The Falls City tribune. (Falls City, Neb.) 1904-191?, June 17, 1904, Image 17

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    \ : tOLD IN CALIFORNIA. . . , - .
ti Helping the
kid n eye Is
helping the
whole bOdY ,
for it Is ! the
lchlneys that
remove the
poisons and
' { waste tram
t.J the bed y.
- _ _ _
; y . this simple
lesson line
' made many
sick men and
_ . women well.
Judge A. J. Fetter of 318 So. E. St. ,
Ban Bernardino , CaUt. , gnys-"For : 18
a years my kidneys were not perform
' lug their functions propm'ly. There
was some backache , and the kidney
r secretions were profuse , containing
also considerable sediment. Finally
the doctors said I had dlabetcs. Donn's
: Kidney Pills wrought a great change I
" In mT eondltlon and now I sleep and I
. feel well again. " II I I
r. . A FREE TRIAL of this great kidney
modlclne which cured Judge Felter
will bo mailed to any part of the
i United States. Address Foster.Mllburn
' Co. , Buffalo , N. Y. Sold by all dcal
t- ! . . . ' , ers ; price 60 cents per box.
The German War on Quacks.
t The German police have begun a
I systematic campaign against quacks ,
, . . . and quack medclnes. They estimate
that In ten years the population has I
Increased 68 per cent , regular medical I
men 76 per cent , and quacks 1,667 per I
cent. There are more women quacks
t than men. Nearly 30 per cent of the
men cited to appear at the police bu I
roan have been In jail , of the women I
] 5 per cont. More than 100 samples I
of quack medclnes were analyzed by .
the police , and over 80 per cent wore
r. ' : of absolutely no medicinal value. i .
I A Request from Toklo.
. i
H. 1C0bayahsl , of Toldo , Japan , has I
o addressed a note to the village 1m.
, '
' vrovoment Society of South Orange ,
, \
I - ' ( N. J. , which runs about like this :
"The honorable of the South Oranges
I are asked in what way do they rid
themselves of him the much trouble.
r t some mosquito ? How do they ap
t preach him In his house among the
reeds and marshes , so as to remove
him effectually from the dangers that
he does to the people of good minds .
whose skins he much puncture ? All i
this I would like so much to know. " .
Old Soldier' Story.
Sonoma , Mich. , Juno 13.-That even
In actual warfare disease Is ! more ter-
_ rlble than bullets Is ! the experience of
Deles Hutchins of this place. Mr.
Hutchins as a Union soldier saw three
l years of service under Butler Barko
f- In the Louisiana swamps , and as a
result got crippled with rheumatism
so that his hands and feet cot all
I twisted out of shape , and how he suf
I fered only a rheumatic will over know.
; For twenty-five. years he was in
misery , then one lucky day his drug
I Gist advised him to use Dodd's md. I I
nay PUla. Of the , result Mr. Hutchins I
says :
"Tho first two boxes did Dot help
me much , but I sot two more , and
before I got them used up I was a
great deal better. I kept on taking
them and DOW my pains are all gone
and I feel better than rave In years. i
I know Dodd's Kidney Pills will cure
, rh umaUsm , " i
Every man Is provided with sense
enough to mind his own business , but
few men have sense enough to let It
. ' 11. at that.
I t
This Will Interest Mothers.
Mother Gray's Sweet Powders for Chili -
i dren , used by Mother Gray , a nurse In
Children's home , Now York , Cure FeverIshness -
It Ishness , Bad Stomach , Teething Disorders ,
r move and l'egulnto the bowels and destroy
W'orms. Sold by all Druggists , 2cc. Saml110
FREE. Address A. S. Olm'sted , LeRoyN.
Things often go wrong because meD
think they know It aU and refuse to
take women's advice.
IL ,
- "
The Question Can Only Bo Settled by
the Murderer Barker.
LINCOLN.-l\Iurderer Barker , calm
Iy awaiting death In his prison cell at
the Nebraska penitentiary , has It wltlm
In I his power to determine the owner-
3lllp of the estate formerly belonging
to his brother at Inavale. lie has
uade ! a statement asserting that Alice
Darker was the first to die. Barker , lho
brother , was twice shot , but lived
twenty minutes. To a World.Herald
relOrter the murderer described his
rlmo ! as follows :
"It was drug store whisky that km.
ed my brother and his wife. On the
Friday before the crime I was working
3n the Ice , and , not feeling very well ,
purchased a quart of whisky at an
navalo ( drug store. I took a drink of
t and the effect was very strange ,
making me lose possession of my face
dUes. That night I slept ; volt , but
ildn't feel very good on Saturday , and
: oot } some more of the liquor. On
Sunday evening , while returning home ,
( stopped at father's and ate a lunch.
As ! I ate my mother and I talked. Af-
: er finishing the lunch I got in the rig
md drove on home. On the way. I
took several more drinks. I remember
putting up the horse and going to the
house. Dan arose to let me In and I
fhot him , once In here ( pointing to his
abdomen ) and once through hero
( pointing to his breast ) . Then Alice
awoke \ and I shot her here ( Indicating
the right side of the head ) . I don't
know what I was doing. The whisky
must have been drugged. "
heirs of Barker claim the land on
the theory of his prior death , whale
relatives of Mrs. Barker Insist she was
1 widow and inherited the property
before ! she was k1Jlod.
Young Man Arrested at Humboldt for
, This Offen.e.
HUMBOLDT.-Sherlff G. R. Martin
came down from Pawnee City and
placed under arrest Nick Beutler , a
well . known Humboldt young man , on
a charge of bootleglng at Table Rock
Rome months ago. The warrant was
Issued from the court of Justice Mar-
ble shortly after the offense is alleged
to have been committed , but In l ome
manner the offender seems to have
been given a tip and made himself
scarce. Ho Is thought to have been
In Missouri , but on Sunday afternoon
drifted Into town and was able to stay
here but slightly over twenty.tour
hours , when Pawnee county officials
were notified and the officer came and
arrested him.
Rudolph Oppliger Killed In Columbus !
COLUMBUS.-Ruduloph OppJlger , a German farmer living In Columbus -
lumbus townshlll , was almost Instantly -
ly killed In n runaway accident. He
was returning home about 7 o'clock
with a load of lumber , aDd while on
the Loup rIver wagon bridge his team
became unmanageable and ran away ,
throwing him out. For a distance he
rode upon the double trees and then
fell off and a wheel ran over him ,
breaking his neclt. The team ran on
home , only a couple of miles away ,
and his son retraced the course of
the wagon and found the lifeless remains -
mains lying near to the south approach .
preach of the bridge.
Boy Drowns While Swimming.
AINSWORTH.-Frllnlt Clapper , a
15-year.old son of a prominent ranclm-
, man livIng southwest of this place ,
was drowned In the presence of com-
panlono while endeavoring to swim
across Clear lake
- . . - . . - . . . . . ' .
. II
Omahn's audltol'lonm was opened on
the 7th with a grand ball.
A party of five IIumholllt people
left last week for a visa of throel
months on English soil. Jolt n Holt
man anti wife , their son and daughter , ,
James and Nellie ; and 1\1rs. OeorgQ
Clift comprise time nl'tr.
District court was held at Muller
last wcolt. 'J'heOltoro 1l0monRheln.
who was accused a stealing n cost
from Fuller Bros. and butchering its
was found guilty and sentenced tc
thirteen months In the llollitentiary
The business men of Broken Bow
held a meeting and decided to eelse
brate the Fourth of July. The necep !
sary committees were appointed and
efforts will be made to have the big.
gent celebration ever held in the
All the red cedar trees In Seward
county are dying from some parasite
disease. Numberless hedges are dead
The nurseryman hero reports the lOBS
of 2,000 red cedars. The botanists at
the State university have offered no
Seward county farm land still sells
at highest prices. The Furnald fifty
acres sold at $150 per acre a short
time ago , and last week Gnekow pur.
chased the old McIntyre thirty acres ,
a short distance north of Seward , fOI
$133 per acre.
The 3-year.old son of Henry Mublo
was drowned In Omaha creek , about
ten miles northeast of Dancroft. Some
of the older children were sent to the
store nearby and time little fellow tol.
lowed them and fell Into the creek.
The body was recovered.
The record for mortgages In Rich.
ardson county last week is as fol.
lows : real estate , filed twenty.elght ,
$43,649 , released twenty.soven , $42 ;
290,451 ; city property , med , eight , $3 ;
531.25 ; released , seven , $3,727 ; chat.
tel , mod , $16,300 ; released , $37,788.46.
Hon. Edward A. Mann , whose appointment .
polntment as associate justice of the
New Mexico supreme court was made
by the president , was until one year
ago a resident of Gering , removing to
New Mexico on account of his wIre'/ !
health. Ho was prominent In republican '
IIcan politics.
The Cass county mortgage record
for May Is as follows : Amount 01
mortgages filed on farm property , $37 ,
975 ; amount released , 3fi,518. Amount
of mortgages on city property , filed ,
$4fi50 : released , $7,991. Sixteen farm
and eleven city mortgages were filed
and fifteen farm and nineteen city
mortgages were released.
Freight trains No. 63 and No. 110
of the Burlington came together at
Dawson and did considerable damage
to the rolling stock , though the speed
was not Insufficient to occasion loss of
life. One engine went Into the ditch
and the other was just able to pull
Its train out with a badly battered
pilot and other slight damage.
The annual report of the librarian
of the public library at Grand Island
shows a circulation of an average of
ninety books per day , or over 27,000
for the year. The library bus nearly
9,000 books , and an effort will bo
made , as soon as the new building la !
occupied and Incidental expenses In
connection therewith are out of the
WilY , to increase the number to 10,000.
An affray at n boarding house at
the steno quarries near WYIIIOI \ llrom.
Ises to be fatal to ODe of the par.
tlclpants. Those engaged were all of
them Bohemians. Brebm and l"raslw
were Intoxicated and In this condition
went to the boarding house , where
they assaulted another laborer named
Dlalta , using a hammer und knives
Aside from being seriously benton ,
Blaak Is stabbed In several
\ \ lllace : ! :
with Iml\'os. It Is not thought possible
slblo bo cnn recover
. . . I
There II more CAtarrh In thte IlOlron ! of tno country
than all other diseases put together , Rnd until the In.I
few years wu , supposed . to boincurnllie. , Fur . great .
many Jearl Ioclou pronounced n local dlMcnMo . And
prescribed local rcmcdtee , and Ioy constantly fnllioll
to euro with local trrRllllolltl'rOlitlUIiCCIIIt Incurillolu
Sclcllce has 11 to'ell Clltnrrh 10110" t'lIlutltlltloonl die
'Hue and tltcrotoro requires cunllllllUoonl Irt'ntlllrnt ,
11111\1 \ Catarrh Cure I11nnlltnctnrcll 10) 1'.1 ' Chcuc
. ' Co" , Tolcdo , Ohio , II { the ollly cunRtltullollnl cure 011 '
limo mnrkot. 1111 token Illtcrunlly 10 doses from 10
drops to B leaAl1oolltnl. It nets dlrt1cth' tin lima hloo"
And mucotu.urtarce . , ot the . ) .tcllI. 'l'imey ufTcr UIII
hundred dollars . for any case It false to cure \ Ron'
for circulilfl RIIII tCAIllIlInlllh. !
AMrclAI ; } ' , .1. OUHNl ds CO" , Toledo , Oblo.
Sold II ) ' nrulIJlhU , 75.
Take UIIIl'1 1 away 1'11I1 for cOlutll1ntlo& t
When n girl angles In the matr !
monlal sea she Is apt } to catch a. sllclt. '
er instead at a. golllflsh.
Try mo just once anti I nm sure to
tome alrELtn. Dellllnco Starch.
Habit may - bo a mlln'a best friend
or his worst enemy.
1\lrt. ' 'Vlnllow' 'Ioothlng ' $ yrnp.
For children tcothluK . . lIottenl the " 11I111 , rt , ducee 1&
lIammallon , allllYI paIn. curol wind colJu. suatottla
The man who Is constantly harping
on his virtues hits at least one vlco.
SORE ( ( I
Treatment . I
with f YS
Soak the feet or hands
on retiring in a strong ,
hot , creamy lather of
Dry , and anoint freely
OINTMENT , the great
skin cure and purest of
emol1ients. Ba , n d age
lightly in old , soft cotton
or linen. For itching , .
burning , and scaling ec- .
zema , rashes , inflaniiri -
tion , and chafing , for red-
ness , roughness , cracks ,
and fissures , with brittle ,
shapeless nails , this treat-
ment is simply wonderful ,
frequently curing in one
night. I
. Comptete . . , . . 1I1111'10r . Cure , rOlllllllDr . of CVTICUItA . .
lRwol.eut . sOc. ( lD . form of Chocolate Cyated . . 1'111. , . :7c.
JAr ylal . 01 101. ) . OI.lmtll" . . " , Soap . . . YSc. . 1).pol.sLondun . , : ,
If ! . l'b.r1l1bolu. . . . . , . . , . 6 "II''h. . , 6 Ito. ae I. J'.la , I Dclon.IS . . '
ValuNbu . Aee. I ' utter D''I Chem Corp.l8ole 1'too.
-'uliS for "ltow 10 Cuts Every Luaour. ' i