver and all points west and northwest. . . . . . . . . . 1:33 : a I1t No. 14. Vestibuled express , daily , St. Joe , Kan- sas City , St. LQuis and all points cast and south. . . . . . . . . . 7:47 : a I1t No. 15. Local express , daily Lincoln and points . castwestnorlhwest 1:48 : p I1t No. 21. yestibuled express , daily , Denver , and all points est and northwest . . . . . . . . 1:35 : p m No. 16. Vcstibulcd express daily , St. Jcc' , Kan- sas City , St Louis Chicago and points east and south. . . . . . 4:30 : p m No. ? 3. Local express , daily - tchisOll and points d south and west. . . . 4:44 : p m No. 41. St. Louis-PoI tland SpccialI4incolnHc- . lena , 'I'acoma and Portland without change . . . . . . . . . . . 10:07 : p m No. 115. Local accommodation - - tion , daily Ion- - day , \Vednsday and Friday , Salem , Ne- maha atlll Nebraska City . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11:30 : p III Sleeping , dining and reeling chair cars ( scats free ) on through trains. 1'ickcts sold and baggage checked to any point in the States or Canada. For information , time tables , maps and tickets , call on or write lo G. Stewart , Agent , Falls ) ) City , Neb. , or J. Francis . . , G. P. & ' 1' . .A" , Omaha. .